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Realistic or Modern Johnson Creek [ACCEPTING]

Do You Believe in Magic?

  • Goodness no!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Of course. It just takes a little bit of looking.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Tiny Turtle

¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ง-]—- ᴇɴ ɢᴀʀᴅᴇ

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c81f42ab8_ScreenShot2016-02-27at5.41.54PM.png.ff677979e94609f65639cf949cc82158.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108819" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c81f42ab8_ScreenShot2016-02-27at5.41.54PM.png.ff677979e94609f65639cf949cc82158.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


A quiet forest for a quiet town, with a quiet lake for quiet people. Located in the middle of nowhere in Northern Ontario, Johnson Creek is the kind of sleepy town you'd drive through on your way to somewhere more interesting, or perhaps to your own quiet cottage on the edge of another lake. Although there's something oddly... magical about it. Perhaps the excessive amounts of crystals that line the windowsills of houses, the way little old ladies seem to have a kick in their step like no other, the booming voices of the wolves at night being just a little too loud, or even the bars with no windows.

For most people, the idea of living in such an isolated little town is absolutely unpleasant. Although for a selective few, it's an absolute dream! The town itself has never been a fan of outsiders, and actively discouraged them from moving in. But all that went to hell when a certain real estate agency bought a rather large chunk of land and turned it into commercial housing. Now a good amount of people have moved in, and the residents are livid... to say the least.



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Sunny, chance of rain


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Victoria Felix

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83dd08ce_ScreenShot2016-02-28at12.46.40AM.png.9afc28b16f3b77ce38b1897d1b2fd057.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109968" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83dd08ce_ScreenShot2016-02-28at12.46.40AM.png.9afc28b16f3b77ce38b1897d1b2fd057.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The sun blares into her small room. The birds outside make their usual noises, and the day is rather cheerful, making Victoria want to shove herself further underneath the covers. All she wants to do is sleep. Unfortunately the garden snake she'd taken in has different plans for her. She feels the creature slither up her back, and Victoria is suddenly wide awake. she reaches behind her and carefully grabs the snake, cursing under her breath at how cold he is. Once he's slithering up her arm Victoria rolls over and sits up, stretching her arms over her head before carefully examining her new friend. From the looks of things he seems fine, so she decides to put him back on her bed so she can start the day. Victoria strips out of her t-shirt and pajama pants, and heads straight into her bathroom, turning on the light and then the hot water to her shower. For Victoria, everyday has to start with a shower no matter what. The cold tile floors don't bother her much now that she's awake, and the light of the bathroom isn't too bright anymore. The place is rather small. Only able to really fit the toilet, shower, and sink. A single naked lightbulb hands, and the tiles on the floor are large and light green. The walls of the shower are made of the same tiles just smaller, and the rest of the bathroom is made of maplewood, giving it a forest-y smell. Victoria waits for the water to become hot before stepping inside, enjoying the way the water feels against her back. She hums to herself and lets everything tune out for a while.

By the time Victoria gets out of the shower, her fingers look a little bit like prunes. The tiles feel
very cold against her feet, and she winces. Victoria makes the small trip to her room even more speedy, and sighs in relief as the warm wood touches her feet. She quickly hops to her closet and looks around for something to wear. The garden snake stares at her and Victoria can't help but sigh.

"You know, it's not polite to oggle." she states, raising an eye at the snake.

It's not like I'm going to go off telling people about it." he replies

"True. But it doesn't make it any less rude." she says back, searching through her closet for some underwear and a bra.

I hear many lads in this town complain about water ruining their wood." the snake says, and Victoria quickly stares down at the small puddle she's made and quickly waves her hands to make all the water both on the floor and on herself collect itself into a ball.

Your hair's a mess." the snake states.

"Shut up." Victoria replies.

She hears the snake laugh but doesn't bother saying anything. Victoria pulls out her favourite pair of jean shorts and a thin black cotton t-shirt with the band logo 'Iron Chic' on it. She then shoves some socks onto her feet, and grabs the snake. Before leaving her room, Victoria makes sure to also collect her bag and unplug her phone and slip it in her pocket. She slings the dirty old brown leather bag over her shoulder and ruffles her hair with her free hand.

"C'mon. Your stay is over." she says, walking downstairs.

Wonderful." the snake replies, sounding rather unenthusiastic about having to sleep outside.

Victoria slips into her black converse shoes and unlocks her door, leaving without breakfast, after all, she did promise to cover for her parents at the tea shop today. So she puts the snake down on the ground, locks her door, and heads off to work. Ruffling her hair as she goes.

Claude Telrez

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/thumbs_marlon-teixeira-avva-fall-winter-2012-13-08.jpg.9781e177f025ca5b41a2c113f0a3a11e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109969" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/thumbs_marlon-teixeira-avva-fall-winter-2012-13-08.jpg.9781e177f025ca5b41a2c113f0a3a11e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Claude wakes up with a groan. His head hurts like no tomorrow and he really wants to go back to bed. The hangover has already started, and he wishes that he hadn't had that entire bottle of cheap champagne all on his own, and he
really wishes he hadn't decided to chug half a bottle of vodka right after. But today is his first day in town, and he figures he might as well make some friends. So Claude does what he always does. Sucks it up and gets out of bed. He smells his shirt and decides a shower is needed. As he looks around the room feels unfamiliar. The place feels like a hotel. Not a home. But Claude ignores it as he makes his way to the bathroom and turns on the tap to the shower. He keeps all the lights off and takes of his clothes quietly. The moment Claude steps into the shower he feels his stomach give out a warning and soon he's vomiting right in the shower. Claude feels even more gross as he watches the stuff get on his feet. His nose burns, his head hurts, but he knows that puking was for the best so he doesn't make too much of a fuss, besides, there's no one in here to complain to anyways.

