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Fantasy Kingdom of Shadows (open)

Derek had dispatched a few more soldiers, but felt the trees dying by fire. It pained him as he felt their agony. Quickly turning with lightning speed he clapped his hands together with such forces, as to create a rush of wind from his hands. The air quickly blew towerds the group afar blowing out the fires burning the trees. They fell down, as detek withdrew the magic from their burnt bodies. From their he sprouted his wings large bat like wings black in color. Quickly launching into the sky he madr his way towerds the princes. He quickly gained on them, but cohld see the blade at the princesses neck. Derek quickly began to chant words of power before his eyes glowed a bright blue. Around the princess and the male formned a thin magical barrier around her.
Lena looked at all three of them not knowing what to do so she just stands their waiting.
Marthuck wondered around,looking abit bored,he was searching for a place that he could get a job as a guard or bounty hunter,he needed some gold if he wanted to get anywhere in this place,even more he needed something like a mount to make things easier
Derek landed by the princess. He stared into the woman's eyes holding the sword to the princesses throat" Unfortunately my lady people will always get hurt whether we like it or not war is always like that." He said, as he held his sword in hand walking towards the elven woman.

@Anna Kyoyama
Suddenly, an angry war cry could be heard from the forest, a deep, commanding voice used rarely, that the princess could recognize quite well. The sounds of metal on metal could be heard, and screaming. Suddenly, a body tumbled down a hill, one of Ausette's soldiers. He was quite well armored, and one would hve to wonder what could send him running. That thought was answered, as the massive armored form of " The Rook" charged down the hill, a large broadsword scything through the air, catching the soldier in the back as he tried to flee. The massive blade cut through his armor and into his ribs, biting into his spine as his blood sprayed out. The man screamed, as The Rook placed an armored foot on his back, kicking the coward to the ground, where he lay, screaming as life left him. "I am here now, my lady," Ser Olivae said in his gruff voice, readying his massive shield before him, sword in hand.
"stay back do you want your beloved princess to die by your hands on this battle field!?" Ausette point her blad deeper into the princess Throat while taking a steps back "p-please stop it hurt.. mommy dadd where are you!?" Niami cried out in pain "so the princess what her mother and father tell you want princess they are not here to save you" Ausette giggles
[QUOTE="Anna Kyoyama]
"stay back do you want your beloved princess to die by your hands on this battle field!?" Ausette point her blad deeper into the princess Throat while taking a steps back "p-please stop it hurt.. mommy dadd where are you!?" Niami cried out in pain "so the princess what her mother and father tell you want princess they are not here to save you" Ausette giggles

The suit of armor began to chuckle, a low rumbling sound like distant thunder. "Hiding behind an innocent girl with a knife to her throat," it muttered, "How honorable of you, craven." it taunted. "Perhaps, if you fight me like someone with a backbone, someone might be able to take you seriously," it continued, holding its sword and shield.
"I guess that I...," Kit said with a frown. Fighting was the last thing he wanted with the daughter along the lethal women & her army of soldiers there. Worst, he placed his swords on the ground, making him unarmed. I think I have ran out of cards. However, at the last moment one more final thought came into his mind with what the armored knight that just appeared said. "I can still see a way to do this without full blown fighting between us and your army," he said," here's this: We challenge you to a duel between you and one of us that you pick. If you win, you can take her, I won't stop it. On the other hand, if we win, we get to get out of here. Surely that should sound fair to you, so how about it?" He knew it was a bigger gamble than before, giving her a choice in who she fights, but it's all he had in his mind.
Derek looked at the female then to the male" very well i agree to the terms." He said standing still holstering his blade.
[QUOTE="Anna Kyoyama] "so you want to fight me one on one... how can i believe that?" Ausette look at Kit with interest

