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Keep Me Safe...

Ember Spark

Sparky AKA Flint
Felix didn't know why he agreed to this. He didn't know why he met with the leader if the rebel group. He didn't want to do this, but he needed the guns and food. He looked down at the paper that had the address on it. The rain that speckled the paper made the ink on it run.

Felix folded the paper and shoved it in his pocket. His feet carried him through the puddles and up to the big apartment building that held the room he'd meet the woman in. He climbed up onto a window and jumped, grabbing the latter that lead to the fire escape. He climbed up and pushed through a window.

Felix exited the room and walked doin the hall. His eyes laid on the door that read 127. He pushed open the door to the apartment and looked around. She wasn't here yet. He shut the door behind him and waked toward a window and looked out, waiting for the girl. He didn't know why she needed to get out of the city and into the infected infested world. He didn't care. He just needed the supplies.
Sarah wondered what had gone wrong in her life. She could name a few decisions that she made that were stupid, and some things that happened to her that were bad. But what had she done to actually deserve this? She didn't know. But she couldn't keep the question from appearing in her head as she walked down the street, hands in her pockets as her feet splashed in the puddles. At least the rain had cleared up before she left, leaving only the rain on the floor that had transformed into small puddles.

Sarah wondered who the man was that the rebels hired to bring her to them. What was he like? She hoped he was nice, so she could at least talk to him as they traveled. It'd be a long journey otherwise. She looked up at the big building as she approached it, fishing the paper with address out of her pocket. She glanced at it to confirm she was at the right place, nodded absentmindedly, then pocketed the item again and entered the building.

It was quiet. Either the building was abandoned, or the people living there were all gone. Sarah wouldn't be surprised if it was the first one - the rebels knew exactly which building were safe and which ones weren't. She went up to the second floor, searching for apartment 127. She stopped in front of it, hesitating. She could still leave. Did she even want to help the rebels? Everything had gone so fast, she had barely had any time to think. But no. She had to do this. Only she could help save the human race. Her blood was the key. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Closing the door behind her, Sarah looked at the man standing next to the window. He didn't look that much older than her; she had almost expected a man in his 50's or something to escort her. She had to admit she was happy with what she saw. He looked strong, capable of protecting her. She gave him a nervous smile. "Hi.. You're Felix, right?"
Felix whipped around, about ready to take out whoever was behind him. He sighed when he seen the woman at the door. She was red head just like they said. He holstered the gun he had pulled out and raised his eye brow at the woman. She was a lot shorter than he was. She looked a few years younger. He eyed her closely before she spoke out. He looked her in the eyes, taking note of her bright blue hues. "Yeah." He mumbled out. "Sarah right? I dont want to know why the rebels want you to go to the outside. I dont care at this point. We just need to get you there. Its late now. It would be good for you to go rest. There's a bedroom down the hall you can stay in. I'll take watch."

Felix turned from the woman and glared out the window. His old comrades were patrolling the streets now. He missed being a soldier for the city. He missed the patrols. He sighed and moved to a couch and sat down. He pulled out his gun and began to clean it.
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Sarah pursed her lips. Not very friendly, was he? It wasn't what she had hoped for. All business, no taking it easy. Just great. She sighed, rubbing her neck. "Yeah..." There were many things she wanted to say, but now wasn't the time. He was right; it was late, and they would need to leave early in the morning. That didn't mean she had to like how their first meeting went. She shifted, the backpack sliding from her back down to her arm, where she grabbed it and opened it. Grabbing a small box from it, she walked over to Felix and dropped it on the couch next to him. "Jane asked me to give you this. It's a sample of what you'll get if I arrive there safely." It was a small pouch filled with about 20 bullets. Bullets were rare, and valuable because of it. Sarah didn't know how many strings Jane had to pull to get these bullets, but they had to be a lot - despite her high position in the rebel group.

