Kingdom of Azriel

Names: Raiziel and Celestine

Ages: These two are as old as time itself, perhaps older. However, they appear to be about 19-20 years old, by human standards.

Genders: Raizel is a male and Celestine is a female, although their personalities seem to contradict this fact.

Species: Raizel is an angel. However, he is unlike any other angel in existence. As for Celestine... she is an even more intriguing being. What she is doesn't quite have a name. Still, it can be said for certain that whatever she is, it is a most holy species, indeed.

Class: Raizel isn't a common angel, yet he is neither a noble nor royalty. Rather, his is a myth, a legend that angels have spoken of since time immemorial. He isn't the God, but, to the angels and those that have heard of his legend, he is akin to one. Celestine, meanwhile, is his other half, and she is treated as such. In addition to this liason to the angels, she is recognized as the God of the Dragons.

Personality: WIP

Abilities: WIP


  • Normal:




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Name: Vladimir vial

Age: 40 ( 4,000)

Gender: Male

Species: Blood demon

Class: Royal

Personality: (he wont be used much so i will keep it simpl. )

Cruel and heartless. His favorite words to Eris is i own you and enjoys to watch everone suffer. Even his own daughter.

Abilities: None for now but i may add some later

Appearance: What do they look like?


Other: Is hunting down Eris.
Name: Nasir

Age: 25 (unknown)

Gender: Male

Species: Hell born but doesn't seem to be a demon, Hell Human


Personality: He was Demonia's first husband Duanna's father. He once loved Demonia when he knew her by the name of Dragonfly, once he found out that she was the the second generation of hell his feeling towards her became cold and sent her away from the village that they had lived in together. He has sworn to make Demonia's life miserable and hopes to kill any of her children that could take the throne after Demonia. He has even wrote his own daughter off as dead, he cares nothing for her but uses her to make Demonia's life harsh.

Abilities: None but he is a skilled swordmaster.



He currently leads the rebel army of hell. He has been know to use those that follow him as a shield to escape being cornered.
Name: Vivian Ryogami

Age: 21,000 (looks 19)

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire

Class: Assassin/Noble

Personality: Loyal, Honest, Skilled, Hardworking, Positive, Open-Minded, Can be Cold, Get Serious when in Battle, and Hot-Tempered. She also like to sing, but only sings when know one is around her.

Ability: Skilled sword fighter, can control water, and speed.



Other: Vivian was the oldest in her family of 10 and only had a talent with the sword. He parents tried to force her into a arranged marriage with a young pureblood vampire prince but she refused saying that they should give it to one of her 19 year old sister who fit the boy prince's style better. They were furious with her and wanted to force the marriage onto her. When the Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) government saw how much of a graceful sword fighter she was they wanted her. The Yakuza boss confronted her to join them, she took the offer and ran away from home to join the Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) as a Bodyguard. She is the top swords fighter in the Yakuza and most of Japan.


Name: Zafon

Age: 301,975

Gender: Male

Species: Hybrid - Many Species

Class: Royal

Personality: Sarcastic, gets annoyed easily, stubborn, and fearless. He is VERY Flirtatious with women, and knows how to make a girl feel good about herself. He hates guys that hit woman and wont hesitate to stop a guy from doing so. He is also laid back. He may be very flirtatious but he would never do anything to hurt the one he loves.

Ability: Can control any time of flame and he is able to make powerful barrier's. He can also fly when he releases his demonic wings.



Other: He doesn't talk about his past but he is the creator of Hell and his daughter is Demonia. His first wife dead a long time ago, he married again many years later to a girl named diva.
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Name: William Glider (Probably a fake name)

Age: Looks 18 but his real age is unknown

Sex: Male

Race: Demon (it is unknown what kind of demon he is

Class: Royal (In his country but commoner in Azriel)

Personality: He is brutal, and cold hearted. He's killed thousands of people without flinching. He takes pride in the people he's killed. He's as sick, sadistic, and harsh as the devil. People even compare him to the devil. He can hide in the shadows really well and keep his presence on the down low but when it comes to killing, they won't see what's coming. Most of the time, his targets are so mutilated you can't even tell that it was a person that he killed.

Abilities: Unknown as of now.


