• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Closed -- ๐™ ๐™š๐™ง๐™ค๐™—๐™š๐™ง๐™ค๐™จ' ๐™จ๐™ฌ๐™š๐™š๐™ฉ๐™จ | closed

weldherwings weldherwings bro. i was just sitting here wearing my wig and now it's GONE HOLY SHIT -
thank you SO SO SO MUCH < 3
misfits / requested

click here for code
requested code
not mobile friendly :c
light + dark mode happy

I hope this is okay morbidity morbidity ! If there's anything you want to be changed or fixed, please let me know! To be honest, I got a bit stuck haha. You were my first request job ever so I had very little belief in my capabilities haha.

Tear off my nails, dig into my skin, still, I am who I am.

  • Tab One.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lobortis auctor porta. Donec in rhoncus nisi. Nam non bibendum dui, nec dapibus lorem. Nam aliquet egestas nibh quis malesuada. Aenean convallis lacus sed neque convallis, eu congue nisl pulvinar. Cras eu nunc gravida, lacinia leo in, fringilla mauris. Quisque libero massa, lobortis in tellus in, euismod suscipit turpis. Nam in vehicula dolor. Maecenas ut bibendum tortor. Nulla non justo quis libero euismod ultricies. Suspendisse imperdiet erat in metus fringilla semper. Vestibulum non vestibulum massa, quis pretium ante. Integer nec est libero. Integer at sollicitudin nulla, sit amet pulvinar eros. Vestibulum volutpat mauris ac efficitur suscipit.

    Donec aliquet pellentesque volutpat. Nulla id metus urna. Sed hendrerit a lorem non convallis. Quisque pharetra convallis turpis, id blandit est ullamcorper feugiat. Nullam luctus magna in mauris finibus, eu varius lacus cursus. Integer volutpat condimentum elit nec auctor. Quisque dapibus iaculis odio, eget congue metus efficitur eu.

    Vestibulum auctor finibus sem ut commodo. Vestibulum viverra nisi non sem fermentum posuere. Donec luctus commodo magna sed tristique. Fusce volutpat neque ut suscipit tempus. Nulla eget tincidunt erat. Maecenas tincidunt iaculis mollis. Sed ac ornare arcu. Suspendisse quis enim vel sapien ultricies porta a ac dui. Donec ut egestas ligula, aliquam aliquet sapien.

    Donec ornare est eget velit eleifend, non sagittis nisl fermentum. Aenean in imperdiet orci. Donec suscipit felis metus, at sodales magna congue vitae. Aenean consequat at erat sit amet tincidunt. Etiam ullamcorper massa nec ultricies tempor. Maecenas est ligula, tempus at dolor eget, ornare tempor mi. Vivamus lobortis rhoncus ultrices. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec varius et ex facilisis commodo. Suspendisse tristique mauris sed velit feugiat interdum.

    Cras in elementum velit. Nunc et dignissim erat. Phasellus vel scelerisque lorem. Donec id consequat tellus. Phasellus auctor lectus velit, quis posuere mi ultrices non. Etiam placerat est et enim ultricies tristique. Aenean pharetra, risus nec fringilla luctus, dui diam imperdiet lacus, nec tempor purus elit vitae elit. Fusce placerat lectus ut commodo imperdiet. Phasellus id sem sed libero facilisis volutpat. Pellentesque pretium metus quis lorem porttitor, non malesuada lorem congue. Ut justo ligula, pharetra sed mollis at, interdum id mauris. Praesent pulvinar urna urna, et eleifend neque mollis euismod. Proin viverra nisl luctus, aliquam orci sed, fringilla sapien. Etiam auctor accumsan urna, at aliquam ligula.

coded by weldherwings.

shop is: open!
Once again, I'm procastinating! The request shop is open once again!

If you could fill out the form below, and I will let you know as soon as possible if itโ€™s been accepted or rejected (all depending on motivation/inspiration etc). Try and fill out as much of the form as possible as it gives me a better feeling of the look youโ€™re searching and desiring for! Please note that all of these codes will be available to everyone.

