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Realistic or Modern Journal of Secrets {Open}


Just Me
You were told that it was burned, that you had nothing left to worry about, that the journal was gone.  You believed them, you thought all your worries would be gone, then it starts.  It begins with  Camry, your groups ring leader is found dead. . .  no, murdered, and then the letters begin to circulate.

"I know you killed them" Is posted inside each one of you and your friends lockers.  Blame is thrown between everyone; 'its that persons fault!'  'no it is that persons fault'  when in all reality every single one of you know that the journal is back, and your deepest fears are revealed when the intro page to the journal is scattered all over the hallways.

"This journal is so friends are bound together, that our secrets are tied forever!"  Then underneath the words are six initials and a dot of red next to them, the red that you know is blood.

How will everyone handle having some of their darkest secrets shown to the world, how will they handle waking up every morning afraid the the secret is out, the secret that could send you to jail; the secret that you and your friends burned the school down two years earlier and accidentally killed the people that were inside having a school sponsored camp out in the gym? 

Can you figure out who is sharing the secrets before every single one of your secrets are shared? Or could it get worse and this secret person is the one that actually killed Camry and now they are after you?


1. No perfect characters, everyone has flaws.

2. If you have anything exciting you want to add to the plot inbox me

3.  Please Inbox me three secrets at least so I can plan whose secrets come out when.  

4. No one liners, but you don't need to post a story.  

5. If you are leaving please let me know.  

Character Sheet


*Side Note* I did get this idea slightly from Pretty Little Liars.  
[SIZE=12pt]                  It was the end of November when they found Camry's body. It was the day after the first snow had fallen.  [/SIZE]It was said when they found Camry, her entire body was as white as the snow that was still falling and as blue as the sky.  Her death was deemed murder, but there were no signs of the killer.  It took the cops awhile to hand her body back over to her parents to let her be buried. Myra could remember the funeral like it was just yesterday.  Camry's coffin was closed, and the affair was very small with just family and close friends invited. 

[SIZE=12pt]           [/SIZE]Christmas break was finally over and Myra was once again being forced to go back to school.  The moment she had been given the news about Camry's death she had moved as if on auto pilot.  And she hadn't stopped yet.  Dressed in a pair of black leggings, a red sweater and her black snow boots, she finally makes her way back through the halls, all eyes on her, some people even whispering about her.  She didn't care though, it was as if she was surrounded in her own bubble.  It was their senior year and everything was supposed to be great, but instead Myra's best friend was dead and her entire world flipped upside down. 

[SIZE=12pt]            [/SIZE]She walked through the crowd of people that blocked the hallway, careful to not touch a single one of them.  Normally one of the most vibrant and cheery person in their friend group, Myra now found she didn't want to talk or look at anyone.  Finally she reached her locker, the one right next to Camry's old one.  She doesn't let herself come to a stop, to look at that locker and shatter, because that is what would happen if she did let herself break.  She would shatter into a million pieces and no one would ever be able to put her back together.  Spinning the dial she counts the numbers.  7-19-1  She gets it on her first try.  A paper flutters out  and her eyes gaze down at it, the words on it shattering the little protective bubble she had around her. 

[SIZE=12pt]"I know you killed them."[/SIZE]

Jessie was sitting under a tree that was next to the school. She watched the pure white snow fall, completely blanketing the grass. As she sat there, thinking about the event that had happened, she let out a puff of smoke from her cigarette. What would it be like now? They had already lost the ring leader of the group. Everyone surely were to have their eyes on us. After all we were her best friends. All of these thoughts circled her head as she put out her cigarette on the cold wet grass. She wouldn't be surprised if everybody in the school blamed her from Camry's death though. Her and Jessie weren't as close as the rest were. Plus she was the quiet one within the group. And sometimes quiet can be violent, she thought to herself. But she wouldn't let people assume her as the killer. Even though she wasn't as close with Camry, that didn't mean she hated her guts. 

Looking down at her phone, she sighed and sat up from the tree. She wanted to go to school a but early so people wouldn't be even more suspicious of her. It was stupid, but students were like that, especially when a murder case occurred. Brushing off her black combat boots, she quickly made her way down to the school and stopped a few feet away from the double doors. Here goes nothing, she thought to herself and walked inside. Surprisingly, everyone was looking over at another member of the group, Myra. Jessie sighed in relief. They weren't looking at her. But that all changed when she took one step. When the quiet highly heard her footstep against the wet tiled floor, they all seemed to turn to her. The dead silent hallway began to fill with whispers. Well, spoke to soon, she thought to herself and sighed.

Jessie pulled her flannel over her body and quickly walked over to her locker door. Putting in the combination, she pulled it, no yanked it open in frustration. That's when she seen the small piece of paper almost floated down, but Jessie caught it. The black inked words, engraved themselves into her thoughts. When she seen it, her breathing almost completely went dead. She could feel her heart stop and all of the whispering went dead silent behind her. "I know you killed them".

( @Restful )
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Sasha trudged slowly to school, fingers interlinked with her boyfriend, Spike. His words were swirling around her head like a snowstorm "I know this is hard for you." "I'm here for you" "I love you". And yet none of them meant anything to her at all. Because it had happened again.

Someone she was close to, gone. It was so fast, and yet brought back so many memories. A different bond, different age, different country, different accent, and yet still so, so similar. She had hoped that maybe her father would be right, that this would be good, and yet... Reflexively, she pulled her sleeve down, a small way of comforting herself.

Evengually arriving at school, she turned her cheek as her boyfriend gave her a kiss on the cheek. Empty. They parted, and though she felt isolated, she didn't feel alone. She was all too aware of the stares and whispers following her up the hall. She was the strange British one, with a mystery background. And now people would probably make assumptions and...

She arrived at her locker, and slowly turned the combination, and pulled it open. Inside, on top of everything, was a small note.

"I know you killed them."
Ashley Alenko

It had been a few weeks since Ashley had gotten back from Canada. That's all it had taken for her friendship

with Camry to fall apart. However the last time they spoke, she had dropped the bombshell that she had known

Ashley was pregnant and that it had been her twin brothers child.

It was shortly afterwards that Ashley left for Canada to give birth to her daughter and give her away.

Coming back feeling raw and upset at the events that went down, it was not long after she came back that she had

heard of Camry's death.

Opening her locker, she picked up the note that was left there and her blood ran cold at the message

I know you killed them
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Andrew Benner

He put a full stop on his last sentence and saved his article about Camry. The death of Camry was a shocking and unpredicted event. She had been friend with everyone. She was pretty and she knew it. A huge group of boys had been at her heels, and some girls as well. Sure, she could be scornful toward some students, but not enough that anyone would kill her.

Poor Jessie, Andrew thought to himself. She was always the odd one in the group, and most of his friends wasn't afraid to point it out. He sent the article forward to his own email, so he can continue it later on his laptop. He rushed out of his room and dashed to school, which was only 5 minutes walk from his house.

The hallway seemed more packed than usual, but Andrew managed to squeeze through. He noticed a few people whispering to each other while glancing at him when they thought he didn't see. What on earth could they be talking about? Did Camry tell someone about their weekly meeting at Candle Café? Andrew sighed. Whatever the reason, he is involved in Camry's murder case. At least in everyone's eyes.

He opened his locker and was going to close it right after, but he noticed a small paper, no bigger than a birthday card, sat on his camera. He flipped the paper and what he saw made him freeze.

I know you killed them.

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