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Fandom Kingdom Hearts: Calm Before the Storm

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Plot twist ! Yeah !



Silence from Hitomi as she will let Shina do what she thinks is right.


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Shina due to connecting to Sora, who knows both and has witnessed both of their fights, essentially knows what both are capable of. Is still VERY confident she can take both of them.

Meanwhile in La Cite Des Cloches (hunchback of notre dame world)...

"There was hundreds... no thousands of heartless, Kupo. It was just me and Ace against all of them. They all charged at us at once ,Kupo. But with this, we fought them off and saved the village from them, Kupo" Moo said proudly with Keyblade held up high as he stood on top of a small crate in the square in front of s group of children. "Wow your amazing!... Can you show how to do that... Can I pet your birdy!..." The kids shouted. Ace who was next to the crate them started walking behind the crate slowly to avoid getting mobbed by kids.

Meanwhile in the outskirts of Radiant Garden...

Xigbar was smirking as he standing on a building with a few Dusks around him. "So there's a Keyblade user in this town... Well how about we have a little fun with the new kid." Xigbar said as Dusks started walking away to the market place and waited for a good time to attack. Xigbar started heading to a tall building to get a nice view of the market place.


@Seraph X

Lea frowned, "Uh....I don't get it." he scratched his head. "Dimension within her Heart? Did any of you guys know that was possible? Seems like whoever you are uh....I can't really tell from what you said if you're on our side or not.." Lea said warily to the figure.

=Radiant Garden=

Hearing something overhead, Xavier looked up to see some Dusks attacking him from above. "What the-!?" He summoned his Keyblade and swung it at them as he launched into the air above the two buildings he was hiding between. At this vantage point, he spotted Maleficent and her bumbling henchman Pete.

"Uhh...who's that? I thought there were only three a' dem Keyblade users?" Pete asked Maleficent, gesturing to the boy fighting the Dusks in midair.

Xavier spotted her, the witch who had haunted his dreams since childhood...she was here...but he sensed another presence too. Turning around and landing on a rooftop, he spotted a man wearing a black coat and an eyepatch. He took out the last Dusk and addressed the stranger.

"Yo, Eyepatch! If ya don't mind...I'm kinda busy...I ain't got time for losers!" He said boastfully, holding Soul-Splitter at the ready.
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Stepping towards the figure, Yen Sid attempted to explain. "She means, Lea, that the depth of young Hitomi's heart is such that there is an entire world's worth of emotions and power therein, and that these have somehow shaped themselves into a world deep within her heart. Most likely this is due to her connections to other people."

Gasping, Riku glanced to Sora before saying, "So, it's like she has an entire Sleeping World trapped inside of her devoted to her heart's nature, like Sora does?"

Yen Sid nodded, standing in front of Shina with a frown. "Yes, this is exactly what I mean." He looked into the woman's face for a moment before saying, "You would do well, madame, to leave this place - to return to Hitomi's heart - and permit us some peace. I will hold you no personal ill will if you will grant myself the same favor; however, your tone is one I do. Not appreciate. Retreat now, or far more than words may be exchanged here."

Sora, Kairi, Mickey, Donald and Goofy simply looked on in awe at the confrontation taking place, each one's minds abuzz with their own thoughts.

---Radiant Garden---

Watching the exchanges of words, a lone figure stood in an alleyway near where Xavier stood facing off with the one called Xigbar, the figure's black and white cloak billowing in the breeze as he hummed softly to himself in thought. "This one is strong willed, but brash. He'd best be careful that his sharp tongue and hot temper don't endanger him." Turning, the figure waved a hand, conjuring a portal formed of both light and dark energy, and stepped through, both figure and portal vanishing.

