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Fantasy Kingdom of Shadows (open)

"what should i do...?" Niami ask afaird that she already know the answer what she ask Niami looks down at horse
Derek closed his eyes pointing gis sword towerds the ground behind the demons. The sword began to glow a light green color. Then he began to chant" and the great mother cracked open the earth reaching down to the fiery depths below. She spoke in a voice that boomed across the land" creatures of the underworld born of fire, and darkness. Return to deoths from wich you came." He said in a voice laced with magical power. The sword pulsed several times before launching a ball of pure green energy into the ground. Th ground shook violently, as the ground split apart creating a wide crevis. Instead of lava at the bottom there, was a stream of dark purple energy. From the sides of the earthen walls several black vines extended outwerds into the air. They extended fast towerds the demons wrapping around them tightly. They lifted them into the air before launching them into the crevis. They fell into the dark purple energy slowly being absorbed inti the stream. After wich the crevis began to close again.
Christina's eyes widened and she gradually sheathed her blade, clearly unbelieving as to what just happened. Her mind was completely and utterly blown as she tried to think of the power that the shadowed man possessed.
[QUOTE="Christina Verashoth]Christina let out a deep exhale as she returned to the princess side, her sword already at the ready as the slain began to rise once more, her blade was pointed toward them as she quickly armed her shield and exclaimed, "Rook! We're gonna have to smash them to pieces!"

Rook chuckled. "I look forward to it, Lady Knight," he said, holding his new massive club.
"Or... Not..." She exhaled as all of the undead disappeared underneath the ground.
Derek turned towerds the group "we should make haist our enenies only grow nearer." He said still mounted on hus dark spirit horse.
Scranton was walking on a road only to hear and see something like a conflict happening in the distance. He wanted to get a better look, so he went off the road into the woods and walked overto the scene slowly. When he got there, there was the image a battle before, but none currently. He looked at some of the people there from behind a log and he was surprised. Not only did he see the missing princess, but Kit Summers at her side!

Kit walked over to Niami's side with his long sword drawn out. He was going to go lash out, but then the most unthinkable of things happened. The magic man was did so much by getting rid of the demons and by blowing his mind into a billion pieces. Boy, he knows his Magic. He then looked back at defenseless Niami and took his short sword in its red-orange scabbard off his belt. "If you think that you should do more," he said," then take this. Since we're fighting outside I have no use of it right now. As long as you don't point it at anybody or play warrior, I'll let you use it." He was going to tell her how to use it, but then he looked out at the forest feeling like he was being watched.
OrenjiGatsu said:
Scranton was walking on a road only to hear and see something like a conflict happening in the distance. He wanted to get a better look, so he went off the road into the woods and walked overto the scene slowly. When he got there, there was the image a battle before, but none currently. He looked at some of the people there from behind a log and he was surprised. Not only did he see the missing princess, but Kit Summers at her side!
Kit walked over to Niami's side with his long sword drawn out. He was going to go lash out, but then the most unthinkable of things happened. The magic man was did so much by getting rid of the demons and by blowing his mind into a billion pieces. Boy, he knows his Magic. He then looked back at defenseless Niami and took his short sword in its red-orange scabbard off his belt. "If you think that you should do more," he said," then take this. Since we're fighting outside I have no use of it right now. As long as you don't point it at anybody or play warrior, I'll let you use it." He was going to tell her how to use it, but then he looked out at the forest feeling like he was being watched.
Nimai catch the blade "is this a sword i.i never used one of these before?' she nervously shake the blade in her hands

((sorry guys my computer were acting weird and don't worry about telling me what happen i read the last posts already))
Derek looks at the princess " do not worry my lady we shall ensure there will be no need for you to wield it for the time being perhaps after your return home one of use can provide you with training." He suggested.
Nimai nodded her head "o-okay thanks you" she said while looking down at the blade "why must the world be fulled of so much violence..."
"Violence is a way of influence," Kit said putting his hand on Niami's back," strong rivers make the people on one side not move to the other side. People use it to make their way through the world through action and weapons. However, what you have in your hand isn't a weapon, it's a tool. When I have time, I shall try to train you in the way of the sword. It is more than a blade."

