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Fandom Kingdom Hearts: Sinful

Oscar looked at Liu and brushed the comment off. "You are being paranoid, His world was devoured by darkness...and it was just by chance he landed in the Ivory Castle's courtyard." He said with slight sarcasm. Oscar did believe it was quite odd, Why the castle? Of all the places, Of all worlds...Why here? His thoughts were interrupted by Tale's Teachers pet comment. "Maybe I am the teachers pet Tale. I have know her the longest." He then gave her a smug grin "But I'm so cool I can't be the teachers pet! Look at me!"

Oscar knew his head was up his own ass at the moment but as long as he was pissing Tale off he was happy to do it. He liked Tale but messing with her was to much fun. He sees Tale as the only other person who thinks before they act. Ren might think before his actions but he might be scare to act on them and Liu was a instinct fighter. Oscar assumes it just flows naturally for her. Oscar then made his way to the courtyard where he found Ren. He looked around and asked "Were is the Master and Ira?"

Dione looked at the young man, barely a adult breakdown and cry. This touched her heart so much that her big blue eyes started to water and she started crying too! She bent down and gave him a hug, Her chest embracing him. "It's alright! Let it all out dear!" She cried, her cheeks now red.

Tansa stepped out of the darkness silently like a assassin. The stoic look on his aged face gave chills to all who met him. He was a man in his late 50's but appeared to be in his late 40's. Dione her self knew she was almost 40 but looked no more older then 30 herself. That was the good genes of the Iscariot family. Dione looked down and saw his pupil crying. His face did not change but anger flared in his brown eyes. He was disgust, The weakness of tears made him question Ira's own abilities.
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Tale strode through the hallways at a measured pace. She didn't have to be anywhere in a hurry. Her boots clicked on the floor. Tale paused mid-step on her way to the courtyard. She drew to the nearest window and peered out. There wasn't anything out of the usual. She frowned. The weird feeling of paranoia she had died down after a moment and she quickly dismissed it. Tale ventured outside. It seemed Ren and Oscar had the same idea as her to train. Ren looked a little ragged. She quirked an eyebrow at him. Had that happened during training or somewhere else? Someone should have warned Ira that messing with Ren would tick Liu off. But then, most things did.

Tale stood by to access Ren's mastery of the Keyblade. She crossed her arms and tried to compare and contrast their styles. "So, what do you guys think about Ira?" Tale glanced in Oscar's direction. He always seemed to have an opinion on everything. "You spoke to him too, right Ren? Did he open up any?" She looked at the water entities for a moment. Tale shifted backward to give Ren more space to maneuver.

"Dione's going to take him in if she hasn't already." Tale said. She wondered if their master had any reservations about the stranger. "I think she has a thing for strays."
Ren took a second to defeat the water sprit before answering Oscar and Tale’s questions. He beat it with relative ease Ren liked to think that he wasn’t a terrible fighter. When facing something that couldn’t kill him. He was too afraid to fight any other time, that’s actually one of the main reasons Ren went with Dione, to become a more courageous person, that didn’t happen. Ren turned towards Oscar, his keyblade disappearing in a flash of light. “I don’t know, I saw Dione head back into the castle after she summoned the sprits, and Ira just went back in too, maybe to talk with Dione? Why do you as-” Before Ren could finish his sentence the sound of windows breaking that could be heard from the castle, shortly followed by waves of thick overwhelming darkness coming out of the castle from the windows. The deep roar of a beast could be heard from inside the castle, the ground was shaking, an earthquake maybe, or maybe the planet shaking in fear of what's in that castle. What ever is in there sounds like it just crawled out of hell itself. Ren shook, barley able to stand. He looked around for everyone; Oscar and Tale were the only ones is the courtyard. But that means that Liu and Dione where still in the castle. “Liu! Liu!” Ren ran into the castle yelling her name.