He spends god knows how long in the shower, and the only reason he gets out is because the hot water stopped working. Claude shakes quietly in the shower, and quickly grabs a towel, wrapping it around his waist. He dries off his feet as best he can on the little carpet directly in front of his shower and then makes his way back to his room, hissing at the light. He makes his way towards his suitcase, still totally packed and pulls out a button up t-shirt and some jeans, as well as underwear and socks. He quietly puts on his clothes, and once he's finished feels a bit better. All Claude wants now is some food, so he decides that today would be a good day to explore around town. Thus, he grabs his vans and slips them on his feet, reaches under his bed for his wallet and keys, and then makes his way downstairs. Claude takes one final look at the house and decides that yes, he can make it into a home. With that thought in mind a small smile creeps onto his face, and Claude rubs at his chin, and decides that tomorrow he'll shave. With that Claude unlocks his door and steps outside, squinting at the sun. He needs to buy some sunglasses too. So Claude locks his door and heads out to town.



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The annoyingly loud blaring of her stupid alarm clock jolts Winter awake. The sprawled out position she's in allows her to kick her foot out and effectively kick the thing off her night stand. It unplugs, and turns off. Groaning in a very unattractive manner, she pulls herself up into a slouched sitting position. Winter concludes that she needs a new, less annoying, alarm clock. Preferably one that she doesn't have to kick to get it to shut up. Managing to stand up on her feet she makes her way to the bathroom, but not without nearly tripping over a random chew toy on the floor. After picking the thing up, she tosses it into her dogs bed which is uncharacteristicly empty. "Dakota! Where are you?" She calls out while rubbing at sleep ridden eyes. The frantic clicking of claws against her tile floor, signaled his approach. But by then it was already to late. An overly large German Shepard came barreling into her she flew backward and landed onto the floor with a huff. "Come on, Dakota!" Winter yelled angrily, but her anger soon dissipated when Dakota appeared atop her, his head turned to the side. She giggled and pushed at his chest, moving him off of her. "All right ya big softie, get off me." Once in her feet again, she glanced at her clock. Well, I'm glad I took a shower last night. Winter thought, continuing her trek to the bathroom. The whole shower thing didn't really matter though because somehow she always managed to still smell like wet dog and pine trees.

Ten minutes later Winter was clad in a light gray tee shirt, dark jeans, black combat boots, and her leather jacket. Her black hair was neatly pulled back into a ponytail, and a very small amount of makeup had been applied to her facial area. Plucking her keys up off the counter and scratching Dakota behind his ear, she was out the door and headed to work. Durning the trek to her car she remembered the talk of the new humans that had moved into town, and to be honest she wasn't to thrilled. Humans meant that she would have to be careful when she hunted, and attempt not to growl at them. Great, this would be just great.

Insaf Kassab


Location: At the Fire House

Interacting with: No one

Mood: Neutral

Insaf had started the day early, waking up at around six in hopes of heading to the Fire House early and impressing her fellow co-workers, or at least demonstrating her interest in being involved in the restaurant. It was a blessing that they had even managed to find a job so quickly at all, having just moved in the other day with what appeared to be a flood of newcomers to the town. Insaf thought for sure that she would have a difficult time fighting for a position, but a simple stroll through the quaint town allowed her to spot a lovely looking restaurant which just so happened to have a woman standing in front of it that was singing a tune that Insaf thought was familiar. She approached the woman and had asked where she was from and where she had heard the song and found out that her name was Edha and that she owned the little establishment. Insaf made a quick introduction to the woman, citing the fact that she had very recently moved in (that morning) and was looking for a place to work alongside her daughter.

"We possibly have a job here for you and your child," the woman had said, smiling up at her sweetly. "We are in search of a waitress and perhaps a cook. Did you grow up on homemade or bought meals,?"

"My father cooked," Insaf said, "and I learned."

"Good, good. Come back tomorrow and let us see how well you will do. Your daughter can take orders, can she not?" Edha asked.

Insaf blinked in confusion, amazed at the rapidness of the situation. "Yes," she said slowly. "Yes, she can. Though I cannot promise that she will be--"

"No matter, no matter, we have a
bairaa for her to train with."

Insaf blinked in confusion at the foreign word. "I'm sorry," she said quickly, "I'm afraid I don't understand."

"You don't speak Hindi?" the woman asked back, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"No, no," Insaf said, shaking her head, her hair bouncing around. "I speak Arabic, not Hindi."

"But you recognized my song," Edha said, looking somewhat surprised. "You are very well traveled."

"Aye," Insaf said, though she really only knew that song because the first neighborhood they had moved into in the United States had a large Indian presence and she had heard it sung to children by mothers. "I hope that does not trouble you."

