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Fantasy Kami no Shubyou [Battle System & Extra Information]

The Black Knight

One Thousand Club

Battle System
The Battle System in Kami no Shubyou is simple. Players will be allowed to make two offensive actions, one defensive action, and one bonus action per turn. These actions are explained below.

OFFENSIVE ACTION: It is exactly what it sounds like. These attacks can be a basic attack that doesn’t cost stamina, or a technique/spell. You are allowed to make two of these actions within a turn.

DEFENSIVE ACTION: Defensive actions are a basic move like a guard or block with a shield. Guarding grants at +10 bonus to your defense that only lasts that turn. Any damage taken exceeding the defense will carryover into armor points. If your character doesn’t have any armor points, then it will carry over into health points. Your defensive action can also be a technique that uses stamina. You only get 1 defensive action per turn so you need to choose whether it will be basic or a technique.

BONUS ACTION: These are mainly utility actions or preparatory actions for a large attack. You character might use an item, summon a weapon, or use a support technique on an ally. These actions are not offensive or defensive, but supporting.

GRAB: As this section states, a “grab” is a free move. Your character can automatically grab another character. Of course, if that character is logically in reach. Because a grab isn’t offensive and not entirely defensive, and because it doesn’t harm the other character, it is a free move that can be done at any time. Understand, if your character’s Strength is lower than the other character’s, then that character will easily break free of the grab.

As mentioned before, in PVE events, the GM is the dice roller. For PVP, a character not involved in the spar or battle is chosen to be the dice roller. Players will write their posts as intentions and not confirmed actions. You do not know whether or not your moves struck. The GM or the player Judge will have to roll 1d100 for every move your character makes from the two offensive actions, to the one defensive actions, to the one bonus action. Your accuracy will determine whether you succeed or fail. Every time a character writes an action post, they must wait for the GM or judge to post the results of those actions. Then, the second character can post next.

Quest System

There will be a list of missions that characters can create a party to complete. These missions aren’t necessarily connected to the story line, but they can be. These are quests to help your characters grow closer as a team and build Tier. These missions will have a word count requirement. Once all players in the party have met the word count total (meaning the cumulative total between all players involved), then they can turn the completed mission into the GM for grading. These quests can be completed on the side as side quests to the main story.

Players are only allowed to recruit up to three characters into their party, so players must choose wisely who they want to recruit into their team to complete the mission. Every character has strengths and weaknesses and special qualities that make them unique. Whoever is setting up the quest is the party leader. Certain missions have an increased word count as well as an increased difficulty. These difficulties will recommend a Tier level.

Main Story

The main story will move at the pace we set. The quest system just allows for player characters to meet up sooner. The story is GM-guided, but it is not so guided that it restricts the writers’ ability to contribute to the story. If players acquire new moves that they wish to write a learning arc for, then they will be able to do so. Character development is important and fun. If you joined this game, then you must be interested in character development.

Tier Transformation

There are two transformations your characters will have. At Tier 10, your character will unlock their first transformation that will boost their attributes for the duration of the transformation. At Tier 20, your character will unlock their second transformation. These transformations also unlock access to special techniques. These techniques are like special, world-busting techniques. And yes, even humans will have the ability to transform once they reach the proper tier. Because we have yet to have people reach Tier 10, this section is finished for now.

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