Ira collapsed into Dione. “I'm so sorry you have to see me like this. Its just that when they asked about my home world I- I- I-.” Ira swallowed the words back in. “I just can’t say. God I must look pathetic. Thank you, thank you for all you have done so far.” In a soft low tone he said. “You have made it so easy.” Ira’s smile grew as the tears stopped running from his eyes. “So easy.” Those words slid off Ira’s tongue as well as his fingers slid into Dione’s side. Each finger of both hands knuckles deep. No vitals were hit but it still hurts like hell. Ira stood up and jumped backwards. “Such a sucker for a sap story. You made it so easy, you and your heart. Both of you have such exploitable weaknesses it hilarious.” Ira started to shudder, his fingers twitching; spazing would be a better word. Ira’s head jerked up ward. “Can we riiiiiip her now? Pretty please?” “Yes Ira, we can riiiiiip her.” Darkness started seeping from his skin floating up wards and disappearing a foot above him. He let out a roar as a wave of darkness exploded from him darkness that could be felt from that close a distance. “Time to rip her.” Ira lunged at Dione with the intent to maul her with his hands.
Liu watched as Ira continued to cry she rolled her eyes. This isn't worth my time, this man is path-. Liu thoughts stopped as a cold aura took over the room. She sundered at the cold something dark was approaching. Liu stiffened her body tense for what was about to come. She looked out for the source of the darkness, I couldn't be. Suddenly she watched as Ira jabbed his fingers into Dione, inside her! Liu was shocked and surprised, what power was this? She didn't have time to dwell upon it though. She saw him jump back and began to twitch and talk to himself.

Suddenly he lunged towards Dione again, "Oh no you don't!" Liu shot out from the small draining hole she had been hiding in and tackled Ira to the ground. She pinned him down and began to punch him in the face. "Like hell your gonna hurt her!" With every word her fist came crashing down into his face. Slamming his head to the floor she raised her arm. A keyblade appeared, black and white twisted together into one. Rage in her eyes she glared down at him "I will kill you." The point of the keyblade fell toward Ira's chest.

(sorry I've been walking around all day)
Oscar watched Ren fight, He fought better when his life wasn't in danger like most people. Tale walked up to them both, She seemed to be studding Ren, Analyzing his flaws and advantages in his fighting style. Tale then ask another question about Ira still pry into him. Was it the mystery of the boy that bothered him. She still didn't trust him and Oscar was questioning his motives as welll since he brush the questions off earlier. "Don't know really, He may just be suffering from shock or he just really doesn't want to talk about the life he just lost. Still you should keep a eye on him, Like i said before of all places why the ivory castle?" He pondered. He didn't want Ira thinking everyone was watching him.

Ren then responded to Oscar's question but before he could finish he was cut off by a powerful roar, Something that shook the castle. He heard the windows shatter as he turned around quickly, Eyes wide open as a rode of light and mist appears in his hand and a light blue keyblade is left behind also know as Diamond Dust. Darkness then spewed out of the broken windows as if they were chimneys. "Ira!" He said as he grit his teeth. He didn't want to run in blind but Dione and Liu were in there and adrenaline was pumping. He ran towards the castle, Keyblade in hand ready to strike down any foe he encountered.

Dione didn't see it coming, A sneak attack. Ira, The boy she was hugging had just struck her. She gripped her side as she tried to get thing straighten out. 'What just happened?' She thought. As she stood up she saw Ira was coming in for another attack filled by darkness but was interrupted by Liu. Dione smiled as she summoned her Keyblade.(Redemption) "Cu-" Dione felt her hand being grip by the stern hand, A iron grip she remembers from 2 decades ago. Her face turned and looked at her own person devil. Tansa Iscariot, Her father.

"Hello Dione, It's been so long...You grown to become such a beautiful woman...but alas you have become so soft" He said coldly. "Playing house mother to a bunch of orphaned children." He summoned his keyblade (Dark salvation) and used it to strike her in the face sending her flying through a door. He then nonchalantly turned to Ira and said "If you can handle a simple thrashing beast as that you will no longer be worthy to serve me." He then vanished and put a force filled up so no one could interrupt him and Dione's battle.