"No, no," Edha said quickly, shaking her own head and Insaf thought that she said, "That is not the part that concerns me," under her hair. But she was always worried that someone might know, against all odds, and so did not question it. Perhaps her mind was growing old and playing tricks because of the record that always repeated.

"Come tomorrow," Edha said. "Bring your daughter and be here by 7:30, when we begin setting up."

Sukran," Insaf said gratefully. "Thank you."

The woman had been overly kind and generous and Elizabeth might have found that suspicious, but Insaf did not. She had long learned to trust her instinct and to not look a gifted horse in the mouth.

Which was why she was currently standing before her sleeping daughter at six-thirty in the morning the next day, greatly unhappy with her.

Get up," Insaf snapped in Arabic. It was the language she always used when she was alone with Elizabeth. It felt like it was their language, a way of speaking that the rest of the world could not have. "Come on."

The mound of blankets shifted and an almost inaudible groan came out from underneath them. Insaf huffed a sigh and grabbed one of the feet sticking out and started scratching at the heel.

Motherfucker," Elizabeth yelled, sitting upright in a panic, her tangled hair falling gracefully around her shoulders in a way that Insaf sometimes envied. She yanked her foot back to herself and glared at Insaf, still half-hidden beneath blankets. "Mama, what are you doing?"

Up, up, you little bird," Insaf demanded. "Work today, remember?"

Mama," her daughter complained, turning to stare at the blinking display next to her bed. "Mama it's only six-thirty. We have an hour."

No, no," Insaf commanded, reaching for her foot again, though Elizabeth curled up decisively in a ball to avoid her. "We're leaving at seven to go over. Go, comb your hair, put on clothes, and come downstairs for breakfast. I'm making samoon and found some bahārāt in one of the boxes."

The thought of food seemed to motivate Elizabeth, who dragged herself out of bed and fell gracelessly onto the ground, the blankets still tight around her body. Insaf huffed a sigh and rolled her eyes but exited her daughter's bedroom, making her way downstairs to prepare the meal.

The rest of the morning went smoothly now that the main battle was won. Elizabeth trudged downstairs in a nice pair of khaki pants that Insaf had bought for her once she had started working and a pale blue collared-shirt that she had also found at a Goodwill.

Insaf's hair was bunched up tightly in a bun already, sitting on top of her head. Elizabeth had a ponytail that danged down past her shoulder-blades and the two sat down to eat, Elizabeth stuffing her face with eggs and sausage and the samoon spread with bahārāt that Insaf had promised her.

Do not eat too fast or you will choke," Insaf cautioned, the same statement she used every day. Even so, she knew that Elizabeth ate fast to get the most out of the food placed in front of her, years of never-quite-enough making her understand the importance of having something to eat. After they had moved to the United States, Insaf found that schools offered Elizabeth free lunches and was eternally gratefully to give her bigger dinners as a result.

Brush your teeth," Insaf called to Elizabeth as her daughter finished, the plates clean and her mouth slightly stained with grease.

Yes Mama," Elizabeth said as she left to go upstairs. "I am aware that we are not barbarians."

It was a little after seven by the time that Insaf had finished clearing and cleaning the dishes and Elizabeth looked presentable for a job that required social interaction. Elizabeth scrunched up her nose at the prospect and looked ready to wail about it as they walked the distance to the restaurant.

Remember," Insaf told her as they stepped inside and prepared for their respective jobs, "Do not make the customers angry."

Then I will be a fraud to myself," Elizabeth sniffed as Insaf walked towards the back room where the kitchen was.

Elizabeth Kassab


Location: At the Fire House

Interacting with: Danvir Nassar (NPC)

Mood: Tired/Irritated

"Smile, smile," the man hissed at Elizabeth for the umpteenth time and Elizabeth barely restrained the urge to punch him in the face.

She had been on her feet since she got into the restaurant and it was nearly nine-thirty already. She had spent the last hour and a half being hissed critiques as the man (a boy, really) kept telling her to
smile. While she knew that a smiling waitress would appear better to customers (and the restaurant had plenty), Elizabeth was not the smiling type. She usually scowled at people, keeping them at bay.

She had been thrown a red apron to slap over her clothing and had been told to where a
white shirt by the man in a haughty voice, as if he knew more than her. Another woman had come over and scolded him for being rude.

"My name is Edha," she said to Elizabeth in a slight accent. "This is Danvir. He will work the morning shift with you."

"Hello Danvir," Elizabeth said robotically, like she was being introduced to a new student.

"Hello Elizabeth."

She had subsequently somehow managed to piss him off, as he often glared at her and sometimes she swore he even
snarled, like some dog. Edha had pulled her aside when she had been prepared to hurl her fist into his face and informed her that he had anger problems.

"He doesn't like new people," Edha explained.

"Should have warned him I was coming then."

Edha looked mildly taken-aback before her face smoothed out again.

"Perhaps, but your mother was late to grab me yesterday and said you two both very much needed a job."

Elizabeth's face did not heat, having known how to keep her expression neutral long ago, but she did feel embarrassed. Her mother was always looking for a job and one like this was rare.

