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Realistic or Modern Jurassic Explorers: A dinosaur/ time travel RP


King of Prehistory
  • Good day my friend, if you are reading this, it means that you have been accepted for the journey of a lifetime. Specifically the Jurassic period: 152 million years ago, in a place we know as the Morrison formation. Our mission is to observe the wildlife and catalogue it, of course because of fear of heavily altering the space time continuum, precautions have been taken, for example we have special foot wear that doesn't make footprints, among other things. We are excited to accept you for this mission
  • Kind regards: Wallace Goldsmith CEO of Time-corp 30th of September 2178

So this, everyone is the basic premise of the RP, Just so you know, dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures will be playable, for those of you who are unsure about which dinosaurs you can play, check out this article, it shows some of the animals, Morrison Formation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Just scroll down a bit. Also remember, Google is your friend, just search up, Morrison formation dinosaurs and you should get some ideas. If you don't want to play as a dinosaur, don't worry, you don't have too!
"Today is the day" Thought Wallace Goldsmith as he waited nervously to give his speech. " Today is the day mankind makes the ultimate achievement, to travel through time."

Reluctantly, Wallace stood up and went on stage to deliver his speech.

"Hello, volunteers. Today I am proud to announce the completion of the machine. This machine" He paused for effect. "Will allow us to explore the final frontier: Time. With this machine we shall be able to travel anywhere, see anything. And now, we will depart, to the age of the dinosaurs. 152 million years ago. The purpose of this mission is simple, we will catalogue the flora and fauna, we observe them in their natural habitat, finding out what we never thought was possible. Now, we will depart in approximately 15 minutes, so if anyone at all has any questions, now would be the time to ask."

152 million years ago: Razor.

152 million years ago, a huge predator is stirring. He is a Saurophaganax Maximums, one of the top predators here. His name is Razor, and now he's hungry.

Razor sniffed the air, trying to catch a scent of anything that might be able to satisfy his unrelenting hunger. In the distance he noticed a large herbivore, it was a young apatosaurus, separated from its herd, very weak. For Razor it was all to tempting, he charged at the apatosaur, jaws agape. He clamped in them around its neck and bit down. In an instant it was dead. Razor plunged his head into the fresh carcass and ripped out a massive hunk of meat, which he swallowed in a vicious frenzy of blood lust.
Harold Lux's hands were shaking. He sipped his beer to try and calm himself down, but it wasn't doing much.

I'm going to be a time traveller in under fifteen minutes! This is amazing!

He wondered how the other professors must have felt, carrying on with their lives as Harry entered a time long before his. He hadn't hesitated to let everyone know, making sure to be especially excited around Karen, the art history professor and a massive Jurassic Park fangirl. Admittedly, it may have been a bit much to wave his camera in her face and tell her about all the fluffy dinosaurs he was going to take photos of, but he was genuinely ecstatic.

Twelve minutes. Then it would be time...

152 million years ago: Click.

The air was stale. As Click breathed, a metallic taste danced upon her tongue. This was peculiar, to say the least. Click decided to ignore it, turning her attention to a lone, bristly
Fruitadens ahead of her, nibbling on the small berries which lay on the dusty ground. Click watched it from the bush she hid in, closely, intently.

These berries had been there for a long time. They had been left to ferment over many weeks. The
Fruitadens had not realised this as it munched on the berries, getting deep red juice over its face.

As the little bristly dinosaur went to find more berries, it stumbled a bit. Then a bit more, until it was evidently finding it hard to walk. The little
Fruitadens squinted as it sniffed the air. It groaned, stumbling ever closer to Click. Berry juice and saliva dripped out of its open mouth. It slowly moved its head to look around, groaning more.

The small dinosaur was weak.

It was time.

The bush rustled. Click peeked her head out, for one final glance, before bursting out of the bush and running towards the intoxicated

The little drunk dinosaur whirled around and screeched at Click. A horrible raspy cry which made Click stop in her tracks. The dinosaur stumbled towards her, raising its quills and outstretching its arms to make itself look bigger, screeching all the way. Its eyes looked wild with fear and drunken anger.

Click hissed, puffing her own feathers up, while quickly backing away. This was not an animal to be riling up. She would be going hungry, for now.
"Carter, C'mon honey. Don't do this! You're going to get hurt... W--who knows what could happen to you!?" Her Mother exclaimed, walking behind her as Carter was heading for the front door. She turned around, giving her Mother a smile.

"Mom, did you forget what I study? I am fine! And now that technology is actually allowing Human Beings to do this, I HAVE to go!" She explained, her hand twisting the golden door knob and opening it. Carter's Mom grabbed her arm gently before she could actually step outside.

"Don't you think.. this is a Man's duty..? Dealing with dangers and such?" She asked softly, causing Carter to stiffen.

"We are all men, in this world Mom. We are Man-kind. Remember that." And with that, she walked down her wooden porch stairs and into her car, starting the car and pulling out her Driveway.

Carter was wearing Beige shorts, ankle socks with her black and white converses, and a black tank top with a white blouse to go over top, which was rolled to her elbows and tied at the bottom. Her hair was done up in a ponytail, and she had a little accessory. A combat knife strapped to her middle thigh, on the side of course. She didn't put it on until she was in the car, trying not to worry her mother too much more than she already was.

