Kingdom of Azriel


Hell's Angel

Age they look and actual age

Gender: Male, female, or not specified

Species: Can be any: Animal(some animals can speak), regular demon, dark elf, vampire, elf, fairy, etc.

Goes by slave, servant, commoner, noble, royal

Personality: What are they like? Do they have a specific quote they say a lot?

Abilities:(If any need to be specified)

Appearance: What do they look like?

Other: (I.N.)

This is the character sheet

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(Wasn't given a last name)


Looks - 17

Real - 212








Merideth is a very quiet and reserved person. She highly lacks emotion and it is extremely rare to see her show any. Being a very soft-spoken girl, Merideth doesn't let much bother her and she doesn't mind being bossed around; quite frankly she is used to it. Some would think she is mute because she can go for so long without the need to talk but Merideth does surprise others when she does speak; she usually says the weirdest/strangest things when she decides to speak. Basically, Merideth is a very mundane and emotionless girl who likes to keep to herself at all times.

Merideth loves the rain and often mimics the sound of rain dropping to the ground.

"Drip Drop..Plip Plop."





Servant of Prince Xeliran Icesong

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Name: King Axoret

Age: Looks about 25 but has lived for 586 years

Gender: Male

Species: Dark Elf

Class: King (so royal)

Personality: "By the blood of this land, I will destroy whoever dares lay a hand on me or my mistresses"

King Axoret is a cold, deadly tyrant that secretly breaks his own laws by sleeping around with his slaves. No one knows of his treason and he's planning on keeping it that way. He doesn't know how to treat women and constantly rapes his servants. His wife worries about him constantly but he doesn't care enough to show any sort of remorse for her sake. He is ruthless and treats commoners, servants, and slaves terribly. He can be arrogant, sarcastic, and for the most part, he's just a horrible person. He strikes fear in everyone he comes across but that only helps people worship him like a God which people do. Outsiders are astonished by how much he's treated like a God. Its almost as if he created this land himself and created everyone in it. He has a God Complex because of how people treat him.

Abilities: Can gain power from the fear and terror in the people around him. He can also manipulate the shadows from the darkness and use them to his advantage. For the most part, however, he doesn't use his powers often so most of his powers are unknown. He prefers fighting in hand to hand combat or sword fighting. He prefers melee rather than ranged because he can get up and close and get a front row seat as he watches his victim suffer. That's just his view on things. He tends to keep his wife out of it.


N/A; Basically told as much that is known about him. Well I should let people know that his great grandfather was the one that created the land. 
Name: Crowned Prince Xeliran Icesong

Age: Looks about 18 but has lived for 354 years

Gender: Male

Species: Dark Elf but he may be half

Class: Royal (Prince)

Personality: Xeliran is not like his father in any way, shape, or form. He isn't a tyrant and want the best in the people around him. He plans on becoming king and changing the way things are. His father doesn't plan on dying any time soon and he absolutely hates Xeliran's kind hearted spirit. He hates how respected Xeliran is. He keeps telling him to respect his dark elf ancestry. Xeliran doesn't think he has to be hated to be a dark elf but his father keeps telling him other wise. He treats his servants with respect. He's very kind unless he's angered in which he unleashes his true fury which his father adores. He can be very violent and aggressive towards the people around him. He hates when he's in these moods because he can't control himself. He hates his true self and tries to lock it away the best he can but sometimes, it does come out.

Abilities: Xeliran can take away the will of a person and bend them to his will. He doesn't use it often because no one pushes him around or anything. He can also control all 5 basic elements; Fire, water, air, earth, and spirit.


Other: Mother is unknown but he's supposedly Axoret's son. His wife raises Xeliran as her own but no one knows who his real mother is because of how many mistresses Axoret has. Axoret kept it secret from everyone and only he knows who the mother is. 
Name: Prince Exiriya

Age: Looks 18 but has lived for 246 years

Gender: Male

Species: Dark Elf

Class: Royalty

Personality: "Your just another girl I can use and abuse."

Being the actual son of the king and queen, he hates how Xeliran is the crowned prince. He is more like his father than his half brother and is a lot more accepted into the family than he is. Exiriya is cold, ruthless, and will do anything to become the crowned prince. Even if it means killing his brother. They aren't on good terms anyways but his one problem is that if people know its him that killed the prince, he will be killed for high treason. He uses and abuses his servants and treats them like property. He doesn't care for humans. He actually wished that every human would die and that their unnecessary to society.

