• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

One x One Kings, lost and gone

Thank you for your compliment! Means a lot to hear you like the idea.

Thanks. It's a hassle to keep track of them all. But it's worth it.
[The concept seems interesting! I would love to join you for this rp is it's still open? I'm still pretty new to this site so I don't quite know the options as to where or how we can rp...]
This is a one on one RP, also known as a PrP. Used for private RPing between two people or a small group. So unfortunately you cannot join, but thank you for stopping by!
Rantos said:
This is a one on one RP, also known as a PrP. Used for private RPing between two people or a small group. So unfortunately you cannot join, but thank you for stopping by!
[Ah I see haha. Thank you for the quick reply! ]
[QUOTE="Exodus Addicus]

Rantos, I was wondering if you were gonna make any more characters?

I did not have a plan to. Why?
Ah xD

Oh, if you are going to make a servant for Nala we should work out their bio together.
There better not be any R rated stuff in this.

For your sake, Senpai, you better not taint my cute little sister's mind.


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