Sarah lifted her backpack back over one shoulder, turning her back on Felix to go to the bedroom down the hall. It was a small room, just big enough for a mattress and a closet. She sighed, dropping her backpack on the ground next to her as she closed the door. This would be fun. The mattress was filthy and obviously hadn't been used in weeks. But it was something, so she wasn't going to complain. Crouching down to search her backpack, she pulled a grey blanket out of it. It had been a gift from the rebels, to make sure she didn't get a cold. It was getting colder outside as summer made way for autumn, and it was a long journey to the rebel's base. She'd need the blanket before long. As it was, she needed it now. There was no way her body was touching the mattress. So she spread the blanket on top of it and laid down on top of it. Her hands were folded across her stomach, her head turned to look out the window. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day. With that thought in her head, she fell asleep.
Felix jumped awake. Another nightmare poisoned his thoughts. He didn't mean to fall asleep but he's been going on for days and he needed it. Sleeping while sitting didn't help him either. He stood and stretched his arms above his head, letting out a groan as he did so. Felix pulled off his over coat then his shirt. He looked down at the long wound on his stomach. 'Almost healed...' He thought as he fingered the scabbed over wound.

He slipped his shirt back on the his over coat. Felix buttoned the garment up and pulled his pack on and grabbed his rifle letting hang over his shoulder. He moved toward the door that the woman slept behind and beat his fist against the door. "Wake up, princess! Time to get moving!" With that he turned and walked away, waiting by the front door.
Sarah woke with a star, jumping up from her bed as her half asleep mind associated the banging and yelling as an attack. She stumbled forward, her legs twisted in the blankets and fell down again as she lost her balance. She let out a small yelp as she hit the floor, suddenly wide awake. She finally realized they weren't being attacked and she groaned. Great. She already managed to embarrass herself. Good job. She untangled her legs from the blanket and stood up, blanket in her hand. Walking over to her pack she pushed it inside, not even bothering to fold it properly. Right now she hated it and didn't care. Hoisting the pack on her back, she took a deep breath and left the bedroom.

Sarah walked up to Felix as soon as she spotted him waiting by the door. She glared at him, though the effect was minimized due to the height difference. "Don't do that again! I thought we were being attacked or something!" Being woken up like that wasn't fun. She was surprised her heart hadn't jumped out of her chest. Not waiting for him to say anything she pushed past him and opened the door, going into the hallway. She had no clue where they were going as she had never left the city before, but she could at least walk outside. So she started in the direction of the stairs.
Felix glared at the back of the girls head. A huff came from his lips as he walked behind her. Close enough to help her if anything happened but far enough away that she couldn't watch him. They began yo walk down the stairs toward the from doors of the apartment building. Felix froze when he heard the loading of guns and whispering.

He quickly wrapped his arms around Sarah's waist and turned her toward the stairs to ga back up."Go!" He told her in a hushed tone."Top floor dont stop. Wait for me." He turned toward the door way and looked out the glass with his rifle drawn. He counted 6 soldiers outside looking at the building. Felix cursed and ran as fast as he could up that stairs. "We have to take the roof. There's soldiers down there. I think someone seen us..." Felix then opened a window to the fire escape and jumped out.
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Sarah almost didn't notice the whispering. The sudden arm around her waist startled her and she was about to open her mouth and protest, but that is when her ears picked up the sounds Felix had heard as well. She quickly closed her mouth before any sound could escape her, annoyance making way for nervousness and fear. How did they find her so fast? She didn't hesitate when Felix let her go, instead her feet immediately started moving to carry her to the stairs. She quickly looked back over her shoulder at her protector, seeing him draw his rifle as he approached the window. Then she reached the stairs and she had to direct her eyes back in front of her, climbing the stairs. She started running, taking two steps at a time.

Just as she reached the top of the stair, Sarah heard feet pounding on the steps. She quickly turned around only to see Felix. She swallowed nervously at his words. "Won't we be trapped if we go up there?" Despite her doubts she followed him. She climbed through the window, her feet touching the cold metal as the wind immediately attacked her clothes and hair. She looked down towards the front entrance, almost expecting the soldiers to have seen them and start shooting. But there was no sign of them. Not yet, at least.
Felix hushed the girl. He came off rude but didn't mean to. He was just annoyed by the soldiers. His boot covered feet carried him up the fire escape and to the ledge of the building. He looked over to the building next to the one they were on. It wasn't too far of a jump. A small human like Sarah could get enough speed to make it. Felix in the other hand would have to pray for the best. He took a few breath and spoke to Sarah without looking at her. "You can make this jump with no problem. Just run as fast as you can, okay?"