Oscar mad it to were the darkness originated from to see a force field up and Liu punching Ira. "What the fuck is going on her!"
Tale folded her arms above her head to shield herself from the glass. Oscar geared into action a moment before she did. She brushed the busted glass fragments from her clothes. Tale glanced at Ren to see if he would follow and ran. A white Keyblade with feathers sprouted into her fist as she sprinted toward the source of the sound. Liu called it then. Ira was a double agent. Tale gritted her teeth. What she couldn't figure out was why. What was his motive? Was there anything in the Ivory castle worth taking? Tale caught a glimpse of Ocasr and rushed to reach him. If Liu was in trouble, they had to get to her.

She caught up to Oscar after a moment. Tale glanced at the force field. She took a step toward it and stopped. It looked too advanced for her to destroy. Tale turned toward Liu. It seemed like the girl had things under control with Ira. For the moment. "I'm going to kill him." Tale said and seriously considered it. She stepped around Oscar and pointed Flight of Fancy at Ira. "Who's in that force field with Dione? And while we're at it, who are you really?"

Tale tightened her grip on the Keyblade. "None of us even really trusted you, you know. If Dione did, it's because she's a nice person. We aren't."
((Ok so, I just lost a lot of progress on what I was going to post. Like I had it done, then I lost it all. So my post is coming a lot later today cos im not dealing with this bullshit this early in the morning. (This bullshit being how I lost it all and now I have to redo it all, It was a really big post too. GHAAAAA!)))
((Sorry this took so long))

Ira took it upon himself to have a conversation with himself while getting punched by Liu. “Ira, who does this girl think she is?” “I don’t know Ira. Some one important.” “She doesn’t punch like she’s important.” “Then maybe I was mistaken. Shall we rip her?” “Soon Ira… soon.” Before the final strike was make with Liu’s keyblade Ira’s head jerked up and caught the keyblade with his teeth. As he bit down there was a cracking sound and a few cracks appeared in the keyblade. “Overdrive.” Two small blue transparent clocks appeared on the back of Ira’s hands. He then vanished and reappeared standing in front of Liu. “Now I can take you both on. But before that, if any of you would like to join my side I would be more then happy to take you under my wing.” Ira then looked right at Tale. “Everything I said was true. My home world was taken by the darkness and sooner or later I found myself here.” Ira walked right up to the force field, a few feet from Tale. “I was told not to kill any of you but ya know. I would be more then happy to bring you back with me. Everything I said about you was true. You are my angel, and you belong with me in my bed.” Ira licked his lips once he was finished and store down Tale. “Such a prideful look. I should take you with me and teach you a few things about being humble.” Ira walked away from the field and faced Dione and Liu. He blurred out for a second but then came back into vision. But his cloths where ripped and tattered and his face had a few scars on it too. He took a “come at me bro” stance and darkness started flowing from him again. “This is the one.”

Ren could only watch as the events unfolded. His legs were shaking and so was his keyblade. The darkness coming from Ira was overwhelming him. He knew it, he knew it as he was running here, he had no chance of winning. He thought of this while he watched Liu punched him over and over again. Maybe she can do it after all? No, not when faced up with a monster. But then we watched as he harassed Tale and that was the breaking point. He grabbed the plague doctor mask that he always keeps on his belt loop put it on and instantly stopped shaking. “Get back here you jerk!” Ren took up his keyblade (dive wing) and started slashing at the force field, he didn’t know what he would succeed in by doing this but he had no other option
Liu glared as he bit her key blade. At first she thought he was crazy, but then it cracked. It fucking cracked. Suddenly he vanished and began popping around to the others. What the hell is this guy! She stood up and glared with curiosity and furious anger. She was taken aback by his power, it was stronger than her's and he was faster than her. However she sure has hell wasn't going to back down, even if he was way out there.

