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Realistic or Modern Iwahana Gakuen

Hamasaki Chiasa

"Forgotten the way to Iwahana?! Fear not, fellow dragonborn! We shall escort you." Cheekily winking, Sakura wrapped an arm around Tayu. Chiasa proudly nodded. "Ah, yes! Let us adventure together!" Acting quite enthusiastic for her first day of school, she held onto Tayu's hand as they made the voyage to the high school. Of course, it had to end rather quickly. Chiasa had seen something interesting that knowing her horrible attention span was something stupid like a dragonfly or a stray page of a newspaper flying in the wind. Chiasa even ran towards the object of interest until a loud school bell rang in her ears, startling her and causing her to fall flat on her face. Orientation... She cleared her glasses and awkwardly stumbled back up, papers and worksheets flying everywhere. Meh, later.

Begrudgingly going through the boring orientation (that she partly slept through), she walked like a zombie all the way to her classes. All Chiasa really needed to do was just go to the room on the first floor with the letter A by the door. It wasn't that hard, now was it? Though, for Chiasa, it was. The nerdy girl kept getting distracted by little things in the air and in the background. It was pretty amazing how her brain seemed to work to find all those little, yet mostly useless details. Hell, just by tuning out everything else to people watch, Chiasa already made predictions on the types of people everyone seemed to be, even how old they were. It was simple, upperclass-men seemed to give the lower grades looks of elitist contempt like their faces screamed "Ew, go away, vermin!". Thinking that focusing on something else might help her with distracting herself with something else, Chiasa got out a book she was reading and began to walk herself slowly to class, occasionally bumping into a few people on the way. I mean, sorry existed for a reason, right?

"Holy shit there's a dick on the board!" Some guy in her class exclaimed. The petite girl didn't really care, simply walking on by, flipping page after page. Honestly, the dishevelled Chiasa does not give a single one. The student came into the class looking like a total mess. Advanced worksheets and photocopied pages of a textbook seemed beyond the understanding of a student her age seemed to scatter around the floor surrounding her. Face up, face down, it didn't matter, it was there for everyone to see. Not noticing a certain student named Kosa, Chiasa bumped into the boy in a daze. She fell down and landed right on the ground. "Oh. Sorry." Chiasa shrugged, rather nonchalantly. It was the first day of school, so sadly, Chiasa never really got much of a heads-up on how much of an asshole Kosa was. Still on the floor, she gathered up the spare worksheets closest to her.


Aiko Takashi

In the midst of her embarrassment, Aiko's racing thoughts were interrupted by the sudden feeling of a hand on her shoulder, in which she jolted slightly at the boy's touch. She glanced over to him, removing the cupped hand shielding her mouth. Before she knew it, he was pinching her cheek and wiggling her head back and forth, a stern look in his eyes. Aiko's expression changed from embarrassed to surprised to nervous all in just a few moments, and she didn't know what to think at the time.

When he let go of her cheek, Aiko took a moment to lightly touch the place where he'd pinched her, noticing it was slightly sore.

"Do you need some water? I have a bottle in my bag, I haven't opened it yet, so you don't have to worry about indirect kisses or germs."

Aiko stared towards him in surprise, opening her mouth to respond, but soon closed it once he began rummaging through his bag, and pulled out an unopened bottle of water. She stared at it for a moment before shyly reaching out and taking it from him.

"Thank you..." She murmured quietly, opening the bottle and bringing it to her lips, taking a few small gulps from it. Feeling the cold liquid run down her throat, Aiko was instantly relaxed. Letting out a sigh, she lowered the bottle from her mouth and twisted the cap back on. By the time this whole scene was finished, the sound of a bell had rung out from the school, alerting all students nearby the entrance ceremony was going to begin soon. Swiveling her gaze towards the sound, Aiko rose from her seat and slipped her school bag back onto her shoulder.

"It looks like the entrance ceremony is starting soon, so I should probably get going. It was nice meeting you two." Aiko told the two boys with a small smile, taking the time to bow towards them before straightening up and leaving, her hair rustling in the breeze once more as she walked away and disappeared through the school gates.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi


By the time the entrance ceremony was over, Aiko was wandering aimlessly around the school, figuring she had enough time to explore before class began. She walked out into the courtyard, admiring the cherry blossom trees surrounding it. It seemed almost every group of students she passed burst into excited whispers, staring curiously after her as she walked by.

"That girl looks like a model! I wonder who she is."

"Isn't that Jin and Hikaru's sister?"

"I heard that girl is filthy rich. She must be a spoiled brat."

Aiko had heard many comments that morning, however, she somehow managed to ignore them all. Except for one, particular one.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the one and only, Takashi Aiko."

The blonde beauty froze in her tracks at the sound of a very familiar girl's voice behind her.

"Or should I say,"

Aiko stared blankly forward.


The group of girls behind her snickered loudly to themselves, standing behind a rather tall and intimidating brown-haired girl, otherwise known as Suzuki Rai, who wore a mocking expression on her face as she stared at the blonde in front of her. Memories from middle school flooded back to her in a wave of emotion, causing her to grip the strap on her school bag tightly. With her back to the group of girls, Aiko showed no reaction, and she instead tried to walk away without saying a word. A look of anger flashed across Rai's face, obviously not going to allow her to leave on such a silent note.

"Hey!" She snarled, reaching out and forcibly making Aiko face her, gripping the collar of her shirt and shoving her face deathly close to hers.

"I was talking to you."

