Jellybean Boy

Autumn McJavabean

Prettier than you.
Jellybean Boy



Hero Name

 Jellybean Boy




 Frank Spacey


 Male ♂








 120 lbs.





 Supernatural Candy Augmentation









 Hero Association





 Chapter 2

Jellybean Boy is a Class A, rank 9 hero of the Hero Association, and a member of the top 10 heroes of the Association. He's one of the youngest members of his class.


Frank, raised in a wealthy household, was well educated and attended prestigious schools, both regulatory and higher education institutions. From his childhood, he indulged in scientific study, creating a partial accelerator, also known as an atom smasher, by the age of 10.

When Frank graduated and attended university in City-22 on a scholarship that paid for his tuition in full, he dedicated his study to mathematics, physics, biology, micro-engineering, and astronomy. He worked on the school paper as the science editor, and often wrote op-eds on what people should do and where to go. Graduating early, he earned a degree in physics with a focus on classical theory.

Currently, Frank attends the university for his doctorate, skipping his masters, with a focus on that same field, but also working to earn a degree in micro-biological engineering, having followed the path of Dr. Nodachi, who has lead the world in that field of study.

Frank, himself, has no power other than a few changes. He choose to experiment and undergo a reverse engineering of himself and on foods, creating a batch of jellybeans, because he loved them so much, that would fuse with his body when devoured and gain abilities from them.

Starting out his career at the Hero Association, Frank was given the hero name "Jellybean Boy", to which he was forced to accept. HE often doesn't do much work, having been so overwhelmed with school, but he does his best to help the Association out. He is more interested in lower class, scarcely focused heroes such as Chimp-Man and Barney rather than the likes of Leo Kingston or Dragon-Lord.


Frank is introverted, but despite that does enjoy people, but is rather cynical when it comes to why people do what they do. He knows this isn't always true, but is forced to acknowledge that he has an innate view of people like this when he first meets them.

Powers & Abilities

As a member of the top 10 Class A heroes, Frank isn't weak and is capable of great feats.

Supernatural Candy Augmentation Frank's power derives from his candy, which he always has on him. Each flavor gives him a power associated with that flavor or color, depending how he engineered them at first. If he was to eat a red cinnamon jellybean, he would gain a power associated with fire. The more he eats, the more he can unleash. Consuming 20 cinnamon jellybeans would allow him to unleash a far more powerful single attack or have more fire power to use in terms of longevity, depending how he sued it, in contrast to devouring five.

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