Jacob Foles


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Jacob Arkonius Foles



Vampire Prince













(previously Empire)



[SIZE= 16px]Jacob is usually a very calm and serene man. He rarely speaks out of place, only contributing to a conversation when he is spoken to, or if he feels his opinion is necessary for that particular situation. He does not get angry or upset easily, instead keeping a level head in a position that would typically stress a person. He can be eerily calm, though, almost coming off as sinister or suspicious. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Jacob can be difficult to deal with sometimes, as well. He doesn't work well with people in a fight, simply because he doesn't enjoy being in a fight where someone will always be in such close proximity to him that isn't a known enemy. He can be paranoid, and has difficulty trusting people right off of the bat, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know when to put his faith in another person.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Backstory:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Jacob was born to a noble military family in the Kingdom of Fiore. He was the youngest of four siblings, each of whom were expected to join the Fioran military once they were old enough. The most talented of his siblings was the second youngest of the family, his sister, Vanessa. She was smart, skilled in combat, and was kind to people. Jacob looked up to her through the years of his youth, trying to follow in her footsteps. Up until his teen years, he did his best to even mimic her magic abilities.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]However, when the Kingdom of Fiore fell to the Lorien Empire, Jacob's family pledged allegiance to their new rulers. An unfortunate event, but necessary for them all to survive. Jacob's oldest siblings, twin brothers Elijah and Marcus, joined the magic ranks of the Empire's army, and Vanessa took up a position as a strategist for the military. Jacob did not end up joining the army, instead attending an academy to become a politician for the Empire. He still met with his siblings, and he spent much of his time with Vanessa. Once he became an adult at the age of 18, Jacob became engaged to the daughter of another noble family. They would become married at the end of his schooling, hoping to form a strong noble family that would hold more power. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]However, things took a turn for the worse. Jacob was nearing the end of his academics, and was visiting some of his fellow students to discuss their classes. When he reached the house they were meeting at, he found each of his friends unconscious on the ground. In a fit of panic, he tried to turn and run. But a man appeared in the doorway and struck him in the head, knocking him to the ground. He tried to fit back, but the man held him down, striking him once more so he would not move. As he bent down, Jacob did the only thing he could think to do to defend himself. He used his magic, though he was not permitted to do so. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]As he did, he lost consciousness.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]When he awoke, he was in an infirmary. His friends were in beds near his, and next to his bed was his family and fiance. They told him what happened, that he and his classmates had been found out cold in one of the friend's home. Jacob shared his story, only leaving out the part that he had used magic. Everyone was not sure of what could have happened to the man, so they left Jacob to rest and recover. Vanessa stayed, however. She asked Jacob if he had used magic, to which Jacob shared that he had. Vanessa explained that the most likely explanation was that Jacob had used Takeover Magic, and had absorbed the man, who she believed was a vampire. All the signs were on the victims, such as scratches and bite marks on his friends.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Jacob soon made a full recovery, and completed his schooling. However, he began to become distant to the people around him. He called off his engagement, which angered the two families greatly. He couldn't tell them it was because he felt like he wanted to drink the blood from her body. He continued hiding behind books and the walls of his room, until he felt he could control his urges. His father was still angry with him, and demanded that he call the marriage back on with his previous fiance. Jacob refused, and after much arguing, decided to leave his home. He went to live with a close friend from his previous school, but still kept close contact with his sister, who gave him pointers on using his magic if he ever needed to. Also, due to him having this Takeover Magic, she gave him information on the locations of some vampires scattered through Earthland. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]He went around and absorbed two other vampires before returning to the Lorien Empire. However, word had spread that he was using his magic, and this forced him into hiding. Of course, due to his new looks because of his magic, this made it difficult, and the only place he could be safe was with the Resistance. He joined them, and has been a part of them for the last three years of his life. He still keeps in contact with his sister on occasion, but only in complete secret.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Skills:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]- Jacob is skilled in diplomacy, due to politics and law being his choice of studies during his academics.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Magic:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Takeover Magic: Vampire Soul[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Vampire Soul: Pellegrino[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Jacob's body does not change much in this form. Most of what changes is his physical abilities, as he becomes physically stronger and faster. The speed he has in this form is immense, as he can seem like he dissappears for a moment, before appearing at his intended location. He uses this form against opponents that are either very fast and rely only on speed, or are too slow to react to his constant jabbing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Vampire Soul: Ettore[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]A set of armor made of blood envelopes Jacob's body. This is his primary defensive form, as it can block almost any physical attacks, and is rather durable against magical attacks. He can also create walls of solid blood to defend against attacks.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Vampire Soul: [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Bertoldo[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]One of Jacob's more powerful forms, Jacob's body transforms to look more like a bat. His ears become pointier, and his canines grow in length and sharpness. His fingernails elongate and become sharper, and he grows large black bat wings from his back, allowing him to fly. In this state, he has a constant aura of 'Bloodlust', as he calls it. He will fight until his body tires out, thus he must use this form only as a last resort. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Alignment:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Good[/SIZE]

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