Aiko's face was devoid of emotion, and she simply stared into the girl's angry gaze with her own calm one.

"I have nothing to say to you." She told her blankly, speaking in a monotonous voice. Rai grimaced and gripped the collar of her shirt tighter, choking her slightly. People who passed them by began to stare, whispering to one another quietly.

"Of course you don't. Still putting on that cutesy little quiet girl act? Pathetic." She pushed her forward, watching with a satisfied smirk as Aiko stumbled slightly. With a hand on her hip, Rai continued to smirk mockingly towards the blonde girl.

"If you so much as come near my boyfriend, I'll make your life a living hell, got it?" When she heard no response, Rai burst into laughter, the other girls around her soon joining in.

"Useless, as usual. Why don't you crawl back to your rich daddy and mommy-" She cut herself off, a wicked expression on her face.

"Oh, wait. You don't have a mommy, do you?" More laughter followed, and Aiko's hand only gripped the strap of her school bag tighter. Her bangs fell in front of her eyes, concealing any expression she wore. Everything around her became muffled, like a soundless void surrounded her. Aiko could see the outlines of other students around them, but she paid no mind. Rai said something else, but her ears blocked it out, and Aiko looked up to see the group of girls walk back into school, laughing as they did.

Standing there silently, Aiko turned around and began walking in the opposite direction of the group of girls, an emotionless expression still on her face. She weaved past a few students who had been watching the whole predicament, her gaze not once looking in their direction. At this point, she was going to be late to class if she didn't hurry, however that didn't seem to be her main concern at the moment.

(Whoa. Sorry for the length. I wanted to add in some drama before class began O.o )

@Corgi Ryuza can come interact with Aiko around now, if you'd like^^)

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Hinaka's expression lit up even more at Hoshimi-chan told her her name.
"THAT'S SUCH A CUTE NAME FOR A CUTE FACE!!! Hoshimi-Chan~ Hoshimi-chan~!" She chanted, skipping around. Suddenly, she too noticed the other girl and she gasped. "WHY IS EVERYONE HERE SO GORGEOUS?!" She asked, completely confused onto how this much beauty was possible to be in one area at the same time. It was astonishing to her what she saw. She wasn't sure how everyone that she met so far in high school looked so.. nice. 'It's like anime... Everyone always looks so cute in anime!' She concluded, her smile widening even more.

As the blue haired girl introduced herself, she stared at her in awe.
"Momo-Chan..... MOMO-CHAN!" She yelled, jumping at the girl and wrapping her arms around her. "You're so cute tooooooo~!" She yelped, letting go and going back to her original spot with a jump. As then looked over at all of them and smiled. "I'm making so many friends and we're not even at school yet!" She said happily, suddenly realizing the time. "Eeeeek!!!" She yelled, suddenly grabbing all of their hands. "We have to get to school before we're late!!!" She yelled, taking off in the direction of school.

[Time Skip]

Hinaka was obviously late to the opening ceremony, and she really didn't want to intrude on everyone who was actually paying attention to the ceremony, so she did what any decent person would do- Walk into the auditorium, through a bunch of people, and out the other side. Yes, she could've went around. But did she? Hell no. Hinaka /had/ to just tumble over people to get to the other door instead of going through the front doors of the school at to her classroom. Of course, she was yelled at by a few teachers, kind of completely interrupted the ceremony, but she somehow ended up feeling accomplished as she stood outside the class of 1-A. As she walked in, she heard the few words she never expected to hear inside a classroom.
"Holy shit there's a dick on the board!"

Hinaka was, in short, completely surprised and obviously giddy with laughter. She closed the door behind her, stared at the male, and started to burst out laughed, falling to the ground and continuing to laugh. She didn't know why she found it so hilarious, but she just did.
"That was hilarious, man." She said, standing up and slapping her knee before letting out a long breathe and wiping the tears that had formed in her eyes. "I am the one, the only, the magnificent and totally adorable- BOOK HINAKA!!!" She said, imitating people 'whooping' and her bowing at the male.

When she noticed the female, she squealed.
"WHYISEVERYONESOCUTEATTHISSCHOOLIDON'TUNDERSTANDIT! I'MNOTCOMPLAININGORANYTHING,IT'SJUSTSOAWESOMEANDWEIRDATTHESAMETIMEILOVEIT!!" She exclaimed, stopping and clearing her throat, "What's your name?" She asked, pretending like none of what she said actually happened.


@Leaf Fi @Bedbae @Raythegayisokay


Ryuza watched at the girl walked away from the fight the girls picked, clicking his tongue and staring at the females as they seemed so full of themselves. There were very few things that annoyed Ryuza. One being others being full of themselves- and the second being bullying. So far, that small group of girls had already managed to piss him off in a few seconds. The tall, blonde haired man walked into the circle the dispersing crowd had created and stared at the girls, his cold stare causing chills to run down their back and flee. 'Seems that they've heard of me then.' He thought, smirking as he glanced around at the other people who were running away.

The male then looked down the hall at the girl who was walking and sighed, the smirk fading from his lips.
'Damn me and pet peeves.' He thought, grumbling underneath his breathe, fishing a juice box out of the vending machine and walking over to the girl, glancing in the opposite direction as he tossed her the juice box. "Don't let them get to you. They're assholes." He said, turning on his heel and starting to walk back in the direction he just came from without another word. He wasn't really in a hurry to get anywhere despite him needing to be in class, he was mostly just exploring for a place to hangout by himself whenever he needs to skip class or smoke.

