Jerome Windrift [Accepted]

Phineas Forge

Forging new roads
Name: Jerome Windrift

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Jerry has no tattoos but does have a few small scars around his knees and hands, nothing terribly noticable. He stands about 5'6", making him somewhat shorter than average.

Activated/Inactive: Inactive

Form of Conduitism: Wire

Karma: Neutral. Jerry looks out for himself which means he may allow others to get hurt if it allows him to be safe. On the other hand, he doesn't actively attempt to hurt others.

Conduit Experience: N/A

Personality: Jerry is a nice kid, but he's learned that he can only rely on himself. His parents were never around when he was young (one in jail, the other addicted to drugs) so he learned how to fend for himself. Despite the hardships, he's nice to people when he can be, but when they aim to hurt or take from him, he's merciless. Jerry can, at times, be sarcastic and fun, but often times he remains quiet and reserved.

Likes: Jerry enjoys a good deal, meaning he may go a little out of his way in order to ensure that he saves some money. He also likes money a little more than he should, though it is a little understandable when you consider his youth and upbringing. Jerry likes speed, he enjoys passing people, whether they be walking or in cars.

Dislikes: Jerry dislikes being swindled and is cynical when it comes to people offering him something. He hates being called short, though he's not opposed to calling himself short. Jerry also dislikes animals, not to the point where he attempts to kill them, but he dislikes being around them for fear of what they may do.

Relationships: None, Jerry tends to play the lone wolf.

Backstory: Jerome Windrift was born to Franklin and Meredith Windrift. The two were young, barely over 20, but they were in love and wanted to start a family. Unfortunately, the pressure of supporting a family of three pushed Franklin to make some questionable decisions which landed him in prison. Jerome was about 2 when Franklin was arrested. Meredith was then pushed into working two jobs to support them and eventually picked up alcoholic as the final component of her life. Alcohol led to drugs and eventually, Meredith was unable to take care of her own son. Jerome was passed around from family member to family member, often times changing school in the process.

By the time Jerome was 12, he'd been to 5 different school districts and become a loner. He picked up inline skating as a means of getting away from whichever family member he was living with. Over the five years since, Jerry (as he prefers to be called now) has become an amazing skater, capable of many amazing stunts and moves. He now lives in Seattle with a guy 12 years older than him, whom they say is some sort of cousin.They pass each other in the night, but rarely interact, which suits Jerry just fine.
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