ʚ Kissing Strangers ɞ [Inactive]


Untapped Potential

♡ Most stories end with the big kiss. This story starts with one. ♡

Based on the Viral Video “First Kiss” ~

Katherine "Kat" Sterling was sitting in a tragically uncomfortable metal chair in a room that seemed to be shrinking by the second. She was surrounded by nine other people around her age, some who looked like they were on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and some who looked like they kissed strangers for money as a part of their daily routine. And who knew? Maybe they did.

Kat didn't, but that was okay. She never got nervous about anything, probably because during her twenty-two years on this planet, she had done pretty much everything there was to do. Except pay her rent on time, of course. That's why she was here. What better way to make a quick buck than to make out with somebody you'll never have to see again? There was no pressure to correct your posture, or to make sure that you didn't have any toothpaste crust chilling in the corner of your lips. You could just swap spit for a few minutes and then go back to your normal, probably boring, lives.

Two guys in their early thirties, who looked like crosses between Urban Outfitters employees and homeless people, stood at the front of the room, explaining what the whole process would be. Kat didn't really feel a need for instructions. She had kissed plenty of people in her lifetime, so it was no big deal having to do it in front of some horny hipsters with video cameras. The guys told the group that they would be paired off--obviously--and sent into one of five rooms. In each room there was somebody with a camera who would film the interaction. Once the kiss ended, you were handed a check for 200 dollars and you could go home.

Kat was about to ask how long they were supposed to kiss for, but one of the hipsters immediately launched into the pairings before anybody could ask any questions. She learned that she was paired with a guy named Quint Winslow, and that they would be making out in room one. She quickly surveyed her peers with her eyes wondering which one was Quint. Once the list was completed, they were told to go into their corresponding rooms.

She grabbed her purse and confidently strode into room one, which was only illuminated by those bulbous photography lights. There was a woman who appeared to be in her late forties standing behind a video camera that was propped up on a tripod. Kat felt like she was in one of those casting couch pornos. The woman remained silent, so Kat just stood in the center of the room, leaning back and forth on the heels of her lace-up boots, as she waited for Quint to show up.
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Oliver Daines sat in the corner of the room. He remembered one of his old History teachers saying that the corner of the room was the soldiers spot- you could see all angles and no one could catch you from behind. Of course, he wasn't nervous, he never was, but he was in a room full of people who agreed to kiss a stranger for 200 bucks. Who knew what kind of people they could be? He was just being cautious, he may flirt with danger, but not with his life. No, Oliver enjoyed life too much to risk it.

Of course, $200 was pocket cash for him, a respectable Google employee of a decently high rank. But he had always loved to take risks, and this seemed like it would be interesting-story-for-dinner-conversations material. Especially for those company dinners, gosh. They thought of him "young and reckless", as everyone on the same rung of the company ladder as him was at least a decade or two older than him. They loved to hear his wild and crazy stories. Living vicariously, Oliver always supposed.

There were a couple of guys giving instructions and pairings and what-not, and he barely listened. All he knew was he was going to be locking lips with Brooke...Brookie? Whatever. He always thought of Brooke as a pretty name, like a laughing, gurgling stream. He was also in room...um...3. Yeah, 3. That was the one. If it wasn't, they would let him know. Or would they? I suppose it wouldn't matter in the dinner party stories...

He walked to room 3 and was met by a camera. Only added to the excitement, and it made Oliver even more sure of himself. If he was performing, he would do great. It would probably be the best kiss of Brooke's life. He had no expectations for what she looked like, it didn't matter to him. But he was definitely not expecting what he saw...