@The Velveteen Rabbit

Bunta "Bunny" Chigushi

Bunta, before he could calm down the blushing girl, the bell rang. His eyes widened slightly before laughing. "Talk to you soon, Takashi-Chan." He said, his voice tinted with flirtation was he walked towards the school building. Normally, Bunta would've gone to the opening ceremony, but the only problem was he's horrible with directions... and asking people for help. And so, poor little Bunta ended up being caught wandering around the empty school with no clue where he was going. "Oh geez..." He muttered, glancing around. He was almost 100% sure that this school was actually a labyrinth and he was lost in it. All the hallways looked the same and he just kept being caught in circles as he walked, taking lefts and rights, stairs up and down but he always ended up in the same place he left off. "Hm... This school must be magical or something..." He muttered, rubbing his chin with on hand and the other one crossed over his chest. He was completely lost, and he'd admit that, but he wouldn't tell anyone that. The man's pride was on the line and he couldn't lose it on his first day of school. He was suppose to be someone elses knight it shining armor, not the other way around. He looked around, completely at a loss of what to do- so he decided to keep walking and pretend he knew what he was doing.

@Zero Gravity (Satoshi's time to shine!)



Satoshi had kind of calmed down since the incident at the little shop, but goddamn, he still had a little thrill inside of him. He was dying to let it loose on someone, but he had yet to find anyone since he was late and everyone was already in class. But...wait. There was some random black-haired kid he had never seen before in his life, with large glasses and wow, he was like the perfect person to throw all of his excitement on. Casually strolling towards the male, the blonde gave a soft him before he came up behind him and threw an arm around his shoulder. With a tone that was way too flirtatious, he said, "Hey, baby. You must be lost because heaven is a looong way from here," he added with a smirk, golden eyes catching the other's brown ones. That was all a part of Satoshi's spark. He liked the look of someone, then he was on them in a matter of seconds. And...he didn't really take no for an answer either, which is why he has a couple of restraining orders. He moved from his position behind the male, giving a long and over dramatic bow. "Nao Satoshi, at your service, princess." At the end of his sentence, he winked at the poor kid. I mean, out of all the people that could've been picked, it was this one. Satoshi was weird, and I mean, really weird. He was not someone you would want to be in a relationship with because he was extremely fucked up. I mean, even he acknowledged it every now and then. He didn't want to frighten the kid away though, so he shot him a charming smile to replace the smirk that was once there. He considered himself like some sort of mentally ill prince, except he was much more like the villain in a book than a prince. Maybe he could be a villainous prince of some sort, yeah...maybe that would work.


[Cant get enough of those cheesy pickup lines, am I right?]


Bunta "Bunny" Chigushi

Bunta was a bit confused at first when he heard a hum from behind him and arms slung around his neck, but when he realized what was happening, he grinned. "If I'm the angel, then you must be religious because you answer all my prayers." He said, an equally, and maybe more flirtatious voice back. When the male introduced himself, he smiled wider. "Oh, finally my prince has come!" He said, mimicking a high pitched female voice, "Chigushi Bunta." He suddenly said, turning to face the male and bowing. Once he straightened his posture, he then nervously smiled and scratching his cheek, "Do you mind if I have the directions?" He said, tilting his head before smirking and saying, "To you heart?" Honestly, Bunta could do this for hours. He had so many pick-up lines saved for girls that his brain is pretty much nothing but pick-up lines. It was quite embarrassing how many pick-up lines he knew.

@Zero Gravity

This was a really bad post. Forgive me, waifu for I have made a really half-assed post just now ;~;

Aiko Takashi

Although the conflict with Rai and her friends had been rather small, it had drawn quite a crowd. It worried her, having that kind of drama on the first day. With drama comes rumors; Aiko learned that back in middle school when the bullying was entirely worse.

Figuring it wasn't worth worrying or thinking about, the blonde beauty pushed the scenes of the fight to the back of her mind, along with the painful words Rai had spoken to her. She continued walking down the hall, somehow managing to look well composed despite what had happened just a few minutes or so ago. The sound of footsteps caught her attention, and Aiko swiveled around just in time to see a juice box soaring towards her, in which she caught rather swiftly in one hand. She stared at the juice box in surprise, before glancing over to the tall blonde male who had thrown it to her.

"Don't let them get to you. They're assholes." He told her, before pivoting and walking back the way he'd came. Aiko didn't even have time to thank him. It all happened so quickly.

By the time she could even register what was going on, the boy was already halfway down the hallway, increasing the distance between them. Aiko stared after him curiously, before flicking her blue gaze back towards the juice box in her hand. Her eyes softened, and instead of following after him, the blonde girl continued walking in the opposite direction, towards the classroom where she'd be attending class. The walk seemed to be rather short, or so it seemed, for she was lost in her thoughts once again, wondering who that boy was.

Upon entering the classroom, Aiko found there were already a few other students gathered there, laughing about a particular drawing on the board. When she saw the drawing, a light blush appeared on her cheeks, which she managed to hide by tearing her gaze away from it and finding a seat near the door. She set her stuff down, letting the juice box sit on the desk before letting out a soft sigh.

Today is going to be a long day...


@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @theglassangel )

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With: Classmates

At: Class 1-A

The ceremony was as interesting as the daily life of yours truly...not interesting at all. Momoi didn't give a damn about the ceremony. She was too eager to see where the torturing and who her new classmates were. I better get a seat next to the window or at least by someone cute. Whore. Anyways, Momoi got her ass up as soon as she was given the chance to and walked away from this hellhole. "I just hope class isn't as boring as this shit," she mumbled under her breath.

