Jackson cage

Daniel Reaving

Thirty Thousand Club



jachson cage Prescott


Age(16-18): a 






Sexual Orientation:












Hair color:



Eye color

chocolate brown


Usually dresses in: 

Usually his clothes are somewhat dark. Often black jeans, boots, and a tank top or t shirt with a leather jacket he has



hot headed

loves trouble


cold personality





Has a secret loving side



dangerous things

Fast cars

being in trouble






snooty guys

jack asses

other rich people 







beung alone

heights (very minor)


Backstory of your character:

Born right in Bridgeport with His younger sister. Jackson and his sister were cared mainly by their mother, Sasha. Their father was never there for them, and he finally left when Bianca was 5. That's when Sasha got a job as a stripper and had to bring her two kids to the strip club. The two would sit backstage and hang out. His sister learned things from the strippers while he learned how to fight and box as well as work on a car from the bouncers and other guys at the club.

When the two got older they'd have to go to their father, David, when Sasha was working. But due to David's alcoholism, the court gave up on David and never let him see his kids again. So, back at the strip club, they were. 

When they went back to going to the club Jackson immedietly

continued his "studies" with the guys around which was fun. The strippers and other workers at Sasha's job were nicer than you would have thought. They took care of Jackson and his sister like they were their own children. 

As the two siblings got older, into high school, they both went their separate ways, well, barely. They both hung out with the same group of friends and what not. So, yeah, barely. 

Immediately Jackson was branded the bad boy of the school. Getting into trouble and fights got him a lot of notoriety in the school. But out of school he was a pretty good kid some times. Getting a job in a high end car garage and working more and more on his boxing.

Jackson is currently dating the "Wannabe", which for reasons he doesn't understand took a toll on their friendship. But Jackson and his sister still have remained close which makes him happy. 

Now,  Senior year Jackson is starting to fall for another girl, a new girl that has caught his eye. He just hopes he has caught hers. it's Senior year, you never know what can happen.

Current Relationships and how your character feels about the person:

The king: the king is one of the few guys Jackson considers cool and probably the only guy in the school that would have a chance to take him in a fight

The pet: the pet is his sister. And his sister is everything to him. Hurt her and he hurts you. Period.

The Closeted Gentleman: 

the gentleman seems ok in jacksons eyes. Maybe one of the few he truly wants to get to know better

The Nerd: the nerd is the guy Jackson probably talks to the least behind the geek. A few classes here and there with him

the geek:

the geek is basically like the nerd but Jackson has a higher tolerance for him. Mostly because he knows him and his sister are friends

The Rebellious one:

the rebellious one is most like him out of the group. The one he probably hangs out with most besides the king

The New Girl:

the new girl is like his last triumph so to speak. Jackson has been mesmerized by her since she came here. He can't stop thinking about her

Queen Bee:

to be honest he has always found the queen bee to be a total bitch and nothing more.

The Wannabe: 

the girl that was his first kiss, his first love, his first time (intimacy if you don't know what I mean) she is the light of his world but recently... that lights been dimming

The Cute One: 

Just another one of his sisters friends to be honest


Theme song:



"you wanna fuck with me and my friends? Go ahead and try. Just make sure your family can pay for your hospital bills afterwards."


Extra Info


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I forgot to mention that the backstory to the Badass can be found in "Bianca Victoria Prescott" And the last name, since the two are siblings and what not. But other than that, I like it... Just make sure to add relationships even though it does say it in the description, for others characters at least. 

I'm so sorry I'm picky for character sheets. xD  
Almost finished editing @QueenOfDisaster !!! I hope you don't mind that I used a lot of your background story for his. It just fit so well and was so good I had to ^-^ if you are mad that I did I can remove it 

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