Kiss Me Kill Me (1x1 AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Death Note)

Graduation Night:

Rika walked down the street of her hometown in Washington State. It was cold out, the snow falling everywhere on the ground. She had just left her friend's home in a town outside the city. There was a party going on for her graduation night, everyone in the graduating class being invited.

Nearly reaching her apartment, Rika fished around in her purse for her keys as well as glancing around for safe measure. It was oddly quiet. She knew there wasn't something right when she entered her apartment complex. After shutting the door, Rika nervously searched for the light on the wall and walked past her bedroom to the kitchen after finding it.
Andrew grinned as he watched the petite, fresh looking figure of the female walk down the road. She obviously just graduated, only he was surprised he actually found a female walking alone. He slowly made his way down the street, hands in his pocket. He already knew where she lived. The sweet scent that came off of her skin was in a nearby apartment. He knew better than to go through the entrance. That would be quite silly.

He made his way around to the back and slowly climbed to her window. He never got a good look at her. He knew she would be perfect though. He slowly opened the window and made himself comfortable on the couch, letting the dark envelope him. The scent of her was intoxicating.
Rika came back into the living room holding a hot coffee mug in her hand, decorated in pink with Hello Kitty on the front. She took a sip of her coffee and went to sit on the couch, spotting a older guy in her usual spot. Dropping the cup onto the floor, Rika stuttered out, falling against the wall," W-Who are you?! Get out of my apartment! "

Her eyes stared into his with fear, wanting to run back into the kitchen to grab a knife. Instead Rika only leaned against the wall, her heart pounding in her chest hard.
Andrew grinned at the girl, showing perfect white teeth. His fangs weren't evident at the moment but he didn't feel the need to be violent just yet. He rested his chin on his hand that sat lazily on the arm of the couch. He took in a deep breath of air. He watched fall back and winced. She wasn't allowed to be bruised, he only just got to her. "Oh dear, you need not worry."

He got up quickly and before she knew it, he was right next to her. He leaned against her, pushing her forcefully into the wall. His eyes darkened. "I know what you're thinking and I wouldn't even try..." He said in a deep serious voice.
Her blue eyes continued to stare into his, feeling him lean onto her being pinned on the wall behind her. Rika accidentally brushed her leg on the inside of his, her short black skirt hiked above her thighs. She turned her head away, revealing her neck under her short burgundy hair. Heart pounding faster, she looked away answering falsely," I.....I don't know what you're talking about. Please let me go.....I won't call the cops..."
He stared back at her, obviously interested in her features. Only she wouldn't know why he would be. His green eyes darkened to an impossible color that mixed between that green and some violet. His smile widened when her leg brushed against his inner thigh. He pushed his waist into her further, purely on instinct but he had a feeling he would have done that anyways. When she turned her head away from his view, he had the perfect opportunity to sink his teeth into her neck. No...she isn't going to be used for that purpose.

"You think you can fool me, sweetheart?" He chuckled in a dark manner.
She felt him pressed against her closer and stifled a soft moan that wanted to escape her throat. Rika pushed as far away as possible, leaning more into the wall in fear that he would hurt her. " I'll do anything if you won't hurt me.....please...I don't know what I did but please tell me..." She responded to him her voice shaky from the fear that was emitting off of her. Rika turned her eyes back into his, being drawn in by his smile and smooth voice.
Andrew knew that he was getting to her. He only needed to mess with her mind a little bit more. She was too willing for his liking, but he knew it was a front. He liked the fact that she still tried to get further back when there was no where to go. He had been holding her wrists against the wall, above her head. He looked at her with a curious expression, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, no it's not your fault, babe. I...what's the word I'm looking for? I lust for you." Not in a human's definition though, he thought. Not all the way.

When she met his eyes once again, he stared at hers intently.
Rika swallowed a little, her pale pink lips slightly parted trying to catch her breathe. She had nowhere to go or run to. She had no idea who this guy was or where he came from. And most of all, Rika had no idea what he wanted. Okay maybe she did but she had to find out somehow. She tried pulling away from the tall man, but made no successful attempt to escape. Time was running out and Rika needed to figure out something quick.

" What do you want? If you need something from me then take it and go....I'm not looking for trouble....I'm not a picky person when it comes to sexual desires..." She answered softly, trying to reason with him as her voice only got shakier.
Andrew wanted to try something that humans did whenever they were aroused. He certainly was. The idea of this intoxicating creature as his slave was absolutely amazing. He couldn't bite her neck so he nuzzled in close to it, breathing in her scent. He rested his lips against it, kissing it lightly. He had to be careful. If he lost control, all of her life would be lost in a second and he needed her. He growled quietly when she tried to escape his grip. He couldn't give away what he was right away. Where would the fun be in that? He tightened his grip, pushing even more into her.

"No, sweetheart, you have it all wrong. I don't need any of the valuables in your home. I need you." His whole body tensed up thinking about all of the ways he could use her. He tilted his head in curiosity, viewing every detail on her face. She was perfect, yes.
That small moan she kept hidden finally made its way up and out of her. Rika loved the feel of his lips against her neck and felt her heart beat more. Her hips pushed into his hard, grinding a little bit against him. Not understanding why her body gave in to this man, Rika smiled unintentionally while responding," Then why not take me....? If you want me it...."

Her voice was quite, almost speechless from his actions against her. She loved how rough he treated her and how he could seduce her in a matter of seconds. Rika knew this wasn't what she wanted, but her body claimed otherwise.
Andrew grinned when it was confirmed that he chose the right female. He pulled away, allowing her body to falter. He knew that she'd be weak already. He didn't even have to try seducing her for her to be willing to do anything. He didn't need her body for that reason though. He still needed her to come with him, though. Whether or not she did it willingly. "Do you have a car?" He asked. That'd be the fasted way to travel without giving away what he was. No, he needed fun. He had to keep it a secret for a little longer. He grinned.

