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Knights of the Round Table RolePlay

I guess so.
David walks along Camelot's walls. The sun high above the clouds, making it a bit darker day. The scenery of the land is quite amazing.

Camelot is a secluded kingdom, many believe it is a myth, but those who live here, know it is much more than a kingdom. It stays green most of the year, little to no snowfall. The hills and cities of Camelot are raised above the ground. Many here are farmers or travelers, seeking information.
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Braven unleashed a flurry of attacks on the dummy, and jumping backward, he charged up an Ether Skill that cut the dummy in half completely.
"Braven!" shouted a loud voice from behind me, and turning around it turned out to be Cournal Glacier, my overseer.
"Can I help you with something Cournal?" I asked sheathing my blade,
"You can't be in here, this is the Knights' Training Room" He replied,
"Well, I'm technically a Knight so what the problem?"
"The problem is that you can't be here so, LEAVE!"
"Fine, I was leaving anyway"
I walked out of the building and out into the streets of Camelot, I then started looking for something to eat, when I saw a man in armor, walking along the wall. I Decided to investigate...
David sees a young knight walking towards him. He deduced he could be a great knight.
"What brings you here today?" David asks the young one.
He tries to smile wholeheartedly.
"I was just returning from training" I replied, "Oh and my name is Bravery Syno, but, please call me Braven"
"I'm Sir David, It's a pleasure to meet you," David says as he extends his hand for the younger knight.
I shake the man's hand. Then a thought came to Braven and he said,
"Sir David, I challenge you to a duel"
"I see you're a brave one," David says sternly.
He casually pull his hand back.
Braven has a strong grip, not too bad, David contemplates.
Braven leaps back and draws his sword. He gets in his signature stance, sword behind you pointing towards the ground, left arm up and ready.
He waits and sees what his opponent will do...
David draws his sword and assumes a two handed grasp on his sword.
His blade lights up.
"You still want to do this?" He asks.
David swings his sword.
An energy wave is sent towards Braven, knocking him over.
"Get up!" David shouts.
He wanted this,he reminds himself.
Braven leaps back up and bursts forward delivering a good hit to the shoulder and side.
"I refuse to lose" he thought
David swings again, knocking Braven back.
He checks his shoulder, seeing a scratch.
"That's going to cost more than you pal," David says with an onslaught of swings.
Constantly dodging David's attacks Braven decided to use a secret techquince
"Soul Drive: Force!" Braven called out as he gave a solid palm to his stomach, that sent him flying into a wall.
David slams into the wall. He recovers, then spits out a good amount of blood.
"They never learn," David says regaining his position.
He swings towards the ground, creating a blinding dirt cloud.
As he prepares another Ether Skill, Braven is blinded by a dirt cloud created by David.
"The heck! A dirt cloud?" he exclaims, he then swings his sword to clear the cloud.
David has disappear when the cloud clears.
"The invisible are the most effective," David says.
His voice seems to be projecting front everywhere and nowhere all at once.
"Well, I guess you ran away, David!" Braven calls, knowing that a Knight like Braven would never give up.
"Braven!" yelled another voice, it was Cournal Glacier again.
"Cournal Glacier?! What are you doing here?"
"I'm heard a loud noise and assumed that you were here"
"Well, leave me alone, I'm in the middle of something"
David lands ontop of Braven. He then puts his sword to his throat.
"I think we're actually done here," David says with his sword to Braven's throat.
David sheaths his sword.
"You fought well," David says congratulating him.
He will make an excellent ally,David remarks.

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