King of Prehistory
- Good day my friend, if you are reading this, it means that you have been accepted for the journey of a lifetime. Specifically the Jurassic period: 152 million years ago, in a place we know as the Morrison formation. Our mission is to observe the wildlife and catalogue it, of course because of fear of heavily altering the space time continuum, precautions have been taken, for example we have special foot wear that doesn't make footprints, among other things. We are excited to accept you for this mission
- Kind regards: Wallace Goldsmith CEO of Time-corp 30th of September 2178
So this, everyone is the basic premise of the RP, Just so you know, dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures will be playable, for those of you who are unsure about which dinosaurs you can play, check out this article, it shows some of the animals, Morrison Formation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Just scroll down a bit. Also remember, Google is your friend, just search up, Morrison formation dinosaurs and you should get some ideas. If you don't want to play as a dinosaur, don't worry, you don't have too!