She probably snapped out of it by now, he assumed.
Rika stood there in a daze, her eyes not leaving his answering his question," No....I don't have one yet...If you want I can get a cab. " She went over adjusting her black skirt, pulling it down past her hips again. She loosened her black tie around her neck, while searching for her money in her tote bag. Walking back over, Rika nervously asked him while searching for the right amount," Where are we going to? Can you explain on the way there?"
Andrew was satisfied with how willing the girl was. It wasn't as fun but it sure was a hell of a lot easier. He smirked. "That'd be great." He watched as she pulled down her skirt. She was very graceful. Finally someone petite and not a nuisance. He walked towards her, putting her money back into her bag. "That will be unnecessary. He winked and held onto her wrist. "I do request that you call the cab though." He ignored her last questions. He never made promises he couldn't keep.
His grip was cold but firm on her wrist. Rika nodded at his request and used her cell phone to dial the cab, talking to someone on the other end. A moment later, she hung up and walked him out of the apartment toward the sidewalk. A few minutes passed in silence while they waited for the cab to arrive. When it pulled up, Rika dragged him in and asked quietly," So where to? "

Her body was shaking from the cold air this time and less from the fear. Her blue eyes bored into his green ones, awaiting his answer.
Andrew waited for her to finish the phone call as he shifted his weight from one foot to another. He eyed her intently, making sure she was calling a cab and not for help. He highly doubted that she would though. Still, it's better to be safe than sorry. He wouldn't be hurt but he'd lose the precious girl. Once in the cab, he looked at Rika and shook his head. "It's a surprise." All he had to do was stare at the driver and he immediately just started driving. No order was given verbally.
Rika pushed herself over near the window away from him and glanced sideways with a concerned glare. She crossed one leg over the other, trying to act like a lady. After another few moments of silence, Rika finally asked quietly to him, her voice going shaky," Why were you in my apartment...? Who are you and what do you want from me? "
A small smile slowly arose on his face. "All of the adrenaline is gone, I see. Not as adventurous, sweetheart?" He forced the memories of what she did in the apartment into her mind. He knew that she could see it, it flashed in his vision painlessly. His small smile slowly became a grin. You certainly didn't mind not knowing earlier, sweetheart. He easily allowed this thought of his into her mind. He didn't act like it was intentional, as to mess with the young girl. He looked out of the window.
Her emotions went from nervous to furious in a few seconds. Rika moved closer, pushing up the window between the cab driver and themselves disabling the view and sound as she asked," Listen....You came in there. Tell me what you were wanting of me. I really want to know..." Blue eyes looked as if they were on fire, Rika held onto his wrist tight with a firm grip. She wasn't going to let this night end in no answers.

" I really want to know.....So please...just tell me..." Her grip then loosened with those thoughts flowing into her mind again. Rika bit down on her lip softly, trying to keep her composure.
Andrew chuckled and took a hold of Rika's chin. "I would suggest that you don't let your anger blind you, dear. It'd be a shame if you couldn't take control and you end up hurting yourself." He shrugged. "Of course, I can't control you." He said with a sly grin. He stared into her eyes with the same intense emotion as she was showing. He momentarily looked concerned but it was only a front.

He saw her body language calm down and he caressed her cheek with his thumb. He seemed to be studying her face once again. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip.
Rika watched him stare at her the way he was doing and her heart beat faster again. Again she felt drawn into the man sitting close with her in the back seat. Leaning in with her face nuzzled against his, Rika whispered out quietly," Why are you staring at me like that? It makes me go crazy...." Her eyes caught his this time, being more gentle than before.
He kept focusing on her beautiful eyes. "I can't help but study you. You are gorgeous, I must say truthfully." His eyes darkened yet again, causing him to wince slightly. It wasn't painful but it was a bit uncomfortable. He didn't pull back when she came closer. He held his ground and raised an eyebrow with a smirk in a cocky manner. He lost the sophisticated tone. "However, you can't distract me from the main goal at hand." The cab came to a stop and he winked.
As the cab stopped, Rika almost came back to her senses. She followed him out of the cab, onto the sidewalk asking as the cab drove off," Where are we....? Main goal? I'm not trying to be pushy but I want to know why you came to me instead of someone else. " She moved beside him, taking his hand in hers tightly with a gentle expression across her face. She leaned in on him against his arm, letting him feel the steady beat of her heart.

Rika began to calm down the more he seemed to be more of a gentleman with her. At least that's what she thought.
Andrew knew that Rika didn't know the "sad" fate of the cab driver. He just drove into a death trap. Well, nice knowing you-- not necessarily. He completely ignored what the girl was saying. He felt bored so he decided to answer. "You smell nice." He grinned and lead her away from the curb, allowing her to see the entire creaky mansion. It was always "haunted" but she'd only be right if she meant by bugs. And a few vampires. He didn't grasp her hand, he just let it hang loosely beside her. He still couldn't help but be tempted when he felt her heard beat though. All of the crimson red blood, flowing out of--he cleared his throat and walked ahead of her towards the cellar. She wouldn't know better though.
Rika walked inside the mansion down toward a dark room with him. She tried to ignore how smooth he acted and knew that this wasn't going to end pretty. All she could do was stare at her surroundings and can't help to wonder what fate was awaiting her. As it grew darker, the more Rika held onto him. She wasn't too fond of the darkness, though in most cases wouldn't bother her.

Her eyes wandered back to him and asked softly, trying to keep cool and collected," So what's your name...? "

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