J. Parks Academy for the Talented; Sign ups, rules, and more


: Role Role play:




If you make a girl, you have to make a boy (vise versa)

Dating, is allowed

Keep cussing to a minimum.








Dorm Room: (What it looks like)


Talent: (Singing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, special effects, or drama)



Every quarter, J. Parks has a dance for its students.

You stay in a Dorm

My Characters:

Name: Kaycee Jordan

Nickname: Kaycee, Kase, Kay

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Female

Crush: No, not right now


Dorm Room: (What it looks like)


Kaycee loves to hang out with friends, she is a kind girl with a kind heart. She'd do anything to make someone happy. She is highly motivated, and opens her arms when someone needs a friend.Kaycee

is a sweetheart, she can be a flirt, and when she is; she's a huge one. Kaycee is a lover, so once you have her, don't let her go. Any guy would be lucky to have her.

Talent: (Singing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, special effects, or drama) she sing, and drama


Name: Maxx Walker

Nickname: Maxx, give him one

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Crush: No


Dorm Room: (What it looks like)

Personality: Maxx is a fun guy, he loves to hang with his guys and girl. he is very romantic and is a flirt. He loves to joke around with people, he defently is an easy going guy

Talent: (Singing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, special effects, or drama) He plays guitar, and can dance


Name: Alissa Manny

Nickname: Alissa, Lissa

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Crush: No


Dorm Room: (What it looks like)

Personality: She's a sweetheart, she loves to play around with people and joke around. She loves having a good time

Talent: (Singing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, special effects, or drama) Dancing; Piano


Name: Jordan Richord

Nickname: Jordan

Age: Just turned 20

Gender: Male

Crush: No


Dorm Room: (What it looks like)

Personality: Down to earth guy who has a big heart and loves to listen. he can he a bit of a trickster at times

Talent: (Singing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, special effects, or drama) Singing

Name: Tyler Henderson

NickName: Ty

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Crush: n/a

bf/gf: none

Room: (What it looks like)

personality: Relaxed, funny, party guy, will stand up for his friends but not himself

Talent: (Singing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, special effects, or drama) drama, hip hop dancer


Name: Allison Young

NickName: Ally

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Crush: none

bf/gf: none

Room: (What it looks like)

personality: fun, smart, athletic, popular

Talent: (Singing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, special effects, or drama) singing, special effects makeup


((Jeezus, sorry the pics are so big))
View attachment 6035

Name: Sierra Lynn

Nickname: Just Sierra.

Age: 17.

Gender: Female.

Crush: None yet:P

BF/GF: None.

Dorm Room:

View attachment 6034

Personality: Super sweet and funny, Sierra is a great person to hang out with. She loves to have fun and goof off with her friends and even other people she doesn't know. She is also very athletic and loves to do cheerleading, soccer, volleyball, and anything that's active.

Talent: She is very, very talented at singing and has a beautiful voice. She also plays the guitar and piano very well.
(Ohh whoops LOL:P Forgot about that haha)

View attachment 6050

Name: Devin Thornson

Nickname: Dev, D-Thorn, or just Devin.

Age: 18.

Gender: Male

Crush: None yet.

BF/GF: None.

Dorm Room:

View attachment 6049

Personality: Devin is a complete goofball. He loves to mess with people, even though he looks like an idiot while doing it. Other than that, he's pretty laid-back, but has a nasty temper. Irritate him only a little, and he'll get extremely angry. Luckily, he's learned how to control his anger and manages to not get as angry anymore.

Talent: Very good at playing the guitar and is super good and break-dancing.

Name: Josh Grey

Nickname: Yoshi, josh

Age: 19

Gender: male



Dorm Room: (What it looks like)

View attachment 6133Personality: cool guy, outgoing but can be shy when it comes to a girl he likes.

Talent: (Singing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, special effects, or drama) plays the electric guitar


View attachment 6134

Name: Ella Stephens

Nickname: El

Age: 19

Gender: Female



Dorm Room: (What it looks like)

View attachment 6135Personality: fun, gets on well with everyone and outgoing

Talent: (Singing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, special effects, or drama) hip-hop and contempery dance


View attachment 6136
View attachment 6137

Name: Eva Carrington

Nickname: Eva

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Crush: Devin Thornson


Dorm Room:

View attachment 6138

Personality: Eva is very uptight and structured. She has a schedule for everything and she has OCD. She is normally calm and slightly chatty, but tends to keep to herself. She doesn't get angered a lot. She dislikes people who think highly of themselves or people who have no regard for rules.

Talent: She specialises in Drama

View attachment 6139

Name: Adrian Lorenzato

Nickname: Adrian, Ad, Dri

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Crush: None

BF/GF: None

Dorm Room:

View attachment 6140

Personality: Adrian is a mixture between a nerd and a jock. He likes to go out and have fun, party until the sun's up, but he also cares about his education and is willing to study for good grades. It's hard to anger him, and he's generally kind and caring. He is a complete slob (as seen by his room) and he expects other people to pick up after him. He is also very sociable, a little flirty but wants to find a girl.

Talent: He specialises in Singing

The photos weren't meant to be so big! Sorry!
(([MENTION=2798]Ashlee[/MENTION] [MENTION=2858]HarmonicBreeze[/MENTION] Accepted [MENTION=2982]LovelyLady[/MENTION] - Yes it is))
Name: Sandra Hughes

Nickname: Sandy, Dee

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Crush: None

BF/GF: None

Dorm Room:http://deluxearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Red-of-The-idea-of-a-dream-bedroom-design-for-girls.jpg

Personality: Sandy is athletic, seemingly always in a happy mood, friendly, but mostly adventurous. She isn't afraid to do anything if it means getting a laugh out everybody. Can always be found outside with friends or in her room singing in front of a mirror with a hairbrush. Tends to get attached to people really easily.

Talent: Fairly talented at singing/performing.


Name: Alexander James Hughes

Nickname: Xander

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Crush: None

BF/GF: None

Dorm Room:http://www.archigator.com/pictures/Fancy-Bedrooms-2.jpg

Personality: Xander is fun-loving, never gets tired of partying, and has a sense of humor but beware when he's angry. Always found on his computer working on new mixes. Truly believes that if he doesn't hear music at least once a day, he'll drop on The floor and die.*

Talent: Professional DJ *at least that's what he considers himself :P **

(( I apologize for taking so long in posting, but I'm currently trying to think of a way to get involved. ;P ))

Victoria Reynolds

Nickname: Tori

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Crush: None

BF/GF: None

Dorm Room:

View attachment 9338

Personality: Tori is normally pretty quiet, which is opposite to her performing. She is proud and confident when on stage. she is pretty flirty, but doesn't fall in love quickly. She is easy-going, and loves to have fun.

Talent: She specialises in Singing, and plays piano and guitar

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