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Fandom Kane Chronicles: The Re-Rise of Chaos (and many, many more bad things) Still Accepting!!!

Recording: Okay I'm seriously wondering why the person with the god of Chaos gets this recording. Most of these people are going to try to kill and murder me, with reasonable cause, again Chaos anyways here we go...

Chase was walking along the streets of Brooklen, holding back the most feared god of Chaos, the destroyer of worlds, the enemy of Ra...with salty pretzels. Wonder why no one tries that. Maybe because I'm Trying to swallow the sun. Fair enough, Chase replied to Apophis finishing up this pretzel and getting another, having a bad feeling, not Apophis trying to take over, dread coming from Apophis actually. Looking up at the building as he consumes the pretzals.

Apophis remained quiet although the god of chaos was never quiet, it was looked like he was terrified.Nobody has tried to kill him yet so that was a plus.

((Bold Purple is Apophis, Italics is Thoughts and recording, you guys can do the recording too.))
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"Hmm, so I'm back in Brooklyn?" Standing outside the subway terminal Niki yawned and stretched. She was extremely jetlagged and aggravated. You sure you follow the trail to here Ma'at? We'very been here before and didn't find anything. I am certain this time. I feel his presence close to here. Do you not? Niki sighed and looked around, she could feel something ominous, but it could just be a mugger or some creepy flasher. Man I hate cities. I know, but the sooner we finish investigating this you can return home. Niki smiled and made her way up the stairs towards the streets. She looked left and then began to walk right heading towards a odd energy.

(Hope this works, open to anyone.)
Chase felt a chill down his spine, it was Apophis trying to take over him again. Seriously Man I'm getting tired of this...What no words from the god who will kill Ra. He put up his hood and his mask, the scales of Apophis coming on his skin, but he was rushed, Apophis had a mood of silent and quick, but this was rushed, he could tell what he was doing and he was sloppy in his takeover. Holding his head in the corner fighting for control again as he starts to gain the ground, he uses it to get him away from the area, only skipping a mile, before the mind was equal once more. Foolish child, get out of here now. Foolish? Sorry, Curiousity killed the cat. Guess what. I am the cat. Chase standing where he was against the wall, breathing heavily looking around for what Apophis was worried about. The magic of Apophis was tricky to use and even more so for what he was planning to do to the world.
Martin strolled down the sidewalk, talking to his live-in god. Where are these "others", Anubis? You told me I wouldn't be the only one! But of course, instead of an explanation, he got the emotional equivalent of an eyeroll. He sighed. Screw this, I'm getting a hot dog. Yes, just to mess with you. And Ra help me, if this is another waste of my time, I'm getting a lobotomy and cutting you out.
Niki made her way down the streets of Brooklyn. Passing by nearly a hundred places to eat Niki couldn't stand it any longer. "Okay, food break. The next block I'm eating whatever they're serving. She turned the block and to her dismay the only place to eat was a hotdog stand. "The

Really? Ugh hotdogs are gross. But they sell pretzels so that a plus, I guess" She sighed and made her way closer to the stand.
Martin had just finished ordering when his neck prickled. Are you doing that? Anubis responded with a simple Yes. He sighed. This better be good, he thought, as he began to scan behind him. Nothing. Anubis! Wake up! You can't be taking dog-naps whenever you like. Don't you have to watch your host's back? His response was a bit worrying. No.
Chase running out of the pack of pretzals he had before, litterally trying to live off pretzals for most of his life now. His hood up as he takes the next seat in line, Chase's facination of salty food so far helps to bribe Apophis into submission. Still looking out for what Apophis was worried about, not seeing anything that seems to stand out in this area. Just a little uneasy about how worried he was, he was going to take his advice... but not just yet, the book of Apophis only works when Apophis is in control of his own body. You cant -eat- keep -eat- me at bay with pret -eat- zals forever. Really I think I can, it worked for a few years. He thought that back as the previous bag of pretzals was now finished by him and Apophis.
"One hot dog with everything on it please." Are you really going to eat that Niki? I'm certain it's not healthy. My lifestyle isn't healthy, Ma'at. I don't think my food choices are going to kill me. "I'll take a pretzel too." Niki could feel Ma'at shaking her head, it made her smile. When she handed the money to the vendor her sixth sense kicked in and she turned to swe him right in front of her. She looked directly at Martin completely surprised and confused, "Anubis?!" She was extremely surprised and took a step back. She didn't think she would find someone with a host. Well this is surprising.

Martin turned around, ignoring Anubis laughing in his head. Yes, yes, you were right, now shut up and let me talk.

He halfway raised a hand, readying his magic, until Anubis spoke in his mind again. Ma'at, god of balance. Best not to kill her host, yes?

Martin stopped.

"Yes. Apparently. Or maybe I'm the sanest madman on the face the earth."
Niki looked at Martin, she was kind of disappointed in his appearance. This kid holds Anubis? Kinda scrawny if you ask me. Don't judge a book by its cover, he is more powerful than he looks. You would be wise to treat him nicely. Was he the power you were sensing Ma'at? She could feel Ma'at thinking, it was such a weird feeling. I do not think so, I still sender the power even now. It is not Anubis. Then the search is still on. Niki nodded and smiled at Martin, can I at least complain about that terrible joke? I think it's best not to. Niki rolled her eyes and gave a faint half hearted laugh. "Ha, funny." She shifted her weight and looked at him, she really didn't like other hosts. Nothing against them she hated the whole situation. She checked on her food and then turned back to him. "Soooo...... Anubis. How's it going?"

Martin looked slightly up, as if trying to give a look to Anubis. Do you want to talk this through or should I? I'm still nauseated over you eating that hot dog. Of all the things? Really? Yes.

