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Realistic or Modern Johnson Creek

Eunoia said:
Sorry for not responding! I hate fillers and I've been caught up in other rps. I'll get posts up at the time skip.
That's fine. Alright, cool. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
I can't really do anything since the people my characters were interacting with aren't responding so I'll reply at the time skip. There really isn't anything for them to do anyways.
FloatingAroundSpace said:
I can't really do anything since the people my characters were interacting with aren't responding so I'll reply at the time skip. There really isn't anything for them to do anyways.
Alrighty, cool!
Elephantom said:
Sorry for not replying but I'll get to posting now.
It's alright. At this point I'd rather you wait until Saturday to post so that way you don't start any new conversations or something and be forced to wrap it up super quickly!
QuixoticKitten said:
I have some really personal stuff going on atm. I'll try my hardest to have my characters finished.
That's alright, take your time. I understand when stuff gets hectic so it's alright if it's not finished soon. I hope everything smooths out.
I really hate to do this, but I'm leaving rpn for good. I'm sure this rp will do wonderful things but I really can't handle things right now. I'm sorry.
QuixoticKitten said:
I really hate to do this, but I'm leaving rpn for good. I'm sure this rp will do wonderful things but I really can't handle things right now. I'm sorry.
That's alright, life happens. and if you ever want to join again, there will always be a place for you! Would you mind deleting your character sheets though, just so that I don't get confused and tag you in things again.
SyncopatedRhythm said:
Apologies for few responses! Just been on holiday xD
Eunoia said:
Will be getting my post up tonight probably! Sorry for the delay, I've been knee deep in coding.
Awesome! I look forward to both of you guys posting!
I swear I was planning on doing that this morning but somehow I got roped into coming up with lore... I will try my hardest to get something up tomorrow!
FloatingAroundSpace said:
I swear I was planning on doing that this morning but somehow I got roped into coming up with lore... I will try my hardest to get something up tomorrow!
I look forward! It's fine honestly. I've got a bunch of stuff to do and won't be able to post tonight either. I just wanted to check everything out.
I swear a post is coming, but it's a bad pain day, so it'll be awhile. I'm sorry. Twitches will be posted in a bit.
Eunoia said:
I swear a post is coming, but it's a bad pain day, so it'll be awhile. I'm sorry. Twitches will be posted in a bit.
That's alright, take your time.
FloatingAroundSpace said:
@Tiny Turtle
Would certain types of meat be reserved for werewolves? And do werewolves prefer certain types of meat? Like caribou or the like?
Well, not really no. Although werewolves do prefer venison. There are stations run specifically to cater to werewolves taste, although anyone can eat there. The only supernaturals with their own diet that only they can consume are the vampires and their blood.
[QUOTE="Tiny Turtle]Well, not really no. Although werewolves do prefer venison. There are stations run specifically to cater to werewolves taste, although anyone can eat there. The only supernaturals with their own diet that only they can consume are the vampires and their blood.

Alright well then you can assume that Abel is just being a jackass to Elizabeth for the sake of it then. Probably because she's pushing people out of the way and stealing "good cuts" and he's like "what is this human doing?"
FloatingAroundSpace said:
Alright well then you can assume that Abel is just being a jackass to Elizabeth for the sake of it then. Probably because she's pushing people out of the way and stealing "good cuts" and he's like "what is this human doing?"
Yeah. It's fine for the supernaturals to push the humans around because that's exactly what most of them will be doing.

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