---Les Cite des Cloches---

Watching from afar whilst astride his horse, Judge Claude Frollo frowned at the sight of the Moogle telling stories to children. While he had nothing against storytellers, and he was more than a little gratified to see children enjoying themselves, the look of this stranger made him deeply agitated. His unusual attire, his choice of words and his apparent depth of arrogance made him certain this was no commoner of Paris, or even a proper citizen of any sort. He was quite certain this was some new form of gypsy.

"Unholy vermin," he muttered with a soft snarl, turning his head away in disgust. "That such vile creatures should dare roam the streets is despicable. I swear, one day soon, I will purge the city of their ilk once and for all."


Here's hoping you guys like the post!


@ChazGhost @Zachy1993 @Hitomi

In Radiant Gardens

"Wow, looks like this Keyblade user has a big mouth" Xigbar said smirking from atop of a tall building. "And besides you passed the test, you defeated the dusks. How about you join me? I'm sure I can help you become stronger." Xigbar said jumping down to the roof Xavier was on. Of course you'll become stronger after I get you give in to the darkness... I then I can take your heartless and nobody and have some new pawns... Xigbar thought to himself.

And back to Les Cite Des Cloches...

"Sorry kids but only great heros can use a Keyblades, Kupo. But I'm sure Ace will be happy to let you pet him, Kupo" Moo said jumping down from his box and having his Keyblade disappear. The kid then got a evil look on there faces and stared at Ace. Ace then looked worried. So he used his beak to grabbed Moo by the orange ball behind his head and started running away from the kids dragging moo with him. "Get the birdie!" The kid yelled before chasing after Ace. "Ace stop please, Kupo!" Moo yelled.

@Seraph X @Zachy1993
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The entity let out a smile to the old master. It didn't seem at all intimidated by his threats. However, she slowly nodded to the man, saying: " Essentially, he is on the right track. Due to the connection with to other people and the nature of her heart, it has grown and allowed copies of others to co-exist within this 'World' . Yen Seid, as Hitomi sees you as a friend, i do as well.Believe me, Master Yen Seid , this isn't the last time you have heard of me... If any of you need me...call my name..." She said, transforming into a ball of light, entering Hitomi's heart once again. Hitomi was silent still. She wrote on a notebook, holding it upwards. It said:

I am quite sorry...Shina can get..difficult. She means no harm, that's just her way of doing things..."

Maleficient definitely did not expect the things she saw, but showed little to no facial expressions when faced with these matters. She was also analyzing what was going on with the cloaked figure, but figured he was another person to be conquered. She essentially turned to Pete, saying: " More than 3 people can use the Keyblade. The Keyblade is unpredictable, and can choose whomever. That includes someone like him and a moogle... " She smiled to herself as she was thinking of a new way to convince others to join her side, very much like Riku. She tilted her head at Xavier, saying: " I'm right here, child. It's been a long time. Did you get any experience ? Or are you still just as foolish as always ? Did you call me to tell me you will submit ? " She said, and said to Pete, giving him a picture of the girl she met not too long ago: Hitomi . " Bring me this child at once. She is at Yen Seid's Lair. Do NOT dissappoint me ! " She said, summoining a dark corridor, meanwhile looking to face Xavier.



Shina has made an appearance. Also edited it quite a bit hopefully @Zachy1993



Hoping they forgive Shina's...impulses.


Other Information

I'll do one later...

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=Mysterious Tower=

Lea blinked, "So uh...now what guys?" He asked as a dark corridor appeared in the room. He groaned, "What now!?"

=Radiant Garden=

Pete saluted and bounded through the dark corridor. Xavier gripped his keyblade and fixed Xigbar with a glare before raising his middle finger and shoving it in the one eyed Nobody's face. "Go screw. I've got business with the self-proclaimed Mistress of All Evil down there, so if you attack me again I won't let you off the hook as easily, capiche?" Doing a flip off the rooftop and landing in front of Maleficent after hearing her provocation he glared at her.

