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Fandom Justice League Academy: Database

Literally Batman

World's Greatest Detective




School Maps
through the miracle of MS Paint...






Room Descriptions
Registration Area and Security Checkpoint- The First Floor is composed entirely of the Registration Area and Security Checkpoint. This is designed for new heroes to register and for all people entering to be fleshed out. If they're some type of registered supervillain, the WayneBots will attempt to eviscerate them.

Boys Dorms/Girl Dorms- The leisure rooms, where students sleep. Students are allowed to go in each other's rooms, but boys and girls are theoretically not allowed to go in each others's rooms for privacy purposes.

Student Common Room- The only room where students ever really get leisure time, the Common Room is a wide space with sofas and chairs for students to talk, do homework, and fight (there is a big space after all.) During breakfast, lunch, and dinner times, a buffet is set up.

Classrooms- are classrooms. Each teacher decides their own classroom would look like.

JLA Computer Room- a supercomputer similar in magnitude to that in the actual Justice League, it is mostly used for the purpose of practice, but can function as a supercomputer.

Locker Room- students are required to change before heading into gym. Sanitary purpose. Yes, boys and girls are divided, just forgot to separate it.

Gym- gym.

Staff Lounge- staff lounge.

"Boom Tube" room- Basically a portal room for heroes (and students on occasion) to quickly leave the building in case of an emergency.

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