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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Journey to Vesi [LORE/MAPS]

  • Ship from the side. (stairs and floor levels shown on interior)
    SHIP side.jpg

    Going from the bottom up: the Base/ third level below the deck. Includes storage around the edges and on the interior is a workshop where Beaux and other tinkerings take place. There is also a hatch to the outside floaters
    SHIP lvl b.jpg

    2nd level below deck: Includes training workspace/ workout floor with equipment along the triangle middle walls. Equipment includes gear for true use of attack and defense, exploration, water scuba gear, as well as some other land-based tools. Most of the tools are for underwater use, most of the weapons are simple blades.
    At the stern (back) of level two, is a large library and collection of books. Shelves are packed with all sorts of novels and stories. Along the walls are display cases of artifacts, etc. There is also a table for study, and some comfy chairs/couches for reading/socialising.
    SHIP lvl 2.jpg

    1st level below deck (top most underneath layer): at the bow (front) is the kitchen workspace, and the space behind is dining and casual hang out space. The large table in the center is a map with a glass screen for marks/notes. At the stern is all the bed/personal rooms. One room will be vacant as the Captain has separate quarters. Bathrooms at the back. Bedrooms are slightly divided between space for sleep and rest and the other side can be personalised to any means. (Room assignments will be given).
    SHIP lvl1.jpg

    The Deck: four masts. Second from front has the crows nest. Near the back there are two raised platforms, the one nearer to the stern is higher. First stairs lead up to the "driving" platform where there is a map table, another table, a compass platform, and of course, the giant wheel. Behind that platform is a taller wall which contains the steam engines and other mechanics of the ship. The dock is level all the way around.
    SHIP deck.jpg

    Above deck rooms: the captains room is underneath the first platform, literally like most pirate ship examples you probably have seen in media. The Captains room is also split in two, the starboard (right hand) side contains bathroom and rest area, while left is personalized for personal study or whatever.
    at the stern, raised to near double the height of the captains quarters is the engine room. The captain cannot access the engine room from his room, he has to exit and go up the stairs.
    SHIP top rooms.jpg
    Map of Escain/Glakiel
  • (Currently WIP)

    Korrell countrymap.jpg

    Escain is on the righthand side. little square on bottom right is where EP Inst. is.
    Dots are major cities, star is capital. Small dotted lines are major train tracks. Thicker dotted lines are canals. Rivers, mountains, hills.

    Colour and more detail will be added later


    The country of Korrell is split. Escain pictured on the left hand side border and Glakin pictured on right hand side. More detail about world and seas and lands and volcanoes and areas to come.
    Vesi world.jpg
  • VW base and coord.png

    VW sun +clim.pngSun paths and climate regions. See key. Low red sun is constant. High white fluctuates.

    VW land and sea.png Land and Sea borders. Groupings of land are by country/ land ownership. All the smaller individual islands have names but i dont got time for that yet ill make it up as we go.

    VWbiome outlines.pngBiomes outline. see colour key. ask questions if colour confused.

    VWocean topog.pngOcean topography and some land topography. Darker is deeper, lighter is shallow. Grey is rocky, bluer is sandier?/ coral reefier?

    Screen Shot 2019-09-19 at 9.47.58 AM.png colour key
    time checks

    Trektek Trektek Juju Juju TheCrowKing TheCrowKing Archie Archie Cyan Dragon Cyan Dragon

    remember that the days are 30 hours long! the low red sun is constant and the high white sun is up for about 12 hours out of the day.
    The White sun rises at hour 4 and sets at hour 16, giving bright light during that time. That is not to say that the red sun does not give light, but just lower, more eerier and cooler light.
    bigger/closer moons are visible most of the 30 hour day, but the smaller/dimmer moons are visible around hours 20-2 (12 hours total)

    The way that time checks will work, is I will post a time of day, which day of journey, a location statement, and perhaps a weather check in.
    please be considerate when the crew is separated, to make sure one time line does not go faster than another.

    (please react to post so i know you understand)