Kisaragi High School(In-Character)

Kotori Furuya

Kotori huffed loudly. It was supposed to be a signal indicating Aiko to leave, but Aiko did not seem to feel this. Kotori finally gave in. Turning around, she gave Aiko a hug. "Task complete." 

"You'd be surprised, Takuya," Katsuro said. Nowadays, that is a downright lie, but would've been a whole-hearted truth a couple weeks ago. Katsuro stopped to think about how much his life has changed, arguably for the better. Two weeks ago, he was an isolated bookworm, living off of his parents money with nothing on his mind but success. Now, he has a girlfriend, no longer lives in a place dependant on his parents' money, and is soon going to have a job of his own. Some might consider this a chain of unfortunate events, especially, though not limited to, the particularly spoiled, but for Katsuro it was anything but. He paused for a moment and again considered whether or not he should tell Takuya. He then says to Takuya,"Alright, I know how much it goes against your nature, but no matter how big of a deal you think is... I REPEAT, no matter HOW BIG OF A DEAL... YOU THINK IT IS... Do you promise not to make a big deal out of it?"

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Asai nodded, "it's fine, I'm pretty sure Suko is more of an idiot than you, not saying that you are an idiot," she laughed. At least things were going good for now, but Asai was running out of things to say, "so...." she said rather awkwardly.  Asai mentally cursed herself for being so awkward.


Daisuke had no intention of getting involved with whatever the students were talking about, so instead he decided to talk to Susumi. There wasn't much to talk about between the two, so they just shared stories.

"I'm planning on at least getting a long-term friend."

"With an attitude like yours I'm pretty sure you would just get a long-term enemy, or a bruise for that matter." Daisuke stated, then tried to rant on about her personality but not before getting a few quips from the latter.

They went on talking for a while until Susumi decided to go friend hunting and Daisuke got bored of the conversation.

Susumi stayed in the classroom where most were so she can "observe" the others, while Daisuke went to the only place he could think of. The roof.

Uyeno & Liisi:

Uyeno  lay her head on her desk and slept dreamily. Her mind has always been a curious place to be, but her dreams were usually far better. If she was feeling elegant, she could be a part of a grand ball and dance with princesses. If she was feeling adventurous, she would cross tightropes over canyons and dive into coursing rivers below. But Uyeno felt odd, different, she was feeling good in a general sense. So when she dreamed, Uyeno was surprised to see just her regular life, with her new friends.

Liisi was making note after note, trying her absolute hardest to catch up after she missed a lot of class time planning for the Autumn Festival. A Festival that she ended up having no input too, Aiko had some sort of master plan for it anyway. Liisi was slightly miffed at Aiko, but at the same time had enough trust in her to not voice it. Not that she ever would anyway, she had barely made friends with anyone and basically no one would back her up. Liisi remembered Kotri having a secret conversation with Aiko, and made another note to see Kotori to find out what she knows.
Aiko was gazing out the window but the teacher didn't mind because she manages to catch up as ig she knows what is going ti happen. She was looking at some birds chirping at a tree before flying off in search for food. She then observed the track team running around the field.
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After completing the task given, Maeve started reading a book, 'Pride and Prejudice' embossed the cover in gold. She read through the first pages but sighed. "Why does Papa even want to me read this? It's so plain."She muttered under her breath.

Uyeno chuckled at Maeve's boring old book and just pulled out her phone. With her legs up on the desk, Uyeno browsed away at more interesting literature, mostly fan fiction shipping her favourite characters on television. She chuckled to herself as she read through the inappropriate material.

Takuya crossed his arms and laughed, "Of course I promise I won't make a big deal of it, I'm your friend and I'm going to respect your wishes. It might be against my nature but I'm trying not to annoy anymore people," Takuya moved the index finger and thumb of his left hand to rest on the bridge of his nose and shook his head slightly remembering the obscenities hurled at him by Asai, "Anyway, tell me the news, you know I'm a nosy person". He moved his hand back to the crossed position and smiled at Katsuro, awaiting his reply eagerly.

