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Fandom Jurassic Biosphere


Mighty Dragon of The Pit


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The storm hadn't been expected.

After all, not much was guaranteed when it came to
Jurassic Biosphere: it was rated as one of the safest live amusement parks in the world, despite its... unique, inhabitants. It was what ensured that the park, forever developing and growing, much like a live animal of its own, would remain open regardless of what happened. They didn't guarantee the guests' protection anymore, even though its technological safety net was something worshipped by engineers and scientists alike, and they didn't guarantee that everything would go to plan. That was where the storm fell into place.

The control tower wasn't anything too special in terms of appearance nor use, but it was important, no less. As its name suggested, it was the source of the controls of the domes which littered the park, like little snow globes, though rather than chemicals and water, ancient life teemed within them. Within those ancient lives, the roaring reconstructions of what used to roam Earth sixty five million and a handful years earlier, lay small pieces of metal. These devices, implanted into the shoulder, had the intention to keep track of each and every genetically modified creature in the park using specialised GPS coordinates various other tidbits of information that was never quite listed, and sent every bit of information to this tower for the users' disposals. As was the state of the domes, which, from this tower, were, too, controlled; the environment of these domes relied heavily on the plates which made them, also controlled from within this tower, and with it, the essential borders which created the world-renowned protection that belonged to none other than
Jurassic Biosphere. Though, as all parks in this franchise have had, there was their fault; their cockiness in their safety net, which had holes just slightly too big. See, such a tower, something of such technological advance, easily stands a chance against a Pacific storm in the right conditions. But, during repairs? With wires exposed on the daily, ready to be stripped and wet and shorted out, it was a disaster waiting to happen.

A pulsing, manic, roaring set of clouds that had taken an entirely different route than what was expected, soon came over the island. With it, brought sheets of rain and lightning, encased by dark plumes of what seemed to be smoke, but instead were merely blackened clouds. Easily, as if it had been planned all along, such a simple thing,
water, began to wear away the built-in waterproofing of the tower, slowly but surely, and a short strike to the tip of the metal structure by a bolt of electricity, attracted to the tallest item in a few thousand miles, was enough to have this tower shorted entirely. Generators stalled, and the island went quiet. Only for a brief second.

After those lingering moments, those of held breaths and hesitant looking over the park, world renowned, the silence amongst the heavy rains and thundering of the clouds above gave way to the sounds of the life within the domes.

3 Hours Before Storm




Blood orange narrowed in the direction of the glass, badly encased by shrubbery and thick brush, used to mimic what environment would have existed if such a creature had accompanied it. There was no grass. There was just thick humidity within the dome, cut through by the chirping of birds, which, too, would not have been there to witness their great ancestors make the ground tremble with their mere steps, along with small rivers that provided both relief from the hotter days and a source of food. Very few dinosaurs would consider this particular dome their home; one or two Leaellynasaura scuttled around, hidden by rotting tree trunks or just ignored entirely, along with a handful of feathered gliders that had only been a brief, squawking irritation before they were caught up in jagged teeth. Rushing of water echoed in the distance and leaves ruffled.

Tap, tap, tap.

The incessant tapping by the girl, dressed in a purple blouse with a dinosaur balloon that dragged across the ground attached to her wrist, didn't last for much longer.

A head suddenly slammed up against the glass, shaking the enclosed space and causing the human to shriek, fall back onto her rear and scuttle back like a crab, and only jaws and the long expanse of a throat were visible when the croaky roar rattled through the trees. Birds flew, shrieking as like the girl did, fluttering out their trees in an effort to find a safer space, and the same, intense eyes were staring past the barrier that separated the hybrid from the onlookers. Rather than be intimidated by the display, which had Bakarah's slight crest above her eyes and the sail along her back flush a deep, angry red, the humans were entertained and the smaller crowded up against the glance, eager to be as frightened as the young girl was, and that only frustrated the beast even further. She wanted to be feared. She didn't want such lowly creatures staring upon her as if she was a show, even though she had already learned that it was what she was intended to be. So, with a huff of air through her nose that had the glass fogging up and a gurgle in her throat, Bakarah turned and lumbered back off into the hideaway of her forest.

Her frustration had grown, lately. She wanted to leave. She wanted to burst through the glass dome and just
see, see if there were any others like her past the barrier. The theropod felt claws land against her armored scales, softer feathers go to hide under the frill which she kept pressed into the skin of her neck, and she didn't bother to protest it, this time. White-eyes, a species of bird which she shared her lonesome habitat with, weren't any problem to her and if their dull company was rewarded by the warmth beneath her frill, she didn't mind. As she continued, another two birds came to nuzzle under the secure place along the back of her neck, a Chickadee and another of the former mentioned, and she heard them chittering to one another as she walked, then came to settle down along the bank of the nearest stream, still encased by the covering of the forestry. Rather than be annoyed, Bakarah was reminded of the painful reality that she was alone. Completely. Trying to even so much as observe the Leaellynasaura that she had seen a handful of times was likened to staring at an egg and expecting to be entertained, and she had long since given up.

Her time would come; her escape. When it was, she didn't know, but it was soon.

