Just a Guardsman with a Computer

Ollanius Pius

Saint of the Guard
"The first time I hold my blood in my hands,"
"The first time I see a man with nothing."
"Would be the first time I see my own lands,"
"Covered in heresy, death, and rotting."

"My son stands over him corrupt and pale,"
"A guard Ollanius Pius stands free."
"My fallen Horus lifts the deadly flail,"
"In one instant, the strength of man I see."

"This mere man done what I was unable."
"A tear flows from my eye and it is clear,"
"The tyrant's cold reign I must disable."
"Briefly I know what it means to feel fear."

"I leave the future to the strength of man,"
"For they alone do far more than I can."

-Poem of the Emperor witnessing a humble Guardsman defending him from Horus himself.


Welcome to my new roleplaying profile. Here, I have assumed the role of the Ollanius Pius. For those of you who are not familiar with who he is, Ollanius Pius embodies what it means to be a soldier of the Imperial Guard in this grimdark universe. He is THE most hardcore Guardsman ever and also the legendary saint of the Imperial Guard, because as legend goes, in the hopes of protecting the Emperor of Mankind, Ollanius Pius put himself directly in front of a walking demigod of battle. The fact that he did so without fainting, shitting himself in terror, or mewling like a wounded grox suggests that his testicles must have been forged from Mars-grade adamantium (or more likely, he had power balls. His testicles were of such might that they ignored armor saves in close combat). Ollanius Pius is so manly that he makes Vance Motherfucking Stubbs, Commissar Yarrick, Gregor Eisenhorn, Ciaphas Cain, Kharn, Colonel "Iron Hand" Straken, Logan Grimnar, Merrick, Harker, Creed and Sly Marbo piss themselves in terror. (Information taken from 1d4chan).

Below are just a few of the series I RP in, though I also will be posting a variety of independent starters that can be used.
  • Star Wars (Preferably Legends)
  • Halo
  • RWBY
  • Gears of War
  • Warhammer 40K
  • Lord of the Rings
  • For Honor
  • The Elder Scrolls
  • Mass Effect
  • And many others
If you want to chat or discuss any RP ideas, feel free to talk to me! I am an open book and always looking for new ideas when it comes to these kinds of things.

I hope you enjoy the new profile as much as I will. I'm looking forward to using a real hero of the Imperium on this site, and hopefully I do Ollanius Pius justice.

Just remember, whenever you are in doubt, the Emperor protects. tumblr_ot1809mHaq1woqlroo4_1280.jpg
Greetings, fellow Guardsman! I welcome you to this site, dedicated to the Immortal God Emperor. I wish you the best of luck in crushing the enemies of mankind!
It's good to see a friendly face around here, and believe me I look forward to seeing what this site brings to the fray.
Well, they were the first army I mained when I started tabletop, and I loved how diverse their units were when compared to the Space Marines and Chaos. Plus I'm a huge tank fanatic, so the Leman Russ and Baneblades got me hooked.
I was attracted to them because they just normal dudes in a world of demons and super soldiers. And yet no matter what they face, they never break.
Exactly. They are the embodiment of the human spirit, and honestly while their tactics are grimdark as hell, it's uplifting to see humanity band together as one and take on the Dark Forces head-on without fear or cowardice.
Yup! In the immortal words of Duke Nukem, "Power armor's for pussies." Real men wear flak jackets and shoot lasguns at Space Commies and demons.

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