Kunzom Bludwakka


Name: Kunzom Bludwakka

Age: 41

Gender: Male


Height: 6'4"

Weight: 210 lbs

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Body Type: Bulky

Species: Orc

Abilities/Powers: Some sort of... belief field? If Kunzom were to pick up a rusty, near-broken musket from the beginning of the current age, believing it would work perfectly fine, it would. Covering himself with leaves and closing his eyes makes him invisible, duct tape will hold pretty much anything and everything together, anything colored red goes faster, etc. This goes both ways, offering anyone with a scary-looking but ultimately useless gun an unforseen advantage. A notable incident occurred when Kunzom spied a red-pinted train off in the distance, which promptly shot along the rails at record speeds. The only reason the Orc hasn't utilized this power to take over the world is because he thinks these are immutable universal laws, not his own doing.

Likes: Children, finding new and interesting things, and drinkin'

Dislikes: When the 'umies try ta poke 'im or shoot 'im, seein' someone sad, conflict resulting in death

Personality: Despite his violent appearance, Kunzom is a rather lively sort, partial to drinking, feasting, and occasionally having a big ol' brawl. The participants of these events usually end up as Kunzom's friends, much to their confusion.

History: Kunzom spent his childhood cooped up in the slums, before his family was forced to flee their city due to his father murdering a guard. They made their way to a small community in the wilderness, where they made a modest living hunting various animals. The village was forced to defend itself from bandits several times, resulting in Kunzom's various scars. Eventually, he could stomach the village no longer and began drifting from city to city...

Other: 'az a bit o' a 'speech m'pediment', dis is 'ow orcses speak, 's da 'umies what disfigured the language.

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Oi'm da biggest an da meanest! So Dat makes me da boss ya grot!

Neva seen you 'round ere before! Even if yous was to beat me in a krumpin' I gots a fammily back 'one that'd krump ya and all ya friends, and that's the TROOF! Ya betta paint ya self purple if you's messin' wit da Bludwakka!!

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