Name: Michael

Age: Looks 17 but real age is unknown

Sex: Male but sometimes gets mistaken for a girl.

Race: Angel (A seraphim)

Class: Royal (In the angel realm he would be considered a royal but in Azriel he pulls off as being a commoner)

Personality: Michael can be kind and caring toward the people he love but he does love righteousness and will go as far as killing for justice. People confuse him as being William's side kick but quite the opposite. He gives the order and people fear him enough to go with it. They are afraid to be returned to hell. He is also very intelligent and when in hand in hand combat, he can recognize the weakness of his opponent just by looking at them. This wouldn't be considered an ability. He's just very perceptive.

Abilities: Has the ability to return demons to hell and can force other angels to fall. Other known abilities are unknown as of now.


Decided angels and demons should be working together for their own reasons because they both have reasons to destroy Azriel.)
Name: Vladimír

Appearance Age: 70

Actual Age: 58,450

Gender: Brute/Male

Species: Dragon

Breed of Dragon: Death Knight

Height: 26'8 At the shoulder & 32'1 from the ground to the top of his head. His wings span to be about 300 feet across & from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail, Vladimír is 124 feet long. {I know what you're thinking....WOAH!}

Class: Royal (?)

Personality: "I swear on the cruelty of my soul, that if you hurt so much as a hair on Queen Elyra you shall wish you were never born, for I will hunt you down, and kill you...slowly and painfully."

For the most part Vladimír is a cruel, unforgiving, merciless creature that feeds of the fear of others. He answers to no one but the King and Queen, and has no tolerence for those that are bellow him. The malevolent dragon has developed a taste for blood, and flesh throughout his life. Wherever he goes, destruction is sure to follow. Whole kingdoms have fallen mercilessly to ruins because of him. Vladimír slaughters and kills for fun, he tortures others just to see them in pain. This evil being never knew love, atleast not until he met the Queen. She showed him a kindness that warmed his cold heart. The Queen believed in him, even in his darkest hour, when he was at his worst, she saw through his evil exterior and found a piece of greatness within him. Because of that he will always love her like no one else, but it is not the kind of love that you find between mates, no it is the kind of love between friends. Vladimír is still a cruel as ever, but only to others, never to her.


§-Vladimír has the ability to breathe fire, as any normal dragon would. Though unlike the flame of other dragons, Vladimír's fire is...different.

Other: Vladimír is the last of the Death Knights.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebef3acb_Vladimr.jpg.f05d5d43fe6da5f97004b4646f51d34a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebef3acb_Vladimr.jpg.f05d5d43fe6da5f97004b4646f51d34a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Evelyn{Eh-vuh-lin} Gold Valenzuella{Vuh-lin-zoo-el-ah}

Appearance Age:


Real Age:





Her history is long and complicated, but it is important to know and understand. I suppose that I should start at the beginning...

Nearly 1000 years ago, before the King of Azriel was ever a born, when Dragons lived and thrived throughout the land, there lived, in the forests of the Wood Elves, a Clan. At first, the clan appears to be a small civilization of humans that live separately from the kingdom and the Wood Elves. But with closer inspection, you come to realize that these are no your normal villagers. No. They were a clan of great Werewolves! The last of the Werewolf race. No one knows where the Werewolves came from, nor of their origins. Some say that long ago the wolves mated with humans. Others say that they are part demon part wolf, but no one really knows. One thing can be for sure, they became extinct over 500 years ago. At least, that's what everyone thought.

This great clan thrived in the forests of Azriel for nearly 500 years, living peacefully with the race of the Wood Elves. Then, out of nowhere, their people began to die left and right. A great sickness had started to overcome the clan. Soon their Chief became ill and it was not long before he two was taken by the disease. The healthy fled to the kingdom, but none were allowed in. None of them survived the sickness. None...except for Vera. For a long while, Vera had been seeing Escuro, a Dark Elf that lived within the walls of Azriel. With his help, Vera was able to get inside of the kingdom.