She growled in anger she hated the whole situation. "This is why people should pay attention to me!" She looked at her key blade. She was going to need to repair it soon, but now she is gonna put this guy into the ground. She growled at Ira, her eyes were glowing red with rage. Through gritted teeth she turned to Tale"Next time, we leave 'em for dead." She gave a toothy smile and turned her head back to Ira. Pointing to him she took a heroic pose and shouted "I don't care what you can do or who you are. I will bury you."
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((I didn't comment on this when I should have but im am really happy that Ira's battle theme is enter the darkness (Vanitas's Battle theme. Also I misspoke in my last post. Ira is on the side of the force field that the other kids are on and not the side that Dione is on. Woops. Just pretend I said and did all that stuff on the side of the force field I was supposed to be on... sorry. Also I won't be able to post until much later today))
Tale gripped her Keyblade with both hands to prevent ricochet. She fired shot after shot at Ira. "You let the same Darkness that destroyed your world into your heart?" Tale tightened her grip on her Keyblade. She gritted her teeth. Tale synchronized her strikes with Liu. She covered any opening for counterattacks with magic. Against her, Oscar, and Liu, Ira was outnumbered and outclassed. The man behind the barrier however. His presence unsettled her on a whole other level. "How the hell does someone even rationalize that?" Tale sprinted at Ira. She struck anywhere it seemed like he was vulnerable.

Tale scoffed at Liu's comment. She smiled. "How was Dinoe supposed to know? Not everyone has a radar for crazy people like you do."

Ira was one of the more intense fighters had Tale faced before. She had the sudden insight that the man in the barrier might be his mentor. "I have a few potions." Tale said. She glanced at Liu and Oscar to see if they were okay.
Oscar gripped his keyblade tight, He looked past the imposing Ira and passed the barrier at the man who was fighting Dione...Tansa. They were fast, Way beyond there level but he turn his eyes back to Ira. He had to be dealt with first. "Ira,You know you should take up acting because you played a weak little bitch like a pro." Oscar looked at Tale and gave them a nod. "I will attack first and you get him from the back. Be quick!" he whispered to Tale. Oscar ran at Ira ready to take him on with all he had. "Liu! Let's get this guy! Ren follow Tale's lead!" He lowered his keyblade and when he got to Ira he raised his weapon with the intent to hit him in the jaw.

Dione fought with all her might but her former Master was he Superior. There keyblades clashed and sparks flew. She fired blast of freezing ice and he retorted with blazing flames. He knocked her into a wall ad she quickly jumped of it, Dress in shreds and burnt. She tore it of and revealed a white jump suit. She slashed at Tansa with all she had screaming remembering all the things he made her do and all the lives she took, The friends she lost. "Why are you here!"

Tansa smiled, "Now there is the girl i fostered into adulthood, Striking with all the intent to kill me." He blocked her attack but the force sent him into the barrier. It cracked under the pressure but wasn't broken. Tansa cracked his neck vanished and one word was whispered as darkness felled the room."Tri-Thundaga" Lighting came at Dione from 3 sides...She felled down screaming in pain and stunned unable to move. Tansa stood over her smirking. "You ask why...You hold the one of the two final keys and your student will be the ones to unlock the keyholes to Hel." He said with a wicked voice. "I will send them across worlds to slay 7 and once that is done i will personally destroy them."

Dione wanted to scream, A tear fell from her eye as she knew she couldn't help them. "Don't..." Was all she could say.

Tansa laughed, "Ira will be finishing them of soon, Pray he doesn't go to far."https://www.rpnation.com/javascript:void(null)

Ira held up his arm as one by one blacked Tale's shots with his palm. Each time a shot hit his hand there was a small explosion, the force making Ira's hair flow backward and his coat follow suit. But Ira himself stood unmoved, smiling. “Is that really it? Please don’t tell me that’s it. Also I take slight offence to that crazy comment, giving in to the darkness was the best thing I had ever done. It would be a wise if you did the same.” Ira started walking forward towards the group.

Ren was shaking in his boots. Whoever this guy was just took all of Tale’s shots and grabbed Liu’s keyblade with his teeth. What kind of monster were they fighting? Ren griped his keyblade as best as he could so it wouldn’t shake out of his hands. Then he heard Oscar calling him, telling him to attack with Tale. That’s right, he’s not alone. Its four versus one, the odds are in there favor. Ren tightened his mask and charged, he flanked Ira from behind and swung his keyblade for the back of his knees.