She had gone back and tried to smile but had ended up dropping it to her resting face, which she had been told was a "bitchface". If that meant she was perpetually frowning, she supposed that was true.

As the breakfast rush continued, Elizabeth found herself growing more and more irritated and could only hope something exciting might pull her away, lest she end up murdering something beforehand, or dropping someone's plate on them.
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Halfway to her designation Winter realized she hadn't ate anything, and if she didn't eat anything she would be a snarky little asshole the rest of the day. So, she made a turn toward town center to drop by the Fire House for something to satisfy her everlasting hunger.

She could smell it from here.

Upon entering the restaurant, she plopped herself down into one of the seats and glanced around. Her gaze met many familiar faces that had worked there as long as she'd come there, but when silver eyes landed on a very unfamiliar, very attractive face her head cocked to the side. She could tell by her smell that the girl was human, most likely one of the new ones. Already working, huh? Winter realized she should probably stop staring, so she averted her gaze back to the table and began picking at her fingernails. @FloatingAroundSpace

((Sorry about this being before anyone else replied, I'm just bored with nothing productive to do. :/ ))


location: The Magic Touch | with: npcs | tag: n/a

Dalia had a doctor's appointment that morning, so Pandora had to open the shop alone. She had planned on working the morning shift anyway, as Paxton had worked the morning shift for the last week, but she hated working alone. She smoothed her
clothes, flipping the sign to open and organizing the stock. Stocking was her least favorite part of work. She preferred to be in the back mixing the stock. She had a bunch of special orders to work on, but she couldn't work on that when she was in the store alone.

Ding. She heard a customer enter, "be right with you!" She called from where she was stocking the top shelf. Her heels enhancing her already tall height so that she wouldn't need a ladder. The young witch made her way over to the customer, "oh, hey Harrison." She smiled lightly.

"Bad mood, eh?" He asked, browsing some of the products. She must have looked confused because he continued, "your outfit. All black. Does this stuff work?" He held up shaving cream that was guaranteed to make the hair stay gone for at least two weeks.

"Harrison, all of my products work." She cocked a brow, smirking at him. She wasn't in a great mood, but Harrison had a way of making her feel better. He seemed to have that affect on everyone he met. The man never met a stranger. A few more customers entered and she greeted them all and headed to the cash register. Working made her forget the odd feeling she had that something was going to happen.
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Belle woke up early as always. She opened her eyes and stared at her ceiling, not daring to see what time it was on her clock that laid on the nightstand. She knew it had to be around five, being that the sun hasn't filtered through her open blinds yet. Yes, open blinds. Belle never closes her blinds until the sun starts to set, and then she would reopen them before going to bed. She rolled over and pushed her face into the pillow, giving herself a few seconds to fully wake up. The blonde turned on her back, sat up, and swung her legs over the side of the bed, rubbing her eyes all at the same time. She yawned and stood up, making her way out of her room and into her bathroom. She flipped the light switch on (and stared at the bulbs like an idiot), instantly shutting her eyes with a loud groan at the 6 second blindness. After her eyes finally became adjusted to the light, she turned the shower on and waited until the top of her mirror began to fog up and with a smile, she entered the warm shower.

It was now around six thirty-something when Belle got out of the shower and she gave a pained look at the door with a dramatically stretched out sigh, knowing that it was going to be colder out of the bathroom. She sucked in a breath and opened the door, managing to sprint to her bedroom on her tiptoes, which didn't help the cold air but it gave her a shot of energy. Now, it took the blonde a good fifteen minutes to choose an outfit and she finally grabbed a loose pink shirt with her jean shorts. As for her shoes, it would probably be her pair of floral vans. She took a look around to make sure that she wasn't forgetting something (she hates making unneeded second trips), and with a pleased smile, she exited her bedroom knowing that she wasn't forgetting anything this time. Belle proceeded to her kitchen where she scavenged for some breakfast food to eat. Her face twisted into a grimace at the sight of a granola bar, but it was all she had, so she nibbled at it until she was full. She then gathered her things, stuffing her phone, chap stick, and money all into her pockets and she slipped her sunglasses on before shutting the door.

Belle walked to get to the places she needed to go to. She didn't need a car in this town, and she wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon. She used to want to travel, but this town was just enough for her. Once she got to town, the blonde walked to the side of the building to get the water hose for the flowers. Belle watched as some people walked down the street and it gave her a smile. She loved people, and it made her slightly excited that humans were coming to Johnson Creek. Except on the downside, the other supernaturals would have to be careful, but the blonde was ready to create an illusion if needed. That's what Belle specialized in, illusions. Her powers go way past illusions, but she never wanted to get into dark magic. She kept watching the people and smiling, sending them waves and making small talk with some.

Today is going to be a good day.


Elizabeth Kassab


Location: At the Fire House

Interacting with: Danvir Nassar (NPC) and Winter (@WinterSoul)

Mood: Tired/Irritated

The room was abuzz with people waving her down for a refill of a drink or to get an order of something more or to ask about this or that. When she had entered the restaurant, she had been quizzed on what meals her mother made and what Elizabeth liked to eat the best. She'd rambled off a long list containing kofta and qeema and tossed in a few of her favorite curry flavors for good measure. Edha had smiled and shrugged and shuffled her off to get her apron, telling her to trust what she thought.