This is essentially an introductory post for your character/s. Please make it detailed! This is a detailed RP, after all, but this especially. It takes place before the storm. There will be a round of posts, maybe a bit of interaction between the dinosaurs which are in the same domes (possibly), and then I'll skip to when the storm hits.
Three Hours Before the Storm...

Two streaks of dust could be seen in the distance, rapidly growing in size as they approached a small oasis. It had been quite a dry day today inside the 'Open Plains' dome, and both of the modified Velociraptors were quite burned up after another day of running around their dome. Upon arriving at the oasis, both Velociraptors, making no indication of slowing down, plowed through the thin underbrushes and jumped into the shallow, 12 meters by 15 meters waterbath in the middle of the oasis, screeching in delight as the cool(er) water slid delightfully through their feathers and washed away all of the sand stuck deep inside unreachable parts of their body. After a couple of minutes of splashing around and drinking their fill, both dinosaurs continued on with their journey.

One and a Half Hours Before the Storm...

Something was wrong. Both raptors could tell. There was this...feeling that something bad was going to happen soon. The feeling wasn't that strong, being only a small, nagging feeling at the back of their near sentient brains. They were resting by a large rock at the time when the feeling began. They looked at each other uneasily. Sal, the smaller of the two but the more ornate one, looked at his sister Zal, the larger dully coloured one, and whined. Zal rubbed her left cheek softly across her brother's snout, making a comforting sound. She got up, shaking off some dust off of her feathers and motioned Sal to follow along. They continued their journey.

Half an Hour Before the Storm

They are now 100% positive something was wrong. The nagging feeling had evolved into a throbbing thought that something bad was about to happen. Both raptors ran around uneasily across the plains, constantly looking up at the sky. The other creatures could feel it as well. Small lizards were running around everywhere, shooting under rocks and into holes. Dozens upon dozens of diverse bird specimens flew around in a craze, completely ignoring their prey the lizards scuttering around across the ground below. Zal and Sal were able to catch quite a few of these creatures, satisfying their hunger for the day, but it was a small benefit from the fact that something huge was headed their way...and it's coming fast...
Two hours, Forty-Five Minutes before the storm




The wind gracefully gusted through the dome, looping through every nook and cranny, billowing into shimmering wings. These wings seemed nearly as light as the wind itself, gliding on the breeze, and connected to a massive creature that looked more like a dragon then a dinosaur. Sailing through the artificial clouds, the huge Titanodraco carefully watched the rippling waters. It carefully took note of every fish in its slice of sea, ranging from tuna to dorado to even small sharks. Its clear blue eyes locked onto a particularly large lemon shark, lazily drifting in the shallows.

As soon as the target was chosen, a whistling noise began to sound a quiet alarm as the dragon began diving, cutting through the air. At the last second, it flaired its wings, extended its claws, and caught itself a sharky treat. Carrying its prize off to its roost in the seacliffs, Titania's wings flushed to a golden yellow. It, was satisfied.


2 hours and 13 minutes before the storm...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-28_19-13-40.png.6822febe30a6a3be3c265b93c1b49fa6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114964" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-28_19-13-40.png.6822febe30a6a3be3c265b93c1b49fa6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Reaper lurched through the woods, eyes open and observant. The green brushed past him, his head craning up to look into the canopy as if searching for something. His claws brushed along the bark of some of the trees, making it seem like he wanted them to do something other than hang loosely in front of him. Light shone through the leaves, casting a green shade upon the floor. It cascaded a few inches further, but stopped at a point where the leaves blocked the sun in their density. The cool of the shade replenished his pursuits. Until, a small bit of movement caught his vision. His throat emitted a growl at the twitch of a tree's leaves, though he tried to ignore it and relax in the coolness of the air. The leaves continued twitching, almost trying to catch his attention with their frustrating sounds.

Reaper snapped his head back at the sound, to which an eerie silence met Reaper's aggravation. He moved closer to the origin of the sounds, hearing nothing more. He spat in annoyance at the branches, turning away. Before he could even finish turning, the sound started back up again. He responded by immediately striking the branches with his massive claws. He managed to catch the little pest with one graceful movement, pinning it on his longest claw like a shish-kabob. He observed its sputtering movements, wings convulsing as if not convinced they couldn't escape the clutches of death. This act didn't last long, however, light leaving the creature's eyes as red stained his claw to its full length. He jerked his large paw to the ground, where the bird landed in a puddle of crimson of its own creation. He took a moment to watch its stillness on the ground, eyes unreadable. Afterwards, he moved on as if nothing had happened.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-28_21-18-0.png.e4e0541c2181021c951e80500a10be87.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114991" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-28_21-18-0.png.e4e0541c2181021c951e80500a10be87.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bait glided through the water, webbed feet pushing it for further distance capabilities. She came to the shore with no effort, plodding her feet seamlessly from the water. The speed may not have been as great, but it was energy conserving. Efficient. The moment her tail slid out of the liquid, she heard flaps as birds descended onto her ridged back. They sat, content, while Bait waddled towards her tanning rock. Slowness was not something Bait was unfamiliar with, and thus accepted it as if it were an old friend. This friend had come to visit enough for it to cease being annoying. She started to enjoy, actually. No one expected much from such a hulking mass that was so slow, which was often how such creatures met their demise. She loved snacking on the bones of the prideful, as they seemed to be the most filling. Her stomach grumbled at the very memory, preoccupied, as she shambled towards the sunbaked rock.