โ˜… What kind of code (interest check, place holder, cs, in character, profile etc?)
โ˜… Theme, colors or color palette?
โ˜… Large layout or small? (width + height wise)
โ˜… Preferred font-family?
โ˜… Preferred font size? (large or small? even pick a px size โ€“ every little bit helps!)
โ˜… Text alignment? (Left, right, centered, justified?)
โ˜… Aesthetic inspiration? (Link any images here or describe)
โ˜… Hidden scrolls or normal scrolls?
โ˜… Small cursor or normal cursor?
โ˜… Are tabs needed?
โ˜… Would you like a music player? If yes, please leave the spotify/soundcloud/googledrive link youโ€™d like to use. Please note! It is against YouTubes term and conditions to โ€œhideโ€ videos which is what we do to create music players. Therefore, I will not accept YouTube links for songs to adhere by their terms and conditions.
โ˜… Is there a specific date you need it by?
โ˜… Would you like a background? (generally, these are 100% width solid colours)
โ˜… Any specific images you would like in the cs?
โ˜… How many spaces for images would you like?
โ˜… Any specific wording you'd like on it (a lyric, characters name?)
โ˜… How many separate text boxes are needed (for example, with an in character post, do you want all the text in one box, or would you like a separate box to write their mood, location etc?)?
โ˜… Any textured backgrounds wanted?

โ˜… What kind of code (interest check, place holder, cs, in character, profile etc?) Profile
โ˜… Theme, colors or color palette? beautiful but deadly theme
โ˜… Large layout or small? small/medium
โ˜… Preferred font-family? fantasy (according to google lol)
โ˜… Preferred font size? smallish-medium
โ˜… Text alignment? (Left, right, centered, justified?) Up to you! Whichever fits
โ˜… Aesthetic inspiration? Think sweet but crazy! My character face claim is daenrys from game of thrones
โ˜… Hidden scrolls or normal scrolls? hidden
โ˜… Small cursor or normal cursor? small
โ˜… Are tabs needed? yes please
โ˜… Would you like a music player? yes please, here it is http s://soundcloud.com/billieeilish/you-should-see-me-in-a-crown
โ˜… Is there a specific date you need it by? nope
โ˜… Would you like a background? (generally, these are 100% width solid colours) only if you feel it will fit the theme! Otherwise no
โ˜… Any specific images you would like in the cs? No
โ˜… How many spaces for images would you like? 3
โ˜… Any specific wording you'd like on it (a lyric, characters name?) "Watch me make 'em bow one by one"
โ˜… How many separate text boxes are needed (for example, with an in character post, do you want all the text in one box, or would you like a separate box to write their mood, location etc?)? 4 plus a home tab please
โ˜… Any textured backgrounds wanted? no
โ˜… What kind of code (interest check, place holder, cs, in character, profile etc?) Profile
โ˜… Theme, colors or color palette? beautiful but deadly theme
โ˜… Large layout or small? small/medium
โ˜… Preferred font-family? fantasy (according to google lol)
โ˜… Preferred font size? smallish-medium
โ˜… Text alignment? (Left, right, centered, justified?) Up to you! Whichever fits
โ˜… Aesthetic inspiration? Think sweet but crazy! My character face claim is daenrys from game of thrones
โ˜… Hidden scrolls or normal scrolls? hidden
โ˜… Small cursor or normal cursor? small
โ˜… Are tabs needed? yes please
โ˜… Would you like a music player? yes please, here it is http s://soundcloud.com/billieeilish/you-should-see-me-in-a-crown
โ˜… Is there a specific date you need it by? nope
โ˜… Would you like a background? (generally, these are 100% width solid colours) only if you feel it will fit the theme! Otherwise no
โ˜… Any specific images you would like in the cs? No
โ˜… How many spaces for images would you like? 3
โ˜… Any specific wording you'd like on it (a lyric, characters name?) "Watch me make 'em bow one by one"
โ˜… How many separate text boxes are needed (for example, with an in character post, do you want all the text in one box, or would you like a separate box to write their mood, location etc?)? 4 plus a home tab please
โ˜… Any textured backgrounds wanted? no
Just double checking! Are you after a cs profile or a code for your profile (I really should've worded it a bit better sorry!)
-- hobi / cs code
Hobi / CS Code
click here for code
character sheet code
mobile friendly!
hidden scrolls
music player!
light + dark mode happy

I was so in love with my Hobi placeholder that I decided to create a CS code to go with it! Eeee!