"Your mother must make you good food," Edha had said.

"Aye," Elizabeth replied.

Danvir bumped his elbow into Elizabeth as she carried out a few glasses of ice water, nearly causing her to drop them. She turned to glare at him when he told her, "New person, table 5."

Elizabeth dropped off the glasses of water and reached into her apron, taking out a pad of paper and a pen. She had been a busboy during her time in the United States as well as a single waitress job before hand. That one had ended when she moved away instead of when she had punched a patron in the face out in the parking lot for not paying.

(The only reason she hadn't gotten fired was probably the fact that the man was so terrified, he had ended up throwing her two hundred dollars and fumbling away. Her boss' temper seemed to alleviate when he saw the money she brought back.)

Plastering on her best fake smile, she walked over to the newcomer and glanced down at them. They seemed older than her (
everyone seemed older than her) and more interested in her than the menu, which was strange.

"Hi," Elizabeth said once she was close enough. "Welcome to the Fire House. Is there anything I can get you right now? Water? Soda?"
Winter jumped when the girl approached her and asked what she wanted to drink. She moved her elbows off the table, and smiled up at the waitress,"Just water, please. And I must say, excuse me for being so forward, your really pretty." She smirked. Her hand fell on top of the silverware sat at the table and she hissed, pulling her hand back. Silver. Damnit, now I can't use the stupid silverware. @FloatingAroundSpace
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Elizabeth Kassab


Location: At the Fire House

Interacting with:Danvir Nassar (NPC) and Winter (@WinterSoul)

Mood: Tired/Irritated

Elizabeth was thankful that she had plastered on her smile earlier.

The compliment
was a compliment and Elizabeth was sure the girl meant well but it wasn't one that welcomed. Elizabeth had no interest in pursuing a relationship with anyone romantically or physically her entire life. It could have been because her om had never bothered to date, either. Insaf had always shied away from men that tried to win over her affections and Elizabeth had always chalked that up to wanting to be with her father.

"That is very kind of you," Elizabeth said, unsure of what to do. 'You can look over our menu while I get your drink," she added robotically.

She frowned when the other person's hand hit the silverware on the table. Quick as a flash, Danvir appeared, smiling at her.

"I apologize," he said soothingly, glaring at Elizabeth as if she'd done something wrong. Elizabeth resisted the urge to make a face back and left to get her water.

"She's a new human employee," Danvir told Winter in a low voice, "doesn't know what she's doing." He collected the silverware silently with quick movements, his own fingers burning, and placed ceramic ones out instead. "You should really wait for the hostess to get to you," he added. "We've got tables where these are already set out."
"Your welcome, and thank you." Winter smiled at her, rubbing at her hand slightly.

Winter shrugged,"Sorry, Danvir, I was in a hurry. I forgot some of this stuff was silver." She dropped her hand into her lap, running the uninjured over her head to smooth her hair. "But, all that aside, you really shouldn't be so harsh on the new kid. She seems fine to me."


(I apologize for the length of my posts, I'm in a restaurant currently and my parents are yelling at me. Lol.))

Elizabeth Kassab


Location: At the Fire House

Interacting with: Danvir Nassar (NPC) and Winter (@WinterSoul)

Mood: Tired/Irritated

Danvir raised an eyebrow at Winter. "She's a human, a nasty one at that," he told her back. "Her mother is half-decent and hasn't done anything but try but she's off in some way. Like a little pinched firecracker waiting to go off."

Elizabeth came breezing back at that second and Danvir eyed his new co-worker once more before leaving. Elizabeth watched him go, not bothering to dwell on it for too long, and placed the cup before the customer and pulled out her pad to scribble down the order.

"Figured out what you want?" she asked in as polite a tone as possible. She took note that the silverware seemed to have changed and wondered
why. She also noted that the girl's hand appeared to be hurt somehow, though Elizabeth couldn't remember if it was hurt before.

Something felt slightly strange to her at the moment, but she decided that she could dwell on it later, when Danvir wasn't starting daggers into her skull.


location: town | with: Belle | tag:

Embry woke up earlier than she had wanted to. The problem with sleeping in a new place, she guessed. She'd spent the first week of living here setting up her home. It was furnished when she rented it, which was wonderful. She only had to buy sheets, pillows, and things to decorate with. The place was beginning to look like home. Today, she was going to check out the shops around town. Maybe find somewhere to work, somewhere she could dance or sing. She quickly got
dressed, throwing her hair into a bun before heading out.

The town was large enough to suit her style. She didn't mind walking, it was good exercise. She had never understood why people complained when they walked in heels. She didn't seem to have any trouble at all. Embry took in the sights around her. The people, the buildings. It was really a beautiful little town. She was so focused on watching the people around her that she ran into a blonde girl in front of her.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." She blurted out, "I wasn't watching where I was going."

That probably wasn't the best first impression to make, but it was just her luck. She hoped the girl wasn't hurt or angry, but the thought made her nervous.
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She was awake bright and early in the morning. This in and of itself was rare; normally, she went to sleep at late or odd hours, but last night she had been so tired from her journey to Johnson Creek that she had gotten to sleep fairly early. Of course, for her, early to bed was around 12:30, and to wake up early, before 9, but that was of no consequence. It was, at least, morning. Summer classes being her current occupation, and her ones of those not only not yet scheduled to begin but also set to happen in the evenings, she was not worried about getting to any of them.

new places, new faces, yet another day. Looks like it's time to go outside.