With that Felix took off and ran for the edge of the building. The grown, 29 year old man was afraid of heights but he had someone to protect so he couldn't let his weakness be shown. He caught the edge of the building, his body slamming against it. His breath was knocked out of him and one hand slipped from the ledge. He hung there for a moment, catching his breath, before pulling himself up onto the building. He fell to the ground with a groan.

Felix opened his over coat and pulled his shirt up, looking at his chest. A nice watermelon size bruise started showing up. "Well fuck..." Felix mumbled to himself before pushing his shirt down and standing with a wince. He looked up at the red head. "Hurry!" He called in a hushed tone.
Sarah followed Felix up the stairs, their boots thumping down on the metal. Every sound felt like a gunshot in the silence, as terrified as she was that they were going to be seen. But as they reached the roof she quickly glanced down one more time, only to see no sign of the soldiers yet. Relieved, she followed Felix to the edge of the roof, looking at the building across from them. At his words, her head whipped around to stare at him in shock. "You can't be serious!" But then he started running. "You áre serious." She balled her hands into fists, taking a deep breath to gather her courage. Then she ran, wincing when she saw Felix jump and smash into the side of the building. She jumped, praying she didn't meet the same fate. It seemed luck was on her side.

Sarah's feet touched the roof and she stumbled, almost falling down again. but she managed to regain her balance, and she turned around to face Felix. She was just in time to see him with his shirt pulled up, and winced when she saw the bruise. That must hurt. She turned around as Felix stood up and quickly went over to the door to the stairs, testing it. It was locked. They had to take the fire escape again. She ran to it, quickly looking down at the ground to make sure there were no soldiers looking up. She couldn't see anyone, so she continued down the stairs.
Once their feet hit the pavement Felix took Sarah's hand and took off. This way she couldn't fall behind. "The bridge we have to go to is heavily guarded. We will have to sneak around them or take them all out." He told the woman as they ran. He let go of her hand as he slowed to a wall the stopped, looking around the corner. Felix sat there and counted 16 soldiers. He moved back and looked at Sarah. "To sneak past them we will have to hang from the side of the bridge and move across like that." Felix whispered.

"There's an area under the bridge on the other side that we can drop down to that has a door we can go through." Felix looked down at the ground between them. He then looked back up. "Or we take them all out... It would be louder, easier, and faster." He looked into her blue hues, waiting for her to make the decision.
Sarah was surprised when Felix took her hand, but she didn't protest. It was a little difficult to keep up with him - he was taller than her and could take bigger steps, so he was faster - but she somehow managed to keep up with him. She didn't even bother saying anything to him in response to his own words, as focused as she was on keeping up. She took a couple of deep breaths once they stopped, catching her breath again. She wasn't tired, as she had a lot of stamina, but it had taken a lot of energy. Once she recovered she straightened herself.

Sarah bit her lip at Felix's words, considering their options. She didn't want to take the soldiers out; they might be trying to capture her, but they were just doing their job. They probably didn't even know why they were after her! But at the same time she didn't think she was strong enough to hang from the side of the bridge and move across like that. She had never really had to do any heavy lifting, so she doubted if her arms could carry her weight. She closed her eyes, making her decision, before opening them again and facing Felix. "Take them out. But don't kill them!" She didn't want anyone to die because of her. This whole thing was because she wanted to save people, not kill them.
Felix watched the girl closely. He didn't know what to take from her expressions. He tried to think of another way. He could lift a good 200 and could bench press 350 pounds. He thought that maybe he could carry her on his back but one wrong move and they are dead. He took a deep breath in annoyance. It would just be easier to kill them.

Felix nodded at the red head and moved around the corner, taking cover behind a crate. A solider walked by on the other side of the crate. Felix stood up and grabbed the man by the neck. He pulled him over the crate and put the younger soldier in a head lock untill the man passed out.
Sarah watched as Felix started moving, wincing when she saw him grab a man and hold him in a head lock until he passed out. She carefully looked around the corner of the wall she was still standing next to, trying to see if she could help. There were two men coming their way, on each side of the crate. Felix could only take out one, the other would see either him or the unconscious man and sound the alarm. She wasn't strong enough to take out a man like Felix just did. But there was a brick lying at her feet. She quickly grabbed it.