  • hobi sunshine
    dear lord he's beautiful
    day dream

coded by weldherwings.
I completely ADORED the stat bars you had on your "Asher Choi" code and the design from your 'Usagi' code ;-;
Would it be possible to have something like that?
โ˜… What kind of code (interest check, place holder, cs, in character, profile etc?): In Character, please!
โ˜… Theme, colors or color palette? something like this
โ˜… Large layout or small? (width + height wise): medium-ish? I'm not sure what the dimensions are for mobile-friendly (maybe around 280px 385px ?? it's totally okay if it doesn't come out mf tho)
โ˜… Preferred font-family? Quicksand
โ˜… Preferred font size? (large or small? even pick a px size โ€“ every little bit helps!) 11px
โ˜… Text alignment? (Left, right, centered, justified?): justified
โ˜… Aesthetic inspiration? (Link any images here or describe) simplistic and dark
โ˜… Hidden scrolls or normal scrolls?: hidden scrolls
โ˜… Small cursor or normal cursor?: small cursor
โ˜… Are tabs needed? I was thinking by clicking the image, it'll go to the stat bar and then scrolling down will lead to the text... so probably one?
โ˜… Would you like a music player? If yes, please leave the spotify/soundcloud/googledrive link youโ€™d like to use. Please note! It is against YouTubes term and conditions to โ€œhideโ€ videos which is what we do to create music players. Therefore, I will not accept YouTube links for songs to adhere by their terms and conditions.: no thank you c:
โ˜… Is there a specific date you need it by?: nope! take your time!
โ˜… Would you like a background? (generally, these are 100% width solid colours) whatever you think works best!
โ˜… Any specific images you would like in the cs?: this or this; whichever you think works best for the aesthetic
โ˜… How many spaces for images would you like?: one
โ˜… Any specific wording you'd like on it (a lyric, characters name?): just the character's name will do lovely! "Endo, Usami" is the name.
โ˜… How many separate text boxes are needed (for example, with an in character post, do you want all the text in one box, or would you like a separate box to write their mood, location etc?)?: one text box; could you include a place to put the location, interaction, and mentions?
โ˜… Any textured backgrounds wanted?: the cute grid bkgd you had going on c:
I completely ADORED the stat bars you had on your "Asher Choi" code and the design from your 'Usagi' code ;-;
Would it be possible to have something like that?
โ˜… What kind of code (interest check, place holder, cs, in character, profile etc?): In Character, please!
โ˜… Theme, colors or color palette? something like this
โ˜… Large layout or small? (width + height wise): medium-ish? I'm not sure what the dimensions are for mobile-friendly (maybe around 280px 385px ?? it's totally okay if it doesn't come out mf tho)
โ˜… Preferred font-family? Quicksand
โ˜… Preferred font size? (large or small? even pick a px size โ€“ every little bit helps!) 11px
โ˜… Text alignment? (Left, right, centered, justified?): justified
โ˜… Aesthetic inspiration? (Link any images here or describe) simplistic and dark
โ˜… Hidden scrolls or normal scrolls?: hidden scrolls
โ˜… Small cursor or normal cursor?: small cursor
โ˜… Are tabs needed? I was thinking by clicking the image, it'll go to the stat bar and then scrolling down will lead to the text... so probably one?
โ˜… Would you like a music player? If yes, please leave the spotify/soundcloud/googledrive link youโ€™d like to use. Please note! It is against YouTubes term and conditions to โ€œhideโ€ videos which is what we do to create music players. Therefore, I will not accept YouTube links for songs to adhere by their terms and conditions.: no thank you c:
โ˜… Is there a specific date you need it by?: nope! take your time!
โ˜… Would you like a background? (generally, these are 100% width solid colours) whatever you think works best!
โ˜… Any specific images you would like in the cs?: this or this; whichever you think works best for the aesthetic
โ˜… How many spaces for images would you like?: one
โ˜… Any specific wording you'd like on it (a lyric, characters name?): just the character's name will do lovely! "Endo, Usami" is the name.
โ˜… How many separate text boxes are needed (for example, with an in character post, do you want all the text in one box, or would you like a separate box to write their mood, location etc?)?: one text box; could you include a place to put the location, interaction, and mentions?
โ˜… Any textured backgrounds wanted?: the cute grid bkgd you had going on c:

nios nios asoidhaoisdyhaoisdhoaishd thank you so much T.T
and your request has been accepted! Please give me 24-48hrs to complete and I'll post it up on here :)
I love all of your codes, and this would be great to be able to try it out! c:

โ˜… What kind of code (interest check, place holder, cs, in character, profile etc?) In character please! c:
โ˜… Theme, colors or color palette? I like these ones almost. (Not all the colors, but a mix of them could be nice. Whatever you think goes best really.)
โ˜… Large layout or small? (width + height wise) Medium? Small? I'm thinking something that's mobile friendly if possible, so whatever those sizes would be.
โ˜… Preferred font-family? I think I like Yrsa for the text body and maybe the quote, and then whatever you could think of that looks good for the name.
โ˜… Preferred font size? (large or small? even pick a px size โ€“ every little bit helps!) 19 for the name, 14 for the lyrics, and 12 for the text in the text box. (Unless there's other sizes that you think could be best.)
โ˜… Text alignment? (Left, right, centered, justified?) Centered for the name and the mood, location etc., and then justified for the text body
โ˜… Aesthetic inspiration? (Link any images here or describe) M e g & H e r c (Not all those exact pictures at all, but that's the sort of thing you could say was the inspiration I guess? Sorry if this is confusing for any reason.)
โ˜… Hidden scrolls or normal scrolls? Hidden scrolls if possible! c:
โ˜… Small cursor or normal cursor? Small cursor
โ˜… Are tabs needed? No, I don't think so.
โ˜… Would you like a music player? If yes, please leave the spotify/soundcloud/googledrive link youโ€™d like to use. Please note! It is against YouTubes term and conditions to โ€œhideโ€ videos which is what we do to create music players. Therefore, I will not accept YouTube links for songs to adhere by their terms and conditions. I think I'm okay with it!
โ˜… Is there a specific date you need it by? Nope, no rush at all! ^-^
โ˜… Would you like a background? (generally, these are 100% width solid colours) Whatever you think will make it look best! c:
โ˜… Any specific images you would like in the cs? I don't think so.
โ˜… How many spaces for images would you like? One "larger image" and like one-three smaller ones?(Or however many you think will look best in all honesty)
โ˜… Any specific wording you'd like on it (a lyric, characters name?) The name Evangeline Nikolaou, and the lyrics "My feet are mine to follow, you don't get to decide"
โ˜… How many separate text boxes are needed (for example, with an in character post, do you want all the text in one box, or would you like a separate box to write their mood, location etc?)? A box for text, and a box for where mood, location etc. could go.
โ˜… Any textured backgrounds wanted? Not that I can think of.
-- usami / requested
Usami / Requested
click here for code
requested code
mobile friendly!
hidden scrolls
accordian with stats
light + dark mode happy

This was a requested code by the lovely nios nios ! Hope you enjoy it :3! Remember to change the stats bars, change the width % in the border tag within the stat bar tag (if that makes sense? lol)

Endo, Usami

stat/trait here

stat/trait here

stat/trait here

stat/trait here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei illud latine debitis ius. Convenire repudiare theophrastus et pro. Melius efficiendi eam ne, ut nemore eripuit aliquam qui. Hinc eius oblique eam cu. No fugit ignota quaeque his, saepe altera sadipscing ad duo, sea repudiare forensibus at. Te ubique signiferumque per, debitis tacimates ut mel.

Recteque erroribus cu cum. Partiendo adipiscing voluptatum pro in, his ad solum praesent, no mea quod corpora. Legimus adversarium sed ne. Ut his tantas primis adipisci. Usu assum facilis nominati te. Noster eirmod melius in cum.

Pro no nisl tincidunt repudiandae, fabulas intellegam sit an. Sea quis nisl noluisse te. Erat detraxit vix ad, cum ei alterum voluptua, mei docendi fastidii ad. Vix ea antiopam contentiones.

Eu timeam probatus usu, in alterum mentitum mea. Ridens tacimates nam an. Ne est ipsum phaedrum senserit. Mel odio mutat summo ad. Eloquentiam accommodare conclusionemque mei no, sit ex sale labitur eleifend. Vim at vivendo forensibus, et pri vocent deterruisset.

Semper disputationi ex his, eos zril honestatis ei. Eum ea antiopam consulatu dissentiunt, at vero gubergren disputationi pro. Putent delicatissimi sea id, ea vix explicari signiferumque. Ex mei quod labitur dolorum, prima patrioque voluptatum ea vim.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei illud latine debitis ius. Convenire repudiare theophrastus et pro. Melius efficiendi eam ne, ut nemore eripuit aliquam qui. Hinc eius oblique eam cu. No fugit ignota quaeque his, saepe altera sadipscing ad duo, sea repudiare forensibus at. Te ubique signiferumque per, debitis tacimates ut mel.

Recteque erroribus cu cum. Partiendo adipiscing voluptatum pro in, his ad solum praesent, no mea quod corpora. Legimus adversarium sed ne. Ut his tantas primis adipisci. Usu assum facilis nominati te. Noster eirmod melius in cum.

Pro no nisl tincidunt repudiandae, fabulas intellegam sit an. Sea quis nisl noluisse te. Erat detraxit vix ad, cum ei alterum voluptua, mei docendi fastidii ad. Vix ea antiopam contentiones.

Eu timeam probatus usu, in alterum mentitum mea. Ridens tacimates nam an. Ne est ipsum phaedrum senserit. Mel odio mutat summo ad. Eloquentiam accommodare conclusionemque mei no, sit ex sale labitur eleifend. Vim at vivendo forensibus, et pri vocent deterruisset.

