Kelly Jones


 Role applying for: B 


Name: Joseph Kellen Jones

Nickname: Kelly. 

Age: 25

Gender: cis male

Sexuality: pan sexual


Shorter than average, blonde, bright blue eyes, muscular, has hipster glasses for reading. Has his left leg amputated just below the knee. 


Personality~ Kelly is a ray of sunshine. He's always smiling and try's really hard to be grateful for every day that he has.  He also has the dorkiest sense of humor ever, and especially finds the absolute stupidest puns horribly hilarious. Kelly works as an actor, dancer and choreographer and loves performing.


-discipline. He has a laser focus on his goals and often spends hours at the studio without even realizing that he forgot to eat dinner

-Charismatic. He's a very charming person


-extremely extroverted. He has a tendency to get really depressed if he isn't out and about socializing all the time

-Obviously physically disabled. He trys not to be bitter about it but occasionally it gets the best of him



Kelly grew up with a sister who is ten years older than him and has always looked up to her, tracing as far back to when Kelly was five, and had to sit and watch his Dana's ballet class for the first time. The little boy fell in love, he wanted to be like his role model so badly. His parents, moderately conservative upper class residents of Seattle, with a lovely picket fence home and an old fashioned but can-do attitude, well, they thought it was quite funny. They had the cash, and the next school year they indulged their little boy, because wow won't this be a hilarious story to tell his future girlfriends. He would get tired of it, he would realize it was girly, it was a silly, fun little kid thing, they would go ahead and pre-register him for the neighborhood T-ball team later. Except none of that happened. Kelly got along splendidly with the little girls in his class, the teachers at the studio were so happy to have another boy dancing with them that they waived his tuition, and Kelly loved it. As young as eight, he was taking three classes a week. By ten, he was always at the studio. He wanted to learn everything, he took classes in Tap, in Jazz, watched Bob Fosse and Gene Kelly and Martha Graham. He practiced constantly and had a natural talent, and was so hungry for knowledge it was unbelievable.

Later that year, the diagnosis came. Osteosarcoma.

It scared everyone, especially at first. The results started rolling in. They caught it early, thanks to his parents good medical insurance and general paranoia for their children, Kelly would live. It would take work, but he was going to beat the odds. For his parents, the choice was a pretty easy one. Years and years of fighting, awful drugs, and the possibility of it all being for nothing, or amputation of the left leg below the knee. Dana, now 20, being the academic type who took advantage of college classes in high school, was about to finish her degree in biomedical engineering, dove into the field of prosthesis innovation.

Kelly would not be held down. He has a fire in his spirit, and tended to get into quite a lot of trouble during his recovery period for overdoing it, willing freedom of movement to come faster. It was a long time before he could join the studio again. His parents hoped in the off time that he might pick up a hobby, besides watching theatrical performances and falling down a lot. They took him to all sorts of job fairs and classes, trying to get him to focus on something worthwhile to do with his life, something that would spell success similar to that of his parents. He did, through their efforts, discover his love for acting and theater, Mr. and Mrs. Jones determined this to be even worse than dancing, but put up with it, and didn't protest when he got onto the improv team at school, or a part in the school play. It didn't fill the void, but it came close, and it quickly became his second love.

During that limbo period, Kelly went to live with his sister. She had made the offer, after doing much of the raising of her baby brother, it was no trouble, she insisted. He would watch videos of all the stars and broke down their technique, he couldn't put it into movement, not properly at least, so he also put it into notes. What made them seem so effortless? What were their quirks? Why did she hold her shoulders this way, while she did it differently? Notebooks upon notebooks, full of notes, some double checked and cross referenced and some existing just because the idea had to exist somewhere outside of Kelly's head. In addition to participating in school theater, he was also Dana's live in lab rat, as she rose in the field, he never had anything but top of the line prosthesis.

He was fourteen before he could rejoin dance classes at a more basic level than he had been in before. At sixteen, he was getting very good at determining the exact limits of his body, and extending them, and modifying movements to fit his comfort and ability. This resulted in a development of a fairly unique style. At eighteen, he was accepted into Cornish College of the arts, where he developed this style, refined his acting, and failed more than a few classes because of professors that didn't want a kid like him there in the first place and used zero allowance for modification as an excuse to get him out. This went on for about two years until he realized that it would be a dead end and moved back in with his sister. 

By now, he's out on his own, working at a local dance studio teaching classes and doing some production management with a local theater group.


-He sings. Constantly. Usually show tunes,in the shower, in the car, while cooking, sometimes in public. 

-Any time anyone asks about his leg, he has a different insane story prepared. No one has ever heard the same one twice, although most of the people in his immediate circle know that it was childhood cancer, because it's kind of hard to hide that from someone anyway.



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