1-A, 1-A, 1-A. Ah there it is. It didn't take much to find it since all the classes were organized by year. She opened the door to her new piece of life just to come almost face to face with a male genitalia. "Woah, a penis, ewwww." Turning around, she noticed part of the class had already arrived. It was quite lively mostly because the majority was talking about the well drawn, very detailed dick.

She walked towards the back and near the window. I guess I'll just take this seat.

@newgenfeg classmates​

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Oki Kosa

Location: Class 1-A

Kickin' It With: All teh students


Something so simple as a phallus drawn on a school whiteboard had completely brightened Kosa's day. I mean, it's not like he was having a really fucking bad one, it was a regular day under the boot of an oppressive regime as far as he was concerned. No different than the rest to him, really. His overall outlook on high school was rather negative. It was three more years of history classes taught by the victors (and thus inaccurate) until graduation. Then college would probably be even worse. But today, he was capable of descending from his ivory tower built upon moral high grounds to laugh with the sheeple about a dick on the wall.

It wasn't long before the pleasant peaceful chuckle he'd been having was interrupted by yet another micro-aggression.

"That was hilarious, man."

Kosa turned to the source of the compliment and shook his head, smile completely gone and bushy dark brow furrowed. He studied the girl, or at least he thought she was a girl. It could be hard to tell these days and he didn't want to misgender anyone. At any rate, he'd misconstrued the compliment as an accusation that he was responsible for the drawing. He scoffed and muttered, "Typical. I would be the first one to get blamed for it." He rolled his eyes as Hinaka introduced herself with the hype of a football stadium. He replied dryly, "And I--" he started as if he was going to introduce himself, pointing at his nose and everything, but then huffed and said, "Don't care."

Right around then, just when Kosa was ready to back out of this social interaction and let Hinaka gush with the pink haired one, another girl bumped into him and toppled onto the ground. Kosa grunted and caught himself on the desk to keep from falling over. He scoffed and glared down at the girl and said, "Wow, I guess I really am invisible." He was tempted to kick the worksheets away but he wouldn't misrepresent his people in such a crass and undignified manner. But someone did it for him. A certain blonde at the end of this post purposefully stepped on a few and kicked them away. "Sorry, not sorry," the violet eyed girl said nonchalantly as she passed by and found a seat. Kosa rolled his eyes and growled, "Typical. Blondes always think they're better than people with dark hair." Really reaching for that one, Kosa. He knelt down and helped Chiasa collect her papers. "Why do you have these anyway?" he asked curiously. "It's the first day of school."

@theglassangel @Corgi mostly

Usagi Urara

Location: Classroom 1-A

Kickin' It With: All teh students


Urara's light giggling was reminiscent of an adorable, innocent cherub. But behind that cute little giggle was maniacal and demonic laughter. No one will ever guess it was me. I should do this more often! It was entertaining to say the least. Watching everyone react to her secret work of art. But she kept up the charade of innocence with Oscar-worthy cinnamon bun acting skills. Speaking of cinnamon buns.

Urara studied Hinaka as she spazzed out about all of the cute students in their class with a small smile. For some reason, the short haired girl reminded her of anal beads. The entire time she studied her, she couldn't stop thinking about anal beads. She looked around and softly blushed (on command), and turned back to the girl giving her a nod in agreement. "E-everyone is quite handsome, aren't they?" she asked shyly. There isn't a single person in this room I wouldn't fuck until their eyes rolled so far back they're looking at their brain. Urara gave Hinaka a polite bow before she introduced herself. "Usagi Urara," she said gently. "It's a pleasure to meet you Book-Chan. I-I like your surname," Urara said and bashfully folded her hands behind her back and looking down at the ground. Anal-Chan.


Himura Hoshi

Location: Classroom 1A

Kickin' It With: All teh students


Yaaaaaaaay I get to write for Hoshi again. I love this guy. So lets catch up on how he's been doing since the timeskip. He had thoroughly enjoyed the opening ceremony, often raising his fist and cheering at inappropriate times or mundane statements made by the speakers about the school. His hype for high school multiplied by like 80 bajillion hypes. He strode toward class, but stopped during the commotion caused by Aiko's bullies. "Hey bros...not cool man!" he offered to the mean girls with a big stupid grin. And that was his entire anti-bullying speech. Immediately afterward he was sunshine and unicorn feces again. He'd been focused on the group he'd been hanging out with earlier this morning walking ahead of him. Are they...are they...are they...THEY ARE! WE'RE IN THE SAME CLASS! Hoshi watched them enter room 1-A and sprinted after them. "GUYS GUYS, GUYS!! I'M IN THIS CLASS TOO! WHAT A--"

As soon as Hoshi entered he saw the giant dick Urara had secretly drawn on the board. Some dark skinned kid announced the obvious and Hoshi confirmed the obvious. "You're right! That totally is a big ol' dong on the board! Who drew a big ol' dong on the board!?" Hoshi exclaimed in shock. He rushed to stand behind Kotone and he placed his hands over her eyes. "DON'T LOOK AT THE DONG SARUMARA-CHAN!" But as he "saved" Kotone for the second time today, he quickly realized he needed saving. "QUICK! SOMEONE COVER MY EYES! I SHOULDN'T SEE THIS EITHER. I mean I see my own dong every day BUT STILL! Hi-Higashikata-San! PLEASE SHIELD MY EYES!" he moronically requested as he closed his own eyes, thus making any shielding from Oko pointless. Perhaps it was a ploy to get Oko's hands near his hair again. Just as he'd finished his idiotic request he then begged Oguro to do the same for Oko. "T-TEDDY-CHAN! YOU CAN'T LET YOUR SISTER SEE THE DONG SHE ISN'T READYYY! COVER HER EYES!" He thought about whether or not Oguro needed his eyes shielded, but he concluded, "YOU'LL BE FINE TEDDY, YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE MANLY ENOUGH TO FEAST THEIR EYES UPON THE DONG!"