"Join you? Why would I join with the losing team? You've been outta business since you started running around with the fat guy." Xavier rolled his eyes, "It's kinda pathetic to see you reduced to this kinda state...buuut makes no difference to me..I'm still gonna kill ya." Xavier said darkly, narrowing his eyes and issuing his challenge.

=Mysterious Tower=

Pete stumbled through the dark corridor and grumbled as he bumped into Lea. "Watch where yer goin'!"

Lea raised an eyebrow, "You for real?"

"Yeah, I'm for real! Maleficent sent me on this mission to here, she's dealing with a new Keyblade wielder at Radiant Garden..or Hollow Bastion..whatever we're callin' it now!" Pete blurted.

Turning to Pete, Yen Sid frowned deeply and said, "It was unwise for you to come at this time, Pete. Need I point out there are six Keyblade wielders here, all easily capable of fighting you back through the very dark corridor you just exited?"

Summoning Way to Dawn, Riku struck a battle stance and added, "Not to mention one is a newly named Master?"

Sora and Kairi each summoned their own Keyblades, the girl saying, "Besides, Sora's beaten you at least a dozen times already. What makes you think he won't again?"

Mickey, Donald and Goofy, too, readied their weapons, each smirking slightly as they silently agreed with Kairi and Yen Sid.

--Les Cite des Cloches--

From within a nearby alley, the hidden form of a woman gestured towards the large yellow bird. She didn't know what it was, but she had seen the creature in its beak entertaining children and knew they were good beings. So seeing them in trouble with those very same kids, she couldn't keep herself from trying to help. So it was that Esmeralda, pulling back her hood enough to show her face to both bird and Moogle, whistled sharply and said, "Over here, quickly!"


This is going very well. :)


@Hitomi @Zachy1993 @ChazGhost



Hitomi was actually the only person who did not summon her keyblade. Unlike the other keyblade wielders, who know what she is capable of, she has NO idea what she is capable of at her fullest potential. Because of this, she is positively afraid of what she can do. When she saw the picture in the mans hands, and shied away from the others. She knew it was a picture of herself, and definitely did not want to go with him or help him with anything he wanted. As she somehow saw Maleficent from an entirely differing world, She thought: " I don't want to go ! " . As she did so , a powerful burst of energy surrounded her, knocking Pete back if does not dodge. The energy soon stopped abruptly., as Hitomi cried to herself, her arms hugging her legs, and her legs hugging her chest.

As Maleficent was watching all 3 scenes simultaneously , she was very shocked at the amount of energy being emitted by her, smiling, but when she realized this energy surrounded her. She attempted to put up a barrier, which was put up, and she was sent flying. It hurt her so bad it literally knocked her out unconscious.



She accidentally lost control. @Zachy1993



Afraid of her powers...something a Key-Bearer shouldn't be


Other Information

Hitomi lost control on her homeworld. Not a pretty sight. The world was destroyed.

Currently in radiant garden

Xigbar sighed when he got flipped off. "Well Ill stay for the show and watch the big mouth brat get hisdefeated badly by Maleficent. After getting a beat down he accept my offer" Xigbar said to himself and smirked as he moved closer to the edge of the roof to watch the fight or well more likley slaughter in his mind.

Currently in Les Cite Des Cloches

Ace saw Esmeralda gestured to come to her. Ace knew somehow that he could trust her and started moving faster and easily out ran kids. Then he did a quick turn into the ally. The kids completely lost the them after that.

"Why did you do that, Kupo" Moo said stareing at ace after ace dropped him from his beak. Then Ace pointed to Esmeralda with his wing. "Ohh hello there, Kupo. Thank you... You helped us out, Kupo... The kids may of planing to go over board with Ace, Kupo" Moo said giving Esmeralda a quick bow.

@Seraph X @Zachy1993
Pete was thrown backwards into the wall..and through it actually..and down the winding staircase. He made an 'oof' sound with each step he hit, which was quite a lot.