Martin sighed.

"First off, my name's Martin, not Anubis, Anubis is mad at me because I ate a hot dog in front of him. Who're you?"
Niki looked at him, she could see that he was still just a kid. "My name not important kid." She really didn't like the other hosts, they always thought that they were something special or powerful. She never asked to be a host, it just happened. She wanted to make sure that nobody knew what she was or who she held, but it's hard to hide when other hosts could see it. Maybe we should ask him where the Brooklyn House is. We may need assistance in this. Niki sighed and crossed her arms. "Okay Martin, where is the Brooklyn House here?"

"Of course it isn't." Martin had no idea what the Brooklyn House was, but he didn't like this girl. Ignoring Anubis's warning, he folded his arms as well.

"No, I don't have any idea what you're talking about, if I did, I wouldn't tell you, and frankly, you're annoying me. Oh, and by the way, Ma'at, Anubis says hello."
Niki glared at the kid. She inspected him up and down before smirking. "Tell him, we'really both charmed to make his acquaintance. However, we are quite busy and don't have time to babysit. If you don’t know anything." She took her hot dog and pretzel and turned back to him. "You're no real help." She tossed her head and turned around, "I have some pressing matters to attend to so I bid you farewell." She smiled and walked away taking a bite from her hotdog. Niki you should be nicer to those you meet. You may find potential allies in strangers. I don't like hosts Ma'at. Besides I'm strong enough to defeat anyone with you by my side. Niki smiled and made her way down the streets. "Now where is that house?"

(Soooooo, I actually don't know how to get to the Brooklyn House)

@ultimus9 @Boy Of Spring
And, what exactly did you hope to accomplish there? Shut up, you. If you wanted the conversation to go a different way, you should have said. Martin glared at the girl's back. And who the hell does she think she is, anyway? Some people react differently to being hosts. I'll say.

Martin turned, picking a random direction, and started walking.
Kaitlyn roamed the streets of Brooklyn. A chill went down her spine. She felt Sekhmet stir uneasily.

Something is not right here. "Oh NOW you talk, huh?" Kaitlyn muttered, seemingly to herself. There was nothing to be said earlier. Really? How about an explanation as to why we're in Brooklyn? How about explaining why you're crashing in my body?

I told you already, something isn't right. That is why you have become my host.

You're incredibly cryptic you know. Also you didn't tell me why we're here.


What? Oh come ON, you can't just stop talking there!

Kaitlyn sighed as she walked past one of the many hotdog stands in Brooklyn.

"Stupid Sekhmet. Stupid Egyptian gods." She said out loud.
Martin whipped around, Anubis and him both working together. His eyes narrowed. Sekhmet. Wife of Ptah. Seems New York's crawling with hosts. Indeed. "What'd you say?"
Kaitlyn froze before turning to look at the person who called out.

That's what you get for not being careful about what you say.

It's your fault I'm in Brooklyn anyways!

Do us both a favor and be smart about what you say.

Yeah, yeah, I get it!

Kaitlyn cleared her throat and before replying to the stranger.

"Oh I'm sorry I was just thinking out loud!" She said trying to sound innocent. "I didn't mean anything by it. I think I'll just be on my way!"

She said quickly in hopes the person wouldn't think twice about what she said.

Martin raised his eyebrows curiously. All yours, Martin. Try not to inflame this one as well. Yeah, yeah, now stuff it. "You're a really horrible liar, y'know that? Well, that's alright, I guess. Anubis won't shut up either." I am offended. Well, sorry, I needed a scapegoat. I am a jackal, Martin. A jackal. It's a figure of speech, for crying out loud!
Niki made a very long distance call, which somebody will pay for. After a long hour of searching she finally found the house. Do I have to go in? We do need more information, Niki. Besides you may find that the houses hold more help than you think. Niki smiled and shook her head I think you just like to see how your houses are doing. Well, I do enjoy seeing them. I'm still disappointed that you didn't get the tattoo. No way was I going to tattoo my tongue. She stepped into the mansion and looked around. Stepping into a classroom. (Wherever that is @GiannaCoco ) "Hey where can I find weapons and info here?"

@Boy Of Spring

(If you want to join in as a teacher)
Kaitlyn coughed a bit out of embarrassment.

"Anubis? That would mean that you're also a host, yes?"

Stating the obvious as always. At least I'm stating something unlike a certain lion-headed someone.

I would never have thought Anubis would be the talkative type.

Really? That's all that caught your attention?!

"Er, so what's the host of Anubis doing in New York?" Kaitlyn turned her attention back to Martin. She shifted her weight onto one foot and cocked her head slightly to the side.
"What is the host of Sekhmet doing in New York?" He rolled his eyes. "Does it matter? I dunno why, Anubis just said it be a good idea to come here." I said we're looking for other hosts. Again, Anubis. Quiet please. Don't make me take over. HA! Like you could.
His attitude angers me. Everyone's attitude angers you. ... Though I hate to admit it, you might have a point there. Relax, unless you feel like having a godly talk with Anubis, let me handle this. Hmph. Very well, don't mess up.

Kaitlyn sighed a bit. "Sounds like Anubis is about as cryptic as Sekhmet." Excuse me? "I honestly have no idea why I'n here, just that she wanted me to be here. Something about her getting a bad feeling from somewhere near here."

Just spill your life story to everyone why don't you. Hush, I have a plan. And what would that plan be. You can find out a lot about a person through mentioning something they may have a role in. If he's part of your bad feeling, he'll show it somehow. If Anubis warned him about the same feeling, it will show. Hmm, seems I've underestimated your wit. Gods I hope that's a compliment.

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