’10 paces forward… jaw shot.’ Ira bent over before Oscar’s keyblade could connect with Ira’s jaw. Ira’s hands hit the floor as he entered a bridge position over Ren’s keyblade and kicked up his feet right before Ren’s keyblade could connect aiming his two feet to hit Oscar right in the jaw before ending in a handstand where he would then bring his feet back down and his Ren on the top of the head.
Liu answered to Tale first, "and that's why people should listen to me. I don't say things just to be ignored you know!" She scoffed and and turned to Oscar's shouting demands at her. She growled at him, although it was a good plan she was furiously ecstatic. She smiled and leaned back "finally! I can train!" She laughed and leaned forward back to Ira, she grew silent. Her eyes were clear and focused on the enemy in front of her. Liu's breathing was slow and low, she was intently focused on her target, her enemy, her prey. Her breath slowed and slowed until the world around her had stopped.

Running at unimaginable speed Liu dashed for Ira. She placed her energy into her key blade helping repair it and charge it. With blazing speed she rushed Ira with a combination of kicks and slashes. Bobbing and weaving around like a humming bird, never staying in one place for long. she crouched down low and rocketed up with a strong uppercut to Ira's jaw. Standing face to face she smiled at him. "Bye." She rapidly pointed her sword at him intending to pierce his heart.
The Keyblade slowed mid-swing in her hand. Inside the barrier, Dione lost her fight with the strange man. A small gasp escaped her lips but she quickly hid it. Tale pressed her mouth into a line. She kept her expression guarded. They could have beaten Ira eventually, but what about this expert Keyblade Master? It seemed like Liu had Ira cornered. Tale glanced in Oscar's direction. She still had her Keyblade aimed at Ira. The endless combos had left her momentarily bereft of stamina. "Dione's down." Tale said under her breath, she didn't want to distract Liu. "All in all, I say this could be going better." Tale looked past Ira into the barrier. She wondered what Dione and the man were talking about.

"What does your master want?" Tale asked although it was mostly a hypothetical question. Ira seemed like a lackey. And even if he knew, he probably wouldn't share. The chain on her Keyblade tinked as she directed several blasts of thunder magic at his legs. It was a shame Tale hadn't learned ice magic.

Tale grunted but she was grinning. "Switch me places Liu. You be support. There's not enough room for all of us to attack at once."
Ren wasn't able to dodge Ira's kick and he fell down grabbing his head. Ira then got back up in his feet and kicked Ren's head like a soccer ball, some teeth fell out and Ren was sent flying backwards. He then faced Liu and ducked under the first hit. After that he started dodging and narrating his own movements and Liu's attacks right as they happened. "One pace backward doge under. Sidestep right, block keyblade. Retreat, five paces. Dash forward, clash with keyblade." Ira ran forward at Liu and deflected one of her keyblade strikes with his boot by kicking. He then continued to to narrate everything they did with practiced efficiency, almost like he had done this many times before. Ira only stopped moving right before Liu hit him with an uppercut, to took the uppercut unfazed and clapped Liu's keyblade in between his hands. "So much false hope. If I didn't need you all for later then you would all be ripped apart by now." Ira held Liu's keyblade with an iron grip as Tale's lighting came at him. Ira went close to Liu's ear. "Lose your keyblade or get hit by lighting, decide."
(I'm gonna tell you now Liu fucking hates you.)

Liu was furious he was dodging everything! What is he. The second he took that hit she knew he let her, it pissed her off even more. As he clapped onto her keyblade Liu tried to pull out of his grip. It wouldn't budge, Goddammit! She knew she was gonna have to unsummon it, a keyblade in his hands would be disaster. She heard Tale shout something, but it was drowned out as Ira whispered in her ear. As he whispered in her ear she wanted to scream. She hated everything about him, from his guts to the air he breathed. She wanted to kill him, oh so badly. She glared at Ira for a moment, she could feel the lightening come closer and closer to her back. When it was almost near her she hissed "fuck you." Liu quickly unsummoned her keyblade and grabbed onto Ira turning him around, so that his back was to the lighting. She held on with all her hate. She wanted to see him destroyed and with this she had a front row seat.

(Sorry for the shortness, on phone)
((Wait, does Liu hate me as an extension of you hating me, or does Liu hate Ira?))
Oscar was knocked on the ground by Ira's counter as he flew back into a wall. He watched as everyone took a shot at ira but it was useless, He was way beyond there level. Oscar stood up and gripped his keyblade ready to charge back in but he heard the crackle, The electricity striking as Dione scream in pain. He knew it, She was done. These people, The dark Keyblade wielders are way beyond them. His stomach turned, There chances of surviving were slim to none. "Damn it..."