"Uhh....so...he said Maleficent was after Hitomi AND another keyblader at Radiant Garden right?" Lea said thoughtfully as they continued to hear Pete's cries which got fainter the further down the stairs he rolled.

=Radiant Garden=

Blinking at what had just happened, Xavier stood up and walked to Maleficent's unconscious body. He looked at his keyblade and then her, holding it over her as if he was going to stab the unconscious witch through the heart and be done with it.

"This...isn't how I imagined it would go....there's no honor in this....no." Xavier sent his keyblade away and glared down at the unconscious mistress of all evil: "I want you to know you're beaten...I want you to be afraid when I finally pierce your black heart. So, you'll get off easy this time, witch." He sneered as he leaped onto a rooftop and sat there thoughtfully.

Staring after Pete with a a mixture of amusement and astonishment, Sora, Riku and Kairi each soon shook themselves from their stunned states as the silver-haired teen nodded and said, "Yeah, that's what he said."

Yen Sid, furrowing his brow, turned to the youth and said, "Riku, this bodes ill. Go to Radiant Garden and find this other new Keybearer."

Kairi, kneeling next to Hitomi, gently rubbed her back, whispering, "It's okay, Hitomi; we're not gonna let Pete or Maleficent take you. We'll help you stay out of their grip. I promise."

The aged wizard, glancing to Mickey, Donald and Goofy, turned to Kairi and Hitomi and said, "Kairi, Hitomi, while I know this has distressed the latter of you two, I must request that you go with Riku to Radiant Garden. He may need aid in finding this second new Keybearer that Maleficent is interested in. We cannot allow her to claim even one among the wielders of the Keyblade as her own, or she may become a greater threat than ever before. And, I feel it is best that Hitomi be taken to Radiant Garden so that she may meet with Merlin. I suspect he will be able to help her more readily than I at the present time. I must focus upon finding any clues of other new Keybearers amongst the worlds - and in learning of any movements surrounding our true enemy and his comrades. They, too, may be hunting for new Keybearers to corrupt and enslave. We must not let them claim even one." Kneeling in front of the crying girl, he gently set a hand upon her shoulder and said, "Riku and Kairi will protect you, Hitomi. Trust in them, as you do in me, and they will keep you safe. Merlin, as well, when you meet him. He is an old friend, and he will take care of you and teach you what you must know for the present time."

---Le Cite des Cloches---

Esmerelda simply smiled and nodded, saying, "Anytime." Pulling back her hood to reveal her Raven hair, she smiled as a small white goat came up beside her, nuzzling its head against her side. She gently patted it, then knelt beside Ace and patted him, as well on the head. She looked at Moo and said, "I'm Esmerelda. Who might you be?"


Here's hoping the coming update doesn't mess with our RP or screw up my post macros - I just got the hang of using those for some accordian BBC deals.


@Hitomi @Zachy1993 @ChazGhost

Currently in les Cite des cloches

Moo smiled before saying" I'm glad you asked, Kupo". The he jumped onto a small crate next to him and then summoned he Keyblade. Then he raised up high and said "I am the great Keyblade Hero, Moo, Kupo! And this my loyal mount and companion Ace, Kupo". He stood like for a moment and Ace put a wing on his head and shook it.

Back to Radiant Garden

Xigbar was slightly shocked when saw Maleficent go down. "I thought it would be a slaughter but not with the witch going down. And some one else taking her down..." Xigbar said to himself before jumping down to the street. Then a couple if dusks came out nowhere and Xigbar said "Stay here and find out who took down the witch. Im going to be checking on a rumor about another Keyblade user.". The Dusks scattered and a dark portal appeared. Then Xigbar entered it...

@Seraph X @Zachy1993


Hitomi nodded to Yen Seid slowly, understanding what he was saying. She was terrified, but also valued her newly acquired friends more, and was willing to do whatever she thought was necessary to help. Explaining what happened, Hitomi connected to Maleficent when she came to The Mysterious Tower, and that connection was able to let her see her even when she was in another world.