Once she arrived, she practically skipped inside. Walking around, seeing a few people there and looking around. After about 5 minutes, she heard the 15 minute timer, her stomach knotting. She was so excited yet so nervous. She didn't even know who was all going to be there. She was ready to examine the trees, the greens that the herbivores ate, the different, larger reptiles.


Scooter tilted his head at his older brother and sister as they screeched at him, messing around with him. They pushed him into a tree, causing him to jump up and hiss at them, his feathers sticking up threateningly. Then shoving between them, causing the other two to tumble on their large legs, squawking at him and then chasing after him. Here we go again, Looks like they're playing tag.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Eckhart.jpg.b1865cc991a246d763d1e1454bba0085.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79252" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Eckhart.jpg.b1865cc991a246d763d1e1454bba0085.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Eckhart

From across the room where he was sitting, Eckhart eyed the girl who just came in. Certainly seems excited, he thought, which is understandable. However, excitement could get you killed...and they weren't exactly going to a theme park here. In less than half an hour the world around them would go from logic and reason to dog eats dog; Dinosaur eats Dinosaur more like. At that thought he chuckled, returning his attention the man in charge, Wallace Goldsmith.

In a matter of days Goldsmith had become the most legendary man in existence. He did discover time travel after all. Right now he was up at the podium speaking and, Eckhart wasn't giving his words much thought. Rather, he was wondering if Goldsmith knew what it was that he was doing. Time travel, in theory, could have Astronomical consequences...quite literally. The very act of killing a bug could extinguish thousands of species in the present. Just imagine if- Goldsmith had been wrapping up when something he said grabbed Eckhart's attention.

if anyone at all has any questions..." Hearing those words, he cleared his throat and spoke up above the voices of the others.

"Yes, I have a question... Mr. Goldsmith, have you put any thought as to the fact that the atmosphere's oxygen content will be extremely high in the past?"



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"I am aware of this." Replied Wallace. "At least, it is certainly a possibility, should we be unable to breath well, we have oxygen tanks with our own air and inhalers, hopefully our bodies should be able to adjust. Now, anyone else, or shall we begin." Wallace cleared his throat. "And also, remember to be extremely careful! Don't even pick a flower! We could end up changing history here, of course we have taken precautions, the shoes we have provided you with, for example, do not make footprints, as if they were to become fossilized... well, let's just say it would be quite bad."

Wallace turned around and tapped his time machine, a large gate like structure that hummed with electricity. "This is machine is very nearly finished charging, it should be ready in, hmmm, about 3 minutes.

Wallace looked at the audience, he was sure they were as exited as he was.

Razor: 152 million years ago

Razor lifted his head from the freshly killed apatosaurus carcass. He was satisfied with his meal. He lay down on the ground beside his meal, he knew it would be safe, no other predator could possibly have the guts to challenge him for it.
Carter was washed away from her thoughts when a man asked a question, blinking a few times before looking up at Mr. Goldsmith who was answering the question. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she chewed her lower lip as more information was returned. Like... the time machine would be ready in three minutes. The dangers started processing in her mind, only building her adrenaline up more. The dangers of putting a flower or insect to extinction ,of getting to see a volcano erupt... getting your head eaten off by a giant reptile. All the possibilities made Carter nervous but... Like she said before, she was willing to take the chance. And obviously, she wouldn't show any sort of fear around these people.. Try not to anyway. For right now, she wasn't expecting any situations that would come to that, trying to keep the air positive like she was the whole time.


With His Yellow, slit eyes... They eyed the area, a hissing sound coming from the side. Before he could even react, The other dinosaur tackled him. Giving out their own little squeals and squawks, Pterodactyl's flying above them, screaming bloody murder as a fair warning... for what ever reason. Hunting time I guess.
Harry gulped. Three minutes. He sipped his beer again.

152 million years ago: Click.

Click scampered over to a nearby tree, where she caught the smell of fresh meat. Swivelling her head to the right, she saw the corpse of an Apatosaurus, with a huge Saurophaganax resting next to it.

Should I?

Click chirped, and sneaked over to the next tree. She peered around the trunk at the nearby sauropod corpse. The Saurophaganax was on the other side of it. Blood had already pooled around the corpse, so Click was careful not to step in it and cause noise. She crept around to the tail, and dug her teeth into the leathery hide. It was tough, and tasted slightly metallic. But then again, for the past twelve minutes, everything had...
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Eckhart.jpg.86c2691a8beb688a80b78fca64de4fec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79367" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Eckhart.jpg.86c2691a8beb688a80b78fca64de4fec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Eckhart

With a nod, he turned his attention towards his pack and equipment, thinking. Couldn't

leave unprepared, have to have everything you need. Now...where was the suppressor

for his CZ...



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(Why did no one tell me this started? Eek!)

Gianna had been sitting through the briefing anxiously, fiddling with the bracelet around her wrist and fumbling with her shirt collar. She had been nervously waiting for this to happen. Oh, she was excited, but she was also sure it would be highly dangerous. She knew much about dinosaurs from her childhood, but the fleeting knowledge she knew would not be any help.


125 million years ago: Bash

The thumping of small feet near the Saurophaganx could be heard through the metallic air. Bash, a young Mymoorapelta, was wandering the treeline near the site of the recent kill. He looked at it with mild interest before he continued chomping on the nearby foliage. He didn't seem too worried about the impending danger of the top predator near him. In fact, he seemed somewhat at ease. His tail swayed side to side slightly as he contentedly chomped on the plants before him, noticing the metallic taste in the air.

It was odd... But he didn't think much of it.

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