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Journey of the Raven Guild

Rolling her eyes with a soft smile she kissed the top of his head, closing the book gently after bookmarking the page. She used her matter manipulation to place Alok on the bed with out disturbing him in the slightest.  Lena put a blanket over the sleeping Alok before retiring to her own bed. His door shut silently as did her own. Exhausted from all the magic she did today there was no trouble falling into her own peaceful sleep. 
It was the next morning and Alok was outside training again, he continued to use his newly founded powers to see what else he could do, he was exhausted but kept going anyway.
Lena had went out to the town to take care of some business and restock the pantries of the guild hall. She even bough more books for her library, a few more for Alok than for her. Lat night she noticed the kinds of books he had taken an interest too, hopefully the ones in her bag will prove to be useful for him. after outing away the food and leaving the books on Alok's bed she headed outside. Yep, he was out there, training again. Lena was one for bettering one's self but if this gets too constant he'll burn himself out. She approached him, "Is the practice proving useful?"
He was drenched in sweat and his muscles seemed to show more from the intense workouts he did. "I-I need...to get...stronger" He kept pushing himself when training.
"Like who?" He said tired and out of breath, if she meant herself he wasn't going to fight her. He wanted to use his powers and he still didn't completely understand how strong he was and would probably kill her.
"How about," with a wave of her hand Lena creates a towering Earth beast, it stands there lifeless. "Something like that," her eyes glow purple for a moment. The beast pounded it's fist into the the ground, growling. "I'll be in control though," she lifts her arm, the beast in perfect sync with her movement. "Though I don't have to move to make it move." She smiled, it's been a while since the last time she's done something like this. 
Lena stepped back into a portal, appearing. A ways away from the training field. The beast hit the ground agian, its roar shook ground, its head shaking with the vibration. It charged at Alok. 
Alok sighed and dodged quickly, he dodged so fast that it looked like he teleported. He shot the monster in the back with his electricity powers he now gained. It shocked the monster paralyzing it and he shot his bow at the beasts neck leaving a giant wound open.
Lena froze with the beast, after being wounded the creatures rolled away, encasing it self in rock, like armor. It jaws snapped at Alok
He vanished again and appeared behind Lena hugging her from behind and kissing her passionately. "Happy Lovers Day princess of the stars"
She froze for a moment, the glow from her eyes disappeared as her mind retreated from the earth beast, it stopped moving. Looking like it had shut down. Alok had started to kiss her and she complied for a bit before breaking away "Lovers day? Is that custom of some sort?" 
"Its all about lovers is the best way to put it. You give the person you love or you wanna be with gifts in the shape of hearts and stuff. I'm such a bad explainer." He scratched his head nervously.
"No, I think I understand, it's a custom for couples to celebrate their love right?" She remembered  seeing a few festivals and such in other worlds that fit the same description. 
Lena wasn't ever one for the romantic celebrations but now that she's with Alok she'll have to keep those kinds of things in mind. His lips traveled up he'd neck, she bit her lip to stave off a sigh as his mouth found Certain pleasurable spots. "Alok," she paused. "Maybe we could continue this inside, after you've showered." He was kinda grimey and sweaty, and she could tell that  he was exhausted from the constant training, this lover's day could be a way to get him to rest for a bit. 
Lena returned to the hall after deconstructing the earth beast and tidying up the training area. She opened the door to her room, wanting to retrieve something but instead found Alok sitting on her bed. "Lays sat next to him, "Yoi said people give each other gifts  on Lover's day right?" She grabbed at a necklace that materialized as soon as she 'touched' it. It was the purple Fae crystal she always had on her. Breaking the crystal on half agian only produced a clone of the crystal. She dropped her own necklace the rock Bounced on her chest before seemingly materializing out of existance. Lena created a silver chain for the new crystal and gave it to Alok. "I want you to have this."
"Oh...ya, I never had a lover so I forgot. I usually kinda hated this holiday." He grabbed the necklace she gave him and stared at it. "Woah this is so cool! Crap...I'll be back later ok?" He rushed downstairs as he put on the necklace and ran to the market area, it took him an hour and a half to finally find a gift. He bought it and ran back to where Lena was last seen, he handed Lena a giant teddy bear with a box of chocolate and a heart shaped love letter he wrote and in the letter it had a drawing of them kissing. The Letter said: "Lena ever since I met you I have had the most amazing adventures, i got to discover how strong i could be as long as I was with you and I learned how to love someone that was beautiful, smart, and talented. You mean the world to me and I hope I can continue to go on these amazing adventures with you. i want to discover more things with you and work on this relationship together. -Love Alok your Prince"
Before she had a chance to explain how the crystal worked he ran off. Lena waited, reading a book while doing so. He returned with a ridicaulously large Tedder bear, along with chocolates and a letter.  She read the letter, a smile playing onto her lips as she read on. After placing the other gifts onto her bed Lena hugged Alok, "Oh my prince, thank you so much. I'll treasure this always." He really thought so highly of her, it was unbelievable but here it was in writing. She smiled agian, squeezing him a little in her embrace. 
He smiled and kissed her on the lips. "I'm glad you like it my princess. I love you" He said meaning every last word. He looked at the necklace. "Does this do anything?"
"It's a Fae crystal. When activated it creates a small rift that you can peer into, it's for comincation. Every Fae gets their own crystal and I had the honor of getting my own while living in their realm for so long. Usually you only give it to people you trust completely, since it's direct access to one at available at all times. It can also create full gates to the person. " She smiled at him. Only three other beings in the multi verse had her crystal, including Alok.

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