((Great starter post, BTW))

Bianca Rose Jackson was much more nervous than she thought she would be. What was she thinking when she agreed to kiss some random person! Oh yeah... she was thinking about the new and fashionably stylish,

Black Canvas Strappy Wedge Women's Heels,that had been yelling-- Buy me! Buy me!-- over and over in her head from the first glance she copped at them through the spotless glass window as she walked down the streets where she so happened to meet a stranger which brought her here. About to kiss some other stranger. Sure she was an aspiring actress but when she was asked to kiss someone it was usually a guy which had no effect on her at all due to no attraction to the opposite sex but when asked her orientation she gave it and they told her she'd be kissing a girl she didn't know. Bianca tried to stay strong as she took a few deep breaths, letting all the worry out as she exhaled the cool air that surrounded her and the other nine people who would be kissing.
Bianca kept repeating in her head,
'It's for the shoes..remember it's for the shoes' which slightly helped her calm down as two older men announced instructions to everyone. After awhile she began to look around and gaze at the women in the room. Bianca had to hand it to the directors, they picked some fine beauty's to be kissing strangers. Bianca was starting to lighten up to the idea of kissing some random woman, especially if it was one of these beauty's. She snapped back into reality once her name was announced along with some girl named Breanna Taylor. They were assigned to room four. Bianca sauntered over to room four and was captivated by the bright lights. Walking in she was smiling like her life depended on it, her nervousness began to kick in again. "So do I just stand here?" She stood in the middle of the room and behind her was a screen set or something. A man wearing a baseball cap nodded his head as he positioned the video-camera. Bianca just waited in anticipation as she pursed her lips, hopefully she wouldn't laugh too much, she always laughed when she was nervous.


Jamie stood around the room with his arms folded across his chest as his demeanor stayed the same, relaxed. Sure, he appeared to be relaxed but on the inside he was a bit nervous. Jamie had no idea what brought him to agree to kiss some random stranger but it didn't matter now since he was already here. His eyes scanned the room as he thought about the consequences to kissing a random guy which the only consequence he could think of was getting herpes. Jamie wasn't the very exciting type that would kiss just about anyone if asked to. In his opinion, kissing was meant for loved ones only but that didn't matter right now since he needed the cash. Besides, it was always good to get out of your comfort zone once in awhile.

Two men, who looked like they were in their early thirties began to explain the process of how everything would be done. The two men dressed a bit weirdly for Jamie's taste but he was just glad they didn't look like they were about to shoot a porno. One of the men started listing names and room numbers. Jamie heard his name be called, along with some guy named Dylan McBride, to be sent to room two. He scanned the room, once again, as he wondered who Dylan was. Not wanting to stand their like an idiot all day, Jamie made his way to room two and was welcomed by a sweet older woman with a ear piece and a clipboard in hand. The woman directed him to where he would be and told him to just wait a bit. Jamie pulled on a strand of his hair and fidgeted with it as he waited for Dylan to walk in.


Dylan McBride sat cross-legged in an uncomfortably cold metal chair beneath him, with a worried expression plastered on his face. He slouched with his head down, listening to the two men who were giving instructions. I don't think there could be that much hard work involved in this, he said to himself. We're literally kissing people for money. How complicated could it be? Dylan sighed, not sure of how he felt about this. On one hand, he gets 200 bucks, which isn't something you could complain about. Plus, he could end up meeting some really cute guy. But on the other hand, if it's some creepy pedophile, then it's obviously not worth it.

As the men droned on about things that probably weren't so important, Dylan scanned the room looking at each individual carefully. He could tell that they each had their own distinct uniqueness, and not one of them was a like. well, opposites attract I guess.

Dylan untangled himself from his sitting position when his name was called along with James, or Jamie Has.. Hastings. He made his way down to room two, and walked in with his head down and his hands in his pockets. Gathering up all of his courage, he dared to look up, and made his way to the center of the room, eying who was most likely Jamie. He definitely wasn't bad looking, and he mentally high five/slapped himself for thinking that way. Totally inappropriate in this situation. Swallowing hard, he opened his mouth and simply said,


She sauntered in confidently sliding off her glasses and admiring the others in the room. I wonder who is the beauty that I'm kissing is, she admired all of the females in the room from afar as she listened to the rules of the other guys in the distance, caring less about them. Her whole life was a rule it seems. And rules are meant to be broken.

Bianca Jackson. That's the girl she was to be kissing. She sauntered into the room. Number four to be exact. And winked at the guy who she supposed to be enjoying the show. Kiss, smile, wink, $200. This is nothing.

She was taken off guard however, by the dark haired beauty. She was insanely just... beautiful. Trying not to show where she was taken off guard, she brushed her hair behind her ear subtly and smiled through her lashes.