Semper disputationi ex his, eos zril honestatis ei. Eum ea antiopam consulatu dissentiunt, at vero gubergren disputationi pro. Putent delicatissimi sea id, ea vix explicari signiferumque. Ex mei quod labitur dolorum, prima patrioque voluptatum ea vim.

coded by weldherwings.

I love all of your codes, and this would be great to be able to try it out! c:

โ˜… What kind of code (interest check, place holder, cs, in character, profile etc?) In character please! c:
โ˜… Theme, colors or color palette? I like these ones almost. (Not all the colors, but a mix of them could be nice. Whatever you think goes best really.)
โ˜… Large layout or small? (width + height wise) Medium? Small? I'm thinking something that's mobile friendly if possible, so whatever those sizes would be.
โ˜… Preferred font-family? I think I like Yrsa for the text body and maybe the quote, and then whatever you could think of that looks good for the name.
โ˜… Preferred font size? (large or small? even pick a px size โ€“ every little bit helps!) 19 for the name, 14 for the lyrics, and 12 for the text in the text box. (Unless there's other sizes that you think could be best.)
โ˜… Text alignment? (Left, right, centered, justified?) Centered for the name and the mood, location etc., and then justified for the text body
โ˜… Aesthetic inspiration? (Link any images here or describe) M e g & H e r c (Not all those exact pictures at all, but that's the sort of thing you could say was the inspiration I guess? Sorry if this is confusing for any reason.)
โ˜… Hidden scrolls or normal scrolls? Hidden scrolls if possible! c:
โ˜… Small cursor or normal cursor? Small cursor
โ˜… Are tabs needed? No, I don't think so.
โ˜… Would you like a music player? If yes, please leave the spotify/soundcloud/googledrive link youโ€™d like to use. Please note! It is against YouTubes term and conditions to โ€œhideโ€ videos which is what we do to create music players. Therefore, I will not accept YouTube links for songs to adhere by their terms and conditions. I think I'm okay with it!
โ˜… Is there a specific date you need it by? Nope, no rush at all! ^-^
โ˜… Would you like a background? (generally, these are 100% width solid colours) Whatever you think will make it look best! c:
โ˜… Any specific images you would like in the cs? I don't think so.
โ˜… How many spaces for images would you like? One "larger image" and like one-three smaller ones?(Or however many you think will look best in all honesty)
โ˜… Any specific wording you'd like on it (a lyric, characters name?) The name Evangeline Nikolaou, and the lyrics "My feet are mine to follow, you don't get to decide"
โ˜… How many separate text boxes are needed (for example, with an in character post, do you want all the text in one box, or would you like a separate box to write their mood, location etc?)? A box for text, and a box for where mood, location etc. could go.
โ˜… Any textured backgrounds wanted? Not that I can think of.

Creza11 Creza11 asdkahsdojhasdh my heart. ure too kind!
and your request has been accepted! Please give me 48-ishhrs to complete and I'll post it up on here :)
thank you thank you, boo! I love it to bits ;-;
we stan <3
misfits / requested

click here for code
requested code
not mobile friendly :c
light + dark mode happy

I hope this is okay morbidity morbidity ! If there's anything you want to be changed or fixed, please let me know! To be honest, I got a bit stuck haha. You were my first request job ever so I had very little belief in my capabilities haha.

Tear off my nails, dig into my skin, still, I am who I am.

  • Tab One.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lobortis auctor porta. Donec in rhoncus nisi. Nam non bibendum dui, nec dapibus lorem. Nam aliquet egestas nibh quis malesuada. Aenean convallis lacus sed neque convallis, eu congue nisl pulvinar. Cras eu nunc gravida, lacinia leo in, fringilla mauris. Quisque libero massa, lobortis in tellus in, euismod suscipit turpis. Nam in vehicula dolor. Maecenas ut bibendum tortor. Nulla non justo quis libero euismod ultricies. Suspendisse imperdiet erat in metus fringilla semper. Vestibulum non vestibulum massa, quis pretium ante. Integer nec est libero. Integer at sollicitudin nulla, sit amet pulvinar eros. Vestibulum volutpat mauris ac efficitur suscipit.

    Donec aliquet pellentesque volutpat. Nulla id metus urna. Sed hendrerit a lorem non convallis. Quisque pharetra convallis turpis, id blandit est ullamcorper feugiat. Nullam luctus magna in mauris finibus, eu varius lacus cursus. Integer volutpat condimentum elit nec auctor. Quisque dapibus iaculis odio, eget congue metus efficitur eu.