Willow levered herself up into a sitting position, rubbing sleep out of her eyes and running a hand through her hair. With her free hand, she reached and fumbled, searching half blind for glasses soon found on the desk beside her bed. She slid them on her face and then tossed her sheet aside, lightly thumping onto the ground from the elevated bed. A few moments searching through boxes and suitcase messily packed found her shorts, a shirt, and shoes, and she changed from her nightclothes into them, taking her time to bring herself to wakefulness. Soon enough, however, she was ready to face the day, and emerged from her college lair and wandered out into the town, blinking and squinting in the bright morning light and wishing she were able to wear sunglasses over her prescription ones. Alas, Tis impossible.

Thus she made her way to the town, walking slowly and taking time to enjoy the scenery.
Winters eyes found her hand again and she mumbled her order to the waitress,"Eggs and sausage, just don't cook the sausage all the way." She said, forgetting that she was ordering from a human who might find it weird that she didn't want her sausage cooked all the way. Her hand finally stopped burning and she looked back up. While doing this she was reminded of the human seeing her injured hand,"Sorry about before, I have a silver....uh allergy. It's really bad." Silver eyes fell back to the table and she groaned inwardly. Really? That's the best you. Can come up with, idiot?

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Elizabeth Kassab


Location: At the Fire House

Interacting with: Danvir Nassar (NPC) and Winter (@WinterSoul)

Mood: Intrigued

Elizabeth glanced over at the other girl one last time, nodding slowly as she wrote down the order. "Come right up," she promised before breezing away, headed towards the kitchen. She shoved open the door and slapped the tab onto the metal sliders before turning on her heel and leaving, her mind swirling.

Why would anyone want something that was only partially cooked? Sure, she had heard that Americans wanted things done "rare" which apparently meant raw, but she had never seen the appeal. Her mother cooked everything "well-done" as they called it and the juices that oozed out were from fat and spices and the seasoning tossed in, not the blood. Elizabeth had always wrinkled her nose at it and her mother had always politely refused.

She reminded herself that Canada could potentially be different; they might like
all their meat rare. But after a few more tables, she found that nearly no one else asked for sausages not well cooked (or even asked for sausages. It was an Indian restaurant, for crying out loud).

After a few more tables, she ducked back into the kitchen to take out the plate and head back over to the other girl's seat. As she placed it down, she remembered her comment about being allergic to silver.

She had heard of people who were allergic to certain plastics in earrings, but she had always thought that was different because they were actually technically embedded
in someone. But touching silver and getting burns?

Now that was something out of a supernatural story.
Victoria Felix

Location: Mrs. Felix's Tea Shop With: Claude Telrez (@TinyTurtle) Mood: Relaxed

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c84a1116b_ScreenShot2016-03-06at7.39.03PM.png.f7d1803b1f607b9de70320fcf50d9b35.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c84a1116b_ScreenShot2016-03-06at7.39.03PM.png.f7d1803b1f607b9de70320fcf50d9b35.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Victoria's walk to town is quiet. She likes to keep to herself in the mornings, taking the time to enjoy the view. Normally she'd be playing with some water, making fun shapes and enjoying herself, but the first batch of new humans have moved in, so those days are over. She really has no idea why anyone would even let some human buy the land in the first place, let alone turn it into fucking townhouses. She scowls at the thought, although she holds onto the idea that perhaps they'll be kind and accepting. Although the chances are slim. Maybe they'll all be run out of town instead. That wouldn't be too bad.

Before she even knows it Victoria is at her parent's tea shop. She opens up her back and shifts through her things, searching for her keys. She notices a strange man sitting on the floor with his head between his knees and she can't help but stare as she unlocks and then opens the door to the tea shop and lets herself in.

Claude Telrez

Location: Mrs. Felix's Tea Shop With: Victoria Felix (@TinyTurtle) Mood: tired/hungover

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/thumbs_marlon-teixeira-avva-fall-winter-2012-13-08.jpg.088957aad6551d5715bd345a56db9d59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110489" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/thumbs_marlon-teixeira-avva-fall-winter-2012-13-08.jpg.088957aad6551d5715bd345a56db9d59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Claude's walk through town is very quiet. He keeps his head down and only occasionally looks up. His head is pounding and his stomach is screaming at him to either put something in it, or let it dispose of whatever could be left from the last time he puked. When he sees the sign for a tea shop he decides that he'll eat his breakfast there. When he finds the store closed Claude feels like screaming, but decides to simply stay and wait it out, so he sits down and puts his head between his knees to rest.

He doesn't know when he hears the door to the place unlock, but when he does he's up and inside in seconds. He sees a girl there, who couldn't be much younger than him. She was just putting on her apron when Claude walked in.

"Something for a hangover?" she asks, hopping behind the counter.

"How'd you know?" he asks, rubbing at his eyes and sitting down at the table closest to the cash register.

"I've had enough to be able to tell." she says, pouring water into an old fashioned white kettle.

"Aren't you too young to drink?" he asks her.

