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Fantasy Kast: The last Quest Guild

Kean nodded. "Tentacles are fairly rare on leviathins, and a kraken would have a much easier time getting this far inland. Not to mention the flexibility of those tentacles I've only ever heard of in krakens. That is to say that I honestly can't say that there's no chance it's something else Guildmaster." He pauses as he's pulled to the ground by Kas. And then smiles at the mage, as he returns to his standing position. "Exactly! Of course Kani is right. Dogs intuition." He says as Kas pulls him out of the way of another tentacle. Then giving a quick salute as he hears Kas speak to him again. And leaps in to the crevice with Kas, whom still had a hold on his arm and as they fall he calls out, "My name is Kean Lander!" His voice echoing and bouncing around the rugged walls of the gap torn in the street.
As they descend sliding along the tentacles, which grow larger and larger the further down they proceed, something odd occurs. Instead of gliding smoothly along the slick surface of the tentacles, they find themselves jolting and bumping. Only every once in a while at first, but it quickly increases in frequency and soon it feels as though they're sliding down a slightly oily rock slide. Taking a quick glance around at the rapidly passing tentacle beneath them, Kas comments conversationally. "I don't think krakens have scales, master Lander."
"Admittedly usually not, Guildmaster. And it has just occurred to me how difficult this substance will be to get out of my fur." Kean replies in much the same tone as Kas had used. He begins thinking on the matter again. "I still do not think the beast is a leviathan either though. I'd think sea serpent, but the beast is clearly more powerful then that. Legendary sea creatures, legendary sea creatures . . . Well tentacles cancels out most known sea creatures like abaias(eel monsters) or shens(clam monsters). And buggane(a troll/mole hybrid type creature) and Namazu(a giant catfish) live under ground, but also have to tentacles. Umibozus(Sea ghosts that resemble octopi) have tentacles, but they're not corporeal. Water dragons, Jormungandr(the mudguard serpent), and Yamata no Orochi(a great dragon with eight heads and eight tails) are close, but still I don't recall any of them having tentacles. Mayhaps it's a lusca(a gaint octopus creature(much like the kraken) but sometimes depicted with scales as well), or a kun(pretty much a slightly smaller leviathan creature) trying to become a peng(a gaint bird similar to a Roc). He'd be vary lost indeed then. Neither kuns nor Pengs belong underground you know." Kean explained after a while coming to the end of his thoughts on the creature and what it might be. The entire rambling said as if he expected Kas to understand it all perfectly. "I think my bet's on the lusca. Though it seems I was wrong before so I'd not lay any real money on it." Kean looks up from staring at his feet at this moment. "What think you? Any guesses yourself?"

((Hooray, for a bunch of mythical creatures that no one probably knows or actually cares about!))
Kas thinks for a moment. Contemplating all that Kean had told him. There was something he hadn't mentioned, something important. "One moment old chap." Kas says, heaving the magician to another tentacle, and then leaping after him just in time as the tentacle they had been sliding on convulses wildly and collapses. It's too dark to see now, but suddenly, as Kas catches up with the magician, now sliding on a new tentacle, as rough and scaly as ever, the memory he had been trying to grasp a moment ago. "I don't suppose cthulhu have scales, master Magician?" Still in a conversational tone.

Above ground the tentacles become more and more wild and frantic, they no longer seem to be specifically targeting the guild. One slams into Arianna's (@Dethbycoffee) stomach, knocking the breath out of her momentarily. Another manages, while Elijah (@The Master) fends off several in front, to sweep in from behind and knock his feet out from under him. The dwarf (@Hunnyhelp) is snatched from his tunnel by a tentacle which proceeds to toss him to one side, he clashes into the wall of a mostly demolished building, the stones of which proceed to fall on top of him.
Arianna grunted, lifting herself farther into the sky to avoid another hit as she regains her breath. She winces, it feels as though a rib might have been cracked. "Tch." she grunted, pressing an arm to her midsection. Yep, someone was cracked. Broken, or simply fractured, she couldn't tell for the moment. She shifted in the air, placing her bow and arrows back to their normal places, and drew a set of blades from their hiding places. She dove to the ground, slicing at one of the tentacles in an effort to help Elijah.