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @The Velveteen Rabbit

Koenma Tayu

Location: Classroom 1A

Kickin' It With: All teh students


Yaaaaay I get to write for Tayu again. Let's catch up with this bitch, yeah? Yeah. Lets talk about some pre-timeskip shit. The big doofy guy with the epic hair had referred to her as "gorgeous", a word that she'd heard so many times since her chest developed that it and pretty much every other synonym for "attractive" had lost all meaning. On top of that, he basically outed himself for staring at her chest, her biggest pet peeve. Pun intended. Tayu's face scrunched up in anger. Just when she was about to get on his case, the greedy bento box video game whore interrupted with a Skyrim reference. "Really wiping the dust off that ancient ass meme, aren't ya?" she commented snidely. Sakura announced that she and him would be helping the nerdy girl get to school, and by virtue of being forced to walk in the same direction, Tayu realized that there was no getting out of this. So she walked with the nerds with her arms folded, sour face in place, only offering the occasional insult to the conversation.

Okay, so post timeskip, Tayu sat through the opening ceremony with about as much interest as a cat has toward toward the Pythagorean Theorem. To her dismay, when she found her class she realized that she was in the same class as Chiasa and apparently the most mature person in the world who drew the phallus on the white board. "Woooow. Soooooooooo funny. How matuuuure," Tayu groaned with disinterest as she weaved through the other students freaking out over the drawing. She saw Chiasa trip over another kid like an idiot and took the opportunity to fuck with her. She left a footprint on one of Chiasa's worksheets and then kicked it away. "Sorry, not sorry," she said casually in passing and took a seat in the front next to a blue haired girl and near a sulking boy by the wall. Tayu glared at the both of them for a second, but ultimately said nothing and turned forward, retrieving a notebook from her bag and proceeding to doodle.

@Leaf Fi @theglassangel

@Bedbae @Raythegayisaokay
H o s h i m i ~~~ U s a g i

Seeing as nothing much happened in the storm to school, I have nothing much to say about Hoshimi and her experiences in the ceremony that took place after. All I can say is that she was extremely ticked off as she sat there and listened. Honestly, I think there was steam clouds raising from her head as the earlier events played through her head. Thankfully though, her mood returned to the usual sleepy and bored setting she has, so Otaku girl wouldn't have to get too worried about getting a slap to the face if she began to scream again.

Once all announcements and stuff had been said- the green haired girl, despite listening, completely zoned out and dreamed of home as the words circled around her head, so she didn't really catch much of what was being told- she rose, locked eyes with the exit and pretty much barged through without a word. Of course, the blunt action made her get stares from people trying to talk to their friends, but Hoshimi didn't exactly care if they were bothered. It wasn't like they were going to bond over her own interests, so they could jump out of a window for all she cared. Er... Not really... Hoshimi is cold, but she isn't that bad. Anyways, the girl continued the journey to her new classroom, and upon arrival, a dark skinned boy immediately yelled out there was a dick on the board. Surprisingly, it wasn't one of those shitty ones high school boys make for shits and giggles, no no: this was a legit one, something that looked to make hours to perfect. However, it was missing a little... Something... Hoshimi's eyes cast across the room before finding the marker which was used to doodle it onto the board and began to add a little extra detail... Now, for the children here, I'm not going to say what was added in detail, but I'll say this... After she was finished and went to take a seat, the picture now really came to life.

Yes, Hoshimi is definitely a mature young lady, thank you very much.

@Classroom peeps aww ye

S a k u r a ~~~ K a i d o u

After finishing his escort mission and paying absolutely no attention to the speech given out for the start of the year, Sakura could happily say he was well prepared and excited for this new experience of his life. Well, for the second time, that is. He was held back a year, after all. The same would probably happen this year if he continued to pretend to be a video game protagonist and disrupt classes as a 'heinous monster' would enter the room, better know as anyone entering the classroom late. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this doesn't happen though.

Hands in pockets, head high and hair as beautiful as always, Sakura began the trip to the room, all the while checking out the people around him. Not in a way to see if they were attractive or anything, phsft, that's too mainstream. Instead, he was inspecting his fellow students to see which fictional character would suit them best. For example, he had already deemed Miss Melons from earlier as Samus and the gorgeous nerd as Bayonetta (set to change though. I mean, it's hard to think of characters with glasses! Just try it!) so it was just a fun thing for him to do, So far on his journey, he had spotted a Luigi, Shulk, a pretty darn close Miriel and a short stack of a boy who could be called the Vault Boy, but before he could examine more faces and link them, a faint call could be heard from the room he was heading to, the words 'dick' and 'board' immediately catching his attention. This was a sight he'd have to see!

