Jace Byrd


Awesome Sauce

Jace Byrd



18 years old, The Stoner/Dealer

  • Appearance

    He's 6'2" with wavy blonde hair and brown eyes.

  • Likes

    Music, Causing Trouble, The Talent, (doing/using/making) Drugs, Chemistry, and Escaping Reality

  • Dislikes

    Liars, Cheaters, Spiders (who actually likes them?), and Flying

  • Personality

    Jace is very sarcastic, unless he's with a "client." If he's selling drugs, then he's very serious and straight to the point. In class, he's the kid who sits in the back on their phone or zoning out--unless something he thinks is interesting is brought up. When he's in a relationship or likes someone, he's gets entranced by everything they do and say. Like he falls in love. Currently, he likes the Talent.

  • History

    Jace is an only child. A mistake. His parents never wanted a child, but had a little too much fun one time unprotected. It was only natural that he was destined to be born into the world of drugs and alcohol as well--his father being an alcoholic and mother being a meth addict. He learned how to hide in the shadows at a young age which helps with selling drugs. At the age of six, he vowed to never be like his parents. Personality wise, he isn't like them. Addiction-wise? Yeah, he is. Then again, his love for trouble and drugs is the high he gets. When he was twelve, he broke that promise. In fact, in seventh grade is when he started doing drugs. Little did he know he's start making them soon, too. With his parents not paying attention to him, unless they wanted their high or a personal punching bag, he could easily do this. So, when he was fifteen, he started planting cannabis and psychedelic mushrooms. The year after that, he took chemistry, and his teacher didn't care if he took some of the chemicals home. In fact, his chemistry teacher once bought drugs from him. He soon became an expert on making, selling, and doing drugs. He knew how to much weed to roll to get in the perfect state of mind. However, he also knew how to kill a person from too much of something. Just this past year he started making alcohol, and has never been caught by the police before. Although, it does help when your house is in the forest.

  • Reason They're At The Lake

    Jace is at the lake because he wanted to escape from his house. Plus, he's the best drug dealer at school and needed some people to try his moonshine. He also heard that The Talent was going to be there.

  • Friends

    The Dealer has acquaintances. Some of these people are: The Stoner, The Talent, The Rebel, The Goth, and The Social Butterfly. Currently, his closest friend is the Stoner.

  • Enemies

    He doesn't really have enemies. Well, I guess anyone who's uptight, perhaps.


Even if it is a little bit “nerdy” or “girly”, he got a tattoo of the serotonin chemical compound on the inside of his wrist. 

He has a blue 2005 Toyota Tacoma pickup truck.

His tent is green. 

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