Mahiru Hyouka

"Okay! So now that we're friends, we might as well get to know each other a bit more, right?" Mahiru said, in an attempt to make some conversation. "How did you get to know that guy-friend of yours? Suko, he said his name was? You sure you're not more than just friends? Like, friends with benefits or something? He sure does care a crap ton about you," she commented. 

@Captain Spooks
Katsuro takes a beep breath. "Me and Kotori are... Kinda going on a date either today or on the weekend. I'm assuming you want to weigh in about that?" Katsuro laughed. He'd be surprised if Takuya didn't want to weigh in.

Takuya ran both of his hands through his hair and then raised an eyebrow at Katsuro, "You're not lying to me are you?", he quickly brushed that idea off; Katsuro and Kotori had practically been joint at the hip from what he had observed. "I can't believe you, Katsuro, are going to be getting in there with Kotori", he laughed lightly and then patted Katsuro on the shoulder, "I hope it goes well, Kotori hasn't been looking the best recently in terms of health so the date is bound to cheer her up. What are you going to be doing? Have anything special planned?" He grinned and then added "You have got to let me tease Kotori about this, at least once, I don't know if I will be able to resist..."

"Don't," Katsuro said sternly,"I don't know how she'd feel about me telling you, and I don't want to screw up before we even get to the actual date. Besides, you give her too much of a hard time. She's a tad bit sensitive, you know?"

"Pfft, I'm nothing but nice to Kotori," Takuya waved a hand out in front of him as to pretend to brush away Katsuro's comment, "But I won't tease her or even mention it, I'll try to be more nice to her if I'm really a bit too overboard. Anyway, I hope you both have a great time". Takuya scanned the classroom, not that he didn't want to talk to Katsuro more but he wanted to get to know some of the unfamiliar faces that were around him, "Don't get up to any funny business..." he said with a smirk as he walked away from Katsuro and to a girl who seemed to be reading Pride and Prejudice. He turned around the chair that was at the desk next to her and sat on it backwards, "You must have descended into real boredom if you're reading that", he said with a small chuckle while pointing at the book the girl was reading.

@Sizniche @Cyaanide 
 Asai Kumi

"No, its not like that. We met in elementary school and since then we've seen each other as siblings. Suko just acts like that for everyone he cares about," Asai told her before a smile curved up the corner of her lips, "Don't tell me you have an interested in him?" She teased. It would be nice for Suko to have a girlfriend, but Asai would have to approve with the girl first (Along with his mother as well).

Mahiru Hyouka

"Eh? Nothing of the sort, for now, at least. I just met the guy, after all, and he doesn't seem to like me a bit! Ha ha, that's partially my fault. Maybe in the future I'll like him, but I'll have to wait a bit, you know? And there's no telling if he'll like me back, so..." Mahiru replied, talking about the subject freely. Romance was something she would develop after forming an emotional connection with someone. She supposed that meant she was demisexual. She'd never thought about that too much before. Mahiru shrugged. "Suko seems like a pretty interesting guy, though. I'd like to get to know him, some. That is, if he'll bother to spend time to talk to me. So have you two been here since the start of the school year? This is actually my first day." 

@Captain Spooks

Liisi sighed as the bell rang, she had basically no chance to catch up with her studies and Uyeno would be no use. Despite her misery and acknowledgement of her impending failure, she made her way to the student council room obediently.

Aiko stared at her and she gave her her notebook as if she knew that she was having trouble with her studies. She stared at her and there was a creepy aura being emitted in the room because of this.

@The UES
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Liisi, however, was oblivious. She wrapped her arms around Aiko and hugged her tightly, giggling a little. "Thank you so much Ms Aiko! This'll help so much because I know you're really smart and everything... If there's anything I can do to help you name it!"

View attachment 151308"Papa told me to read it, I don't know why, though. It'll never be of use to me." She replied Takuya. "I'd rather read something less plain. Perchance, would you have anything better than this book?" She asked, tilting her head curiously, catching a glimpse of Uyeno reading something off her phone. "Ah, Uyeno, what's that you're reading? It seems to be interesting, to you, that is. Could I perhaps take a look?"

( @Bowa, @The UES)

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