"Nope. The age here in Canada is nineteen and I'm already twenty two." she says rather proudly.

"Oh." Claude mumbles, putting his head down once more as he feels another wave of nausea hit him.

The girl spends the rest of the time making his tea and toast in silence. He has no idea why she's thrown that in but decides to take it anyways, enjoying the taste of what seems to be homemade bread (who has time to make that anymore?) and delicious strawberry jam, that also tastes homemade.

"My name's Victoria. Victoria Felix. You're new, aren't you." she states, holding out her hand after she puts down his green tea, piping hot.

"How could you tell?" he asks, raising his head up slightly higher to shake her hand. "Claude Telrez by the way."

"Pleasure to meet you. I can tell because I've never seen you around here before." she states.

"Ah. Well yeah. I'm new. Moved in yesterday. I live in the new townhouses." he states.

At this Victoria scrunches her nose and quietly walks back behind the counter.



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@Tiny Turtle


She wandered for a while, finding the quaintness of the small town almost comforting. Barely there a night, and she already felt as if she could consider this place home. Smiling a bit to herself, in her wandering she noticed the sign for what looked to be a tea shop. Perking up slightly at the idea- she hadn't gotten to have any tea that morning, having only arrived last night and regretfully not spending the time to set up her kettle- she made her way to the coffee shop and cautiously pushed the door open. Hanging with door held open a moment, she observed the two occupants with a moment of a wary eye before stepping inside, allowing the door to fall and bump closed behind her. Another moment's pause, then she looked about another moment wondering wether to approach the woman behind the counter or sit down. Noticing the man already seated, who she decided didn't look terribly savory, she figured that a small table next to the window and a good distance away from him sounded like a good idea. She started that way, but halfway to the table paused and changed her mind, instead going up to the counter. Coming to rest in front of the woman there, she had another moment of pause before she spoke, quiet and a bit uncertain, not sure of herself at all.

"Hi. I'm new here... What's good?"

Elliott Dravenport was riding his motorcycle into the town of Johnson Creek. The people were busied, getting the place as ready as they possibly could. He did his part, monetarily, and he'd also gone up to the county offices to get all the right sorts of paperwork done. He wasn't the mayor, nor did he really want to be, but no one else had the time or patience that he did. Werewolf or vampire, there was sure to be a mauling if it was anyone else--especially with the rude clerksman standing behind 4 inches of rather fragile looking plexiglass.

He pulled up to the tea shop on main, owned by the feistiest little witch he'd ever had the pleasure of knowing. Once the kickstand was in place, he got off and turned around to the passenger he'd had with him. The blonde man stepped off and wobbled a little, giggling uncontrollably. Elliott sighed and grabbed his arm, guiding him into the shop.

"Mrs. Feilx?" He called, only to find Victoria on her own. "Hey, V. I'm sorry to barge in all unannounced, but I found this guy on the road and he made me bring him to town. Without saying a word. Anyway, I think he's a little dehydrated so I need you to get him something in his stomach and try to figure out if he is really a witch or not. This should cover anything he needs." He took out his money clip and took a few hundreds out, pressing them into her hand. "Don't worry, I'm undead...it's just money to me. I gotta run but if he has no place to go he can stay at the Manor. Uhh...keep a few of those for yourself." he said, straightening his vest and approaching the door. "Tell the folks I said hi." he added before walking out.
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Victoria Felix

Location: Mrs. Felix's Tea Shop With: Claude Telrez (@TinyTurtle), Willow Sanderson (@WitchOfTape) Nathan Stark Lebeouf (@RedIncubus) Mood: Nervous

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c84c4a6e6_ScreenShot2016-03-06at7.39.03PM.png.f975ed44b4a3fe0aeb544d3c1f12699f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110566" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c84c4a6e6_ScreenShot2016-03-06at7.39.03PM.png.f975ed44b4a3fe0aeb544d3c1f12699f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Victoria stares at the new girl in front of her.

"Hi. I'm new here... What's good?" she asks.

The girl looks... interesting. Victoria doesn't know if she's magical or not, so she remains rather weary. Victoria sees that Claude is fast asleep at his table, and hopes that he leaves soon. She feels herself drifting off into dreamland and quickly shakes her head back into reality.

"Depends what you're in the mood for. Something sweet, something bitter? Hangover cure?" Victoria states, pointing her head at Claude. "Everything here is good. You want something to eat?" she asks, drumming her fingers against the counter.

Victoria was really hoping to have a slow day so she could check out early, but instead everything seems to be moving around her rather fast. She'd just opened up and already two people are looking for something to drink. Just before Victoria can say anything more, the well known face of Elliot busts in. Her mother is very fond of him, so Victoria is known to do the occasional favour for him. He comes in carrying a rather odd looking blonde man, who does in fact look rather dehydrated. Victoria simply stares at him, and then at the wad of cash suddenly in her hand. She quickly shoves it all into her back pocket, and decides to deal with the money later.

"Covers more than enough." she points out, hopping over the counter.

Before she can tell him to keep it down he's gone, and Victoria can't help but sigh. She sits the blonde man down and stares at him.