She was forced to hide her identity, and had to take on the alias of a Night Elf. Vera continued to see Escuro for the next 200 years. It may seem like a long time, but for a werewolf it is barely the equivalent to 2 years. Then, when they discovered that she was pregnant, they became engaged. The wedding was to be held in a year, but Vera never made it to that day. When she found out that she was going to have a baby, she became increasingly nervous. For when a Werewolf gives birth, it has to be in wolf form or it will die. The thing is, Vera had lost the ability to turn into a wolf. She didn't tell Escuro of this, because she knew it would only cause him to panic. Instead she made the most of the time she had left. For the next 9 months they were truly happy and truly in love.

But not even Vera could control time. When it came time for her to have the child, she finally told him. He was heart broken, but he didn't leave her side. Instead Escuro stayed with her until the end. All through the night Vera screamed in agony as her contractions burned like a flame inside of her. I was nearly a day before the baby was human form. She was beautiful. By then Vera was weak and on the verge of death, but she had just enough life left in her to whisper one word.
"Evelyn." And that is what the child was named.

Escuro took his daughter far away from the kingdom, deep into the forest. There Evelyn grew up with her father, unaware that she was part Werewolf, the last of her kind. Her life was normal until the day she turned 200. It was then, under the blast of the full moon, that she was forced into her wolf form. Unable to control her self, Evelyn ran about, slaughtering anyone in her path. The next morning she woke up naked in her father's cottage. When she went into his room she found him dead. It wasn't until later did she realize that
she had been the one to kill him. For years to come she was overwhelmed with guilt. Finally one day she decided that she could no longer live the way she had been.

Evelyn moved to the Kingdom of Azriel, coexisting with the people of the kingdom. It is there that she remains to this day.


Dark Elf/Werewolf


I'll let you decide.


Because of her history of losing the people she loves, Evelyn locks away all of her emotions, not daring to show the person she really is. She focuses solely on training to become a Royal Knight. Acting cold and hard all of the time is how she manages to block all of the pain that has built up over the years.




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Name: Diva

Age: 300,858

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire

Class: Born into wealth, married into royalty, .

Personality: Diva was once a cold person, she cared for no one and if she wanted something she took it, she didn't change her ways until she met Zafon who is now her husband.

Abilities: She can sing and make people either go mad or calm down.



Hair is blue in photo but is really black (my photo editor wasn't working with me to change hair color...)

Other: Diva started to calm down a little, she has met Demonia a few times but has never been accepted by her. Several times when they had met in the past Demonia has tried to attack and kill her, every time that this had happened Demonia would get scolded by her father and Diva would only smile as she would watch it all. Diva knows a little of Zafon's past but not a lot.
Name: Shaton (goes by the name Ultimate Hybrid or UH)

Age: 227,000 (looks 21)

Gender: Male

Species: Unknown Hybrid

Class: Noble (Warrior of Hell)

Personality: Loyal, Quite, doesn't follow many of zafon's order's but he only really listen's to Demonia.

Abilities: Fast on his feet, can control darkness and some fire.


He was the only one to visit Demonia when she was locked away by her father, during that time he had fallen' in love with her but never told her it, but instead he always showed her how much he was loyal to only her.
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Name: Viktor (Last name unknown)

Looks about 20

Gender: Male

Species: Mage


Personality: He's very cold, distant and doesn't take no for an answer. He's a skilled fighter and one of the best assassins there is but he prefers speaking in Russian than in English and most people think he only speaks Russian. They think he doesn't speak English.

Abilities: He can use very powerful spells but is better at assassinating.



Other: (I.N.)
Name: Idina Nayonitez (eey-DEE-nah nay-OH-neeht-es)

Age: 72, looks 19

Gender: Female

Species: Human-Phoenix

Class: Exiled noble

Personality: She tends to keep her distance from people, but not because she dislikes them or because she's an unpleasant person. In fact, she keeps her distance because she truly cares for each and every being on this earth and goes to great lengths to avoid harming any of them. She is driven in her every living moment by fear twinged with compassion. She cannot control herself when she turns, and carries a great guilt from her disgraced and fallen house.

