Jenn's Characters


Suit Gangs Official Cuddle Buddy

Snow Brooks

A Water Sprite (Type of Fae)

Human form: 17 years old



True Fae Form: She becomes pure water.

Water can take any form and soon she will stop aging and be able to look whatever age she wishes.


Height: 5'4 (On the short side.)

Weight: 130 pounds (soft and child looking)

Sexuality: Straight


She fears herself... She is shy and soft spoken. She accepts the treatment she thinks she is worth. Living in isolation, she helped her parents persecute those who were different not because she is a hypocrite but because of the deep self loathing inside of her. She is kind to strangers and overly helpful

Powers (limit of three):

Glamour: The ability to create a false image. Examples: Her human form, clothes, hair color, invisible

It will work like the object it is portraying until her magic runs out.

Water state Manipulation: She is able to control water, make it gas, liquid or solid.

In doing so she is also able to move it and change its temperature. She can do this with all water.

Healing: She has advance healing of herself due too she is made of water. She can simply just reform.

She can manipulate the water in others and infuse it with her magic to start the healing process for others too.


The idea of a loving family

The thrill of a new book


The idea of friendship

The thought of love

Warm blankets

Lakes, Oceans, Ponds.


Being different

Her powers

The cold

Being alone

Being called names

The dark


Herself just a little



Her powers


Her parents

Short Bio:

She was found when she was a baby by her mother and father who went to the local church. They raised her but when she started to come into her powers and her human form began changing into her fae form... they called her possessed. She went through many rituals and cruelties in an attempt to rid herself of what made her different. She finally was able to learn to glamour herself and make herself look human. Her parents believed she had been cured but they never treated her the same again.


Her true form has wings made of water that reflect the light and shine rainbows. They help her fly.

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