Here, she let her weight lightly adjust to the heated rock before dropping her body on it entirely. Her head moved ever so slightly to the left, looking a bit to the skies. It seemed something would soon block out the sun... Bait grumbled at the thought, laying her head down on warm rock. She wanted to indulge on the heat, not random moisture... The croc just wasn't in the mood. Her mouth let out only a murmur of a grumble, until she relaxed on the rock and laid still. Birds pecked in between the massive ridges, catching remains of fish or other meaty products. Creatures scuttled in near her, whom Bait ignored. Until, one bird started inspecting her eye as if it were something delicious. It pecked, once. Then twice. Then again, until Bait's mouth launched open. This scared the bird off rather quickly. She left it open for the remainder of time, seeing as new birds saw this opportunity and flew in. But, she couldn't complain. At least they weren't trying to kill her like some of the other larger beasts...



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Today was more eventful that others. A man-child got separated from his parents and was bawling in front of her arena, where she managed to eventually to coax him into, his body easily slipping through the gate slat, to comfort him. Of course her keepers were upset that she let such a small being near her, since they were rarely let close, save for those that would give each other metal bits and dried leaves to ride for a few minutes upon her softly plumaged back. She even let him take a couple her forearm-length feathers, to his delight, and some of her fruit.

The instant he heard his true mother call to him though, he threw his arms about the large herbivore and then fled away, the stark blue feathers clutched in a death grip in his grubby fingers. The Therizinosaurus let out a groan of discontent and then haughtily snorted at her caretakers, unwilling to take anymore passengers, and forced them to close the attraction for the day by forcefully ripping of her saddle and stomping it to the ground. Luckily, it was a piece of leather with metal reinforcements, otherwise it could've pieced her callused feet... or could've taken out a caretaker in the process. So, with nothing really else to do, they threw their odd hands in the air and opened the door.

She stomped through and then paused just outside it as it shut behind her. Something was off. She shifted her impressive weight and looked around uneasily. A chance glance at the sky told her all she needed to know. Swirling dark clouds brewing in the typically sunny environment outside the transparent container of their dome sent an instant panic through her....

Find Donna.

After all, she was young and reckless, not to mention this would not be a good time to go chewing on the electric fence. It was supposed to separate both the Therizinosaur habitat and the Leaellynasaura one, but since the two species got along well together - surprisingly - the park keepers simply built up and reinforced the walls and had yet to remove the fence.


However, as she arrived at the small bipedal's favorite chewing section, she was no where to be seen. Alarmed now, she turns around.... just maybe she was with the Leaellynasaura... maybe...

A small wave of ions... electricity... wash over the dinosaur, signaling something bad, very bad, was going to happen, as she was not touching the fence. Nanny lets a deep rumble, signaling her stress. Birds call in response, their own panic starting to gather.


The strange device's bloom of light was starting to get on Donna's nerves, thankfully, for today at least, it was going to be over soon. She wasn't quite sure why people would come over to her, handing over a bund of dried leaves to the flashing man, and then pose by her - baring their teeth manically. They were quite odd, the naked skins were. They didn't have scales or feathers, and were smooth and squishy all over. Not to mention the strange coverings they were swathed in, that aren't attached....

She blows a spout of air through her nostrils, sending the hair of her next five-second buddy into streams of blonde that tangle around the back of her head. The small creature squeals and runs back to it's mother, clutching her leg in the typical way. The mother picks her up as of to eat her, but instead coos to the ingrate and approaches, her face splitting to bare her blunt teeth to the flashing man...

Then like everyone else... she leaves, taking a small crowd with her.

Despite earlier, how she wished them away, with same thought redone, she wished it wasn't going to be over soon. But it was closing time for her little show & tell anyway, hence the flashing man no longer flashing, and he instead pulled out a sign and strapped it across two bars, various weird squiggles of red causing onlookers to give a look of disappointment and walk away - as if they had missed out.

Donna then realizes she was about to return to her home of lush greens and scents of wonderment. She starts to twitch her long claws in excitement, and shifting around her pen, preparing to take off. If only she could fly. A small buzzer sounds above her, and the door to freedom lays before her.

She darts through, immediately welcoming the soft grass as opposed by the hot grit she usually stood in for the flashing times. Maybe she would get to lead the Leaellynasaura to the river bank if she's fast enough...

She tramps onward, oblivious to everything but her goal, stepping over a deceased bird on her way, her small feather-coated body barreling onwards.
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Air filled Arc's nostrils as his eyes opened up to his world. The dome's cold environment nipped at his body slightly, but his feathers shielded him from the worst of it. He looked at his den made amongst the bare trees, a blue fork, a scrap of cloth, little trinkets without much value to anyone other than the Yutyrannus. Then something else got his attention. The smell of fresh meat, lowered close to the edge of the dome, so the visitors could see what was about to happen. Feeding time. Arc rose from the ground and moved forward, slowly at first, then he rushed at the food until he standing right next to it, looking down on today's food; a sheep carcass. He took a few deep sniffs before tearing into the meat, gulping it down in huge chunks. His lips were stained with blood, he pressed his nose against the glass wall of the dome in an inquisitive manner, leaving smears on it in the process. Some people pressed their hands against the glass from the other side, eager to feel as close as possible to the feathered tyrant. Arc let out a long moan, his singing, the haunting song rippling throughout the dome. Then he simply walked back to his den and lay down to sleep his meal off.