Syndra danced around, keeping sight on the goings on. Kas and Kean had disappeared down the opening in the ground, so she couldn't be sure if they were injured or not. A tentacle slammed into Arianna, and from the following actions, she knew the fallen angel was injured. She looked to Elijah to assess his situation as she nimbly dodged flailing tentacles.
Elijah caught himself and was able to rip the tip off of the tentacle that caused him to fall. He returned to his human state and had arcane energy surging around him. Elijah was using glyphs, which were the only form of magic the creature wasn't able to alter or effect, and was now burning, slicing, crushing, and stabbing the tentacles with the help of his glyphs. He looked at Arianna, "Are you OK?" He asked her with little breath. Elijah was occupied with keeping up, so speaking wasn't something he was completely capable of doing with efficiency.
The tentacles continue to flail angrily, but though Elijahs glyphs stick, they don't seem to do as much damage as they should. The creature is resistant even to that magic, though not completely proof from it, it seems.

Underground: Kas and Kean (@DemonicAngel ) slide further and further into the chasm, and soon not a speck or gleam of light shows in . There seems to be a breeze, other than that of their descent, in the chasm. A warm breathy breeze. Kas pulls out his twin dirks, mourning the necessity to release the magicians sleeve. The absentminded Kani would probably become lost in thought and topple abstractedly into the endless void. Readying himself to come to the base of the tentacles and by extension, the body of the creature.
The dwarf quickly rolled to avoid the falling stones, this wasn't his only experience with stuff falling down on him. Sadly, he was not used to being thrown around and felt around on his chest as the ribs seemed to jiggle around. Definately not normal, he thought to himself, before grabbing his hammer and limping to the magician. He didn't trust magic, but the magician was on his team. So Super Boomer pulled out his war axe and cut off a nearby tentacle, as it nearly got to the magician. God this hurts. But there seemed nothing to do about it, so we went about chopping off nearby tentacles until one landed a hit on his chest. Damn, he thought as his bones twisted. His eyes then went wide as a rib hit something, he then fell to his knees and passed out, hitting his head hard. The monster seemed delighted and was all too happy to start to drag the unconscious dwarf into the chasm.

(I could swear I posted so many things, I must have never hit the send button, anyway I don't know if I'll be able to be on tomorrow so I thought I should get a reply out and knock my character out for good measure. (I promise you this is not normal for me))
Syndra caught a glimpse of the dwarf. It was easy enough to see he was injured, and terribly so. She bolted toward him as a tentacle began to drag the unconscious body toward the chasm. With a swift movement of her blade, she sliced the tentacle and freed the dwarf. "This one might be the troublesome one." She sighed, and sheathed her blade. "Mage! Cover me! I need to heal the dwarf and the angel." She said loud enough to be heard over the commotion. She slipped her arms beneath the dwarf, hooking them around his, and began to drag him away from the chasm. She glanced over her shoulder to watch where she was stepping. When she had receded a fair distance, she laid the dwarf on ground and began to look him over. "Angel. I may need to borrow some of your energy." She said, looking over at the fallen.

Arianna gave a small smile to Elijah, and nodded. "Nothing's broken from what I can tell. What about you?" She asked, glancing at the elf who spoke to her. She nodded at the elf woman, and turned her attention back to Elijah. She yanked her bow from her back and in a blink she loosed three arrows at a tebtacle, effectively, at least for the moment, pinning it to the ground. She let her power loose slightly, flowing around her, making a soft white iridescence surround her as she helped feed energy to the elf to help the dwarf.
The tentacles seem to slow, then begin, unaccountably, to retreat back into the crevices, only to explode forth in full riotous frenzy twisting and writhing, lashing and flailing aimlessly and to devastating effect. The wards on the guild hall stand, though only just. The barmaids fight like rabid animals and frenzied demons protecting it.

