

Three Thousand Club
Name: Rai Sora (Kitsune)

Age: 16

Miraculous: Ninetailed Fox

Kwami: Shiba

The actual stone is a hair clip though.

Partner: Shisa

Abilities: Major ability- Fox fire: It's a trap. She can leave a trail of akuma-burning fire in her path that won't burn her or anything unintentionally. Only what she wills it to.

Minor abilties: She's the brawler of the two. She's wicked fast and has a special ability of getting on villain's nerves (although that might just be her personality)

Personality: Rai is sweet and loving in her normal every day form, not the most confidant, usually sneaking about in the shadows and almost looks as though she'd up to no good! But it's actually quite the opposite. However the second she's transformed, she's a chatty brawler that just has a tallent for getting under people's skins! Rai is a serious risk taker and often 'leaps before she looks' and assumes all will turn out fine! 

History: Rai came from a rural part of japan mother and father both were rice farmers that worked tirelessly to send their little girl to school in the city. She grew up in a loving home, parents that loved her very much and two younger brothers that taught her how to be mischievous as all get out. Last year upon walking to school she noticed an elderly woman in a china store, struggling to reach a plate on the top shelf and keep her shop looking nice, so Rai stopped to help, which made her incredibly late to class and ended with her discovering a miraculous in her bag. Ever since she has loved her position as the kitsune and has kept evil off the streets of Japan with her partner, Shisa. However they encountered the same old woman later that year, informing them the other miraculous needed their help in Paris and that the means to get there were all taken care of. 

And here they are.

Sexuality: Straight. 






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