The hulking mass with sparse feathers pushed a few branches out of his way to get a better vantage point, though what he searched for still left him. He stretched his neck to see above the tree, but seemed to give up to their superior height. He took a deep breath, exhaling with defeat. The thing he was searching for came to him in an instant, but he knew it must be false. There wouldn't be a savior. There never was. The dinosaur who would was a better than him, able to save him from his constant feeling of superiority... That was but a fantasy. Never would it happen, so he just tried to accept it and move on. As Reaper kept plodding across the ground, purposelessly, he noted faint sounds of movement. Coming from behind him. It was moving a bit fast then him, as it was rapidly closing in. He swiveled himself to face the direction of the unknown entity, whom he was uncertain about.

Reaper looked down at his claws. He shook them around like limp chains, waiting to be used to purge the world of scourge with their own. Odd, these never were normally his 'thoughts'. If you called them that. They were more like ideas trying to grasp what little he knew. He kept a growl waiting in his throat incase he needed to raise it up a notch. He felt he could stun it or scare it if it was a threat... Or, so he thought. Until the little creature popped out of the foliage. It was coated in feathers, with long claws... He felt his own eyes widen in surprise at a sudden connection. It looked like him... He bent his massive head towards it, inspecting it. He tried not to seem frightening, but it was something he couldn't help sometimes. He took an intake of air as to analyze the small-ish creature in front of him. They were not the same, but they were close. She must be female... @SolisNighsun

31 Minutes Before Storm


"All staff, please direct the visitors to their accommodations as quickly as you can manage. All rides and tours are cancelled as of now." The voice crackled through staff intercoms, nearly dulled over the rumbling in the distance. Blue eyes stared into the electronic map of the park as if watching the Messiah rise, swirling clouds steadily drawing closer to the entirety of the archipelago of a theme park provided to the public, and Damien couldn't decide of what to do. He stood stiffly between desks, tension ebbing off his shoulders, it nearly a physical aspect of his personality at that point, and he pinched his chin between two fingers.

"When is the storm scheduled to hit?" He asked whoever was listening, voice a rough grate of words as his irises were peeled from the generating imaging and rather cast around the room, though most were focusing on their jobs laid out in front of them rather than the stressed Operations manager Western part of the park. It was frustrating, but he couldn't help his own frustrating aura about him, and he wasn't going to put too much effort into changing such a minor characteristic when there were more important things at hand.

"At this rate, about... Forty, forty-five minutes," someone estimated, a man with too-big glasses and a overcoat made of anything but original material. Damien nodded. Forty minutes should be enough to evacuate the visitors without suspicion of the drama about to unfold, but would the control tower be covered in time?

People were there, of course; manning the repairs as well as the actual machinery of said tower that controlled the trackers for the animals, but that meant nothing when something much bigger than the majority was approaching with no hesitance in unleashing its power. Storms were to be feared. It was the reasoning for the original Park's decline, and learning from history was something needed when it came to the damned
Jurassic franchise name. John Hammond - damn that man for even coming up with the idea, Damien often found himself thinking, but more often that not, he thanked the man for his contribution to the world through genetics as well as creativity.

Damien shook himself from his muddled thoughts. It wasn't the time for such a thing.

"Tell the repair team to cover up whatever they're doing faster than they can physically manage." He spoke firmly to those listening, looking around to catch the nods of acknowledgement, "Also, gear up
everything. Another storm can't be the fault of this park." He turned back to the screen with his eyebrows drawn in a frown, still standing, though he was still, the rise of his chest the only indication that he hadn't turned to stone.

Four Minutes After Lightning Strike


All had gone silent. It was a strange sensation that Bakarah hadn't quite experienced before, brought upon by a lack of sound that she only became aware of after it stopped. The domes had, apparently, had a gentle buzz, just beneath an obvious hum that wasn't too noticeable to even the sharpest of ears, especially when the animals had grown up in such an environment and easily grown used to it, but now, everything was still. It was just the brush of the stretching trunks, the wind going still and a horrible cold beginning to sweep through the air rather than the artificial humidity. The animal narrowed her eyes at her surroundings, turning where she had settled at the soft bank of a river, before her legs stretched and instead raised her to full height. Ignoring the way her feet sunk into the earth, Bakrah stepped heavily into the mass of trees that she had called her home for so long, shaking her head to release the little birds from behind her frill with a flurry of upset chirps and rushes of feathers in response, and she approached the border which she knew to be the farthest that she could possibly go while encased in the dome.

There was also a lack of electrical
whirr, she noted with a snort that had the hexagons mist from a little bit away from her nose. The beast still had to steady herself before taking a step forward, instinctively closing her eyes and tensing, preparing to flinch away for the incoming shock that racked through her bones from her shoulder, but it didn't come. Her foot pressed just past the border without so little as a hiss of power from the tracker. Her time. This was the time that Bakrah had been waiting for; to escape and be free into the world outside of this dome. Her movements became slightly erratic as she spun around, snorting again and resisting the urge to release a satisfied croon or chitter, and instead rushed with as much speed that she could gather in the small space she was given towards the faulty part in the dome that she had been eyeing over the years. Just a small gap between the metal of the door which introduced her livestock meals and the glass panes, smaller than the thickness of her smallest claw, but it was still a weakness - a weakness that may not be any match for her determination.