As fast as a lightning strike, Sakura was in the room, but just as he caught sight of the drawing a green haired individual made her way up to the board. Instead of erasing it, she added a little detail which made him immediately burst into laughter. Not quite as loud and as excited as a small blonde haired girl near him, but pretty darn close. "Awww, dude! That's brilliant! Up top!" He held his hand up to the green haired girl, beaming a cheesy smile. Her eyes flickered between the palm and his face before she scowled, narrowing her eyes to Sakura. The reaction dimmed his brightness a little, and his hand dropped as little Miss Moody took a seat and remained quiet. He paused for a second, glanced around the room, and, thankfully, he spotted someone he had talked to earlier. Grinning, he casually strolled over to the girl currently doodling and leaned against her table, arms crossed over his chest. "Yo, know what's up with green chick?" He asked nonchalantly, almost as if they've been friends for years, nodding back in Hoshimi's direction. "Seems like she has a stick up her ass or something. I mean, who denies a high five? It ain't cool." ... Yeeeah, sorry Tayu, he's gonna be your lost little pup now.

@SirBlazeALot @theglassangel (mentioned)​

K o t o n e ~~~ S a r u m a r a

A somewhat flustered Kotone found herself now walking to her new classroom for the year, the random encounters and even more random happenings from earlier floating around her head like a carousel. Would those giddy people be in her home room? It would be nice... But gosh, imagine all the mischief that would happen... No work ever be complete with the hectic personalities each person had- well, except 'Teddy'. He was like a wet cloth, to be completely honest- and a wide array of pranks would probably happen daily. As much as the thoughts made her want to shrink a few more inches, she couldn't help but get a little excited. It'd be like a silly anime if these things actually were to play out!

Upon taking approximately three steps into the classroom, a rather familiar voice began to call out, causing the short girl to cast a glance over her shoulder at the two twins from earlier as well as Hoshi. Well, well, well! It looks as if this anime was going to be playing out! Kotone's expression brightened immensely as a smile of relief stretched across her lips. "H-Himaru-kun! Higashikata-chan! Higashikata-kun! W-" Just before she could say anymore, some student from behind had announced there was a drawing on the board of a certain special part of the body. Seems like the craziness was to begin early, eh? Surprisingly enough, the brunette didn't catch sight of it first time she walked into the room- not that she really would want to see such a thing, but you know that as soon as someone points something out, you unconsciously turn to check it out, regardless of how gross it is. Anyways, the first time it was pointed out, her eyes widened in the slightest as if to say 'What the heck? You're joking!', but once Hoshi confirmed it in his own little adorable way (YEAH I SAID IT, FITE ME IF YOU DON'T THINK HE'S CUTE) Kotone couldn't help but... Just... Turn on her heel and confirm it herself... However, before she could get that far, her vision turned to black as something latched over her eyes.

"DON'T LOOK AT THE DONG SARUMARA-CHAN!" Hoshi practically yelled out of nowhere, scaring the life out of the poor girl. A frightened and somewhat guilty squeal immediately escaped her mouth, her hands immediately darting over whatever was blocking her vision. "I wasn't going to!" She squeaked back. It didn't take long for her to confirm that it was his hands covering her eyes- I mean, it wasn't like he had a blindfold handy... Right?-and, as if it wasn't enough protection or she had some kind of eyes that could pierce through a single layer of anything that blocked them, she placed her own over his. Rather than a secure feeling, she just... Felt like an idiot... Hoshi then began to dish out instructions to Oko and Oguro that would make them all look like they were starting the most ridiculous Train dance ever, but then it hit her; there was a simpler way to do this. After a pause of silence, she spoke up gently, "U-uh... Himaru-kun... Couldn't we just... Turn our backs to the board...?"

@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai
Hamasaki Chiasa

As someone that has to be behind a computer writing this, maaaan, poor Chiasa. Everyone seemed to simply overlook her, everyone else seemed to step on her worksheets, though Tayu seemed to be the only person that actually had malicious intents behind it. "Sorry, not sorry," she said casually in passing and took a seat in the front next to a blue haired girl and near a sulking boy by the wall. Chiasa, being the socially awkward turtle nonchalantly shrugged, believing the "apology" to be sincere before the phrase settled down inside her brain. "Wait.. how can you apologize for not apologizing? Wouldn't it just be easier to not say anything in the first place? Aren't you contradicting yourself?" Chiasa asked to no one in particular. That was weird. Her questions normally went out to her outside voice for people to accidentally hear her. I guess she can keep that worksheet, you never know when you might need advanced calculus. The answer of course, was never, but Chiasa just found most academic subjects to be fascinating.

The boy she bumped into grunted and caught himself on the desk to keep from falling over. He scoffed and glared down at the girl and said, "Wow, I guess I really am invisible. Typical. Blondes always think they're better than people with dark hair." He knelt down and helped Chiasa collect her papers. "Thank you. I've never heard of that stereotype of hair colour, though I have heard of some cis-straight privilege that has been quite prevalent." She laughed, indicating that the whole Tumblr issue was just a total joke, which it was according to most people. "Why do you have these anyway?" he asked curiously. Chiasa sighed and gathered up most of the papers that were near her along with the papers that Kosa gathered for her. Her eyes lit up, causing a genuine smile to flash across her face.

