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Journey of the Raven Guild

A tear rolled down his cheek. No one ever really gave him any gifts for the things he did so she made him feel specail. "T-thanks...princess" He sniffled and wiped his tears hoping she wouldn't notice.
"You are very welcome my prince." She saw the tear right before he wiped it, but didn't want to call him out "When you put it on it will phase out of sight and through any material, only coming back when you reach for it." She took it from his hands and put it around his neck, the crystal settling on his chest and disappearing when she let go of the chain. "I trust you very much Alok," she kissed him on the cheek. Her hand ran through his hair. 
He smiled. "Thanks my princess, I trust you too" He began to make out with her for a little while and stopped. "I wonder what we should do for Lovers day" He looked up for a second.
"I have little expierence with the day, so you tell me." Though one thought crossed her mind and she was certain Alok respected her boundaries concerning that. 
"There's a festival?" Her eyes lit up, she loved such celebrations, it was always intriguing to watch those sort of things. It was a good way to get to know the culture of a place. "I'm fine with going." 
"Ok we can go in a bit but you should go take a shower and get ready. I'm gonna go get some more suitable clothing." He walked back to his room and checked through all of his clothing to find something casual.
Shower? Did she really need one that bad? It wouldn't hurt to go ahead and take one though. Lena went ahead a did so, stepping into her room through a portal in the bathroom, she picked out this outfit:


 And began to put on her underclothes for it.
Alok leaned against the wall in his room to relax as he checked out some clothes and phased through the wall leading to the bathroom, he could see Lena changing into her other clothes and his nose began to bleed. He was confused at what had happened and didn't really understand how he got to see such a thing.
Startled Lena covered her self quickly by levitatingthe shirt over herself  and opened a portal under Alok, he sunk into it and would land back on the floor of his room. Embarassed she put on the rest of her clothes. Lingering in the bathroom for a it before exiting. 
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He kinda felt bad for seeing but it wasn't his fault. He walked to where Lena was and tried to explain himself. "Hey Lena...I-I don't know how that happened and i'm sorry"
She turned to him, trying not to blush about the ordeal. "I forgive you Alok, though only seeing half of you jutting through the wall was very disconcerting," her hand went into her storage demension, taking out a tissue and offering to him. "Your nose is still bleeding."
He blushed slightly knowing why his nose was bleeding. "Ya I don't understand how it happened, I was sitting down looking for an outfit to wear and i just appeared through." He said confused
"It seemed like you phased through but I don't know for certain. Another her new ability?" He seemed to be acquiring a bunch of new powers lately. 
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"You want to try to figure it out?" They could see if he could do it again and analyze the ability, if he could summon it again. 

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