Bakarah's shoulder slammed into the area. Once, twice, three times. All eight tonnes of her weight concentrated on that place, splintering the glass from the slight miscalculation which resulted in the gap and she didn't stop until both the metal caved in and let the hexagons pop loose in thick shards. The pieces glimmered in the light of the lightning flashing ahead and the cold air hit the hybrid like a wall. The skin of her hide sliced open in a small cut as she stumbled forward from the dinosaur-sized hole she had rammed into the dome, the smell of blood just barely stinging her nostrils, and she took two heavy steps forward into the gravel road area. A nudge from her massive nose easily pushed one of the Park vehicles to the side, and with a slow inhale, the decision was made that there was a lot more important things to do than investigate the little inventions of the scaleless animals which stood behind their protective layers. Now, however - they had no barrier between them and the dinosaur intent on ripping their organs from their abdomens.


God. Fucking. Dammit.

It was heard from his safety of the operations room, deep within the staff and science building near the edge of the park and its resorts. The roaring. The sounds let loud into the air, and Damien couldn't believe it. What was 'it', precisely? He had to ask himself this as he brought himself forward to the windows, very nearly tearing the blinds off in his effort to tug them to the side and stare out over the top of the Park, to no avail. The rain had misted the glass pane in its cold splatters and further distorted the view through the water droplets building there, so he all but threw the shutters closed and stormed back into the middle of the dark room. His hips hit the corners of tables and he cursed with each one,
fuck, fuck, shit, fucking ow, but at the middle of the room, Damien closed his eyes. He breathed, an inhale one-two-three, hold, three-two-one exhale, and gathered his thoughts. Within that short second, lights from a minor generator flickered on, as did the larger screen which held the park's map, though only an outline of such instead of the usual coloured version that was supplied when they were up full power.

"Mr Zariah?" Damien heard and his eyes fluttered open, hard expression focusing on one of the women clustered in front of a computer, looking nervously at him but still with her professionalism clouding her features. "The... The backup generators for the control tower are unresponsive." She spoke nearly shakily, the nervousness in the room climbing in response to the statement. It was like a guitar being tuned.

"Get ACU on the radio line and tell them to be ready." Damien spoke after a moment of thought, looking at the map of the park; a mass of blue lines on a black surface. "Guard the domes and don't be afraid to use lethals if necessary."

11 Minutes After Lightning Strike


Bakarah crashed into the dome with a blundering, slightly squawking roar towards nothing in particular. She had been letting her voice run raw as she ran, just for the sake of it - the sake of hearing her echoing roars blast through the park as rain came down on her in sheets like metal and the wind whipped droplets into her semi-covered eyes. She didn't care, though. She was free.
Free. It was something that had seemed so foreign but was now right in the curve of her claws and she was going to experience it for the longest possible timeframe.

She had seen the dome as she ran and hadn't thought twice about whether or not she should break it open. If she had been contained, surely others had to be enclosed in the similar constructions as she was. However, this one was lined by what seemed to be a paddock, and she hesitated, her running coming to a slow in the sandier area. It was being reduced to mud by the rain, which stung her cuts and dripped down her muzzle and arms, and she lowered onto her front legs in an effort to inspect further. She sniffed at the gate which she had stepped over, butting her nose against it until a portion of the slates had come to a wet resting place in the reducing ground. However, she lost interest, as she had with the area outside of her own dome, and instead drove through the considerably thinner glass; coming to a stop on all fours to steady her mass. A bellow left Bakarah, bouncing off the hexagonal walls, before her body shook in an effort to clear the shattered glass and rain from her.

Once settled, somewhat, the hybrid straightened and flared her nostrils. She could smell other animals - masses of them. Birds, as she was familiar with them, but she wasn't sure of what else. She wasn't aware of much else. It was an extremely familiar environment to her own, with dense forestry clustering around her legs and trees above her head, and it made her a bit hesitant to continue forward. She didn't know what lay behind the trees and she didn't want to get into too much trouble, despite the inevitability of it.

@MoltenLightning (as the similar environment domes are closer together.)

Everyone shall break out or begin to internally begin screaming because yet again, it has failed. Characters can escape using any method you can think of - force, as Bakarah used, or a malfunction in the electronics which may open a latch or door into the world outside. Communications will now begin and I'll post more interaction posts, with plot driving posts posted every few days. Ideas can be suggested if you have one!
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Reaper could not quite finish his investigation as the roar simmered through the air, seemingly endless. He felt every fiber of his being understand that this was a time of great importance. The ferocious bellow shook the very ground, and approached at an unstoppable pace. And from the yowl, born the seed of curiosity and sudden need for action. A few raindrops fell from the leaves of the trees above, tapping restlessly on the lower trees' branches, and on and on and on... It fueled his quick desire. It was repetitive. This was an endless cycle. A game. He scornfully snorted at this new realization, face turning to perceive what the call to arms meant. A chance for freedom from this ever looping life? Yes, it had to be.