Abilities: Basically the same as his father.


Other: N/A<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/sovereignty_by_las_t-d35uk00.png.b3c8df2dca7f7746dc96f9d5365f1010.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12269" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/sovereignty_by_las_t-d35uk00.png.b3c8df2dca7f7746dc96f9d5365f1010.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Animal Years - 21

Human Years - 105




Animal - Maned Wolf




Lixie has always been a rather reserved maned wolf, keeping to herself while in public and only really revealing a more laid-back side when in the presence of friends or allies. People seem to leave her alone more often than not, and she's just fine with that; it's better than being constantly hunted. She's one to take the option of flight rather than fight, and doesn't have the biggest sense of courage, running at the first sign of danger. Some have even gone so far as to say she's a 'doe in a maned wolf's body' with how fast she'll sprint away from a risky situation. She seems to have a sixth sense for danger, and if she runs, you'll know to run, too.


She has a human's intellect, meaning her thought process matches to that of a human and she is perfectly able to speak English. She also seems to have incredible speed whenever she's running.



-Lixilyn stands at no more than a meter {3'} in height.

-Her black-coated legs are long and spindly. She seems more agile than most others of her breed.

-The rest of her fur coat is a ginger orange.

-Her eyes are a bright yellow in color.



- - -




Dragon Years - 27

Human Years - 270






Commoner; Often summoned by the king for special procedures and offered special traveling freedoms in return.


Ze'Vien has always been a playful, fun-loving dragon who is deeply in touch with an out-of-body spectrum us humans could never achieve. The beads and feathers adorning his wings aren't just for show; Ze'Vien has a unique connection to the gods themselves that has only been achieved by the purest of heart and soul. Ze'Vien could never purposely injure someone, mainly because killing is a sin and should only be done under special circumstances, such as in hunting. At times, Ze'Vien will receive visions of sorts, flashes to future events that could be drastic to the kingdom or to the world - but it doesn't happen often at all. The king will summon him whenever he needs to connect and communicate with the gods and goddesses, and in return, has allowed Ze'Vien to be one of the dragons that lives within the kingdom rather than on it's outskirts, as well as travel outside of the kingdom into other regions. He's mostly welcomed by all races, since his connection to the gods and goddesses isn't limited to draconic deities.


Ze'Vien's spiritual connection to the gods and goddesses of the world could be considered a special ability. He also will sometimes practice in divination, and will very rarely obtain brief flashes to the future and knowledge on drastic events that may come in the future. He always makes sure to go to the king whenever this happens.


-Ze'Vien is very small compared to other dragons, standing at no more than 4' in height when standing on his feet.

-His scales are colored a deep red, and his wings seem to be speckled with small orbs of light that illuminate and make his wings into a dim, rather pretty light source.

-He has a creamy off-white underbelly.

-His eyes are a bright red-orange with crimson pupils, and his face is obscured by a bird's skull mask crested with feathers.

-He has small wing-like appendages cresting his head.

-He has various beads and feathers hanging from his illuminated wings, each used for various spiritual and protective reasons {luck, protection from evil, etcetera}.


I'm hoping it's alright to make Ze'Vien a consort to the king whenever he requires spiritual communication or connection. If you'd like me to change that, I'll do it without complaint.
Name: Usasiel(black hair) and Xredos(white hair)

Look about 20 but has lived for about 650 years

Gender: Male

Species: Vampires


Personality: Usasiel is cocky but knows the difference between right and wrong. He is kinder and more gentler of the two. He still feeds and enjoys it greatly and can be very violent when he doesn't get what he wants but he's gentler than say... Xredos, his childhood friend. Xredos, on the other hand, has more violent outburst then Usasiel. He enjoys having sex with innocent women and feeding on them. He's into a lot of kinky things that would be frowned upon if anyone knew about it. Usasiel knows but he won't tell anyone. Especially some of the things Xredos does involves him. They've had sex but refuse to speak of it. As long as everyone things their just friends, they can just continue with their lives and not worry about anything.

Abilities: Xredos has the ability to possess those around him which make it easy for him to seduce women. He can hypnotize women with just one look. Usasiel can mess around with peoples memories, add memories, or even erase them. This is what makes the two boys a perfect team.