Bio: This is kinda needed to explain my character. When Idina was 19, she ran off with a powerful sorcerer, to the great shame of her family, for although he was powerful, he was a commoner. When she was faced with a decision, him or her family, she reluctantly returned. However, the sorcerer was enraged. She told him until a phoenix came down and torched her mother, she couldn't be with him. When he did kill her mother, she was furious and refused to see him. For two months he hid, a recluse, devastated and scheming at ways to get revenge. He cursed her, causing her to turn into a phoenix whenever her pain matched a quarter of his. When she was afflicted, she turned for the first time and massacred almost the entire village before flying away to sleep. When hunters tracked the bird and found Idina in it's tracks, they knew they could not kill the last surviving member of the house and instead banished her to the forest, where she lives, cursed with immortality to remember him forever, in fear of turning again.

Abilities: When she is emotional, she has no control whatsoever about her powers. As she has only ever turned twice, she has no idea how she turns back, only that she wakes up with fractured memories. During her time in the forest, she got very good at hunting, and as such has a good grasp on archery, although she has no formal weapons, and from her time with the sorcerer she can muddle her way through some spells if needed. That's rather unpredictable, however, and not something you can depend on.

Appearance: Her bird form is my profile pic.


Other: She won't eat any sort of bird, she considers it cannibalism.
Name: Duana Lykos (rough translation Little Dark Wolf Maiden)

Nickname: Prodosía (Treason)

Age: 32,510 looks 25

Gender: female

Species: Hell-born

Class: Outcast and rebel of Hell

Personality: She was once a sweet girl but became tainted by the influence of Nasir.

Abilities: She knows how to use a chain whip sword but she has no powers



She is who Duanna is named after, she is also the person that is second in charge of the rebel army, just as Nasir is quick to sacrifice his soilders she is the same. When she was younger she found Demonia lost in their lands and led her to their village. She has allowed Nasir to trick her into thinking Demonia only means harm to the banished.
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Name: Juliana Scarlet

Age: 19 look and 9,980

Gender: Male, female, or not specified

Species: Shape Shifter

Class: Royal / Assassin

Personality: Traveler, loyal, follow's order's, always get the job done. Has a Hatred for Vampire's.

Abilities: Can shape shift into any animal but a horse. She can also shape shift into a dragon, but is limited because the longer she is in dragon form, the more energy it takes out of her.



Other: Her family was killed by Vampire's when she was very young, she has been living on her own and wondering the land's since then.

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Name: Leech

looks: 43 actual: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Personality: Leech is a war strategist mastermind, and can deal deadly blows.

Abilities:Deadly with a battle maul. can't speak


Other: (I.N.)


Name: haymish

Age: looks: 28 actual:18

Gender: Male


Class: slave

Personality: He is a master at being not seen, and not heard. He is also a master at spying, and espionage.

Master of spying


Other: (I.N.)
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Name: Uriel(False name) but has been called many different names including Lucifer.

Age: Unknown. Can change his appearance to different ages but has existed since the beginning of time

Gender: Male

Race: Fallen Angel

Class: Royal

Personality: He is very sadistic and loves the suffering of others. He's a sociopath as well. It is impossible for him to ever fall in love. He's very good at pretending he loves others though. He may be good looking but there's something different about him and its not just his hatred for angels.

Abilities: Unknown

Other: He is considered the true ruler of Hell but going into a slumber for a thousand years, he needed someone to ruler over Hell for him. No one has seen his face so he can pretend to be a normal fallen angel. His true form is unknown since he rarely ever uses it.

Name: Lord Viktor

Age: Looks 16 or 17 but has lived for 3467 years. Best friends with Axoret's grandfather

Gender: Male

Species: Half Elf/Half Demon

Class: King's counsel leader; Lord

Personality: Lord Erik is a puppet master. He is incredibly strong but tends to hold back when he's training or testing others. He is very kind but also very childish and loves to play with his "toys" which are usually just newcomer counsel members. He didn't have much of a childhood because his father started to train him to be a soldier as soon as he could walk.

Abilities: Puppet master; Can control puppets to his whim.


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Name: Eleniel

Age: Looks 18 or 19 but has lived for 2,647 years

Gender: Female

Species: Elf

Class: Queen of the Kingdom of Raziel

Personality: Queen Eleniel is one of the most beautiful elves out there but she's also a strong leader. She doesn't use fear to rule over her people. Everyone is well fed and equal to one another. She doesn't like using classes but she really has no other choice when it comes to who's royalty and nobility.