He bristled, hearing an interruption as the very odd sound of shifting metal being broken through. His feet moved without even his consent, dead set on finding out if this really was the day of retribution. He followed the sounds until they stopped, to which he kept proceeding. His legs stopped at the forest's edge, abruptly tremulous. Before him lay the creature he had searched for for so long. Almost waiting for him. He slowly came out from the tree's shadows, eyes adjusting to this beast's outline. He had his head down as if he meant no harm, cautiously approaching. It was only a bit larger than himself, which he didn't mind. He hissed a few things to it, seeing if it would respond. He hadn't done it in so long he himself might have gotten it wrong. But he tried none the less. "Who... Are you?" He rasped, hoping dearly it wouldn't lash out at him.




The water began flooding. That's how bad the storm hit. Bait shifted her body from the once heated rock, feeling a small irritation at the back of her mind. She had just wanted to relax, but no! Not even a little... She paddled a little faster, swiftly losing track of time in her complaints. Before she knew it, she was at the end of the road. The wall of her entrapment. She was caught up in her disgruntlement that she shook her head fervently. At one point, it hit the wall. This caused her to lash out in anger. Using her head as a battery ram, she smashed a part of the weaker wall without realizing what she had done.

The normal shocks hadn't reminded her to walk the other way like they should have... For a moment, she didn't know what she did. Bait sat, looking at the ruin of the section of wall. After that was done, she casually waltzed through. No use not exploring. Curiosity was not always her ally, but she coped. As she tottered along on slow legs, she stayed near the river. It had always been her teammate. And, as such, wasn't going to abandon it anytime soon. The birds that had mounted her on previous affairs now huddled close together on her back, hiding from the battering winds that seeped through the barriers. She was inclined to find some kind of sign as to what this place held... Though, it did have a lot more trees.


Bakarah heard the footsteps approaching before the figure came through, sliding into a gap between two extensive trees, and she turned to look at the animal. She turned with a heavy step to the side, the very tip of her tail brushing the cool glass of the shattered dome, nostrils flared to take in the heavy smell of blood. It was stronger than when she had initially broken out due to her clawing out the tracker previously embedded in her shoulder, diluted streams of blood drawing lines in the dips of her scales from the chunk of flesh missing and dripping down her claws, but it was slowing. This was only due to the fact that it was pure blood now running with no aid from other liquid, and the lack of water made the stinging more prominent than it had been while Bakarah was on her adrenaline rush. She further straightened from her slightly hunched position, as her hands still brushed the ground, ready to press into the damp earth should she feel the need to, and she rather drew her arms in towards her chest slightly while scrutinising the new figure across from her.

It was nearly as tall as her but not as large, and she curled her lip in instinctive response. She felt that she had to show that she was the more dominant despite the submissive stance from the other purely because of the size of it, and she also didn't want any mistake to be made. Bakarah took two thundering steps towards the other animal, her feet sinking into the ground, and she took two slow sniffs of it to try and decipher its scent beyond the mildew of the forest and the red staining her thick skin, and she snorted as she backed away again. The question had her confused for more than one reason; she wasn't very skilled in communications, as the Leaellynasaura in her dome hadn't been all that talkative and she hadn't spent too long with her siblings, and the answer was also beyond her. What the humans call her? She shivered her jaw after a pause, a rumble leaving her throat with the movement. "Bakarah, although I'm not sure if my reply can truly answer your question." She said, turning her head when the screech of a bird sounded and a small grouping of them fluttered out of a tree, being led by the first.

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Rafflesia and Quillt

Rafflesia was in the middle of eating some leaves from a tree while Quillt hopped about the branches, the air smelled different and the sky grew dark with clouds, rain began pouring down and dripping into her dome at a rapid pace. She let out a low groan and Quillt hopped onto her back with the other birds to take shelter amongst the spikes, Rafflesia noticed the rain was coming down quickly and puddles were getting large this could be a bad thing and dinosaurs could get injured including her and Quillt so they had to find a way out, Rafflesia tromped past other smaller dinosaurs and tried to watch her step as she made her way to the soaking dome. She noticed a crack and turned around quickly to give it a solid crack with her tail, when she whipped the weakspot a part of the dome crumbled on the spot, a few more cracks and there was a hole big enough for her to fit through with ease. She paused smelling the damp air and getting hit by rain, this was all so new to her she hadn't a clue what to do with this much freedom but maybe she could help others of her kind. Quillt trembled with fear and began breathing heavily once they left the safety of the dome, he was not eager to be eaten and his mother had just put everyone in their dome in danger, there were probably tons of predators everywhere and he was scared, he clung to Rafflesias back for dear life and also to comfort himself. Rafflesia rose on her hind legs and let out a bellow seeing if any of her kind were around, or atleast anyone that might have escaped.

@ne1(sorry if this wasn't a good intro but intro are not my strongsuit)​
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After running after what seemed like ages, she lifted her head through the bushes and random shrubbery to help triangulate her location. Only..... she came almost face - to - face with another of her kind. Not her kind exactly.... but at least similar. She was going to investigate him a little closer out of sheer curiosity... buuuut that seemed ridiculous the instant the wall buckled inward.