In the impenetrable black of the abyss, Kas grips his dirks in anticipation. He could feel, though he could not see, the great mass where the tentacles came together to meet the body of the creature, what ever it may be. "I'll need some light, Lander." He comments to his absentminded companion (@DemonicAngel ) "These scales will make it practically impossible to find a good weak spot, especially if I've not the use of my eyes." He wondered absently where the rest of his team was. Then dismissed the thought. If they had followed him down, they were somewhere sliding down the tentacles in the dark. If they hadn't, likely they were delayed fending off the tentacles. Either way, it was likely to be him and the magician at the belly of the beast, while the others aided in the diversion. So far the creature hadn't seemed to notice their presence, so, what semblance of a plan he had had, was working. Still, even without the thing being aware of them, destroying it would be no mean feat.
"That they do Guildmaster. But the proportions are off. I'm still leaning toward lusca." Kean said, trying to staying seated well, and not fall off the tentacle as Kas let go of his arm. "Of course." Kean says as he also meets the presumable body of the creature and stands up. He wrinkles his nose briefly as he lights up a travel sized lantern that he pulled from on of his baggy sleeves. The wet, musty, and thickly for lack of better word fishy scent in the are unpleasant but oddly enough not too hard to get used to. "How's this? Enough light?"
Kas grins. "Alright then, we'll assume it's a lusca. Any special way to kill one of those? Plenty, I just need enough to see by." The light from the lantern gleams coldly from each individual pebbly scale. The pebble pattern goes up the tentacle for a way, and spreads out from the base of each tentacle, but farther from the bases of the tentacles, the scales begin to look more uniform in size and shape, like the scales of a snake or a fish, rather than a jumble of rocks. No seam wide enough to slide a dagger through is apparent. Kas looked at his dirks, the likelihood of them being long enough to do more than minor damage to the creature was slim, unless the creature had some weak spot he could exploit. Then again, the magician was here to fill the technician slot from his poster, so maybe he could do something about the reach of the dirks if it came to that. However, Kas preferred to know all the ways he might conceivably use to cross that bridge before he came to it. "Kean, if I needed you to, could you magically extend the length of my dirks?"

Above ground, tentacles flail about in a frenzied mindless dance, while fending away several of them, Syndra (@Dethbycoffee ) is knocked into one of the chasms and falls into the endless black of the abyss leaving the injured dwarf (@Hunnyhelp ), healthy but still unconscious, lying in the rubble to the protection of Arianna. Elijah (@The Master ), holding his own against the tentacles, is blindsided by a rather large chunk of a wall, manages to retain consciousness, but his head is pounding, and his vision wavers a bit momentarily, snapping back into focus only with tremendous amounts of concentration. Kisi (@Angelfoodcake ) comes back around with a start. Inside the guild the extent of the damage that the creature has caused is not apparent, save for the general chaos caused by the tremors, and a long thin crack in one wall.
The dwarf grunted, and held to himself in pain. The ribs seemed to be intact, but the pain still shocked his nerves. "Will somebody help me," he screamed as much as his injured lungs could handle. Seeing that there seemed to be very preciously few people still above the ground, he helped himself and rolled into the ground. Grunting with each hit to the chest, he prayed that the pain would subside by the time he got to the monster.

(Sorry if this doesn't make any sense, at the moment I am a weak and stressed out human with a killer headache...)

As she falls, Syndra slams into a flailing tentacle, sending her reeling away into another one. Again and again it happens until her sides are thoroughly bruised and her momentum has calmed enough for her to begin to slide down the tentacles rather than bouncing off of them. Down lower the tentacles movements are not as swift, nor are they as wild.
((@Hunnyhelp -- Syndra did help the Dwarf. :D She's the healer of the party. -- Until she got knocked into the chasm... xD ))


Syndra grunted as she finally righted herself, finding her balance as best she could. Eventually, she got the hang of what she was doing, imagining sliding through the large forest she used to call home. "Only darker." she commented to herself out loud. She leaped between tentacles as needed to keep from being thrown, as she didn't want any more bumps or bruises than she could help for herself.