"The question should be why
aren't we? Carrying these worksheets, I mean!" Clearly, you could tell in her enthusiastic tone that it was a topic she was passionate about. "I just learn and research what I'm interested in, you know? I don't care if it's physics or calculus or history, I believe that we shouldn't limit ourselves to what we learn in our first year! It's not like we can't push ourselves in other things. There has to be something you're interested in that we as first years don't cover in classes, right?" She gave Kosa a sheepish smile as she brushed a messy braid behind her ear. "I know, I'm a nerd, loser, whatever you want to call me, but I'm not going to go home and critical myself with a stave." Chiasa didn't really understand the concept of saying too much on the first day, which to some was comforting. You could never suspect the bespectacled girl of being fake or ignorant. Chiasa even earned a couple of weird looks as the petite girl laughed at the her own mention of an obscure meme.

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At this point he could really not care any less for the already long and drawn out day. He found himself easily annoyed by the overly excited noises of people making new friends and finding things in common. Koyo hadn't exactly gone to the opening ceremony, he had found a hiding spot in an empty classroom to wait for the over crowded hallways to thin out before stepping out, making sure to look both ways.

He really wasn't looking forward to this but a deep sigh had filled and then emptied his lungs in a distraught way for he knew he could not just walk away from this like he had done with other things. Having found his classroom he stepped inside, immediately recognizing Usagi who looked just as she had when they had met earlier and he ignored the group of students who seemed a bit too excited to meet eachother and talk about profanities in the learning environment.

His nimble fingers ran through the dark locks on his head as he strode past the people he hadn't bothered even glancing at and he took his seat, wondering if he'd ever see that princess that had ran into him earlier that morning, though he wouldn't be too surprised if he didn't. It was too unrealistic, almost as though it were from one of those popular romantic anime things. He could think of a few ways to make friends but had little to no motivation seeing as almost everyone had found themselves surrounded anyway.

For the life of him, Koyo couldn't figure out why everyone was talking about genitalia but once he glanced at the board he rolled his eyes and looked around once wondering if he could figure out who would draw that.

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Higashikata Oguro - Higashikata Oko



Location: Halls > Classroom | Interacting/Mentioned: Oko, Hoshi, Sarumaru, Aiko

Location: Halls > Classroom | Interacting/Mentioned: Oguro, Hoshi and Sarumaru, Phallus

Alright, alright. I can do this.

Shortly after the opening ceremony ended, Oguro and Oko stood up and began walking with the other students, all of them in search for their classrooms. Oguro, like always, looked like he was pissed off at the world, and Oko, meanwhile, was smiling at everyone who happened to make eye-contact with her. There was a good minute or two of walking before the twins went to turn into their classroom, sending each other confused glances and mentally asking why they're in the same class, when suddenly a familiar voice gurgled out - or, that's how Oguro heard it.
"GUYS GUYS, GUYS!! I'M IN THIS CLASS TOO! WHAT A--" Oko's head turned, the rest of her body following up after, but Oguro just ignored the boy, closing his eyes with a throbbing vein on his forehead. "Hm?- Ah! Hoshi-kun!" She smiled, but Hoshi seemed to be focused on something... something much more interesting. Oguro, too, had taken notice of the majestic penis on the board - only after someone within the room announced it, anyways. "You're right! That totally is a big ol' dong on the board! Who drew a big ol' dong on the board!?" Hoshi asked, confusing Oko enough to make her turn around, taking a big ol' gander at what everyone else seemed to be staring at, as well.

"Eh? Wh-what? O-Oguro!" Oko blushed and began jerking on her younger, but larger brother's arm. Oguro quickly shot his sister an irritated glare, stopping his bag from falling off his shoulder, "What, dammit?" He growled, then quickly averted his attention to Hoshi again, who was now shielding the eyes of the small girl from earlier, "QUICK! SOMEONE COVER MY EYES! I SHOULDN'T SEE THIS EITHER. I mean I see my own dong every day BUT STILL! Hi-Higashikata-San! PLEASE SHIELD MY EYES!" He begged the girl, and she quickly nodded, running over to him and doing as asked. "L-like this?"

"T-TEDDY-CHAN! YOU CAN'T LET YOUR SISTER SEE THE DONG SHE ISN'T READYYY! COVER HER EYES!" There was a brief pause, then: "YOU'LL BE FINE TEDDY, YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE MANLY ENOUGH TO FEAST THEIR EYES UPON THE DONG!" Hoshi ranted on as Oko continued to hold her hands over his eyes. Almost immediately after Hoshi finished talking - maybe even a bit before then - Oguro slammed his bag down on the floor, "Just close your eyes, dammit!" He took a few deep breaths, staring at his now wide-eyed sister and Hoshi, then finally took a seat in the nearest chair - literally. Oko remained quiet for a second, watching as a green-haired girl came in and added her own artistic opinion to the artificial penis, making it pop. She removed her hands from Hoshi's eyes as fast as possible, then darted in front of the two tiny people - Sarumaru being one of them. "Don't look!" She cried out, spreading her arms as though trying to block a pass or basketball shot. Sarumaru, the little cutey girl, spoke up gently towards Hoshi, but Oko listened in, too, "U-uh... Himaru-kun... Couldn't we just... Turn our backs to the board...?" Oko suddenly felt a bit dumb for not recommending that sooner - how had she not thought of it? With an embarrassed laugh, she took a step back, averting her gaze, "Aha!? O-Or! Or! We could... we could just erase it, right?" She tilted her head in question, hoping someone would agree.

