James DuFresne


The world is a testing ground for human ingenuity
Basic Info

Name: James DuFresne(pronounced Doo-frayne)

Character Role: Doctor/Chemist

D.O.B: 02/29/1832

Ethnicity: African American

Nationality: American

Age: 35

Sex: Male

Specific Info

Personality: James is a kind soul with a lot of wit about him. He likes to see the happiness in people so he tells stories of his time with his master and the many funny happenings in the lab. However, he gets very serious whenever shit hits the fan, if you’ll pardon my french.

Moral Alignment: Neutral Good

Fears:  his research being used to harm rather than help, extremely violent white supremacists, accidentally killing someone with his medicines.

Regrets: all the patients his medicines weren’t able to help save, he wasn’t able to save his sister from a stray bullet

Hopes: Everyone regardless of colour or sex be treated as equals, a better world where people don’t kill each other because of differing ideals, to discover previously unknown elements and their effects on the human anatomy

Connections: The Free State of Jones


  • Winchester Model 1866 & Colt M1861 Navy
  • That which is seen in the picture plus a 6 layer leather vest imported from Korea...oh, and of course pants, socks, shoes, etc
  • A pocket watch given to him by Doctor Falron, an engraved carving knife that belonged to Marianne, his customized chemistry setup

Character Appearance


Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: black & scruffy

Skin: black

Height: 5’11

Weight: 187 lbs

Biography & Background:

    Unlike most African Americans, James Francois DuFresne was born a servant rather than a slave in Ellisville, Missouri. His master, Doctor Charles Falron, was a fair man to all races despite scrutiny from his peers. He sought to it that those whom served under him got an education. In doing so, the doctor saw potential in James when he was a young boy. As the Dr. Falron oversaw his studies, he noticed little James was quite adept when it can to the sciences, especially chemistry.
    The old man guided James’s studies to focus on that area of science once the boy had learned the core subjects. A decade and a half later, DuFresne had become an accomplished chemist and medicine maker at the age of 29. This had been about the time the splitting of the country had been official, calling for a war between the two halves. Unfortunately for DuFresne and his fellow Pro-Union townsfolk, they were on the wrong side of the border. It was around this time he actually learned how to fire a gun, because the independence of him and his county-men depended on them being able to protect each other as The Free States Of Jones was created behind the leadership of one Newt Knight.
    Sadly, in one of the fights defending themselves from the confederacy, a stray bullet in the firefight made its way to the lung and heart of his sister, Marianne. Though this grief was hard for him to handle, it made him want to fight harder on her behalf. 4 years of fighting later, and the war was over. The Free State of Jones had held its own despite being surrounded by enemy territory to the end of the war.
   It had been 2 years since that day, and DuFresne had opened a pharmacy since then, selling remedies to all kind of sicknesses of his own concoction.
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Looks great! The doctor will be an excellent addition to the crew! If you could please add the appropriate character role for him, as seen in this announcement. After that, he looks ready for the IC. 
Fantastic :)   Feel free to begin posting @Vultz, whenever inspiration and free time strike you. 

I've been working on a post for a while, but I've been kinda busy with school work and such. I'm hoping to have my post in at least by friday.

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