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Jasper Poe High School

Rosie smiled when he popped his head out and skipped over to him "Hiya.. I was wondering, do you have a phone? And if you do.. Can I have your number?" she blushed slightly and smiled as she looked into his eyes.
Shu unlocked his phone as he grabs her phone and handed her his phone "Here you go" He smiles as he started to put his number on Rosie's phone
Rosie smiled and took his phone, putting her name in and her name as "Rosie <3" like she did with everyone, except maybe this time it was different. She wasn't too sure herself. She shook her head at the thought and sent him a text from his phone, laughing a little.

Rosie <3
Hey there. :)
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Rosie laughed and handed him his phone."There you go." she smiled and looked at him "Hey are you free later too? I have nothing to do since you know.. We just came here," she put her arms behind her back and held her wrists, looking down at the ground shyly "If not, then it's completely okay.. I know everyone is busy."
"Awesome! I'm in dorm 114, down the hall." she smiled and took her phone, giving a small wave as she turned around a bit her lip as she walked back to her dorm. Once inside, shutting the door quickly and putting her back against it. I can't believe I really just did that.. she smiled to herself and shook her head before going to rummage through her clothes for something nice to wear.
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Rosie smiled as she pulled out a few dresses from her drawer, 4 different colors and all about knee high. Studying them all and putting them up to her she couldn't decide which was best.

Shu Shu
Hey Shu! What's your favorite color? :)
Shu Shu
Hey Shu! What's your favorite color? :)
I liked red or blue? Why you ask?
No reason. Just wondering, thanks!

Rosie smiled and threw her phone on the bed "Blue it is.." She smiled a little and ran off to the bathroom with the dress to change and fix her hair. The blue dress was strapless and knee length, very flowing and pretty.
(Okie o_o)

Rosie peeped out her dorm door and walked out, her small heels slightly hurting her feet as she walked.. She'd never really worn any before and they only made her about an inch taller. She sighed with nervousness as she walked over to his dorm room, knocking softly and biting her lip.
Shu laughs as he closed his dorm room and smiles at her "Okay uh I guess I'm leading the way then...come on:" He said as he held her hand and started walking as he lightly blush

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