Maleficent is knocked , andbis going to be a while beforebshe recovers, as it wasn't a killing blow.



She does not kill. She may knock someone out, but she doesn't kill. @Zachy1993



Afraid of her powers...but is trusting Yen Seid and his pupils.


Other Information

Not applicable ATM



Hitomi nodded to Yen Seid slowly, understanding what he was saying. She was terrified, but also valued her newly acquired friends more, and was willing to do whatever she thought was necessary to help. Explaining what happened, Hitomi connected to Maleficent when she came to The Mysterious Tower, and that connection was able to let her see her even when she was in another world.

Maleficent is knocked , andbis going to be a while beforebshe recovers, as it wasn't a killing blow.



She does not kill. She may knock someone out, but she doesn't kill. @Zachy1993



Afraid of her powers...but is trusting Yen Seid and his pupils.


Other Information

Not applicable ATM


@Seraph X


=Mysterious Tower=

Pete grumbled when he finally bounced off the last stair and out the front entrance of the Mysterious Tower. "Why d'ya gotta have so many stairs! It's discriminatory against...er...big boned people!" He shouted up at the tower window from outside as Riku, Kairi and Hitomi were leaving for Radiant Garden.

=Radiant Garden Marketplace=

Xavier launched off the rooftop and took out one of the Dusks with a downward swing of Soul-Splitter.. They danced around him as he sneered, "That eyepatch guy needs to quit leaving his trash around for me to clean up!"

--Mysterious Tower--

Nodding, Yen Sid stood from beside Hitomi and began to march down the stairs towards the ground floor, a deep frown on his face, his voice echoing through the building as he called out, "Pete! You have far out-stayed your welcome here! Begone from my abode before my eyes set themselves upon your face, else I may demonstrate for all why no one - not even your mistress! - ever dare to dispute my status as the most powerful sorceror in the known worlds!"

Keeping Way to Dawn readied at his side, Riku glanced to Sora, Lea, Mickey and the others before saying, "You guys stay here and help Yen Sid. Try to make sure Pete gets a proper pounding on the way out, okay?"

Kairi, gently leading Hitomi along by her hand, called out to Sora, "I'll be back - I promise!" Before following Riku through the dark corridor - right into Radiant Garden's Marketplace in the middle of a swarm of Dusks.

All Riku could do was glance around after the corridor had vanished and mutter, "Ah, crap."

--Les Cite des Cloches--

Giggling, Esmerelda bowed playfully to the small "heroic" Moogle and said, "Well, it's an honor to meet you!"




@ChazGhost @Hitomi @Zachy1993

In Les Cite des Cloches

"So is there anything hero like me can can help you with, Kupo?" Moo said jumping off the box and made his Keyblade disappear. Ace decide sit down and take a nap while they talked.

In Radiant gardens

The Dusks saw Ruki, Kairi, and Hitomi appear. They didn't know who was Hiromi. "Could she be the one who defeated the witch..." "lets find out..." The Dusks said to each other quietly before a few ran away and the others charged at the Keyblade users.

In The World that never was

Xigbar walked through the streets and said "I want a Berserker at Radiant gardens to help find who ever defeat maleficent". Then a Berserker appeared in front of Xigbar before a portal appeared. The nobody jumped through it and appeared on a roof next to the market place. "Now to check out the Keyblade user I've heard rumors about in Les Cite des Cloches..." Xigbar said before entering another portal.

@Seraph X @Zachy1993 @Hitomi
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Pete heard Yen Sid's threat and quickly bounded through a dark corridor back to Radiant Garden. "Maleficeeent-OOF!" he tripped and hit his head on a wall...over Maleficent's unconscious body.

Xavier sliced a trio of dusks across their slender bellies, destroying them before they reached Riku, Kairi and Hitomi with his keyblade: Soul-Splitter:


The was when the Berserker landed before them..


@Seraph X
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