• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Katherine: Survive or be killed.


Senior Member
The Main Protagonist Vincent Morano has begun to head into a bar late Sunday. Orlando and the others begin to talk about their relationships and how it's going downhill. One night something horrible happens and people begin to die from nightmares.

"Damn what in the world happened? Orlando what do you think of these nightmare killings the news has been going on about though?"

  • Vincent is the Main Character so he is out. You're allowed to use your Original Characters.
  • This role-play will affect each and every one of your characters actions. This right here will be called the Karma Meter. If it is near the red it means your screwed and you will have no choice but, to continue making these decisions until you reach a certain plot point which will determine how much you failed or how much you succeeded during that time.
  • 1-5 Lines is fine but, if you don't feel you're up to it than that's fine. I don't really care about Grammar but, It would be great if you could keep that in mind and not be too lazy.
  • Finally. The story will revolve around Vincent Morano and his friends and girlfriend. Each chapter will reflect on each characters actions.....whether they are good or bad will depend on what the story will
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Vincent: *He began to drink a couple of beers and sees Skyler within the area and sighs a bit* "You know though I don't think you should be looking at those female pictures though. Your engaged to your own fiancee if I'm not mistaken. I haven't heard much about you and her but, I've heard it's quiet serious if not romantic."

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