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KorbinTheAwesome & Narumi

Libby nods and then moves their things inside, she shifted everything inside for the entire day, spending time repainting bedrooms and such.
Libby began to get tired and then got ready for bed, taking a shower and then pulling on a nightdress.
Dylan looked out the window and saw a full moon, before morphing into a large wolf, he stretched and yawned before jumping onto the bed and curling into a ball.
Libby wanders upstairs when she was done cooking and then pushes a plate towards him.
She nods lightly and places her head onto his chest, abandoning her food for a while as she felt her appetite disappear.
Libby smiles weakly and held onto his hand. She had spent a lot more time with him recently, and felt a lot better compared to her being pushed out all of the time like before. It was only when they were out at a romantic restraunt and a waitress kept on flirting with Dylan that her angry self began to slip back in.
Dylan muttered "So, anything you want to do today?" He asked in hopes of her suggesting a place to go. He awaited her answer with a small smile.
Libby frowns and taps at her water glass with her spoon lightly as she pretended not to hear what he had said. She watches as the waitress comes with their food.

She was more developed then Libby, with her large chest and perfect body whilst Libby was flat chested and quite petitie. She frowns even more as she watches the waitress slip a piece of paper into Dylan's hand.

"You can calk me any day, how about that big boy?" She says seductively. The waitress passes a plate over to Libby and shudders. "That dress looks so nice on you, kids clothing just looks so fitting on you" She jokes.

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