Abilities: She is incredibly skilled at archery and can hit a target miles away with perfect accuracy. She is also very stealthy and sometimes called the Rogue Queen Eleniel. She can combine her arrows with different elementals.




Age: Looks 18 or 19 but has lived for 2,647 years

Gender: Female

Species: Elf

Class: Ex Royal (Princess) but also an assassin

Personality: She is completely full of hate and will do anything to get her way. She is manipulative and will lie to those around her. She will pretend to be weak to get people to pity her right before slitting her throat. She was furious that her twin sister got the throne instead of her. She assassinates royals from all different lands in hope to get the throne and destroy the land of Raziel

Abilities: She is quick but she doesn't have many abilities. Her elemental abilities were taken from her when she was forced out of the royal family. Right now, she mainly focuses on her archery and like her sister, she has perfect accuracy.


Name: Leta Dragonfly (Took on the last from the Royal family of hell)

Age: (Depends on time skip)

Gender: Female

Species: (still currently unknown)

Class: Royal/Noble (Adopted)

Personality: "If mommy and daddy loved me then why was I left behind....?"

Really depends on her mood but she is rebellious and likes to run out into the woods and play with the Fae that live there, she fears nothing.

Abilities: She can control earth.



(This photo shows Leta after she threw a fit in her room one day and is holding the last known birthday gift from Duanna to her)

Other: Leta believes that she must have done something wrong since her parents left her behind, she is thankful that Demonia and Axoret has taken care of her for so long but she wishes she could see her mom and dad. She is over protected and constantly sneaks out of the castle to avoid being watched, the only person that she listens to is the head council member. From time to time she is scolded because she takes Kana to the woods with her, she sees Kana as a sister and would never let anything happen to her but she can also understand that things can happen that she can't control and that's why she is scolded, even because of all of that she can't help but have Kana tag along.

Name: Kana

Age: (Depends on time skip)

Gender: Female

Species: Dark Elf hybrid

Class: Royal

Personality: She can be dark and cold blooded and other times she can be quiet, shy, and timid.

Abilities: Can change her appearance but does it unknowingly, she is currently being taught how to use a sword (is trained more when in her cold blooded mood.)


(Cold-Blooded appearance)

(Quiet, shy, and timid appearance)

Her pale skin comes from her mother and her light colored hair comes from her father, she seems more mature in her cold blooded mood giving her the appearance that she is older but when she is shy she appears as her real age.

Other: She likes to hide from her older brothers when they are watching her, she finds it funny to watch them worry in their own little ways. Her favorite place to be is at a pond in the woods but she only goes there when Leta is going.
Name:Fayde (Vramiel)

Age: Looks 18 or 19 but has existed since the beginning of time

Gender: Male

Species: Angelic outcast

Class: "Dishonored"

Personality: Fayde is....unexplainable he does whatever he wishes doing whatever he thinks is beneficial to him. He has become detached from other beings due to constantly fighting demons and watching his bretheren fall until he just became indifferent. He was heaven's most valued warrior until he just disappeared letting the others fight their war and giving him time to do what he pleased. His name was blotted out and the other angels of his generation, "the ones that remember" as he likes to call them despise him. He is the only angel to be treated in an unwelcome manner by others of his kind even in Heaven. Though he goes there once every few millenia His is given a wide berth or just ignored due to his ability to conceal himself and his radiating power even if he is standing in front of a person.

Abilities: He can do most anything he pleases. Mastering magic during the earliest ages when the world was still forming. He adapted as humans evolved mastering any weapon that the ctreatures in the realm created. He favors swords and bows, and is naturally masterful with them, he enjoys throwing knives greatly and keeps a magic seal on his pockets that allows him to store any and everything in them until he desires it.

He is incredibly fast blurring into nothingness at his fastest, giving him the look of teleporting. His strength is overwhelming when it comes to what is expected of him due to the way he keeps his body and has helped him bring low the most infamous beings.

Other: Fayde was in his own sanctum away from the rest of existence until he felt the shift of power the war caused, now as the queen of heaven dies, Fayde reemerges showing himself for what he feels will be a new age of conflict.