Scranton was still peeking from behind a log at the group with Kit and the princess. Besides searching for the missing princess, he saw no other way that Kit would in her presence. He was happy to find Kit. It wasn't until a second later that something else caught his attention. He looked over to his side for a second to see a snake on the log. Scared, he jumped up, took out his right tantō, and whacked at the thing making a chop sound on the wood. Though he missed the snake that then slithered away with haste, it wasn't the thing scaring him now. He was now standing towards a group that, besides Kit, doesn't know him while he has his tantō out.
(( lol i just come in whenever))

Nimai watches Kit and giggle of the fact he missed she walks toward Kit "hm what wrong" she ask
"Something," Kit said as he looked out at the forest postluding the hearing of a sound. He took out his long sword and said to Niami the daughter," you better take yours out as well. Someone, or something is out there and who knows if it's good or not."
Derek looked around then ckosed his eyes listening very closely to the surroundings for any signs of movement.
Scranton, believing that they know he is there as an enemy, slowly walked sideways of the group. He didn't want there to be fighting from misunderstandings. He tried to be quiet, but that was hard. Scranton was being quiet after all, however it all come to an end when he unoticably stepped on a thorn making him let out a yelp.

Kit turned his head towards the yelp and said," that's it! Someone is in the woods over there!"
Christina's eyes shot to the direction that the warrior had announced a presence of, her hand going to her blade as she drew it and readied her shield once more, "Where!?" She grits her teeth and gets in a battle stance.
Detek eyes shot open his head in a instant turning towerds the sounds location throwing a elemental dagger of ice in ita direction. It soared across the air not hurting the target, but simply pinning them to the tree behind them. Derek pointed to the unkown persons location" over their." He said moveing his horse in that direction.
Scranton had the littlest time to react to what just struck him and pinned him to a tree. Everything happened so fast that he dropped the tantō he had in his hand. Well it came to this, soon I'm going to be beaten up if I don't get out now. He struggled to get out, but he couldn't escape. Welp, this is going to get bloody.

Kit ran towards the sound with ultimate speed. He knew from Aussette and the assassin that one should act with the greatest of haste when times come to this.
Derek arrived infront of the unkown person. He pointed his blade towerds the persons throught not touching the skin, but quite close. He spoke with authority" state your name and your reason for being here i will not tolerate lying so best sprak the truth." He said.
"You, man on the horse!" She glared at Derek, "Lower your blade! He's merely a boy." She sheathed her blade and put her shield back on her back, taking the dagger out of the tree and giving the young elf room to breath.
Derek withdrew his blade hesitantly sheathing it. He turned towerds the female worrior" you should never trust so easily there is not telling what the enemy will do, what form they take whether they be a child or monster they will use what they can to defeat you." He said the horses dead purple eyes staired inti the boys own eyes.
She nudged off the comment with a roll of her eyes, "You're so paranoid." She pats down the young elf boy, "Sorry about that... But you should really be on your way young man."
Scranton thought it was the end for a second when he saw the lifeless man come up to him holding a sword to his neck and ask who he was and why he was there. Thankfully, a woman came over and freed him while she told him to put the sword. Even more thankfully, the man agreed to it, despite some minor argument. "Thank you," he said," I thought he was going to kill me. Oh thank you. As for me, well me..." He mind was then distracted by the menacing eyes of the man's horse staring at him. "M-m-m-me," he said in a tone of fear," I am S-Scranton. I am h-here to f-f-find.." His words were then cut off by a person approaching, Kit Summers. He just said," Kit."

"Scranton?" Asked Kit," wow, it's really you. I haven't seen you in four years."
Her eyes grazed between the two as she quickly put together that they had known each other for some time. She then looked at Derek, glaring at him aggressively. She walked past him before whispering, "You don't need to act so tough..." She blinked gently as she stared at him, "Sometimes people are just people, not everyone is an enemy."

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