Other: They grew up together and tend to call each other brothers. They are also two of the most respected soldiers for the king and the most trusted. Their actually the king's only trusted soldiers and plan on remaining that way. 
Name: Sarah Light

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Human


Personality: She is quiet, shy, and tends to hide when there are too many people around. The king is obsessed with her. Like more than normal. She is the king's mistress and he is absolutely in love with her because of her beauty. She is more beautiful than most humans. Not only is the king interested in her but also Prince Exiriya. She knows its wrong to be having sex with both men but she has grown accustomed to being treated roughly and at least she's not in her cell. She gets fed better than the other slaves because they want her to keep her beauty. She has a natural beauty to her that both boys cherish but she has a secret she can't tell either of them: she's pregnant and doesn't know who the father is. If she tells them, that means she has to tell them about each other because it could be either of their child. She is young, beautiful, smart, talented, fun to be around, laughable, and just a great girl all together. It would be a shame if she lost everything to the dark elves.

Abilities:(If any need to be specified)


Other: (I.N.) 
Name: Queen Elyra

Looks 22 but has lived for 512 years

Gender: Female

Species: Dark Elf


Personality: "You can touch me all you want but lay a hand on my animals, and your going to wish you were dead."

Elyra is kind to the core. She hates the king's ruthless tyranny but she loves him and knows he can change. She knows of his mistresses because she didn't give birth to Xeliran but can see some of her husband's genes within him. She has an infatuation with commoners but the king doesn't let her leave the palace walls because he's afraid she'll never come back. He hates to admit it but he's nothing without his Queen.

Abilities: She can speak and hear nature. When someone cuts down a tree, she feels the pain of the tree, both physically and mentally. The king got her all sorts of endangered and nearly extinct animals so she could protect. If anything harms them, she feels the pain. The pain is so excruciating that its almost like someone is ripping a piece of her away from her. She would rather be dead when she feels this pain.


Other: (I.N.)
Name: Semira

Age: 18

Age: 352

Gender: Female

Species: Hybrid


Class: Noble

Personality: Semira is like water. She is calm and tranquil but when the balance of wrath and tranquility it tampered with she reveals her true side as a siren. She doesn't enjoy hurting others and hates her parents for trying to keep her away from Xeliran. She tends to hang around water or Xeliran most of the time to hide away from her family and his. Semira hates cruelty and believes in balance and equality. She avoids servants and does things herself a lot.

Abilities: Semira can sing a very calming song luring the men who hear it. She can also reverse songs making them sound like nails on a chalkboard. She can walk on land in a human body but when she touches water she turns into the mermaid in the picture.



Other: Semira grew up with Xeliran who taught her how to somewhat control her blood lust causing her parents to hate him. In return for his help she sings her song to him so he doesn't turn into the furry he hates.
Name: Ash (No one knows if this is real name but his last name is unknown)

Looks 17 but has lived for 216 years

Gender: Male

Species: Elf


Personality: Ash is one with nature. He lives in the forest and only kills animals when he's hungry. For the most part, he gets along with the animals in the forest and even called Prince of the forest. He hasn't left the forest ever and lives within a hidden wood elf tribe. He actually leads the tribe. He is very good with children and teaches them how to shoot a bow.

Abilities: Similar to the queen's. Because he's so similar to the queen, some say he's the queen's illegitimate child who she abandoned in the forest after his birth because she didn't want the king to know that she had an affair.


Other: (I.N.) 

This is similar to the wood elf tribe that Ash belongs to and also leads. There are animals all around, mostly dire wolves but they easily tamed them so they wouldn't kill their tribe. They have scouts that hunt animals on the outskirts of their small little tribe. They get raided every so often but they always fight back. They are a group of skilled fighters. Even the children fight. They hope they don't have to involve the children but sometimes they have no choice. 
Name: Erikaxok Irondream (Goes by Erik)

Looks 28 but has lived for 875 years

Gender: Male

Species: Dark Elf


Personality: Erik is kind unlike his brother Axoret. He doesn't fear the laws nor death. He may be the older brother of Axoret but he was very weak as a child so he lost the right to the throne. he has two half elf children whom he had with his beautiful princess who died much to his grief. He doesn't let his past bother him too much. It gets him down too much and he hates the feeling of sadness.



Other: Erik fell in love with a half elf girl who died at the hands of his father whom he killed soon after.
Name: Nadia

Age: 19 but is 312

Gender: Female

Species: Wood Elf

Class: Royal

Personality: Nadia is sweet and kind to her people. She is friends with many human towns and elf tribes and frequently checks in on them.

