Kiss, kill, fuck, or marry the avatar BELOW you

Yay! I think!
I'm married to the heroine protagonist of the story. Cool beans.

Some unlucky soul is going to have to kiss me.
Not really complaining, but... how?

Pucker up! Whoever's below me is gonna get a big wet one.
Maybe on their lips, maybe the cheek.
I realized that I never asked for this, but this'll do. *Unzips snek skin to be 300% more snek*

Who wants sum fuk?
WHERE IS YOUR FACE!?!?!??!?!?!?!

I want your skin so I can properly cut the ears off and put them over my own for personal measurements. I know it doesn't work, but I wanna try with you. Sorry.
We just discussed this. I have no face, and as a result, no ears. I would say sorry, but I'm not. :coolshades:

Kiss telepathetically

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