Jacob Foles


You're Done!

Jacob Arkonius Foles

The Silver Hunter

Hero of Corcus


Jacob is a man of average height and thin stature. He has pure white hair that is medium-long length, with most of it falling over his right eye. His eyes are a bright red, which seem to glow at times. He has pale white skin, with the only thing blemishing his skin being four circular scars on his abdomen. He generally dresses in very formal clothing, with it mostly being tuxedos and suits of that nature. When on missions, he will change his attire up and wear a white button-up shirt under a black vest, black dress pants, and pure black boots that he tucks his pants into. He will also tie his hair up in a ponytail when he reads.





Hair Color:

Snow White


Eye Color:




178 cm (5 feet 10 inches)



59 kg (132 lbs)



Almost always cool and calculated, Jacob is a man who always thinks a situation through to all possible outcomes, and makes sure he is always prepared for a situation to arise. Many label him as paranoid, to which he simply ignores their remarks. He is very protective of his comrades, and never permits those from his Section to go out on missions alone. And even then, he makes sure that they are monitored for their safety. He is very much a team player, and feels confident when dishing out orders to other mages when faced with a problem.


Prior to the Ten Day War, Jacob found enjoyment in going out on missions, and was considered to be a very energetic individual. However, afterwards, he tended to stay within the walls of Crocus, dishing out orders to the soldiers below him and generally assisting in community projects. He seems more tired than usual compared to three years ago, with his eyes very lightly drooped and bags under his eyes at times.



- Coffee

- Reading poetry

- His Section

- Peaceful order

- Learning about the world



- Spicy foods

- Mass destruction

- Any mention of Donald Houns


Character Strengths:

- A Natural Leader: Jacob knows how to take command of a situation. He will put people in places he can tell they will shine in, and understands everyone's strengths and weaknesses before assigning them a mission.

- Skilled At Cooking: Surprisingly, Jacob is an exceptional cook, as it was something he learned during his time with his Guild

- Skillful Observer: Jacob understands how to take a disadvantage and turn it around to his own advantage, usually involving the terrain around him.


Character Weaknesses:

- Overprotective: Jacob does not trust many people to go and fight alone, so he will always make sure people are safe in numbers. He will also sometimes prevent those form his Section from going on missions, simply because he deems them too dangerous, and gives the mission to other Sections.

- Fragile with Friendships: Jacob does not have many close bonds with other mages after the Ten Day War. His closest relationship is currently with the Chief Commander and the other Heroes of Crocus, and even then he is on ice about trusting him.



- Seismophobia (fear of earthquakes)

- Claustrophobia (fear of suffocating)



Jacob was born in a well-off noble family from Fiore. The Foles Family was mostly known for it's jewelry chain, with it's most famous objects being magically imbued. Thus, Jacob grew up around many beautiful things, and grew to respect and adore them. He loved the look of his family, the gold that his mother wore, the diamonds his father wore, and the emeralds his older brother Tristan wore. However, the thing that Jacob found most beautiful was silver. He had all his jewelry fashioned out of silver, and even learned how to use Silver Make Magic.


Jacob began to show signs of having skills as a mage, and thus he was given permission to join up with a Mage Guild within Fiore. After doing research, he applied to join Blue Pegasus, and became a shining star within the Guild. He would do photo shoots showcasing his beauty and his magic, and found enjoyment on all the attention he got. However, he did know he shouldn't let it all get to his head, and stayed humble and kind to others. However, he always struggled with another boy in the guild that was the same age as him. This boy, Donald Houns, was a ruffian, and never agreed with the Guild Master. He was considered the "little monster", and Jacob only agreed with them. However, he and Donald formed a friendship when they took a mission up with one of their elders. The two fought off a group of wyverns after they injured their elder. Donald showed off his ferocious strength and pure power of Dragon Slayer Magic, and Jacob found a newfound respect for the boy. The two acted as a perfect team, with Jacob acting as a rearguard, and Donald upholding the vanguard position. The two were inseparable, with them both showing up as Fiore's most powerful and visually stunning mage duo in Sorceror's Weekly.


However, when the union of Fiore and Bosco happened, things changed. Donald rose up with multiple other mages, many of whom being powerful icons from the other countries in Earthland, and made an attack on Crocus. Jacob, along with four other mages, acted as the leaders of the loyal mages, and thus began the Ten Day War. Jacob fought against the forces until the ninth day, and when tired, came upon an equally exhausted Donald. The two fought through the night and into the next day, when another leader of the rebel mages began calling for a retreat. Jacob chased Donald down for another few hours, until the two met at the edge of Fiore leading into Seven. There, the two had one last bought. However, no one knows what happened, and Jacob refuses to explain what transpired there. All that was known was that Donald had not been at the site of their fight, Jacob had sustained enough injuries to hospitalize him for months, and that Jacob knew that the rebel mage leaders had labeled themselves as the Lords of Magic. He was recognized as one of the five Heroes of Crocus after he was released, and was made the head representative of all Guilds, and representative of Blue Pegasus as well.



Silver Make Magic

The user can use their magic to create and manipulate the shape of silver at will. This can mean they transform it into regular everyday objects, or into weapons that they may use for fighting.



Silver Weapon: A spell that has multiple forms, the user can create weapons, such as swords and bows.

Silver Armor: The user can create a suit or armor that can protect them from most attacks.

Silver Shredding Rain: The user sends silver particles up into the air, and then make it form into needles that rain down onto opponents, shredding any defense they have.

Silver Soliders: The user conjures three silver knights that they can use to fight their battles. 






Blue Pegasus



He wants to prevent another Ten Day War, and also wants to make the people feel safe.



To pursue a world where all countries can live in peace.



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