    Vestibulum auctor finibus sem ut commodo. Vestibulum viverra nisi non sem fermentum posuere. Donec luctus commodo magna sed tristique. Fusce volutpat neque ut suscipit tempus. Nulla eget tincidunt erat. Maecenas tincidunt iaculis mollis. Sed ac ornare arcu. Suspendisse quis enim vel sapien ultricies porta a ac dui. Donec ut egestas ligula, aliquam aliquet sapien.

    Donec ornare est eget velit eleifend, non sagittis nisl fermentum. Aenean in imperdiet orci. Donec suscipit felis metus, at sodales magna congue vitae. Aenean consequat at erat sit amet tincidunt. Etiam ullamcorper massa nec ultricies tempor. Maecenas est ligula, tempus at dolor eget, ornare tempor mi. Vivamus lobortis rhoncus ultrices. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec varius et ex facilisis commodo. Suspendisse tristique mauris sed velit feugiat interdum.

    Cras in elementum velit. Nunc et dignissim erat. Phasellus vel scelerisque lorem. Donec id consequat tellus. Phasellus auctor lectus velit, quis posuere mi ultrices non. Etiam placerat est et enim ultricies tristique. Aenean pharetra, risus nec fringilla luctus, dui diam imperdiet lacus, nec tempor purus elit vitae elit. Fusce placerat lectus ut commodo imperdiet. Phasellus id sem sed libero facilisis volutpat. Pellentesque pretium metus quis lorem porttitor, non malesuada lorem congue. Ut justo ligula, pharetra sed mollis at, interdum id mauris. Praesent pulvinar urna urna, et eleifend neque mollis euismod. Proin viverra nisl luctus, aliquam orci sed, fringilla sapien. Etiam auctor accumsan urna, at aliquam ligula.

coded by weldherwings.

Hey, so I'm not the britghest, so I'm unsure how to copy down the code ;c
-- red / requested
red / Requested
click here for code
requested code
not mobile friendly :c
hidden scrolls
music player!
light + dark mode happy

A request for the badass Pysren Pysren ! Love me some badass lady power yo~!

  • Watch me make 'em
    bow one by one

coded by weldherwings.
-- h&m / requested
h&m / Requested
click here for code
requested code
mobile friendly!
hidden scrolls
light + dark mode happy

I legit watched Hercules three days ago. I stan a wonderboy and thanks to Creza11 Creza11 for this fun request!

Evangeline Nikolaou

my feet are mine to follow,
you don't get to decide

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei illud latine debitis ius. Convenire repudiare theophrastus et pro. Melius efficiendi eam ne, ut nemore eripuit aliquam qui. Hinc eius oblique eam cu. No fugit ignota quaeque his, saepe altera sadipscing ad duo, sea repudiare forensibus at. Te ubique signiferumque per, debitis tacimates ut mel.

Recteque erroribus cu cum. Partiendo adipiscing voluptatum pro in, his ad solum praesent, no mea quod corpora. Legimus adversarium sed ne. Ut his tantas primis adipisci. Usu assum facilis nominati te. Noster eirmod melius in cum.

Pro no nisl tincidunt repudiandae, fabulas intellegam sit an. Sea quis nisl noluisse te. Erat detraxit vix ad, cum ei alterum voluptua, mei docendi fastidii ad. Vix ea antiopam contentiones.

Eu timeam probatus usu, in alterum mentitum mea. Ridens tacimates nam an. Ne est ipsum phaedrum senserit. Mel odio mutat summo ad. Eloquentiam accommodare conclusionemque mei no, sit ex sale labitur eleifend. Vim at vivendo forensibus, et pri vocent deterruisset.

Semper disputationi ex his, eos zril honestatis ei. Eum ea antiopam consulatu dissentiunt, at vero gubergren disputationi pro. Putent delicatissimi sea id, ea vix explicari signiferumque. Ex mei quod labitur dolorum, prima patrioque voluptatum ea vim.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei illud latine debitis ius. Convenire repudiare theophrastus et pro. Melius efficiendi eam ne, ut nemore eripuit aliquam qui. Hinc eius oblique eam cu. No fugit ignota quaeque his, saepe altera sadipscing ad duo, sea repudiare forensibus at. Te ubique signiferumque per, debitis tacimates ut mel.

Recteque erroribus cu cum. Partiendo adipiscing voluptatum pro in, his ad solum praesent, no mea quod corpora. Legimus adversarium sed ne. Ut his tantas primis adipisci. Usu assum facilis nominati te. Noster eirmod melius in cum.

Pro no nisl tincidunt repudiandae, fabulas intellegam sit an. Sea quis nisl noluisse te. Erat detraxit vix ad, cum ei alterum voluptua, mei docendi fastidii ad. Vix ea antiopam contentiones.

