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Futuristic Kaizoa: The New Earth

Da Doofus

Veteran Geek
At the height of humanity's dominion over the planet in the 4th millennium, the truth came into light.
This planet never belonged to us.
Titanic creatures, seemingly immortal, returned to the surface after being awoken by man's wars.
What came after was the collapse of civilization entirely.

The only hope of survival was Project Noah. Ten city-size ships would be launched with several thousand civilians on board. Cryogenically frozen and orbiting the globe until the situation below became habitable again.

You are on board one of these ships, but something goes wrong . . .

This is something I cooked up in the past few years since monsters and kaiju are getting popular again.
D&D type of thing, narrative driven with you as the main character.

Hope to hear from you soon!

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