Sarah moved forward a little, swallowing nervously. She waited until the soldiers reached the crate, then quickly moved forward, making sure she was still unseen by the rest of the men. Hoping Felix would get it and take the other man out, she approached the man closest to her from the back and brought the brick down on his head. It wouldn't kill him, but it'd hurt like a bitch. He went down and Sarah quickly crouched behind a crate right next to Felix's. She was breathing heavily, a little shaken from what just happened. She had never attacked a man before. At least, not unprovoked. It felt wrong.
Felix watched the read head before taking out the other soldier with a heavy blow to the back of the head. He slid down next to Sarah and watched her expressions. He sighed and gently patted her hand, trying to comfort her. "Just remember, if they knew we were here they would be trying to kill us." Felix got on his feet, crouching and peaked over the crate. He moved around it and went behind a ammo crate. "Alright, lets get this done..." He mumbled to himself.


Felix stalked one of the last three soldiers left. He grabbed him from behind and held his arm around the mans throat until he went limp. The second one seen so he had to quickly run over to him and take him out before he alerted the last one or before he called in reinforcements. Felix dropped to the ground as the last man walked by. He swept his leg under the mans feet and his head hit the ground with a thud. Felix stood and walked toward the door they needed to go through. "Lets go Princess!"

(this would be the time for the soldier taking Sarah with the gun at her head.)
Sarah was relieved when she saw Felix take out the last man; it was finally over. It was difficult to watch Felix take them all out, even if it was to protect her. At his words, she started walking again. But before she could reach him, she felt a hand grab her arm and pull her back. She stumbled back into a broad chest, a small yelp escaping her lips, as the owner tightened his grip on her arm and put a gun against her head. She froze, heart beating wildly in her chest as fear took a hold of her. "Drop your weapons and raise your hands or I'll shoot!" the man yelled at Felix, grip on Sarah's arm tightening. Sarah whimpered softly as her arm felt like it was being crushed, but unable to do anything in fear he'd shoot her. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. She had never been this scared before, except for the time she was bitten. All the fear and uncertainty came rushing back to her, threatening to overwhelm her.
Felix went ridged. He took his gun out of its holster on his hip and lowered to the ground. Before he laid it down he whipped around aiming at the mans head. "Sergeant Carter!" The man laughed pressing the barrel of the gun harder to Sarah's head. Felix let out a noise that sounded similar to a growl. He took a step forward and the soldier laid his finger on the trigger. He looked at the young girl. He couldn't let her die. He couldn't let Steven kill her. He took a breath. She isn't gonna like this.

Felix aimed his gun at Stevens head. Steven shouted at Felix. "Put your gun down or the girl dies! I do-" His shouting cut off with a gun shot. Stevens head shot backwards, his whole body falling toward the edge of the bridge. Felix ran toward and grabbed Sarah's hand. He pulled her against him and watched as Steven fell off the bridge. He kept his arm around her as he looked down at her. "You okay?" His gruff voice asked her.
Sarah whimpered as the gun was pressed even harder against her head, sure to leave a bruise afterwards - if she survived, that is. Her eyes were fixed on Felix, silently pleading him to save her. He did. She jumped as a gunshot suddenly ran through the air, as the hand around her arm twitched violently. The now dead body fell backwards, pulling Sarah with him. She couldn't do anything, too shocked to move, but luckily Felix was there. He pulled her forward, her arm ripped from the dead man's grasp as she was pulled against Felix's chest. She didn't move as Felix's deep voice reached her ears, trying to grasp what had happened. Then she weakly lifted her hands, grabbing Felix's shirt as tears started dripping from her eyes. "I was so scared..!" Her voice shook, dripping with fear as her body shook. Her arm was bruised, the side of her head starting to, but she didn't even feel it. The shock of what had just happened was settling in, and it was all she could do to remain standing.
In that moment Felix was reminded of his daughter. Looking down at this woman and watching her tears broke his heart. He did what any father would do. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her flush against his chest. He rested his chin on her head and rubbed her back. He didn't feel like a father then, that would be strange, but he knew how to comfort because he was a father. He took a deep breath and started shushing her quietly.

"Sarah?" He said softly. "We have to keep moving. There's no time to stop. Others might of heard my gun and be headed this way right now. Lets go." He put her at arms length and looked her in the eyes. "You ready?" He asked and before he got an answer he turned toward the door and went back the the same asshole Felix that he usually is. He grasped the wood that was blocking the door way and lifted it, holding its weight. "Lets go!" He shouted at Sarah.

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