Eu timeam probatus usu, in alterum mentitum mea. Ridens tacimates nam an. Ne est ipsum phaedrum senserit. Mel odio mutat summo ad. Eloquentiam accommodare conclusionemque mei no, sit ex sale labitur eleifend. Vim at vivendo forensibus, et pri vocent deterruisset.

Semper disputationi ex his, eos zril honestatis ei. Eum ea antiopam consulatu dissentiunt, at vero gubergren disputationi pro. Putent delicatissimi sea id, ea vix explicari signiferumque. Ex mei quod labitur dolorum, prima patrioque voluptatum ea vim.

coded by weldherwings.

โ˜… What kind of code: IN CHARACTER, BISCH.
โ˜… Theme, colors or color palette?: COLORS FOR LOUIS AND CATALINA. uwu.
โ˜… Large layout or small?: I'M GOING TO LET YOU DECIDE.
โ˜… Preferred font-family?: YOU KNOW WHAT I LIKE.
โ˜… Preferred font size?: AGAIN, YOU KNOW WHAT I LIKE.
โ˜… Text alignment?: CENTER, JUSTIFIED.
โ˜… Aesthetic inspiration?: YOU'RE BRAIN.
โ˜… Hidden scrolls or normal scrolls?: HIDDEN.
โ˜… Small cursor or normal cursor?: SMALL FRIEND.
โ˜… Are tabs needed?: HELL, NO.
โ˜… Would you like a music player?: YES I WANT MUSIC. WE SHALL CHAT.
โ˜… Is there a specific date you need it by?: NOW.
โ˜… Would you like a background?: SURPRISE ME LOVER.
โ˜… Any specific images you would like in the cs?: NOPE.
โ˜… How many spaces for images would you like?: SURPRISE ME LOVER.
โ˜… Any specific wording you'd like on it (a lyric, characters name?): CHARACTER NAME. ROLE TITLE.
โ˜… How many separate text boxes are needed: SURPRISE ME LOVER.
โ˜… Any textured backgrounds wanted?: SURPRISE ME LOVER.

eat my shorts.
nah i joke. eat my toes instead.
accepted yousmelldead yousmelldead cause you have my heart. (don't tell Joel)
โ˜… What kind of code?
a cs please
โ˜… Theme, colors or color palette?
blue scale, more like on the grey-blue side of things. feel free to add yellows/oranges as accents. kinda like so or maybe this
โ˜… Large layout or small?
medium...? around 700px width is probably the biggest
โ˜… Preferred font-family?
whatever looks best
โ˜… Preferred font size?
u da expert boo
โ˜… Text alignment?
i trust u, coding queen
โ˜… Aesthetic inspiration?
keywords: ocean, waves, clouds, weather, diamonds, expensive, rich boy
โ˜… Hidden scrolls or normal scrolls?
hidden please
โ˜… Small cursor or normal cursor?
the baby one is so cute
โ˜… Are tabs needed?
๐Ÿฅบ please
โ˜… Would you like a music player?
yes, either levanter by stray kids
or sea by bts
which ever feels like it fits the vibe better
โ˜… Is there a specific date you need it by?
โ˜… Would you like a background?
Whatever looks best
โ˜… Any specific images you would like in the cs?
probably just place holders, i am so indecisive when it comes to picture haha
โ˜… How many spaces for images would you like?
i dunno, just a lot...lol. Maybe even a gallery ๐Ÿ˜Š
โ˜… Any specific wording you'd like on it?
His name is Yoo Ha-Joon, maybe a space for a quote but i don't have one yet
โ˜… How many separate text boxes are needed?
whatever looks the best
โ˜… Any textured backgrounds wanted?
i don't care, you're the expert

โ˜… What kind of code?
a cs please
โ˜… Theme, colors or color palette?
blue scale, more like on the grey-blue side of things. feel free to add yellows/oranges as accents. kinda like so or maybe this
โ˜… Large layout or small?
medium...? around 700px width is probably the biggest
โ˜… Preferred font-family?
whatever looks best
โ˜… Preferred font size?
u da expert boo
โ˜… Text alignment?
i trust u, coding queen
โ˜… Aesthetic inspiration?
keywords: ocean, waves, clouds, weather, diamonds, expensive, rich boy
โ˜… Hidden scrolls or normal scrolls?
hidden please
โ˜… Small cursor or normal cursor?
the baby one is so cute
โ˜… Are tabs needed?
๐Ÿฅบ please
โ˜… Would you like a music player?
yes, either levanter by stray kids
or sea by bts
which ever feels like it fits the vibe better
โ˜… Is there a specific date you need it by?
โ˜… Would you like a background?
Whatever looks best
โ˜… Any specific images you would like in the cs?
probably just place holders, i am so indecisive when it comes to picture haha
โ˜… How many spaces for images would you like?
i dunno, just a lot...lol. Maybe even a gallery ๐Ÿ˜Š
โ˜… Any specific wording you'd like on it?
His name is Yoo Ha-Joon, maybe a space for a quote but i don't have one yet
โ˜… How many separate text boxes are needed?
whatever looks the best
โ˜… Any textured backgrounds wanted?
i don't care, you're the expert