As the lighting came at Ira, Liu held him close wanting to make sure that he got hit but before it could connect Tansa appeared and slashed the attack with his Keyblade. As his Keyblade effortlessly destroyed the attack his eyes meet with Liu. His dark brown eyes were all he needed to tell her that she was fighting monsters, Cold beings. He then grabbed Ira by the neck "Ira, You played for to long." He raised his keyblade and cast sleep on all people except his pupil. He then let Ira go, Dropping him to the ground.

Oscar felt his eyes tire even with his Adrenaline pumping, The sleep was effecting him quickly. This Tansa was a adept mage as well. He dropped down to the ground and yawned as he reluctantly went to sleep.

(okay everyone sleep time so I can move this along.)
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Liu was ready to die to see Ira die first. She gripped him tightly as she waited for the inevitable lightening. Suddenly another man appeared out of nowhere and destroyed the lightening. Liu looked into the man's dark eyes and shuddered. They were empty, devoid of life, of anything human. This man was a monster, through and through. She glared back at him, her eyes shining with hate and anger. Although, some may call her inhuman and a wolf, Liu had the resolve and determination of a human. However looking into the man's eyes she knew he was a monster, but she would fight till her last breath.

Suddenly, the man lifted Ira from the neck and spoke something. She was surprised at how easily he could pull Ira out of her grip. As the man raised his sword, Liu opened her mouth to speak. Before Liu could say something she felt tired. She staggered for a moment and then collapsed to the floor out like a light.
Ira was just about to perform an attack but then Tansa picked him up by the neck. The moment Ira felt Tansa's hands surround his neck Ira swooned in ecstasy (what a weirdo) his limb went limp and a party was happening in his pants (ok maybe not that part.) Ira put his finger into his mouth and started biting it. He looked up at Tansa with the face of someone getting ready for rough intercorse. "T-Tansa, please... squeeze harder. T-Tansa sempai!" Ira squirmed and wiggled in Tansa's hands, his eyes rolling back into his head. Then there was a snap of sanity for a second as Ira looked over at Tale. He was then released by Tansa, still looking at Tale. He vanished and reappeared behind her. "Dont worry... I still will always love you." And he said this he grabbed some of Tale's hair and gave it a nice long sniff. That sniff was soon interrupted by a sword of light almost coming into contact with Ira and for the first time in this battle, he had a look of surprise on his face. He looked over at Ren who had a total of six surrounding him, he was breathing heavily and stumbled his way over to Ira yelling. "HANDS OFF!" Three more swords of light went in Ira's direction and almost managed to hit him. "Ohhhh, this is new." Ira was right. Never had Ren done anything like this. Ira vanished in a blink and Ren felt pressure on the back of his head followed by the feeling of fleeting consciousness. The last words he heard where. "Ya know you almost came close, but if you want to beat us then the only way to do that is to give in to the darkness, unless you do that, you can kiss everything you love goodbyeeee." Ira sang goodbye and the last of Ren's consciousness left him, everything was black.

Within Ren's dream he heard several words over and over again.



Give in. Love Darkness


Give in

All jumbled up in Ren's head until he opened his eyes and screamed bloody murder. When he was finished he looked around and everyone was there, safe, everyone but Dione. He looked around at where they were. He had no idea. They looked to be in this big plaza overlooking a town, a clock tower in front and above them and trains running in the distance.

This was

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/325px-Twilight_Town_Logo_KHCOM.png.7248bfab51189cd8bb38942fecb3c823.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41127" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/325px-Twilight_Town_Logo_KHCOM.png.7248bfab51189cd8bb38942fecb3c823.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((@Cross_Rhodes you dont have to start your post in twilight town, this is just so we know where we all are.)



