Katrina Van Tassel (Adaption from Sleepy Hollow)


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Katrina Van Tassel

"You can't kill what's already dead."



Full Name

Katrina Elizabeth Van Tassel


Kat, Katie, Eliza, Ellie, Beth, Liz


19/178 years old



Sexual Orientation





128 lbs.

Body Type

Thin; slightly hourglass

Health and Well-Being

Perfectly healthy if you don't count being dead





Known Language(s)

English, French

Notable Relationships

Baltus Van Tassel (father) - deceased

Ichabod Crane (boyfriend) - deceased

Brom Van Brunt (suitor) - deceased



Birth Date

October 31, 1837

Death Date

October 31, 1855

City of Birth

London, England

Criminal Record


Fondest Memory

Meeting Ichabod

Greatest Achievement

Bringing Sleepy Hollow back to life (ironically)

Worst Memory


Biggest Failure

Letting that bastard of a man convince her to kill herself


General Background

When Katrina's mother died to an unknown illness, the Van Tassel's decided to start over anew in America. Katrina was eight years old when she moved to Sleepy Hollow, which at the time, was a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. Katrina originally attended school with the other children of the town but quickly transitioned to homeschooling as the children made fun of her for her accent and love of learning.

Although the town's general sentiment wasn't the best toward the British family, many people loved little Katrina. She was a happy child who loved to help anyone who needed it. As her father was a busy and not-so-generally liked man, he often told Katrina that she would have to stay inside their home. That idea didn't sit well with Katrina and she would sneak out, her father often finding her talking the ear off of anyone who would listen.

As Katrina aged and grew more accustomed to the ways of the town, she had come to be know as the town most eligible bachelorette. However Katrina had no interest in marriage and much preferred to stay away from romantic pursuits. As she neared the extents of her current tutor's knowledge, her father hired a more learned man - Ichabod Crane. Suddenly the idea of marriage didn't seem all that bad to Katrina. And the rest is history.








Important Goals or Desires

To find her true love


Making friends




The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Mentions of Ichabod Crane


Being trapped in Sleepy Hollow, alone forever

General Personality

Katrina is a generally well-liked person, especially among newcomers to Sleepy Hollow to whom she is especially kind. Having been in Sleep Hollow for so long, she is one of the strongest ghosts in the town often appearing as if she is still living. She only doesn't appear to the strongest of disbelievers.

Katrina's kindness can be slightly misleading. She fully believes that Sleepy Hollow isn't the sort of town that you "just happen upon." As such, she believes those that come to Sleepy Hollow aren't ever meant to leave. If the only way to keep them in Sleepy Hollow is for them to meet their fate, so be it.

no slide

Katrina's Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Warning: This story contains themes that may be disturbing to the reader

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow didn't happen as the story is told. Katrina's father wasn't a farmer. He was a tax collector. Brom wasn't widely liked by those that didn't prove to be of benefit to him but he was presumed to keep the quiet little town safe so everyone put up with him. He was obnoxious and arrogant but he knew how to schmooze. As such, after a few heroic demonstrations, Baltus offered Katrina's hand to Brom who gladly accepted. Everything would have gone perfectly for Brom if it weren't for two things. The first was Katrina herself. She wasn't one to accept a fate that was unappealing to her. However, if that had been all, Brom would have talked his way into a fortune and a trophy wife.

The second of the two things and the more troubling one was a man named Ichabod Crane. Ichabod was not a school teacher but a personal tutor hired for Katrina. Katrina had a controversial love for books and knowledge but her father was happy to comply. Ichabod was an intelligent but superstitious man. He believed strongly in the possibility of a life after death and often shared his theories with Katrina. He told her of impossible stories, telling her that Sleepy Hollow was unlike any other city in the world. And she believed him.

Ichabod and Katrina bonded quickly over their shared interests and fell passionately in love. Katrina tried desperately to convince her father to call off the marriage but he couldn't see a reason to. As a last resort, she told her father about the feelings she had developed for Ichabod. He scolded her for making up terrible rumors about such a respectable man and informed Ichabod to never return to the Van Tassel household.

For the weeks leading up to the wedding, Ichabod and Katrina met in secret. They formulated a plan so they that could be together forever. The night before the wedding, on Katrina's nineteenth birthday, they agreed to meet at sunset at the large tree in the center of town. The pair sat on the branch of the tree, discussing what was next for them.

"So this is it?" Katrina asked the man beside her, looking to the ground for just a moment.

"This is it," He responded surely, just a hint of a sullen tone in his words.

He took Katrina's hand as she began to count down softly. As she slid off the branch, she felt his hand slip from her grasp and she heard him mutter an apology.

Ichabod," She forced the name out, kicking and tugging at the rope around her neck as she now fought to stay alive. As the struggle caught the attention of the townsfolk, Ichabod easily slid the noose off on his neck and hoped down from the branch.

Ichabod rode away on a horse, pulling his coat up to hide his face from view. He was never seen again.

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