Abilities: She can control plants and vines to restrain her foes.


Name: Zurtho

Age: 25 (437 years)

Gender: Male

Species: Dark Elf (Orc family upper in the family tree giving his unnatural build)

Class: Commoner (Armorer)

Personality: Very harsh, and unforgiving like the flames of his forge. Despises those who attack his morals, and character. Quick to kill if you cross him, insult him, or attempt to underpay/over charge him. Very protective of his slaves and property. Extremely loyal to the king as he produces the military's weapons in his shop. He has fought occasionally in actual battles, other than that is street experience (lots of it).

Abilities:( Can make weapons, and armor very well, skilled with his ax and knife.

Appearance: 6'6" 275lbs Many scars on his body from duels, hair in a braided mohawk to prevent scalping

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/kill.jpg.3354b2c5d086d7618d53ea6fbca65040.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12406" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/kill.jpg.3354b2c5d086d7618d53ea6fbca65040.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

5' Ax with 2.5' blade as well as a 2' Short sword on his hip

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Untitled.2.jpg.902d64d8085cdb77b905d9cb1220ad02.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Untitled.2.jpg.902d64d8085cdb77b905d9cb1220ad02.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Demonia Dragonfly

Age:195,000 but appears to be mid-twenties


Species:She is a combination of every known demon, so you could say she is an ultimate hybrid.

Class: Royal

Personality: Demonia is the Queen of Hell (or another area of hell,) she is cold and ruthless but she has a kind side to her from time to time, if you can catch her after a fight she is much calmer and can be very flirtatious. She has three children, two daughters and one son, her eldest daughter’s name is Duanna (her father was Demonia’s first husband), her second daughter’s (the middle child) name is Lilith (her father is demon hunter), and her son’s (the youngest) name is Nova (the son of a dog demon). Some immortals look down on Demonia since she goes into a slumber every 300 years and lives as a human until her mortal life ends. In this time as a human she has had lower demons serve her.

Quotes: “Bring me your armies, bring me your allies, bring your souls to me, bring me the blood that will fill my glass, bring me your lives that I will cut down with my blade and in the end you will become one of my servants in my army of the dead.” (said when she is on the battlefield)

“I’ll be your temporary angel if you be my forever devil.” (normally said when she is flirting)

Abilities: Can control fire, the dead, morph into shadows, she carries an orb at her side that holds the souls of humans that has tried to fight her, and in cases of extreme rage a darker and older presence takes over her body killing all things in her path.



Picture one is when she is being consumed by her darker half and the second photo is Demonia in her formal dress and is how she normally looks.

Other:She normally has a cold personality since her first love considered her dead after he found out that she the daughter to a king that had banished them to darker and more dangerous lands. Her second love was a demon hunter that stayed with her till their daughter was born then he went into hiding after taking their daughter, Demonia eventually found him and killed him but their daughter Lilith was fifteen and already had a deep hatred for her mother so this only caused Demonia to become colder and more hateful. As for the third man that she had a relationship with was merely to have a strong child. Demonia still has some hope that she may find true love and a king to help her rule her kingdom.

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Name - Red Uchiha

Age - 17

Gender - Male

Species - Experiment Demon

Class - Noble

Personality - A fun loving guy that thinks things should go in a happy way. He may not look like it, but he is a very terrible and tough opponent in a fight and he wants it to make it fun. He has taught himself how to live through the most deadly maneuvers that no normal human can live through. He is pretty difficult to kill and is always trying to hide something when somebody asks him about his past. He prefers to stay in his human form for if he turns into his demonic form, he is a totally different man.

Abilities - Uses darkness to hide, hurt, or confuse his enemies

Apperance - <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/WIN_20140122_162025.JPG.57623edbcd4fcc3b4aa7b613f002f623.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12396" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/WIN_20140122_162025.JPG.57623edbcd4fcc3b4aa7b613f002f623.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Others - He likes to read books a lot especially if they are a history type. People would normally see him reading spell books so he can practice his dark powers for new moves or strategies. He only wields two weapons; a scythe for long, medium, or close range attacks, and a sword for close range or a backup weapon.



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Name: Violet Eden

Age: Looks 17 but has lived for nearly 10,000 years

Gender: Female

Species: Fairy


Personality: Violet can be timid, and a loner when surrounded by a lot of people at once but for the most part, she's kind and loving towards all creatures. She is benevolent unlike most fairies that are very mischievous and enjoy the misfortune of others. She gets along with her fairy friends and will protect them with her life.