"I'll fight you," Rook said, holding his broadsword. "It is my duty as a member of the Royal Guard." he said.
"Well if you've seen," Kit said in surprise, he was expecting her to believe him," well first you're holding a blade to the person that I'm suppose to bring back to her worried mother, you've got us surrounded with your troops. We want to fight you, even I who is calm a lot wants to fight you."
"hmm fine than i battle with you?" hands Nimai over to one of her knights "than if you win i let you have the princess but if you lose you will died by my hands" Ausette pulled out her long sword and pointed at Kit "no... don't do this guys please..." Nimai said softly
[QUOTE="Anna Kyoyama]
"hmm fine than i battle with you?" hands Nimai over to one of her knights "than if you win i let you have the princess but if you lose you will died by my hands" Ausette pulled out her long sword and pointed at Kit "no... don't do this guys please..." Nimai said softly

OrenjiGatsu said:
"Well if you've seen," Kit said in surprise, he was expecting her to believe him," well first you're holding a blade to the person that I'm suppose to bring back to her worried mother, you've got us surrounded with your troops. We want to fight you, even I who is calm a lot wants to fight you."
The Rook toop a single step infront of Kit, the form of his massive armor blocking the smaller man from Ausette. "It is my duty to fight you in order to protect the princess of this kingdom," she informed Ausette. "Although both I and the princess appreciate your loyalty Kit, I am the one who must do this. I swore to lay down my life for the princess, and that is what I shall do if needed. You have not sworn such an oath. You're a sellsword." The Rook explained, still watching Ausette through the visor of his helmet. "When you are ready," he muttered, holding his broadsword and shield.
Kit took a few steps back, then some steps to the side to get his swords back. Though he would have fought Aussette after the knight said he was a sellsword, he knew he was the right person for the job right now. "You better win this," Kit said, though optimistically he believed the knight was going to win," not only is your life in the pile, but ours is as well."
OrenjiGatsu said:
Kit took a few steps back, then some steps to the side to get his swords back. Though he would have fought Aussette after the knight said he was a sellsword, he knew he was the right person for the job right now. "You better win this," Kit said, though optimistically he believed the knight was going to win," not only is your life in the pile, but ours is as well."
The Rook merely grunted. "I shall do my best," he promised, practically towering over his opponent. His sword had a longer reach, and she didn't appear to wear as much armor as he did. A single hit would be enough. He just hoped she wasn't too agile. That should prove to be a problem.
(( sorry am back!))

Aussette smirks "so you want to died by my blade very well" Aussette attacks Kit with a powerful slice with much speed it seem like she was train for most of her life without rest
Kit was surprised by Aussette's attack on him, he was expecting the first one to be at the knight. The dodge to avoid the slice made him fall back to the ground. "Hey," he shouted," you were suppose to fight that knight, not me!"
Aussette giggle "am not worring about that knight plus if i killed you now i won't havr to see your face again...." Aussette's knights charge towards The rook trying to get him away from the princess
[QUOTE="Anna Kyoyama] Aussette giggle "am not worring about that knight plus if i killed you now i won't havr to see your face again...." Aussette's knights charge towards The rook trying to get him away from the princess

"Predictable!" the stone armor roared, charging towards the knights. Those who tried to seperate him from the princess were quickly met by a 2 meter tall angry wall of steel. The first knight was cut clean in two, his top half sliding off awkwardly, as the second was impaled straight through the chest. A third tried to swing, but his blade merely glanced off The Rook's armor. A low chuckle eminated from the armor, as the third knight raised his shield. The Rook's sword cleaved the thing in two, proceeding to do much the same to the man cowering beneath it. The Rook came charging towards the princess and the knights who held her hostage, determined to end their lives.
"So you're playing the unfair game, I see," Kit said. Oh how I wish that Pandora woman was here, she'd probably run Aussette over with her horse. Too bad she left. He then looked at the that knight going towards to take the princess. "Well either way it looks like it's failing to him," he continued before he got up and took out his torquoise sword, the long sword. "It looks like it can only be fighting now," he said with anger in his voice.
Lena quickly pulls her bow string to her check, leting the arrow fly to one of the knights and it goes straight through his armor. She continued to shot Aussete's knights one by one, taking breathing as she releases the arrows.
Marthuck continued to wonder around until he see the scene of the battle,he didnt know who to go agaisnt or what to do.....so he prepared his shield and his axe just in case

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