"Are you ready for this?" Bri said with a devilish smile.

Brooke Janel Everett

~ @Vitez ~

Brooke Everett sat on one side of the room uncomfortably. She occasionally fidgeted trying to get herself into a more comforting position. The room had a severely awkward environment, but who could you blame? They were waiting in a room to make out with random strangers.

The room was full of different personalities. Brooke could tell just by how they dressed or even wore their makeup. The original Brooke would've chickened out in things like this, but she was trying to be more self-confident and this would definitely help. After all, she could really use the $200. Working at "Baked By Melissa" was fun and she loved it, but the pay wasn't exactly "amazing". It wouldn't be the easiest task, but it was just a short brief moment where you didn't have to be yourself and just had to...well...make out with a complete stranger.

Her thoughts drifted away when two males walked into the room. They explained the whole process everyone. All of them had been set in pairs and were assigned to different rooms to make out in front of some crazy people who were filming it all. No biggie. When they reminded them about getting to take home the money after it was all over Brooke's mind came to a rest. It couldn't be all that bad.

Now came the partners. Brooke wasn't worried about who she was going to get because after they were done they would go their separate ways and most likely never meet again. It was revealed that Brooke's partner was someone named Oliver Daines. She looked around, wondering who this Oliver Daines was. She watched as a guy walked into Room 3, which was where she had been assigned. Yup, that's Oliver.

Brooke breathed in then out to calm her nerves. She carefully walked into the room revealing a good-looking male and, as she expected, a camera staring at her. After a few awkward, brief moments, Brooke realized that her feet were plastered to the floor, about two inches away from the door she had just walked in from. Embarrassed, she took a few quick steps forward towards the male.

"Um.." she muttered. "Hi?"
That sounded like a question, she thought to herself. She couldn't help but giggle. It was at that moment that she realized she was in a room, with a random stranger, with a camera ready to record them making out. There was no reason not to laugh.

Quint Winslow

~ @Hollipop ~

Quint Winslow sat in a corner examining each person in the room. It was no lie that he was quite judging. Lots of the people in the room seemed confused or nervous, but he was quite the opposite. $200 was pretty easy cash, but it would be fun to get to make out with someone. He had recently broken up with, quote, "the love of his life", and he hadn't had some fun in ages.

He jumped a bit when two men walked in and started explaining the whole thing. The cash, the cameras, and soon, the pairs. He was paired with a girl by the name of Katherine Sterling.
Cute name, he thought to himself. He waited for Katherine to walk into the room first so that he could see what she looked like, and what to expect.

He waited and soon a female with strong yet gentle features got up and walked into the room he was assigned in. Yup, Katherine Sterling. Quint soon got up and joined her in the room. There were cameras, as promised. He flashed his charming smile. "So, you ready to have the best few minutes of your life?" he said along with a wink. It was a good way to start and kill a bit of that awkward feeling.

Kat absently fiddled with the fringe on her bright blue shoulder bag as she impatiently waited for this Quint guy to show up. Had he chickened out? She had all day to spare, but that didn't mean she felt like standing around in this dark room with the creepy photographer chick for hours on end. Speaking of the woman with the video camera, she looked bored to tears as well. Judging from the sounds over in that direction of the tiny room, she had taken to playing Fruit Ninja on her brown leather-encased iPhone to pass the time. Kat was just about to follow suit and reply to some blog comments on mobile--as a new freelance makeup artist, social networking was key--when the door opened.

She could only make out some of his features in the scantily-lit room, but Quint Winslow was decent looking. He was hot in that "let me randomly pull out my shiny black Amex and pay for your coffee just so you know I have a trust fund" kind of way. Not necessarily Kat's type, but she could have ended up with somebody a lot worse looking. Besides, it's not like they were getting
married, or anything. They just had to kiss, is all. However, his momentary attractiveness was ruined the second he opened his mouth and had to say one of those annoyingly cocky typical-guy comments about how he was going to rock her world, or something.