Abilities: None at this moment


Other: Violet has never met her mother but her father has always told her that her mother left after she was born. Because of that, she has grown a hatred for her mother which, for all she knows, could be dead. She lives in the capital but whenever she runs off, she hides in the forests with the other fairies. Her father has never known where she runs off to but he knows that she will come back in a few days so he gives her space. Being a fairy himself, he wants to reject his fairy self so he never told Violet what she was but she found out when she turned thirteen, the first time she ran away. She got to a forest and a man grabbed her. She thought he was going to kill her but when he found out she wasn't a threat, he released her. She was so scared that her fairy wings appeared. He was stunned but Violet didn't seem to know what they were so the man explained that she was a fairy. Since then, she's gone to the forest whenever she's upset so she can be around those of her own kind. She remembers the man explaining that fairies were now rare in the area because a lot of fairies have become sterile over time one way or another. She's still fertile which is why she's adored by the fairies around her. Despite her old age, she has kept her beauty over time which is another reason why she is adored by the other fairies. 

RedUchiha said:
Name - Red Uchiha
Age - 17

Gender - Male

Species - Experiment Demon

Class - Noble

Personality - A fun loving guy that thinks things should go in a happy way. He may not look like it, but he is a very terrible and tough opponent in a fight and he wants it to make it fun. He has taught himself how to live through the most deadly maneuvers that no normal human can live through. He is pretty difficult to kill and is always trying to hide something when somebody asks him about his past. He prefers to stay in his human form for if he turns into his demonic form, he is a totally different man.

Abilities - Uses darkness to hide, hurt, or confuse his enemies

Apperance - View attachment 37854

Others - He likes to read books a lot especially if they are a history type. People would normally see him reading spell books so he can practice his dark powers for new moves or strategies. He only wields two weapons; a scythe for long, medium, or close range attacks, and a sword for close range or a backup weapon.


Theaphonora--Thea for short.


Looks: 25

Real: 3,006

Gender: Female


Dragon-- Void


Commoner, usually needed for healing or magical energies for certain missions or expeditions.


Thea is a wise, very young Void dragon. She is rather radiant with energetic activities, playful and will do anything to keep a positive attitude. But the dark spaces can call her name for as long as it wants... Since she fills those spaces with a story or life, Thea tries hard to do so by expanding her knowledge until she can't even think another thing learnable. Other than that, Thea loves to fly... But it is very odd how she does so, due to her species. Anyways, freedom is key for her, and fighting is not so much of her specialty, but she's had experience.Some might think her fighting skills are terrible, but when she's really mad, Thea can do some serious damage-- no joke.


"Come, come my friends... Let the ancient magics fill you with power you have never known... For it will direct you in the path of righteousness and justice."

"I may not be a good fighter.. I may not be a sturdy flyer.. But I can surely distort your soul."


Absorber: Thea has the ability to absorb any magic that she knows of, and use it against her enemies.

Sonic Teleporter: When flying, if she reaches the speed of 270mph, she will teleport a certain distance under her control and amplify the speed to 2,000mph.

Rage: When mad enough, ancient magics will be summoned upon you...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/dragon_of_void_by_gryffion-d58t83i.png.164699a0be590f2d70faad83ba8abd67.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12397" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/dragon_of_void_by_gryffion-d58t83i.png.164699a0be590f2d70faad83ba8abd67.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Theaphonora's way of flight is more of a glide, and when landing it is as if she is a dragonfly. Her flight is mostly powered by magics.



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Name: Duanna Dragonfly

Age:32,500 appears 15


Species: Hellion (from her father’s side, born in Hell human)

Class: Royal

Personality: “I will rule with the kindness that my teacher has taught me and I shall share the love that my mother has given me”Duanna is nicer than her mother, whenever she has a chance to step in and take control of the kingdom she’ll leave the castle and converse with the villagers to see what things need to be improved and what they would like to change. Duanna has learned a lot of her kindness from her teacher Sephrith who is an old friend to her mother. She knows of her father and how he hurt her mother, it is the only bit of darkness that she has in her heart.

Abilities: she has some but prefers a blade and fists instead of magic and trickery.



She hopes that one day her mother will open her heart again and become the kind person that she once was, all Duanna know of her mother's kindness is what she has read in stories and documents that were made long before her birth.