As she neared the base of the creature, she caught a glimpse of the rouge and magician. She adjusted her trajectory, and slowed herself to a stop near them. "Have you discovered what manner of creature we are dealing with?" she asked, looking about for a moment. "Is this a Lusca? What's it doing this far inland?" she asked, peering over at Kas and Kean.


The Fallen Angel stood, bow at the ready, deterring as many oncoming tentacles as she could manage to aid Elijah. "What's everyone else doing? Are we honestly the only ones fighting besides the Guild's Tavern workers?" she asked over her shoulder as she loosed another arrow to sever one tentacle from the main body.
"That's the assumption, though there's no way to prove it." Kas answered glancing up at her, before returning his searching gaze to the beast. "What brings you here Syn? I had nearly given up on your joining us." The lamp light flickers, Kas notes a gap where one of the smaller scales used to be, and shakes his head. This close to the tentacles is no place for a fatal blow, and even if it was, the creature was so massive, his keen dirks would feel like the prick of a needle in it's side. It would never reach a vital organ.

"Unfortunately, I was knocked into this abyss when I was trying to help the foolhardy dwarf." she sighed, shaking her head. "I doubt the angel will come down, as this is rather tight quarters for her wings, and I've no clue what the mage will decide to do." she shrugged, and studied the creature. "It's a creature of the earth and sea. Perhaps I could communicate with it." she mused, crossing her arms over her chest and putting a finger to her chin as she thought.
"Would that inform it as to our presence? We can't risk losing the element of surprise." Kas stated. "Other than that, it's a fine plan. I'd prefer to get this thing back where it belongs rather than killing it. Unless it's here intentionally to destroy the city."

The elf shrugged, "Either we try to learn it's intent, or we don't. It's up to you, Rouge." she said, peering at the creature through the darkness of the cavern.
Super Boomer was lucky, and through his pain was able to grab a scale sticking out of place. The few moments of not falling, he was able to launch himself into a testicles-less hole and quickly catch up to the group, as he landed next to them in a loud thump. "I'm in terrible pain I haven't felt in many years, but otherwise ok." he said, not seeming to notice the conversation going on.
Kas glanced at her sharply. "That doesn't answer my question. Would attempting to communicate with it give away our position?" The dwarf landed beside him, saying something about pain. "So good of you to join us, master Dwarf." The muscles just beneath the surface of the flesh they are standing on ripple as the tentacles move and writhe, seeming to try and grip the sides of the chasm, but succeeding only in widening it further. Bits of dust and rubble fall in, but nothing lethal. Causing Kas and the others to cough a bit, but no other discomfort.

The elf laughed softly, "I can't answer that with certainty. It could give our position away, or it couldn't. If I could locate it's eyes, then the only one given away would be me should I make contact with it's mind." she said, nodding toward the main portion that was the body of the creature. She put her hand over her mouth and nose to block out some of the dust, coughing slightly to clear her lungs.
"Then we can't risk it,"Kas responded, coughing a bit, ooh, that was new, and rubbing some of the dust from his eyes. "Although finding the eyes might not be a bad strategy, we would be best served by finding a decent weak spot 'cause it looks like we're going to have to take this thing down the old fashioned way. Unless you can teleport it somewhere where it can't do any harm, magician? Which I find doubtful, given how successful the mages attacks were."
((Here's the thing, I'm getting kinda sick of having to remind everyone involved of the existence of this rp. Plus, narrating for multiple people is hard. If nobody replies to this thread in the next three days, I'm officially declaring the rp dead. I'm going to mention all of you in this comment to make it more likely that this post will alert you, but I'm not going to bother contacting you in any other way. I'm sorry. @Dethbycoffee @The Master @Hunnyhelp @DemonicAngel @Angelfoodcake ))
((I've been out of state since the first... I'm sorry. School has gone crazy, and I've been sick. I'm sitting at the doctors office as I type this. I've been waiting for others to reply as well, so as not to dominate the rp... and from the looks of it, Syndra doesn't really have much to do at the moment, and neither does Arianna... as the angel was fighting beside/talking to elijah... and the elf is kind of just staring at the creature trying to think of what to do while listening to Kas and the magician guy talking? ....))

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