Kat grimaced, but tried to play it off as a smile for the camera's sake. She hated those kinds of lines, but she knew that he was just trying to diffuse the tension. She could tell already that they both had strong personalities. "How about you spare me another line and kiss me, okay?" she rolled her eyes comically, stepping closer to him. She knew that the whole point of this video was to show how awkward first kisses could be, but Kat wasn't the type to giggle nervously and flutter her eyelashes, waiting for the guy to lean in. That being said, she did the work for Quint and pressed her lips to his without notice.



@Hollipop ~

Quint smirked as she commented. "Alright, alright." he laughed. The girl, Katherine, didn't seem nervous at all, just like himself. He assumed she had some experience with kissing. Probably not strangers, but who does? Before he could lean in and start the kiss off, the bold female was a step earlier than him. She pressed his lips against his and it surprisingly wasn't too bad. He did have lots of experience kissing girls, and Katherine would believe it or not make it into his top 5.

After a few seconds of holding out the kiss he pulled away gently and smiled. "Not too bad, Sterling." he said. Shortly after commenting he leaned back in. Her lip balm/gloss/or stick was unexpectedly tasty, but he wasn't about to ruin the moment and ask what flavor her lip balm/gloss/or stick was.
The only thought running through Oliver's mind was how beautiful the girl, Brooke, he reminded himself, was. (If he was going to kiss her he might as well learn her name). She was the kind of girl that guys would just about anything to please.

She looked nervous, and Oliver didn't want to make her any more uncomfortable than she already was. And no, he wasn't just being nice to her because she was pretty, Google had taught him a thing or two about first impressions.

She said something and made herself laugh, which was cute. Her giggle was also adorable, and Oliver felt a distinct attraction to this girl.

He stepped close to Brooke, taking his time. Maybe it was the lighting, or the camera, but the moment felt magical. He got so close that they were breathing the same air.

"Hey, you know you're beautiful right?" Oliver whispered. There was something in her expression that told him that she was nervous and self-conscious when she had no reason to be.

"Are you ready?" He whispered, his voice dripping with excitement and energy. His lips got so close to hers that it would take the tiniest amount of energy for their lips to crash together. But Oliver wanted her to make the final push- it would give her the confidence she needed. The camera was rolling- and the spotlight was on Brooke

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@Vitez ~

After Brooke giggled she felt like an idiot.
Oh my god Brooke, chill, she told herself, but she couldn't really "chill". As he stepped closer her heart skipped a beat, but she was quick to hide it. (Although everybody in the room probably noticed that her body jumped a bit).

Their lips were pretty close together by then and she knew that he could feel her fast-paced breathing. Then he whispered some words of encouragement that she was beautiful and Brooke couldn't help but smile. Growing up, Brooke wasn't exactly the most popular girl in school. If she came out of her little corner and put down her book, maybe, but her personality would've ruined it for her. Maybe popularity just wasn't her "thing".

Then he asked if Brooke was ready. Was she? Not really. However, the spotlight was on Brooke, the camera was rolling, and her YOLO level was pretty (unusually) high so she told herself, whatever, and leaned in as their lips pressed together.
@Lori Williams ♥

Oliver was surprised at how skilled she actually was. He had assumed, with her self-confidence level, that she hadn't done much kissing in her life, which would make her inexperienced at best. But he was obviously wrong, as there was no denying that she was a good kisser.

He silently told himself to shut up and ride out the kiss, but he wouldn't do that. That would be boring and definitely NOT Oliver. So he broke away and met her eyes instead.

"You're actually pretty good." He whispered and smirked, not caring if the camera picked it up. Then he picked up right where she left off and continued the kiss, feeling like he could stay in that moment forever. Even if she was a stranger he would never see again (he certainly hoped not), he was enjoying himself. Maybe he could get her contact information afterward? At that point Oliver turned off his thoughts and rode out the moment, wondering what she was thinking.


@Vitez ~

Not having much experience with this kissing business, she expected to disappoint Oliver. However, when he broke away the kiss and told her that she wasn't all that bad she smiled and felt like she had done a decent job. She still wasn't sure if this was real life or not so she barely had the breath to say 'thanks', but thankfully Oliver was quick to continue the kiss.