Name: Lilith Draco (he father’s last name)

Age: 16,250 likes to make herself appear as 18 (ages slightly fast than her Hellish siblings since her father was human)


Species: Half Demon

Class: Royal by blood but prefers to mistaken for a commoner or guard

Personality: She has a deep hatred for demons but an even greater hatred for her mother who she is trying to kill in order to avenge her father who was killed by her mother Demonia. She is a fighter for humans and an enemy to demons. She follows in the footsteps of her father by slaying demons.

“So what if you are a demon, I am the hunter and you are the prey. I now have you in my sight and you will pay for the wrongs that you have done.” (she says this to those that she kills but if this character is accepted she will only be hunting Demonia and no one else)

Abilities: She can control fire and air but since the power is from her mother’s side she refuses to use it unless it is on Demonia, if she does fight she uses her bow, her sword or her whip. She can also change her age and the way she looks



She was raised by her father and his wife and had two loving half siblings. She never knew that she was a princess of Hell until her mother had shown up and demand that Lilith be returned to her. She was pretty much an adult, already eighteen so she grabbed her weapons and pointed an arrow at Demonia and told her to leave. Lilith had become very confused when she saw tears in Demonia's eye, she didn't know how to respond and as lilith's father went to push her back into the house Demonia had struck him down in anger. Lilith tried to attack Demonia but her speed was to quick and she was knocked out. When she wok up she saw her home had been burnt down and her family was killed, she saw that there was a note left for her and as she read it she found out who she really was but it didn't subside her anger that she felt towards her mother and since that day has sworn revenge against all demons. (might even be on a wanted list of some sort for killing so many demons along with some royal families of demons.) She has many scars from the battles that she has been in and she isn't afraid to let them show (couldn't find a photo with scars)

Name: Nova Dragonfly

Age: 1,000 looks 10


Species:Dog demon

Class: Royal

Personality:Nova is very playful and like to run around. His favorite thing to do is hide so he doesn’t have to go do his studies. He is the only one that can really make Demonia’s heart melt. He also likes to go into his dog form and curl up on his mother’s lap and fall asleep to her singing.

“Hurt my mommy and I’ll rip your heart out and feed it to my pet Cerberus then you might understand the pain that my mother has felt.”

Abilities: currently he can only turn into a dog



He is very protective of his mother even though he is very young. He has heard of the aching that his mother feels from her first love and heard how the kingdom had gained the name Kingdom of Sorrow since his mother did not stop crying until she had died in the process of wanting to protect her love from her best friend. The stories say that Demonia died more from a broken heart than the blade that had pierced into her. After Nova had heard these stories he swore to protect his mother even if it kills him.

Name: Sephrith (last name lost through time)

Age: 194,800 but appears to be 28


Species: Immortal

Class: Knight

Personality: Sephrith is kind and was once a human that had fought against Demonia but had gained immortality after defeating her. He soon became her best friend but he could see that it was hard for Demonia to be nice and warm up to him, it was after a few hundred years of knowing Demonia that she had gone missing after a war had broke out and she had lost her kingdom, the kingdom had been reclaimed by Demonia's father but Demonia had remained missing. three years after her disappearance they had use a spell to summon her soul to see if she was still alive. When Sephrith had seen Demonia again he could see that she had grown kinder and after the soul spell ended he left hell and returned to the world above to see how things were. Next time that he had returned he had gone to see Demonia and saw that she was crying and this made him angry since he had never seen her cry. He went to get revenge on the person that had hurt her so easily and just when he was about to give the person the finishing blow Demonia had stepped in and took the attack, she soon passed on, it wouldn't be till many hundred years later that Sephrith would see Demonia again.

Abilities: skilled with swords and magic



He is a sparring teacher to Duanna and Nova. He also pretty much raised Duanna and helped rule the kingdom as an adviser until Demonia had returned or Duanna had become of age to take the throne. Demonia blames him for the kindness that Duanna has but also thanks him for keeping Duanna safe.

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Name: Nettle

Age: Looks 14, is 14

Gender: Female

Species: Can be any: Human

Class: Runaway slave

Personality: Nettle is a small shy girl. She is quite nimble. She has been living on her own hiding in the forest from almost anyone that passes by. She had almost no contact with others since her father was captured. He escaped with her shortly after she was born and hid her away in the forest where she grew up learning how to fend for herself. She learned to fear anyone who could turn her in.

