Jaheilux (weirdbraxto & Moonlit Dream)

Zinnia had watched him go, and he insisted that she were to eat. He doesn't know all the ways around the Base, how can he even...? She shook her head with a soft smile. Maybe he'd find his way around somehow. She turned on her heel and the white-haired Huntress went to retrieve her food.

By the time her plate was already full, Neire had just returned to the mess hall. "Hey, check this out; awesome food right here." She pointed to it while one side of her mouth was stuffed, and she lifted her right hand to shield her mouth while she spoke. "How'd you even find the place anyhow? Trust me, the Base is huge. And this isn't even the only one."
"Lucky guess." Neire took a look at the items that Zinnia had. Neire did not have many weaknesses, but one of them was potato chips. He hadn't noticed any, but he wasn't going to stop until he found some. The line to get food was like any other he had seen, but there were seemingly infinite options throughout the line. "I'll join you in a moment." He strolled up to the carts, and he almost dropped into tears when he saw the options. There were infinite options and flavors of chips. He took a tray from the stack, and filled every section to half a foot tall of each flavor. He looked back and saw Zinnia sitting down a table with some unknown members. He decided to sit by her and attempted to take down the mountain of chips
Zinnia saw just how much food---well, chips---Neire had taken. Most Hunters wouldn't take the amount that he had gotten, though there was a bunch of flavors. Everyone kept in Jaheilux liked to keep shape. For emergencies that involved combat. Even when they role in this organization was to sit behind the screen of a computer and talk to someone through an earpiece, everyone carried a weapon to defend themselves with. Well, with Neire, that was going to be a bit of a problem.

As Zinnia thought, she extended her hand and sneaked a chip into her mouth, the crispiness of it breaking between her teeth and making a satisfying crunch. Neire had a lot to spare on his plate anyways. Eyla, Zinnia's friend and a great weapon-designer, still made a sword with her own hands---and Neire rejected it! An internal groan followed this thought.

At the back of the wall was a huge imprint of the Hunters' symbol. Each room in the Base had that. When it began to glow white, that meant there was a mission and everyone had to assemble to the main room. Which was what was happening now: the Hunters insignia was glowing.

"Neire," Zinnia said, nudging his shoulder. "That's our cue, we gotta go to the main room." She stood up from her seat. "We've got a mission." 
((I am gonna be doing homework soon and hfaeinf))
Neire quickly shot his glare to Zinnia, swallowing the large mass of chips in his mouth. "Finally..." He jumped from the table, taking the last handful of chips from his tray and shoving them into his mouth. He took the tray up and stretched his body as he walked back to Zinnia's side. "I have no idea when my suit will be in, is it okay for me to go out without one. Or will the lady be done in time?"
Out of the corner of her eye, Zinnia watched Neire stuff a handful of chips down his mouth. Very nice. Upon hearing his question though, the Huntress shook her head vigorously. "No no no no, you will be going outside with armor...if that's what you meant by 'suit'," she said. "It is a mission; there are gonna be Demons."

"And you know what? Since the weapon Eyla has made for you is...well 'not present at the moment'..." Zinnia made air quotes, "we'll just share my weapon. It can split into two and turn into daggers, but I highly doubt its magic will be activated by a Normal."
Neire shrugged as he looked down at the weapons that Zinnia possessed. "No thanks. I'd rather suffer then use them." Neire put on a sarcastic smile as he started to back track his steps to the armory to see if his special armor done. But before he exited the door, he stopped and had a stern, annoyed tone in his voice. "And I swear to Christ if you call me 'a normal' one more time there isn't going to be anything pretty I'll tell you that."
"Geez, sorry," Zinnia said. "It's not meant as a derogatory name, it's what I'm used to saying now," she explained. It would sound odd to call 'Normals' 'humans' since they were ALL still technically human.

"What would you rather want me to call...non-Hunters?"
Neire didn't drop his more angry and irritated tone of voice when he turned to face Zinnia. "I don't know, you could call them PEOPLE. That's all they are and that's all you are." He turned once more, a more frustrated pace in his foot before coming to a swift halt for a brief moment. "And you could just call me Neire, miss huntress."
Zinnia considered what Neire said for a moment. Calling Normals simply people...not very specific, since it could be confused with Hunters as well, but she saw his point. "I will call you Neire," Zinnia said calmly. "Just...don't take it so harshly," she added.

They made it to the designated room, a huge area filled with Hunters. This was the operation room, where Hugh tells every member of Jaheilux what is happening, which unit will be assigned to do the job, and what they will do to stop the Demon. Zinnia squeezed past others with Neire, and found Jack, Ace's twin. "Hey, Jack."

"Hi Zinnia, Neire." He nodded. "There are already a few injured already, I think...three innocents dead."

"So this'll be a quick meeting then."
Neire bowed in slight politeness to Jack before turning to Zinnia in his usual tone and overall aura.

"So this meeting thing, why is it so important? I mean who says we're going to get this mission anyway. I mean a huntress and a rookie taking on a demon that's killed 3 or maybe more? Don't think so likely if you ask me."

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