Back to Oguro - Within a few seconds after taking his seat, mumbling a few brutal curses to himself, the tall teen noticed a familiar figure through the corner of his eye, and turned slowly to get a better look.
"Ah!? Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone I've met today... is in this classroom!?" He asked rhetorically, but stared dead at Aiko like a rabid animal while trying to remember her name. Each second that went by without suddenly ringing a bell in his brain, Oguro's eyes grew narrower, then he decided to give up and just ask, "What the hell was your name again?" His tone came out rather off-putting and loud, eyes randomly taking notice of Oko, who was speedily making her way to the board in order to erase the detailed doodle from it. A troubled, somewhat scared expression rested on Oko's face as she picked up the eraser and began wiping it across the board, afraid that someone would cast everyone's attention on her once noticed. "Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry- Finished!" She screamed out on the inside, then quickly started towards Hoshi and Sarumaru again, gaze directed towards the floor. She looked about as stiff as the drawing she'd just destroyed: arms placed flat by her sides, hands balled into tight little fists. Meanwhile, Oguro had taken notice of the way he struck up a conversation, and tried fixing it, "Th-that's not what I meant to say. I forgot what you call yourself- Your name, I mean- Your name." Luckily, he wasn't really feeling too embarrassed, so his cheeks remained a natural color. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" However, his inner self seemed to be flipping out a bit.

@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @The Velveteen Rabbit @Everyone - Oko has erased the penis.
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Oki Kosa

Location: Class 1-A

Kickin' It With: Chiasa


Cis-straight privilege is not funny, it's a distraction from actual issues. Kosa rolled his eyes and decided that he didn't feel like getting into that debate at the moment. He often kept quiet about his feelings on that particular topic because they were pretty much the easiest way to receive all of the hate mail on Tumblr.

Kosa jumped out of his skin a bit and looked up from the papers as Chiasa enthusiastically explained why she had a bunch of work that hadn't been assigned. "I just learn and research what I'm interested in, you know? I don't care if it's physics or calculus or history, I believe that we shouldn't limit ourselves to what we learn in our first year! It's not like we can't push ourselves in other things. There has to be something you're interested in that we as first years don't cover in classes, right?" Kosa's own eyes began to glimmer with excitement as a smile began to curve onto his lips. He was almost speechless, all he could manage was a hesitant head nod and a "U-Un..." he stacked her papers as his heart began to race. He wasn't even sure where to begin. "I know, I'm a nerd, loser, whatever you want to call me, but I'm not going to go home and critical myself with a stave." Kosa stifled his laughter at first "PPPT!!" before letting loose and allowing himself to chuckle heartily at the obscure meme.

"Good one man...I-I don't think you're a nerd at all," Kosa said through his quieting laughter as he wiped a tear away from his eyes. "Well, I do," he corrected himself. "I just don't think that's a bad thing at all. It's better to educate yourself outside of the system, you know? The government curriculum only teaches us what they want us to know. Everything we need to know, we have to take the initiative for ourselves. Most of these fucking sheeple never will, they'll just get their little A+'s until they graduate and get an office job as a cog in a machine. But they won't truly be intelligent, you know?" Kosa finally handed the papers to her before standing up and bowing. "It's really good to meet you. Oki Kosa."


Himura Hoshi

Location: Classroom 1A

Kickin' It With: Kotone, Oko, Oguro


"Just close your eyes, dammit!" Teddy's suggestion didn't fall on deaf ears. Hoshi cried out, "THAT'LL NEVER WORK MAN, I DON'T HAVE THAT KIND OF SELF CONTROL! WHO DOES!?" Blinded by Oko's hands, Hoshi had no idea what to do next. How do they get to their seats? How do they remain like this for the rest of class and take accurate notes? How do they get home? "U-uh... Himara-kun... Couldn't we just... Turn our backs to the board...?"

Hoshi thought about it but shook his head. "Too risky Sarumara! Way too risky!" Oko had the brilliant idea of erasing the phallus. "Great idea Higashikata! You're a genius! Hold on Sarumara!" He squeezed his eyes shut as he waited for Oko to finish erasing the thing. Of course, he didn't have the self control and his eyes snapped open. His head turned toward the board but Oko had just finished erasing the dong. "Whew!" he gifted Kotone with sight and patted her on the head. "Your innocence is still in tact Sarumara-san~!...Sorry about yours Higashikata...you really took one for the team though. We're five-ever thankful!" Hoshi gently punched Oko in the shoulder before wandering off to his seat as if nothing had happened.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi

Koenma Tayu

Location: Class

Kickin' It With: Sakura


Tayu had been drawing a picture of herself punching Sayaka Taichi from what she could remember of the boy. It wasn't very detailed, it was more of a chibi kind of deal. And she'd only been working on it for a few minutes before the giant nerd from earlier returned.

Tayu immediately and frantically shielded the drawing with her forearms and looked up at Sakura with an angry scrunched up face. "Yo, know what's up with green chick?" Tayu stuttered, "Wh-what? Green chick?" and looked around the room to figure out who the hell he was talking about. There was the high sodium girl with dark green hair and droopy eyes. Tayu glared at the girl from a distance. "Seems like she has a stick up her ass or something. I mean, who denies a high five? It ain't cool."

"You're right, she isn't cool at all," Tayu agreed, adjusting her arms over the doodle. Her eyes widened and she added, "N-Not for denying your stupid high five though!" Tayu groaned and asked, "What are you doing over here anyway? Why don't you go fuck off and go bother someone else, Dragonborn" Tayu asked venomously with a pout before moving her notebook to her lap to continue drawing under her desk to keep the doodle out of sight.

@Leaf Fi

(Sorry for the wait I didn't wanna have an excitement boner and post before a few others did but they probably won't be posting for a while.)

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