The reveal was horrifying, sending every fiber of the meek dinosaur up in flames of fear, her adrenaline sending spikes of alarm down her veins. A carnivore. That much was obvious from the sharp ivories gleaming at her in the grim lighting of the dome, that quickly started cutting out - leaving them in utter darkness. Despite herself, a small squeak escaped her maw of rather blunt teeth, and she instantly dipped back down - hoping she was to be quickly forgotten and ignored.

However, even though the thought seemed quite outrageous and suicidal, the two larger beings attempted... conversing with one another. To hear such things was, hmmm, balloons? Baleen? Bouncy? No baloney! That was word human's used to describe something crazy seemed quite right at this instance. Hesitantly, she peeked back up, her head barely reaching one of their hips... a very scary thing indeed.

Even though her body screamed out in refusal, she forced the air in her lungs to form the words. Even though they could possibly much her bones in seconds. Even though she wasn't near fast enough to out run them... Her voice bugled out just a few tones, though possibly enough.

"I am me: Donna."

@Casey @MoltenLightning
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Seven Minutes After The Lighting Strike

<-~-> Titania <-~->

Something was off. The once reflective mirror-dome of a sky was now dark and lusterless. The waves in the small sea churned and broke, stirring up sand and silt. Not a fish was to be seen. The once brightly-illuminated platforms from which the two-legged creatures watch her from were now dark. Not a single pair of eyes stared through the glass panels. The gusting wind that had blown through the enclosure as long as she could remember, was replaced with sticky, stagnant air that hung on her scales like weak octopi.


Thirteen Minutes After The Lightning Strike


Titania came to the small indention in the wall of the dome where the two-legged would inspect her for illness. It was also where they released her into the dome after they moved her from what they called the 'hatchery'. Then, she noticed that the switchplate for the lever that opened and closed the large was removed, and the wires underneath were exposed. Finally seeing and opportunity to explore outside her lonely confines. Carefully moving her long tail through the hole where she would put her head during inspection, she carefully snaked it over until she felt the wires. Ripping them out, she felt a small shock, but nothing much. She her a clicking noise as the locks unlocked, and she easily pushed the doors aside.
4 minutes after lightning struck

Zal and Sal continued to pace around worriedly. They were hanging around their dome entrance at the moment of impact, and bumped into each other nervously. They noted that their dome entrance wasn't producing the strange buzzing sound it usually did. They looked at the metal door that separated their home from the humans' home and approached it cautiously. Sal slowly extended his right claws towards the door, but Zal quickly battered it away, screeching at him for being to risky. She quickly grabbed a small lizard nearby and lightly threw it towards the once electrified entrance. The lizard made contact with the metal and, instead of the usual spasms and death, the lizard bounced harmlessly off of the door and quickly scurried away into a nearby hole. They both looked at the door quizzically and reached out themselves to touch it. Their long claws scraped over the metal door, doing nothing but making an unbearably high-pitched noise. They both started making excited noises as they gazed at the power-dead door in extreme interest. Zal and Sal each grabbed one side of the door and pulled it just like what he saw the humans did, and little by little, the door creaked opened, revealing to them for the first time the world they weren't supposed to be born in.

The duo slowly walked out of their dome, head darting around everywhere, trying to take a hold of all the new things they can now see much more clearly than before. After a couple of minutes of exploring, Zal suddenly caught the sent of a couple of living creatures coming from one of the similar dome-like structures that used to be their home and heard a distant roar coming from that dome. They sprinted towards it, eager to learn more about this entire new world presented to them. The dome contained a different type of environment than that Zal and Sal were in, and that really intrigued the two raptors. Upon reaching the dome, they both noticed a couple of different dinosaurs standing in one of the domes. Sal almost bolted towards the strangers, if not for his sister jumping on him to prevent him from doing so.

"What the
HELL are you doing, running up to strangers we doin't even know are friendly or not?" shouted Zal, with one foot on Sal neck.

"Aww...you always take the fun out of life..." Sal whined, rolling out from underneath, and jumping back up.

Zal ignored his brother and cautiously approached the strangers, head lowered down in respect. "Hello, my name is Zal, and this is my brother, Sal. We'd like to make acquaintance with you all."

@Casey @MoltenLightning

The intensity of the situation had caused him to fumble out words, those being the only ones he had thought to say at the time. "I... Realize that. I was really just curious as to how..." He was cut off by the smaller one of himself, the female he was inspecting earlier. He seemed to forgive her interrupting him, but before even he could get another word out some MORE creatures appeared out of the blue. He snorted aggressively, craning his head to glare at the two raptors. "And where did you come from? Why are you here?" he spat, feeling threatened by the sudden appearance of so many creatures. He wanted to have a conversation with this larger one, whom he respected. Not these small beasts. He let his teeth show, gleaming in the little light that was visible.

His eyes were bright with a hidden rage, one of which he didn't want to let loose until absolutely necessary. They smaller one of himself seemed fine, and he looked over at her with a forgiving look in his bestial face. "That's what the bipedals call you, Donna? If that's how we are all introducing ourselves, then I am Reaper." he established, twitching his claws as if indicating why they called him such a thing and facing the now accumulated group of reptiles. He sighed through his nose again, facing the raptors with hesitation. "Apologies, I've just never been very... Acquainted with others." he tried explaining, throat clicking.