Abilities: Climbing, Running, Listening


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/575x700_2769_Elfi_2d_fantasy_elf_woman_girl_magical_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.8dc7003044575e3e534ee023103e7903.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12697" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/575x700_2769_Elfi_2d_fantasy_elf_woman_girl_magical_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.8dc7003044575e3e534ee023103e7903.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Eris Vial

Age: 20 (3,078)

Gender: Female

Species: Blood witch

Class: Royal

Personality: She offten hides the fact she is a blood witch and the only people that know are Nadia and the vampire brothers (that's what she offten calls them) she is sweet to her protectors unless they mess up and she can rip them apart with her claws.

Abilities: Can do various things with her blood but the most effective is conjuring blood demons

Other: Made a deal with the vampire brothers and will never look anyonein tthe eyes unless she is wearing something over her eyes.



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  1. Name: Jun

    Age: 13

    Species: Human

    Personality: He is a boy that listens to whoever orders him, and is often tricked. He is often best by his slave owner. This has led him to be quiet, weak, and not outgoing. Being human, he isn't appreciated by his slave owners. My iPhone doesn't allow pictures, sorry.
    Abilities: None
    Appearance: Thin, with bones showing through his skin. He has long hair, down to the neck. He has a bandage over his face. His back is full of scars, and sometimes bleeds. He has a little robe going across his chest, with robe like pants. His eyes are a startling gray.
    Other: Can I RP his owner as well?




75,442 years old, appears in his early twenties




Shadow Demon


Royal Guard


On the surface, Damian is as cold as ice as he never breaks eye contact while speaking, never smiles and just doesn't seem to react to emotional stimuli as a whole. When he does speak it's monotone and calculated, sounding like the words of a machine coming out of a living mouth though more often than not he keeps his silence unless spoken to by a person he considers to have reign over him -- a select few hold this position. He's not utterly dead in the emotional department as he has shown signs of feeling in the past though they were as muted can be -- a flash of anger or sadness in his eyes, a brief smile on his lips. Besides these split second moments, the rest of his time is devoted to Her Majesty and nothing more.


  • Shadow Manipulation - The ability to manipulate shadows around him, changing them into solid materials that move with his will and acts like a 6th sense for him to feel around with. He's been known to be quite deadly with this ability, many assailants of the demon royalty's family finding their own shadows killing them before they could even try and harm their targets.
  • Demon Straps - Unlike his shadow manipulation, the strange straps that adorn his clothing aren't part of any natural powers he has and don't seem to be fully under his control. They seem to have a life of their own, unbuckling themselves from their wearer and latching on to dear life to anything that gets too close. The results can vary from strangulation to having their soul sucked out though since nobody seems to survive it's hard to say what's truth or lies.
  • Shadow Body - A separate power from his ability to control shadows, this power has to do with the changing of his own body. Parts of his body turn pitch black, his cold blue eyes turning red from the change. These parts of his body are tougher than stone and often morph his features, his hands growing claws, his legs melding into black tendrils and leathery wings protruding from his back. Despite their toughness these changed part of his bodies are able to lash out and stretch from his body, easily able to reach out several feet before stopping. He rarely uses this power and never fully changes for one reason or another.


Other -

Despite his apparent age, his actual history is kept very 'hush hush'. To this date, the only person who knows of his background is the queen of the demonic royals herself.


Name: Lucius

Age: 25(Actually 15,000)

Gender: Male

Species: Angel

Class: Noble


"May what is from hell -- Stay in hell."

One of heaven's angels sent down to destroy evil.

He helps return souls to hell, and destroy loose demons.

Helps those who are judged by him righteous, in order to help them go to heaven.


Can fly, highly skilled with his sword

Can perform forms of light magic (Walls, Blasts, Shields, etc.)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Angel.jpg.4d9f7c51c2dc794e02cfae4c4143dddd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12720" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Angel.jpg.4d9f7c51c2dc794e02cfae4c4143dddd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: (I.N.)

Blade is nearly indestructible working as a shield and weapon

The Sword is also blessed in order to cut demons who are not even physically solid, and cause a nearly unheal-able burn.

Occasionally works with Axius though trying to help

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ ****************************************************************************************************************************************

Name: Axius Sicarius

Age: 21 (9,753 years)

Gender: Male

Species: Dark Elf

Class: Noble


Part of a clan of Assassin who are based out of Azriel, as it is the only place where they can practice openly on the commoners.

