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Kuroko no Basket Yaoi RP


The King of Yaoi
I really miss doing KNB rp's, all the ships id like to do are (Kise x Aomine, Kagami x Kuroko, Alashi x Murasakibara, Akashi x Midorima, Midorima x Takao, and Kagami x Aomine.)
Hi! I can't find anyone to rp with. I ship, Aomine X Kise, Kagami X Kuroko, Midorima X Takao, and Murasakibara X Akashi. I would really like it if you could rp with me.Just reply to this or message me and I will rp with you. My normal characters are Kagami, Aomine, Midorima, and Murasakibara. I can play any though. With Kagami I already have a starter so.. yeah! Thanks for reading my super long reply...

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