im back from being in town (cause I forgot to say it in here oops). But A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba your request has been accepted and I shall get cracking on it tomorrow morning after Iโ€™ve cleaned the kitchen ๐Ÿ˜‚
โ˜… What kind of code (interest check, place holder, cs, in character, profile etc?)
A character sheet :D
โ˜… Theme, colors or color palette?
I'm the most indecisive person and I don't have a clue about combining colors but I was thinking something like this X X X X X but you can choose other colors if they don't match the aesthetic inspiration you are the queen I'm the clown c:
โ˜… Large layout or small?
600px or 700px of width? Nothing not too big but also not too small lol
โ˜… Preferred font-family?
I'm fond of the handwriting section in google fonts, but whatever you think would fit the best, I'll be happy with it.
โ˜… Preferred font size? (large or small? even pick a px size โ€“ every little bit helps!)
I'll let you decide depending on the font you choose to use c:
โ˜… Text alignment? (Left, right, centered, justified?)
justified please c:
โ˜… Aesthetic inspiration? (Link any images here or describe)
โ˜… Hidden scrolls or normal scrolls?
hidden scrolls please
โ˜… Small cursor or normal cursor?
I would love it if you could put any of these cursors X or X but if you think they don't match the code I'll be happy with a small cursor c:
โ˜… Are tabs needed?
Yes please
โ˜… Would you like a music player?
Yes, I'm still deciding on the song but you can put this one Hajin - We all lie or Seven devils - Florence + the machine
โ˜… Is there a specific date you need it by?
No c:
โ˜… Would you like a background?
I'll let you decide c:
โ˜… Any specific images you would like in the cs?
Just add placeholders in the meantime I haven't search them.
โ˜… How many spaces for images would you like?
A lot uwu
โ˜… Any specific wording you'd like on it
Name and Role maybe a small quote but if you think the quote doesn't fit you don't have to add it c:
โ˜… How many separate text boxes are needed
I'll let you decide that, because I'm confused lol
โ˜… Any textured backgrounds wanted?
Feel free to choose c:
โ˜… What kind of code (interest check, place holder, cs, in character, profile etc?)
A character sheet :D
โ˜… Theme, colors or color palette?
I'm the most indecisive person and I don't have a clue about combining colors but I was thinking something like this X X X X X but you can choose other colors if they don't match the aesthetic inspiration you are the queen I'm the clown c:
โ˜… Large layout or small?
600px or 700px of width? Nothing not too big but also not too small lol
โ˜… Preferred font-family?
I'm fond of the handwriting section in google fonts, but whatever you think would fit the best, I'll be happy with it.
โ˜… Preferred font size? (large or small? even pick a px size โ€“ every little bit helps!)
I'll let you decide depending on the font you choose to use c:
โ˜… Text alignment? (Left, right, centered, justified?)
justified please c:
โ˜… Aesthetic inspiration? (Link any images here or describe)
โ˜… Hidden scrolls or normal scrolls?
hidden scrolls please
โ˜… Small cursor or normal cursor?
I would love it if you could put any of these cursors X or X but if you think they don't match the code I'll be happy with a small cursor c:
โ˜… Are tabs needed?
Yes please
โ˜… Would you like a music player?
Yes, I'm still deciding on the song but you can put this one Hajin - We all lie or Seven devils - Florence + the machine
โ˜… Is there a specific date you need it by?
No c:
โ˜… Would you like a background?
I'll let you decide c:
โ˜… Any specific images you would like in the cs?
Just add placeholders in the meantime I haven't search them.
โ˜… How many spaces for images would you like?
A lot uwu
โ˜… Any specific wording you'd like on it
Name and Role maybe a small quote but if you think the quote doesn't fit you don't have to add it c:
โ˜… How many separate text boxes are needed
I'll let you decide that, because I'm confused lol
โ˜… Any textured backgrounds wanted?
Feel free to choose c:
REJECTED. A THOUSAND TIMES REJECTED. lol jokes. ilu Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy -- you're request has been accepted. Please give me a bit cause I have uni and an old woman back. Thank u.

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