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One x One King and Queen of Ephedia


Queen of Ephedia

Morgaine is the Princess of Ephedia. She was born and lived her entire life as a princess of her planet. She was born with abilities that qualify her as a sorceress. Once she traveled to Earth to learn how that planet is she fell in love with a man named Gramorr.

She never wanted Gramorr to know that she is not a normal human. She thought he'll never accept her however, that was wrong. He accepted who she is and still loved her unconditionally. Eventually, Morgaine and Gramorr will be married. After they had gotten married, she was doing some spells that accidentally caused Gramorr to have a split personality.

King of Ephedia

He was just a normal human until he met Morgaine. He had bumped into her ans could not let her go ever since. He never cared about whether or not she's royalty or not. He loved her unconditionally and left Earth to be with her in Ephedia.

He is a charming man that impressed Morgaine which his honesty and bravery. He's always been the one that can comfort her and make her happy.

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