"I hope you don't mind that I'm going to attend to him first. He looks pretty fucked up so I should probably make sure he doesn't die in here. Also, ignore the other guy that came in. He's uh... a bit off his rocker. Goes on and on about supernatural shit all the time." she says, trying to cover up the fact the Elliot practically revealed himself to two humans.

Victoria walks back and hops over her counter once more. She's been doing that a fair bit today she finds. She turns around and grabs a glass off the top shelf and a straw. Victoria then turns on the old taps and lets cool water fill the cup. She then sticks the straw in and makes her way towards the blonde man. She puts the glass down in front of him and points at it.

"You need to drink this. Slowly." she states before turning back to the girl with the short hair.

"You want some bread and cheese?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.



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@Tiny Turtle


"Well, I haven't had breakfast, do you have any br-" Willow was cut off by the sudden entry and interruption of a pair of men, one supporting the other. As he started going on and on about witches and undead and what the hell? She had thought this was just going to be a quiet secluded town where she could have a peaceful finish to her schooling, not be surrounded by wackjobs. She stayed silent and staring at the man until after he left, making a mental note to find a library or somewhere she could actually get information about this town. She just nodded as the young woman behind the counter came out to go help the man that had been left, silenced with slight shock. She must've seen the consternation on Willow's face, because she spoke up to say that the man who has just left was 'of his rocker'. No kidding. Willow just nodded again, stepping back a bit to ensure she wouldn't be in the way of the worker as she tended the blond man.

Once the woman was once again stationed behind the counter, a posed question stirred Willow out of her shock.

"Er... Sure. And do you have any breakfast teas? Something like Earl Grey, perhaps...?" Uncertainty tinged her voice. Once she had finished her request, she glanced toward the door, hoping no other strange people would come through.


location: The Magic Touch > Town | with: no one | tag: n/a

By the time Dalia got back, Pandora was struggling to not suffocate some of the customers.
"I'm really not cut out for this whole sales clerk thing." She shook her head. The store was her brother's idea. A good way to keep her on the light side of magic. It worked most of the time, she loved making spells and potions. But there was this aching feeling inside of her. That she needed to go to the dark side.

"I'm gonna run to town to get some stuff." She said to other girl as she went out the door, not leaving time for an answer. She quickly made her way through town. She wasn't sure what to do. Normally she'd go into the woods and pick herbs, but she didn't feel up to it today. Something in their little town was wrong. It was the same feeling she had when she was near her mother.
Victoria Felix

Location: Mrs. Felix's Tea Shop With: Claude Telrez (@TinyTurtle), Willow Sanderson (@WitchOfTape) Nathan Stark Lebeouf (@RedIncubus) Mood: Nervous

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c84cac9e3_ScreenShot2016-03-06at7.39.03PM.png.aa39331eadb1cd5809a70f9af4613a28.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110588" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c84cac9e3_ScreenShot2016-03-06at7.39.03PM.png.aa39331eadb1cd5809a70f9af4613a28.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Since the girl decided to go about her day as normal after the incident, Victoria decides to do the same.

"Of course. Do you want some sort of sandwich to go with that? We make stuff like french toast too." she says, finally opening the door to unlock the counter.

Victoria starts up another kettle and sifts around the shelves for some earl grey.

"You're new in town, yeah? My name's Victoria. Victoria Felix." she says, staring down at the jar full of Earl Grey.

Victoria puts it on the counter and looks around for other things to do. She faintly hears the sound of the chimes near the window, and the soft sound of Claude's snoring. She hopes he doesn't die on her or something. That'd be a disaster. Victoria decides that she'll keep an eye on him. She then looks over to the blonde man. She has absolutely no idea what to make of him. He'd probably need some food though, so Victoria sets out to making some toast with apricot jelly for him.

"You want some too?" she asks the girl.



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It was early morning, a time that Mason was not overly fond of, generally being more of an afternoon sort of guy... however, things to do, people to see, sometimes people to do, things to see. Dependent on how lucky his day was anyhow. After a few moments of lying in bed, contemplating the world, as many often do when they first wake up. He rolled reluctantly out of bed. Already semi-planning the day, while equally contemplating why he ever bothered to plan the day in the first place because chances are he would not end up following the plan.

He followed the morning routine as usual, bathroom, shower, brush teeth, make sure you don't smell too abnormal, get dressed, blow dry hair, go to head downstairs, check hair one last time to make sure it hasn't gone crazy, before he headed downstairs, grabbing some pancakes for breakfast. Whistling as he went, to the tune of Greensleeves infact. Serving up and eating, nothing too interesting really. The pancakes certainly were pretty good though.

With the morning routine all over with, he then contemplated between writing music and heading outside. At that point he realized and remembered that there were new people in town, humans. He, unlike some of the town's residents, was perfectly happy to greet them, he loved new people, and though he knew he would have to keep his powers hidden as a warlock, he felt that that would not be too difficult, his powers weren't as obvious as some anyway. And if he was being honest the vampires needed some excitement anyway, they hadn't had much fun in ages. With that in mind, he decided that going outside was the favourable option out of his potential decisions. Putting his boots on along with a trenchcoat, just incase it was cold (and potentially to look cool anyway), he headed out, considering heading over to Michael and Emilie's home in order to get his not quite so gay buddy, so that they could go and look at the humans together. It could make for an exciting adventure after all!

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