Joon Watson


a guy
Name: Joon Watson

Nickname(s): J,Joon,Watson,

Alias: Arachnid

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 120 lbs

Marital status: Single

Eyes: Black

Hair: Ginger

Complexion: Freckles on cheeks, a mole next to his right eye

Facial build: Rectangular with angular cheekbones

Body build: Skinny, developing muscles

Voice: Tom Holland

Speech quirks: Stutters

Language(s): English, basics of Tagalog

Likes: Food, games, books, education, fighting, sewing

Dislikes: Cockroaches, free app-store games

Hobbies: Swinging with webs, engineering technology

Sexual preference: Women

Quirks: Makes jokes about people, makes jokes as he fights, has not learned "great power comes with great responsibility"

Personnality: Agile, smart, the guy who makes bad puns, dramatic at times

Flaws: Tends to drop things even though agile,

Power(s): i. Wall crawling/Adhesive stick

ii. Enhanced strength

iii. Enhanced reflexes/agility

iv. Enhanced healing factor, not as strong as deadpool or wolverine

v. Spidey sense

Weakness(es): Getting tired and slowed down

Weapons/gear: web-shooters,goggles, running shoes that increase speed

Other: Currently photoshopping a picture of how he'd look
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Cockroach? Spider-Man? Tagalog?

Do we have a Gagamboy fan here?

Update: Joon is a small tech person, that's how he made his own version of web shooters, fast running shoes, and goggles.

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