He is loyal to the highest price, except to those who are part of clan, and his family though most have died by now.

When fighting can turn into quite a sadist often going for the slow kill than the quick guarantee, which can be his weakness, especially since he absorbs the life force out of his victims and quite enjoys the feeling.

Though he is trained well in weaponry, he excels in the arcane as he has so much life force from those he has killed.


The advanced dark magic is his specialty. This includes: portals, mind reading or controlling (Results vary with opponent), Energy draining, and dark energy manipulation


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/HMM.jpg.e5e7abf523292add6fabb299a543f07a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12722" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/HMM.jpg.e5e7abf523292add6fabb299a543f07a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Friends with Lucius though despises how merciful he can be.

His clan is very loreful and surrounded in rumor, know one knows truly who they are, what they look like, what their symbol is, orwhere they are from except themselves.



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Name: Misaki (Misa) Norimiko

Age: is 12,017 but looks 17

Gender: Female

Race: Angel

Class: Noble

Personality: Misaki is sweet and energetic, and never says a cold word to anyone. She's always ready for anything. Most people underestimate Misa, but underneath her sweetness, she is fierce and clever, not hesitating to take risks or step in harm's way. She's incredibly stubborn, and can be quite fearsome.

Ability: Can move incredibly swiftly and silently while on her feet and when flying.




Name: Takashi Kiramo

Age: is 18,019 but looks of 19

Gender: Male

Race: Pureblood Vampire

Class: Royal

Personality: Laid back kind of guy. Always up for a scrap, and often found kicking back in chilled slumber. He's funny and doesn't get scared very quickly. He is fierce and loyal to his friends. He will tell you what he thinks of you right to your face, even though you may not like it.

Abilities: fire, ice, and healing.

Other: He doesn't talk about his past.



Accepted as you know

Name: Serien Elsiniath

Age: Looks 22 but really 13,567 years old

Gender: Male

Race: High Elf

Class: Noble

Personality: He is very over protective of his younger sister despite how much of a fighter she is. He can be very serious but he can also be very fun to be around. He can be very cold but can also be very kind. The only girl he will ever love is his baby sister.

Abilities: Unknown


Name: Eriath Elsiniath

Age: Is 12,563

Gender: Female

Race: High Elf

Class: Assassin/Noble

Personality: She's a killer with a killer's heart. She is very cold and aggressive towards people she doesn't like but when it comes to her big brother, she is fun to be around. She will laugh a lot with her brother. He will be the only man she would ever truly love.

Abilities: Psychic (She knows what people are thinking and can also predict the future and see the past. Usually she's right unless its blocked from her sight). She can also give terrible, fake memories to people, erase memories, give memories, and see the memory of others. Oh and she can take control over others.


Other: These two siblings have been close with each other since Eriath was born. The two are insperable. They have been on the run Eriath was 13 years old. They were sick of being treated differently. Their parents even pushed them into being something they were not. They ran away from the elven homelands and found the Kingdom of Azriel as a result. At that point, Eriath was an assassin and would kill people and then making it look like an accident or putting the blame on someone else. The two have been hidden in the shadows since that day.
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Name: Harrison sobotish

Age: Looks: 28 actual age: 28

Gender: Male

Species: Human.

Class: Noble, close to royalty. If possible

Personality: Harrison is a bit of a snob. He can truly be a bastard for most of the time, and not to mention conniving. He’s also a hopeless romantic, as soon as he sees someone he likes he falls in love. Not to undermine the fact he is educated, he can see ways to sabotage relationships.

Abilities: educated, so tricky, and saboteur


Are you still accepting? 
If you are, I do have two possible character ideas. 
How 'bout I just post the charries and ya see how ya like them, yeah? They'll be up shortly.
Name: Kit (nickname is kitten)

Age: 20 (real age unknown)

Gender: Male

Species: Cat Demon

Class: guard/servant

Personality: Was one very nice and kind until he fell into hell and he became something new, cold and ruthless. He no longer cared that her had a love beside him and a son. When he returned to his family his son tried to greet him and Kit picked up his and threw him across the room putting him into a coma, he left his home and traveled for many years before coming to Azriel and joining the patrol guard. His has been in the service of the king for about 100 years now.

Abilities: He can control water.



Other: His past is connected to Lilith (his love)

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