Appearance: He wears a mask to conceal his eyes , the only feature that he can't change. Fayde has multiple forms but these are the ones he uses the most. (Angelic:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/mage__bol_by_pancake_waddle-d5z6zu5.png.22302e7eb4b7831ff656cf4a37467395.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14955" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/mage__bol_by_pancake_waddle-d5z6zu5.png.22302e7eb4b7831ff656cf4a37467395.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Without mask:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Vramiel.jpg.a1ebf04a463cee1528d5ef3480ceb131.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14957" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Vramiel.jpg.a1ebf04a463cee1528d5ef3480ceb131.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> )

(Hunter:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8beedba694_Faydehunterform.jpg.70c2ee81e4ea3ae8241db5dc5b2449d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8beedba694_Faydehunterform.jpg.70c2ee81e4ea3ae8241db5dc5b2449d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/dd387e496b0dff64383bcb50f181883a.jpg.0dd0666f9a6d1247900e98d1d74d8f5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/dd387e496b0dff64383bcb50f181883a.jpg.0dd0666f9a6d1247900e98d1d74d8f5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Clair

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Species: Angel

Royal Doctor

Personality: Kind and caring for the royal family




she herself tried to speak with the council about Duanna's condition but the ignored her, she was constantly checking on her and seeing if she and the baby was healthy, she became worried when Duanna's health started to deteriorate, she wanted to tell Michael but Duanna made her swear to not say a word and seeing as Duanna was the queen she swore.

Name: Lucifer jr.

Age: Six

Gender: Male

Species: Half fallen/Half Demon


Personality: He does what he thinks is best for his kingdom and family, and unlike his mother and father he will swallow his pride when he needs to, he is trusting but betray him and he won't think twice of killing you.

Abilities: Powers of darkness and control

Appearance: Photo below

Other: (I.N.)

Lucifer jr. and Lili

Name: Lili

Age: Six

Gender: female

Species: Half fallen/Half Demon


Personality: The abuse she received from her mother caused her to be fearful and hardly ever speak up.

Abilities: Her powers were sealed away.

Appearance: photo above

Other: (I.N.)
Name: Saya

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Fallen Angel

Class: Royal

Personality: She is very Quiet, she can be heartless at time's, and the only thing she gets a soft heart for are kitten's.

Abilities: Is able to control her own blood and use it as a weapon.



Saya is a run away princess, she ran away from home when she was 11, her father who abused her has sent out a reward for her return, it has been 4 years since she has last seen her father and she doesn't plan to go back. Looks innocent at first but she can be very dangerous.
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Looks 23, is around 2, 144






Noble (As In a Pirate Noble >.<) A.K.A. King of the Pirates.


He's a lean back person. Most of his time he'll stare at his three blades or clean them, others will be spent thinking about his past


Three sword style:

12 Caliber: A move that forms a wind bullet twice as strong and powerful as an actual bullet

36 Caliber: Same as above except even stronger

72 Caliber: Even stronger then that one.

280 Caliber: Triple the power of the one above!

720 Caliber: Can take down a mountain, period.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/images.jpg.b48202fb9cec27d69bf48eaff5d3de86.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15189" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/images.jpg.b48202fb9cec27d69bf48eaff5d3de86.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Is a very unshowable man with his emotions. But would love to be loved one day, to show the sweet romantic side of himself. <3 :)

He also loves pain and could take as much as possible, some say that he's even immortal when it comes to the word, pain.

A simple show boat:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/iimages.jpg.50d0f2fd2ad1d3f4c38ae556901a0420.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/iimages.jpg.50d0f2fd2ad1d3f4c38ae556901a0420.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Lost her name long ago... Goes by Raven now

Age: Looks like 19 but her real age is unknown

Sex: Female

Race: Demon

Class: Ex Royal

Personality: She is cold and brutal. She doesn't care about those around her and will laugh at the pain of others. She is sarcastic and very manipulative. Many men fall for her beauty and that is when she kills them. She loves the misery of her sister Demonia. She loves Lucifer though and has made it painfully obvious but he's also made it painfully obvious that he will never love her like he loves Hell, his Goddess of Darkness.

Other: She's Demonias sister but never got along with their parents. She ended up running away at 13 and her parents disowned her after that. They wanted nothing to do with her. She has been in hiding until recently.
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