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Fandom Kingdom Hearts: Sinful

Tale prickled with dislike over their appointed task. She crossed her arms and hung a little away from her teammates. "This is ridiculous." Tale said after she couldn't comes to terms with Tansa's orders. Or the fact that Oscar seemed serious about going along with them. She paced in a semi-circle, never venturing too far. "Maybe we should be finding ways to stop him instead of doing his bidding." Tale frowned. She knew they weren't skilled enough to take Tansa on directly. And she had no brilliant ideas of her own. Tale continued pacing. Her heels clicked harshly against the pavement. "I don't care what we do, as long as it's not what this guy wants."

She wanted a loophole. Tale had always been a fan of loopholes. Although in this scenario, it was difficult to see a way out. "If we could just get a little stronger..." She trailed off.

"Split up?" Tale repeated with skepticism. She looked at Ren. "How do you propose we contact each other if it comes to that?"
Liu growled she was furious, "Who does this Master Tanza think he is? I will not take orders from that monster." She wouldn't admit it but she agreed with Tale. They should be trying to kill Tanza and rescue Dione. She hated that she wasn't strong enough to take him down the second he was in front of her. Liu clenched her fists as they shook with immense anger. Her fury was just, but she knew that there was no choice. Dione's life depended on her to follow Tanza's orders. She turned her head and hissed, "this is all his fault. I should have killed him the second he appeared. That damned Ira." She stewed in her anger when she heard Ren speak.

She perked up and shouted "I'll go with Ren!" Embarrassed by the sudden outburst she tried to smooth it over. "We can shoot a beam of energy if we find something or need help. Then we know the location and get there. I'll go with Ren since my tracking skills are the best." Her face was a little red, but she thought she smoothed it over nicely.
Forgive me fellow roleplayers but as you have realized i have grew tried of this roleplay. I am sorry for wasting your time.

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