He was definitely a good kisser and as their lips pressed together Brooke couldn't help but think of a million questions that she wanted to ask but she knew would ruin the moment. Their kiss continued on and the one question that kept poking her saying, "ask him, ask him" in that little squeaky voice was, "do you have a girlfriend?" It probably wouldn't matter if they really weren't ever going to meet each other again, but in case they would develop a relationship, even a friendship, it would be nice to know. After a niceUh long kiss Brooke pulled away. She wasn't sure what to say so she stood there looking like an idiot hoping for something to distract everyone and pull the attention away from herself.
@Lori Williams ♥

After the kiss ended, as Oliver knew it would have to, poor Brooke looked like a deer in headlights. Luckily, Oliver knew how to pull the attention to him, and he had the perfect plan.

He gently grabbed her hands and led her closer to him.

"So, your name's Brooke, but there has to be more to you than that. Tell me about yourself." As creepy as it sounds, it wasn't under the circumstances. They were strangers, and they just kissed. Shouldn't they know a little more about the other? And Oliver was trying to make the beauty a little more comfortable, even if he actually did want to learn more about her. He always remembered his mother saying, "People like to talk about themselves. If the conversation falls flat, turn it in their direction and you'll be just fine." Her advice had worked wonders at Google, and he figured it would work here too.


@Vitez ~

Brooke stood round-eyed, frozen as the kiss ended. Thankfully Oliver was kind enough to jump in and save her heart from stopping. When he asked her to tell him more about herself Brooke tried thinking of what to tell him. She wasn't very interesting, that was for sure.

"Um..." she thought about what to say. "Well, to start my full name is Brooke Janel Everett and..I'm 22. I'm not sure if this is all that interesting but I work at Baked By Melissa, that mini-cupcake store down the street." she mumbled. She had charged herself with enough courage to walk into the building, now she felt like falling to her knees.
"Hello Brooke," Oliver started, smiling. "Your name is very pretty, by the way. I'm Oliver Daines, 23, and I work at Google. You sound like a very interesting person, give yourself some credit!" He talked quietly. The camera was still rolling and no doubt picking all of this up, but it felt inappropriate to shout or even speak in a normal voice.

"Listen, I know the kiss may be over and we're supposed to go our separate ways, but let's cheat the system and continue to talk."

Oliver wanted this girl in his life.

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@Vitez ~

Brooke might've seemed dazed and zoned out, but she was soaking in every word that came out of this Oliver Daines' mouth. When he mentioned that he worked at Google she remembered seeing the movie "The Internship". It was fun and she had seriously wanted to be an intern at Google ever since then.

When he added that Brooke sounded like an interesting person she giggled. Brooke Everett was quite the opposite of interesting. Well, that's what she thought of herself. He mentioned cheating the system and Brooke smiled. She was enjoying this conversation and truthfully didn't want it to end. She nodded and smiled, showing her teeth (which was really unusual since she usually smiles with her mouth closed). "Deal."
@Lori Williams ♥

Oliver was secretly excited that she had agreed. Before now, relationships had really meant nothing to him, but that was before he met Brooke Everett. As boring as she thought she was, there was something about Brooke that clicked inside Oliver. Something interesting, or at least mysterious, as this had never happened to Oliver before.

"Well, not to sound creepy or anything, but how can I contact you? Seeing as though we've never met before now..." He paused, remembering the crazy turn of events that all started with that guy that asked him if he'd kiss a stranger. He was so glad he'd said yes.

He quickly pulled out that mini notebook and pencil he always carried with him, just in case he thought of something for Google. He wrote down his phone and email, handing it along with the notebook and pencil to Brooke.


@Vitez ~

"Don't worry, you're quite the opposite of creepy." she said. She tried replaying what she had just said inside her head and punched herself inside her head knowing that she was the one that sounded creepy.

Brooke smirked and gladly took the notebook and pencil along with his contact information when he handed it to her. She wrote down her phone number and email, trying to be as neat as possible, and handed it back to him. After that she carefully folded the piece of paper and slipped it inside her back pocket.
Oliver accepted the paper, tucking it into a spot where he wouldn't lose it, and then looked at the camera person, who had stopped recording a while ago.

"I'll walk you out, if you like," He offered, shuddering inwardly at the possibility of letting her find her way out of this nondescript building by herself. Like it or not, he was a gentleman.

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