  • 325px-Twilight_Town_Logo_KHCOM.png
    42.3 KB · Views: 24
Tale gleamed consciousness slowly. In the back-alley of a sleek town. She rested against a brick building. Tale groaned as she stood, her knees swaying under her. "What happened?" She asked. Tale dusted herself off and registered her new bruises. A second's assessment of the shops, the giant clock tower, and the winding streets made her recoil. "Twilight Town?" Tale said under her breath. It was heavy with dread. She backtracked against the wall and sighed.

Ren's scream made her jolt. Tale followed the sound. They hadn't been far from each other. She had her Keyblade clutched in her hand but, glancing around the harmless street side, she dismissed it. "Yes, well. I feel the same way Ren. That was an excellent way to put it." She went to her teammate's side and then looked around for Oscar and Liu.

She slid her hand past her hair. Tale clutched her forehead. "We're in Twilight Town." She said with a flat tone. "Are you guys okay? That battle was... intense."
Liu was unconscious on a ledge, she sighed as she slowly came to. "uggh this hurts..." Her head was pounding she felt horrible. As Ren screamed she became fully alert. Worriedly she ran toward the scream, hopping from building to building and climbing on ledges. She hoped down in front of the two of them with worried looks "what happened? What's wrong? What's going on?" She looked around at the others they seemed fine. She sighed and turned around, examining the whole area "where are we?" She sniffed the air "It's all so different" she snapped at the air "the air tastes weird." Looking around confused she spoke "where's oscar? Where's Dione?"
Oscar opened his eyes, He was still in the Ebony Castle. He got up and remembered what happen before he awoke. He looked around and saw a large door, 7 Chains and a lock seemed to keep it closed. It was made of stone and strange words were written on it. Oscar then felt a malicious aura from behind him. Oscar felt death had his hand on his shoulder. He summoned his keyblade and turn around. He then met the man who attack Dione, Tansa. "Who are you!" He asked angered but at the same time fearful, He knew it would be useless fighting him. He was higher class fighter then him.

Tansa wasn't afraid, He had a glass of wine in his hand. He smiled and walked pass Oscar, Knowing he would be able to strike him down. "Oscar, That''s you name correct...My name is Master Tansa." He took a drink and look at the door. "I will make a deal with you...Your teacher is still breathing but not for long if you don't do as I command."

Oscar knew reason would not work with him. He had Dione life in his hand and the way he talked, He would take her life without hesitation. OScar knew he had to do as he said and he would.


Oscar stepped out his darkness to where his friends were. They were in Twilight town on a mission to hunt down Sloth. A very powerful Vice who is ranked as a Sin. Sloth was one of the seven most deadly Sins. Oscar looked at his friends with a gloomy look. "Master Tansa has gave us a mission to destroy Sloth, A Vice that is know as of the Deadly seven Sins. If we don't take this Sloth down Master Tansa with kill Dione." He explained to them. He had his head low, He was felling depressed and tired. Tansa had left Oscar unnerved but there was something else effecting him.
((Sorry this is late... yall still here?))

Ren smiled as he saw Tale and Liu gather, for a second just seeing his friends alive and well was all he needed to distract him from the ugly truth. But it didn’t work for long as he soon remembered that they got dropped into an alien world. Ren started to panic; he held his hands over his ears and bent over. “Where are we? What's going on? Why is this happening to us?” Ren’s breathing began to pick up in pace and after a moment of having a mental break down he calmed down and heard Tale say were they where. At least they had someone who has been here before. Then Oscar joined them with a somber look and told that what had to be done. Ren wanted to speak out but the words failed to leave his mouth. He stood silent and nodded his head. “T-Then if I could suggest a plan. I say we split up into teams of two and look for it. If one team finds it then we contact the other team and fight it together?” Ren said this quickly and quietly while looking towards the ground, unable to make eye contact.

Atop the clock tower watching above like an owl watches its pray Ira looked above them all and laughed to himself jotting down note within his notebook. As he was writing a strong gust of wind blew by and snatched Ira’s notebook from his hand. Ira franticly waved and tried to get it back but alas his efforts only made the pages fly farther away into the afternoon twilight.

((Ira’s notes and diary are now collectable at random parts of this journey by completing random objectives, exploring locations and other means… remember they are optional and happy hunting. Or if you would rather not @Kyd Jhesus then we could not have them.))

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