His head again swiveled towards the larger one, Bakarah. "Not many others have been known to me, especially larger ones. They run. Only smaller ones with wings don't run as consciously. Birds. I've seen some of my kind, of course, but they are always frightened. Like the rest. You are the first not to run. But instead, to come," he chirped, changing to a more confused tone. "I wondered why. That's why I ran." he continued chattering, though more primitively. His speech got a little worse for wear when he was nervous, and that's exactly what he was. His tail wavered behind him, absently tapping the ground.


Bait was not seeing this expedition getting anywhere. Her feet continued dragging along the ground, but at an even more slothful pace. She drew near the river's bank, held her mouth open, caught a fish, then continued. It had gotten somewhat repetitive, just like her old home, until she saw the congregated group of other reptiles. She stayed in her place, completely still. Her head moved to the side so she could see the group better. Why... Was there a large group? Had they left their normal habitats? She inquired to herself, continuing forward along the river. Unfortunately, the river was near the group. Bait kept her pace, but continued eyeing them. She didn't want any sort of trouble, but trouble always seemed to come her way. Actually, that was the little name she'd given the river. It just seemed to be a magnet for all sorts of mischief.

Bakarah wasn't too sure of what she thought about this... thing. What she called it for now, she didn't know, either, but she had a feeling that she would soon find out. She watched the bellow beast speak with her head tilted, her harsh breaths releasing gusts of pale mist into the air while the dome cooled and her eyes adjusted to the darkness. The sound of heavy rain and the communications of her counterpart were drowned out, at least in her mind, when she heard the rustling of leaves not too far away, and her eyes flickered to stare right into where she heard it. Blue tickled her vision, something she recognised to be a thicker coat of... feathers, as the little creatures in her own dome had possessed, and she didn't feel as threatened, this time. Instead, more curious towards the quieter version of this potential counterpart. "Donna." She repeated, rumbling slow in her throat and cocking her head further to the side, spines bristling from the back of her head to the tip of her tail. Donna was more intriguing in a different way from the other, Reaper, was, purely due to the fact that Bakarah could near taste the fear ebbing off her. She was... forbearing, almost. Not extravagant and dominant.

The hybrid approached slowly, lowering her head to the other female and only stopping when her nose was a meager estimate of two meters from Donna. She huffed, blowing feathers back with the gust of air, and her teeth were bared slightly as she made a sound similar to a knicker. "You're... scared." It was an inquiry, not so much a true question. Though, when two more joined, Bakarah spun around and barked, a cut-off roar that wasn't intended to announce but more as an automatic response. It felt to be too much company in one go. After all, she had only just come to terms with the fact that her suspicions of others like her actually existing, and being forced to focus on all these new appearances at once was proving to be testing. Stepping back from crowding into Donna's space, she snorted at Reaper, then looked at the opening which she had created and the horrible conditions outside the dome. She still wanted to explore. "I understand. Should I have any reason to run, Reaper?" Her movements were calculated and easy, claws flexing, and she gave a short look of recognition to the raptors. Upon further look, she noticed that they weren't like the two she had first met. They were sleeker, had larger teeth - similar to Bakarah, perhaps?

"I'm here... I'm here in order to find freedom in a place where there has been none." Bakarah said slowly, her tones more quiet but not any less firm, "You're the first apart from myself and... Birds, that I have encountered for a good part of my life."

Titania was greeted by the incessant pattering of water droplets. She finds freedom, and is rewarded with a wet face. Yay.

She heard several growls and clicks coming from another dome structure. Curious, her wings light up a lime green as she lifted into the air, buffeted by the wind. Forced back down, she began to trudge along to dome, passing several others. The door was open, but just inside stood two small creatures with sharp teeth, a larger one with similar teeth, and two creatures with extremely long claws, one small, and one large. They seemed to be conversing, but Titania couldn't make any of it out through the constant sound of the rain.

As she prepared to huff back the large-spined beasts's feathers back in it's direction, the presence of even more beings began to overwhelm her. And none of them were herbivores. They were smaller than the Therizinosaurus, but that didn't mean she feared them any less. She forced her soft hackle-feathers to lay down - at least somewhat - with a quick check with her muzzle-beak before stepping back, that way she had just another step to get away if need be.

Then an even larger being, one with naked bird wings swept down near their group assuringly trying to engage in conversation. Nope, nope, nope, nope annnnnnd. Nope. The youngling stepped back, only to feel someone's warm under belly.... She instantly cowered already familiar with the tank-like being's scent. Nanny.


She had traversed the whole habitat looking for the young she dino, and she found her in a remarkable state of obvious bleakness - with a bunch of predators no less. She blew out a large huff of air at them, her feathers rising up - adding to her impressive image. Though, admirably, two of the larger carnivores were bigger than her, though only about a third larger, which wasn't too bad considering some of the other specimens of the island she had heard and seen before.

Nanny carefullly tucked Donna behind her and drew herself to her full size, ready to challenge, but gave no progressive progress to offend anyone. It was reasonable really. If this had been a time when they truly existed, she could tell already that more than one of them would be eating the other.

@Casey @MoltenLightning @people @can't remember @struggling

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